桜ん坊(山形県寒河江市,西村山郡)JAさがえ西村山:Tomb of Mr. Gimin SHIRAIWA(浄土宗;得阿法残上人-誓願寺):Dissatisfaction with bad politics, rebellion for hardship-Peasant uprising:38 people executed at the same time:東泉寺(曹洞宗)“寛永白岩領騒動間沢村三霊供養碑” -西川町

By the villagers 32nd anniversary of death, erected on July 21, 1670
‘宝石’ -Able fruit of distinctuished technology by producers-Special product

Prunus avium(L.)L. 1755
An oblate, slightly elongated short heart shape.Because it is crimson, high and excellent peak, and higher and more beautiful than others.Flower language is a little lover.
“Sagae City, Yamagata Prefecture”, It is located in the center of the prefecture, within 20 km from Yamagata City.Developed as the core of the Nishimurayama area, the city is dotted with National Route 112, which connects the Shonai Region and the prefectural capital.It crosses the center of Yamagata prefecture and connects the Shonai region and Miyagi prefecture-Yamagata Expressway.The jurisdiction is located almost in the center of Yamagata prefecture.The area where the Mogami River, Sagae River, Asahi River, and Tukinuno River, which originate from the Dewa Hills, flow through.Sagae(It is famous as the best cherry producing area in the prefecture.It is characterized by an inland climate, with large temperature differences between summer and winter and day and night.Rainfall is relatively low in the prefecture, but the snowfall situation in the mountains and plains is significantly different.As the village of the best cherry in Japan, we practice town development that sticks to the specialty cherry and make a great contribution to the agriculture, forestry and fisheries industry.In addition, by using the ground work method, we will hold familiar parks and events by creating a town with the participation of residents.It is famous as a city that is well-balanced with commerce, industry, agriculture, and tourism.Promote "Town development colored with flowers, greenery, and murmuring".Moisture and peace that are not found in big cities, a comfortable lifestyle can be established, and a land pattern that you will never get tired of.Airport, bullet train, highway and transportation access are also convenient and comfortable.Special products are fruits such as strawberry, grape and blueberry, roses, cherry confectionery, hand-dyed carp streamer, cherry wine and sake.The Shiraiwa district prospered as a post town for Mt. Dewasanzan travelers.During the Edo period, Jionji-Temple(East Asian Yogācāra:Hosso sect)received a red stamp of 2,812 stones from the shogunate and had the largest temple territory in Tohoku.島島東 -親兵衛稲荷の松 ;A city-designated memorial on June 5, 2020.Export of Cherry -Domestic cool transportation from Sagae City to Fukuoka.2018 to Taipei, Taiwan and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.Use a coolant to solve the humidity and temperature problems from the previous year.“Beni-shuho”, 寒河江市島島南-山形県立園芸試験場(現:山形県農業総合研究センター園芸試験場)に於いて,昭和54年(1979年)に“佐藤錦” × “天香錦”の,Developed by crossing varieties.昭和35年(1960年)に,“長瀬運吉”氏の庭先より, “武田竹三郎”氏が発見された偶発実生で,昭和40年(1965年)に命名)に交配して得られた実生から選抜育成し,平成3年(1991年)に,品種登録。From Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries variety registration.Application number 3680 Date of application 1990/01/08.Registration number 2893 Date of registration 1991/11/19.果形は短心臓形,大きさは大,果皮色は帯赤黄斑,育成地(山形県寒河江市)において6月下旬~7月上旬に収穫できる甘果おうとうである。樹姿は中間,樹の大きさ及び樹勢は中である。枝梢の太さ及び節間長は中,皮目の形は円,大きさは大,密度は多である。葉形は短楕円,大きさは大,蜜腺の形は腎である。花形は普通咲,大きさはやや小,小花数の多少は少,花弁の形はやや長楕円,大きさは中,花粉の有無は有,萼の色は黄緑,花柄の長さは中である。果実の外観は短心臓形(横に張る),果頂部の形は平,凹は中,梗あの深さは中,広さは広,果実の大きさは大(9g程度)である。果皮色は帯赤黄斑,着色はやや多,果肉の色はクリーム,果肉内の着色は無,核周囲の着色は微である。果肉の硬さは硬,果汁は多,甘味は多(糖度20度程度),酸味は少である。核と果肉の粘離は粘,核の形は円,大きさは中である。開花期は中,育成地において4月下旬,成熟期は満開から55日以上,育成地において6月下旬,結果性は多,生理落果の多少は無,裂果性は中,果実の日持ちは良である。「佐藤錦」と比較して,果頂部の形が平である事,梗あが深く広い事,果実の大きさが大きい事,果肉の硬さが硬い事,生理落果が少ない事等で,「天香錦」と比較して,梗あが深い事,果実の大きさが大きい事,核と果肉の粘離が粘である事等で,「ナポレオン」と比較して,果頂部の形が平である事,甘味が多い事,酸味少ない事等で,区別性が認められるとある。The duration of breeder's rights is 18 years.The period expires on November 20, 2009, the date of extinction of breeders' rights.品種登録者の名称及び住所,山形県山形市松波,登録品種育成者,石塚氏,佐竹氏,佐藤氏,西村氏,新野氏,木戸氏,矢野氏,髙瀨氏,安藤氏,松田氏,野口氏,大沼氏,鈴木氏,渡部氏,山口氏,石黒氏.It is famous as a large-grained, firm and chewy variety.The flesh is hard and chewy, and the sweetness is rich.In addition, the impression is that there is little acidity and the aftertaste is refreshing.It seems to be easy to make and rich in fertility.When properly picked, the fruit will be larger than “satonishiki”.Since they are compatible when pollinating, both tend to have a good harvest when planted nearby.In fact, it is a little hard, hard to soften even when it ripens bright red, and has high storage stability.The normal ripening period is late June.Fruits need to be thinned because they are fertile and tend to bunches (e.g. of fruit).After this, the order is unheated greenhouse→ completely open field → open field cultivation (with rain protection). “Kahoku Town,Nishimurayama District”, Development began early in the Heian period and was owned by Hiromoto Oe-Ko, who joined Sagae.Around 1390, Hidenaga Nakajo(Chujo)-Ko joined the club and worked on the development of Yachi Township(The castle was built by Nagamasa Chujo-Ko during the Koji era (1555-1558),Alternatively, Shiratori juro Nagahisa-Ko built and built Yachi-honcho.)for six generations.After Nagahisa-Ko was murdered by Yoshiaki Mogami-Ko and Takamoto-Ko, a descendant of Hiromoto-Ko, was destroyed, the land was subsequently under the control of the Mogami family.After the reform of the Mogami family, it became the Tozawa clan territory in the north and the Yamagata clan territory in the south of the central part, and it has gone through many years.etc.The puddy filed was developed from early on, promoting the region centered on rice and bastard saffron(Carthamus tinctorius (Mohler, Roth, Schmidt & Boudreaux, 1967)), and directly connected to the upper culture by the mogami river.Therefore, it has left an excellent cultural heritage.Due to the inland climate and the weather conditions(Unique to basins with large temperature differences)of the Mogami River, which is said to be optimal for safflower cultivation, safflower has been actively cultivated since the Muromachi period.From the Edo Period to the early Meiji period, it prospered as a safflower distribution center by the Mogami River.The harvested safflower descended the Mogami River to Sakata, where it was once reloaded for western-route shipping, crossed the Sea of ​​Japan, and landed in Tsuruga.In addition, it was sent to Kyoto and Osaka via Biwa Lake and Yodo River, and made the fame of Mogami safflower known throughout the country.At that time, it was said that it accounted for half of the national production.The ship carried kamigata brought a lot of Kamigata Culture(Kyoto and Osaka area), including daily necessities as a return load.etc.Since it is a basin, it is hot and humid in summer and snow accumulates in winter, but the average amount of snow is about 1 m.Inland climate peculiar to the basin where the temperature difference is large.Cherry from mid-June to early July boasts the highest production of any National towns and villages.Harmony with Nature Easy to live in, you can raise children with peace of mind, the vitality created by interaction, learning from history and nurturing the next generation, full of charm to make together.“Nishikawa Town,Nishimurayama District”, The name of the town comes from the name of the Nishikawa Junior High School Association established by both Nishiyama Village and Kawadoi village.Located in the center of the prefecture, 32 km west of Yamagata City.It is surrounded by the Asahi mountain range in Bandai-asahi National Park, Mt. Gassan and its tributaries.95% of the total area is occupied by mountains, and the flat land extends slightly along the Sagae River and its tributaries that flow through the town.The habitable area is only 12.57 km (3.2%), and it is one of the prefecture's most heavy snowfall areas, with more than 5 m of snow in many areas.At Mt. Gassan, which is also a symbol of the town, you can enjoy skiing in the spring and summer.Every year from early April to late July, it is crowded with about 150,000 skiers and snowboarders.Improvement of water source area, further strengthening normal standards-Water source town.Establishment of water pollution prevention standards(水質汚濁防止法 ;Water Pollution Prevention Act, 昭和四十五年,十二月二十五日,法律第百三十八号, Act No. 138 of December 25,1970)and Natural environmental learning:Activities such as enlightenment ofmaintenance has been certified as “town development that makes the most of water”.The choosed hundred famous water:The lectotype of “famous water” is that "conservation status is good" and “conservation activities by local residents” are being continued.Specialty Actinidia arguta (Sieb. Et Zucc.) Planch. Ex Miq. (Kiwi berry) variety "Hoko":Mr. Kazuo Sato has spent more than 30 years selecting native Kiwi berry.Moreover, it seems that breeding has been continued for more than 40 years since that time.Not only nutritional values ​​such as vitamins and minerals, but also noble aroma, mellow sweetness and abundant vitamins stand out.It looks like a small kiwi, but it's the taste of a new fruit that I've never encountered, and once I eat it, it's an unforgettable taste that I haven't eaten yet.There are excellent varieties of Green soybeans in the murayama area-‘Hiden’.This variety tends to start harvesting late, around September 20th.Once eaten, it has an unforgettable taste and is gradually gaining popularity.It is mainly made in the Nishimurayama area centered on Kahoku Town and Sagae City.We are also starting to make varieties such as "Banshaku-Chamame:Evening drink Boiled Brown Edamame" and "Yukine(Ministry of Agriculture,Forestry and Fisheries variety registration,Application No. 19209 Date of application 2006/01/10 Date of publication of application 2006/10/23.Glycine max (L.) Merr.胚軸の“アントシアニン”着色は無,伸育型は有限,毛茸の色は白,毛茸の多少は多,主茎長は,かなり短,小葉の形は鋭先卵形,花色は白,熟莢の色は中,子実の大きさ(一般群)は大,子実の形は球,種皮の地色は黄,臍の色は黄,開花期は中,成熟期は早,分枝数は中,主茎節数は少,最下着莢節位高は中,小葉の数は3枚葉,裂莢の難易は中,種皮の単色・複色の別は単色,粒の子葉色は黄,生態型は中間型である。出願品種「雪音」は,対照品種「サヤニシキ」と比較して,子実の大きさ(一般群)が大である事,種皮の地色が黄である事,開花期が中である事等で,区別性が認められるとある。Registration number 18018 Date of registration 2009/03/19 The duration of breeder's rights is 25 years.品種登録者の名称,雪印種苗株式会社,北海道札幌市厚別区,登録品種育成者,近江氏,本多氏,大橋氏)", which are harvested in late August and have a taste that is comparable to the secret.etc.When OE no Hiromoto was assigned to Jito (manager and lord of manor) in Sagae no so, Dewa Province, he left the capital for Sagae as mokudai (deputy) of Hiromoto and lived in Doso Mototate (present Mototate, Sagae City, Yamagata Prefecture) then in Yoshikawa (Oaza Yoshikawa, Nishikawa Town, Nishimurayama District), to rule respective lands.“Asahi Town,Nishimurayama District”, East edge mountain foot.The Mogami River meanders northward for about 21 km from north to south of the town area.It is famous as a town with abundant natural environment, with native forests such as national parks occupying about 73% of the town's soil.The river terraces along both banks of the Mogami River are fertile land suitable for growing fruit trees and crops, including specialty Apples.The climate is inland, and in summer there are many hot and humid days and cool nights.Winter is a snowy area with many cold days, and it is suitable for cultivating high-quality fruits because of the large temperature comparison and temperature differences.The attractive weather environment allows you to clearly feel the four seasons.The area of ​​the town is 196.81 km2, and the terrain extends 25 km east to west and 21 km north to south from east to west.The southeastern part is surrounded by the Shirataka Mountains and is blessed with abundant natural resources such as beech virgin forest.Humans began to live very long ago, and historically it was the first Paleolithic discovered in Japan-Osumi site.In 1936, Mr. Kuniharu Otake(Kuniji:Born in 1880, he was the son of a great landowner and experienced fukushima's sericulture school.Formed a cooperative credit union and has been a member of the village and town council since 1917.etc.)instinctively saved the stone fragments that came out during the construction of the Meikyoubashi in the attic.In 1949, he was convinced that Mr. Susumu(Shin)Sugai was a Paleolithic and published it in the douujinshi “Jomon”.Announced earlier than the Iwajuku site in Gunma prefecture.Komatsuno ruins where stone tools were discovered after that.It is estimated that paleolithic man already lived 20,000 years ago in the late pleistocene.In the Nara period, many villages developed with the rise of mountain worship such as Asahi peak.Among them, onuma's “Ukishima Inari Shrine” is blessed as a noble prayer place for Mr.Oe sagae and Mr.Mogami yamagata.After that, it was worshiped as a prayer place for successive Tokugawa shogunates.The town and village system was enforced in 1902.As for cultural properties, the nationally designated important cultural property “Satake Family Residence” is located in the Tokiwa area.A valuable private house as an example of a well-preserved middle-class farmhouse in the middle of the Edo period.Prefectural designated natural monument is a thousand-year-old “large sugi(Cryptomeria japonica (Thunb. ex L.f.) D.Don)”-Miyajuku's "Horyu Shrine(It is said that the temple that enshrined the spirit of the dragon was started in the 11th year of Jōwa (844).)".Arajuku's "Yakushi Nyorai Statue", which is thought to have been revealed in the late Heian period.Kakuta style lion dance:Mr. Geki Shirota, the unsealed house of Oya Village, is a curtain lion from Kakuta Village of the Sendai Domain.Buddhist memorial service at Eirinji-Temple(Soto school (of Zen Buddhism))on feed tray (August 15th).He also performed a dance at the oya Fujin Festival (August 31st) to pray for a good harvest-Prefecture-designated intangible folk cultural property.etc.To establish a unique agricultural management that takes advantage of the characteristics of the region.We have promoted complex management that incorporates hops, livestock, etc., centering on apples and grapes.Since 1970, utilization of unused agricultural land, creation of agricultural land, conversion from puddy filed.We are trying to increase agricultural income centered on fruit trees.Japan's No. 1 "Bag-free Fuji" As a result, apples have established themselves as "Bag-free Fuji" as the nation's most excellent quality production area.It has a long history, dating back to 1887.Since then, the establishment of a cultivation technology system backed by systematic fruit tree promotion measures that make the best use of the land and enthusiastic research by growers:National production center formation.小錦 八十吉(2代;西村山郡旧三泉村),二十山部屋;(最高位)小結,Chrysanthemum:もってのほか(夏薔薇,食用菊;Cut flower)),Nishimurayama(As an example of salt-dried tofu, rokujo dofu (六條豆腐:salted tofu;六浄本舗) in the Iwanezawa area (Nishikawa-machi(岩根沢), Nishimurayama-gun) of Yamagata Prefecture is representative.).The climate varies from region to region, and the mountainous and mountainous areas are among the most rainy and humid areas in Japan.The temperature difference is large between hot and humid in summer and cold in winter, while the flat area has relatively little rainfall and is in basin weather conditions.A fruit that turns bright red like a ruby ​​when it is bathed in the sunlight.It's the taste of early summer, cherries -Sato Nishiki -From over 100 years ago to the present -Dewa Nishiki :Sato Cherry is an important variety that expresses the taste of Japanese fruits.
β-cryptoxanthin:Provitamin A:C40H56O:Ester body, carotenoid.It forms mixed micelles with bile acids, fatty acids, cholesterol, etc., and is passively diffused and absorbed by small intestinal epithelial cells.Move to liver with chylomicron(Lipoprotein particles;乳糜脂粒).Very low density lipoprotein and “Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol”:To peripheral tissues≒Ester body.
βカロテン:C40H56;Converted to vitamin A in the body as needed.Carotenoids that are abundant in green and yellow vegetables.It is important for maintaining the health of skin and mucous membranes and for photostimulatory response, and promotes cell proliferation.
ビタミンB1;Decarbonization in the ketoglutarate dehydrogenase reaction:Coenzyme;Form of thiamine pyrophosphate.
B2;The form of flavin adenine dinucleotide as a cofactor for the α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex and succinate dehydrogenase.
B6;Pyridoxine(C8H11NO3), Pyridoxal(C8H9NO3), Pyridoxiamine(C8H12N2O2);Coenzyme for protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism:It acts as a coenzyme(Pyridoxal phosphate)for metabolism of bioactive amines, which is a neurotransmitter, and as a hormone regulator:Helps keep nerves and skin healthy, fight infections, keep blood sugar levels normal, produce red blood cells, and some enzymes work properly.
パントテン酸(Cofactor fused with active carboxylic acid residues such as Acyl coa and succinyl-coa:Coenzyme A(Cysteamine):C21H36P3N7O16S)
ナイアシン(The form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide as a coenzyme of isocitrate dehydrogenase, α-ketotoglutarate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase.)
ビオチン(5-[(3aS,4S,6aR)-2-oxohexahydro-1H-thieno[3,4-d]imidazol-4-yl]pentanoic acid:C10H16N2O3S):ビタミンH;It is a colorless acicular crystal that is stable to neutral, acidic, alkaline, oxygen, and light, but weak to heat.It is released from proteins in food by biotinidase(dominant gene)secreted by the pancreas.It translocates into the blood and binds to biotinidase, a transport protein synthesized in the liver.
葉酸;ビタミンM(2S)-2-[(4-{[(2-amino-4-hydroxypteridin-6-yl)methyl]amino}phenyl)formamido]pentanedioic acid:C19H19N7O6;Pteridine(C6H4N4)with para-aminobenzoic acid; PABA(C7H7NO2)and another or more glutamic acids.Most exist in the "Polyglutamic acid type" (A combination of multiple glutamic acids).I heard that it is absorbed from the epithelial cells of the small intestine after being converted to the "Monoglutamic acid type" (A form in which one glutamic acid is bound) by digestive enzymes in the digestive tract.It is soluble in acids and alkalis, but hardly soluble in pure water or ethanol, and tends to be insoluble in acetone(C3H6O),Diethyl ether((C2H5)2O), Chloroform(CHCl3), and Benzene(C6H6).In the polyglutamic acid type folate, sugar and protein are released and released in the cooking and processing of foods and in the gastric acid environment.It is decomposed into monoglutamic acid-type folic acid by an enzyme in the small intestinal mucosa and then absorbed into the cells of the small intestine.I heard that it is converted to 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid by the enzyme(small intestinal epithelial cell).It is transported to the liver via the portal vein, and 50% of the whole body seems to accumulate.It is converted again and transferred to bile, which is reabsorbed from the digestive tract and supplied to tissues for transfer.It is required to return homocysteine, a risk factor for arteriosclerosis, to methionine.etc.
ビタミンC:C6H8O6;Discovered as a Skorbut preventive factor by Royal Navy doctor James Lind in 1753.It removes rust from water-soluble parts of the body, such as blood and the crystalline lens of the eye, and also restores tired vitamin E.It is absorbed mainly from the small intestine as it is without being digested by the stomach. It is then carried in the blood, stored and dispersed throughout the body.It is characterized by its "antioxidant effect", which inhales, captures a small amount of active oxygen obtained, and detoxifies it.Excessive growth damages DNA or Protein and reduces cell function.
ビタミンE:C29H50O2;It is divided into a total of eight compounds, four tocopherols(In nature, α, β, γ, δ.)and four tocotrienols.It is absorbed into the body from the intestinal tract via the lymphatic vessels together with lipids, and has a very strong antioxidant effect.Protects unsaturated fatty acids and other fat-soluble components that make up biological membranes from oxidative damage:Included in the phospholipid bilayer of cell membranes.It suppresses the production of lipid peroxide, keeps blood vessels healthy, and suppresses the oxidation of LDL(Bad cholesterol)cholesterol in the blood.You will not have hypervitaminosis with a normal diet, as you tend not to have cumulative actions in your body.
アントシアニン(I hear that it is a conjugate of glucuronic acid or sulfuric acid.);シアニジン-3-モノグルコシド(Cy-3G),ペラルゴニジン-3-モノガラクトシド(Pl-3Ga),ペラルゴニジン-3-モノグルコシド(Pl-3G),※シアニジン(C15H11O6+),ペラルゴニジン(C15H11O5+);It is necessary to clarify whether the molecular species and composition are the most effective.Many types have been confirmed depending on the substituent of the B ring(The Cy system, which has two hydroxyl groups in the B ring, has the widest distribution, and the Del system seems to be next.), the type and number of bound sugars, and the presence or absence of the acyl group.In strong acidity, it has a structure called flavirium type, has a red color, and is relatively stable.In the weakly acidic and neutral regions, it reacts with water molecules to convert to colorless pseudobases and is unstable.Most of them are said to be directly absorbed into the body as glycosides.
γ-アミノ酪酸;C4H9NO2:4-aminobutanoic acid
クロロゲン酸:C16H18O9,Chlorogenic acid is a well-known antioxidative compound. We investigated the content and behavior of chlorogenic acid derivatives with DPPH radical scavenging activity in sweet potato prepared by various cooking methods. A significant correlation was obtained between the chlorogenic acid content and DPPH radical scavenging activity. While the content and activity in sweet potato cooked with water were substantially retained, roasting in a convection oven resulted in their lower retention due to the higher temperature of around 200℃. We propose that chlorogenic acid could be effectively taken in sweet potato when cooked in a microwave oven or steamed, and also simmered with the cooking water after boiling.(Institute of Nutrition Sciences, Kagawa Nutrition University with Kagawa Nutrition University,Journal of cookery science of Japan 2005)
パラクマロイルキナ酸;C16H18O8:1β,3β,5α-Trihydroxy-4β-[[3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propenoyl]oxy]cyclohexanecarboxylic acid
葉緑素:クロロフィル(Photosensitizing Decomposition of L-Ascorbic Acid by Chlorophylls and Chlorophyll Derivatives)The effects of chlorophyll a, pheophytin and chlorophyll metal derivatives on the photochemical decomposition of L-ascorbic acid (AAH2) and also the photochemical decomposition of chlorophyll-AAH2 system with co-existence of potassium ferri-cyanide, p-quinone and β-carotene as fluorescence quenching agents was studied.1. The photochemical decomposition of AAH2 was greatly accelerated by the existence of chlorophyll a and pheophytin, and the photodecomposition rate was also promoted with Cu-chlorophyllin-Na and Fe-chlorophyllin-Na, especially, by the former.Cu-chlorophyllin-Na itself oxidized AAH2.2. The photodecomposition of chlorophyll-AAH2 system was protected with the co-existence of K3 Fe (CN) 6, p-quinone and β-carotene. However, the effect of p-quinone seems to be accelerated the photodecomposition of chlorophyll-AAH2 system in higher concentration.3. Chloropyll, and pheophytin have comparatively strong fluorescence intensity, whereas Cu-chlorophyllin-Na and Fe-chlorophyllin-Na have week fluorescence intensity. The mutuality relationship was found between the fluorescence intensity of the reaction system and the photochemical decomposition of AAH2.Hiroshima Univ. Department of Education,Journal of Japanese Society of Nutrition and Food Science 1970)
Apigenin;C15H10O5:5,7-Dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one:Suppression of mRNA splicing(Processing received after transcription-RNA polymerase ii)Transcription factor -By suppressing the expression of ets-2, the activity of microglia(小膠細胞)can be increased.Binds to the SF3B1 factor in spliceosomes.
クエン酸:C(OH)(CH2COOH)2COOH:C6H8O7;When energy is taken up by the living body, it decomposes through various processes to become a substance called acetyl-coa (active acetic acid), which binds to Oxaloacetic acid(C4H4O5).Later, it transforms into seven types of acids and returns to citric acid.TCA cycle:A substance called "ATP (adenosine triphosphate(C10H16N5O13P3))" that acts as an energy source for cells in the body.Effective against lactic acid, which is the source of stiff shoulders and muscle fatigue.
ブドウ糖:C6H12O6:D-グルコース:Known as a component of cellulose, starch and glycogen.D-glucose(Dextrose, an organic compound.)and pure crystalline monosaccharides produced after the starch is completely hydrolyzed.It is divided into water-containing water containing molecular water of crystallization and anhydrous water containing nothing.
酒石酸:2,3-dihydroxy butanedioic acid:(CH(OH)COOH)2:L-(+)-Tartaric acid:It is known as a crystalline organic acid obtained by oxidizing and enzymatically decomposing maleic acid(HOOC–CH=CH–COOH:Chain unsaturated dicarboxylic acid)or fumaric acid(HOOC–CH=CH–COOH:C4H4O4:-2-ブテン二酸:Alpha hydroxy acid). 
リンゴ酸:HOOC-CH(OH)-CH2-COOH:C4H6O5;2-hydroxybutanedioic acid;It is known as an organic acid obtained by synthesizing fumaric acid or reducing glucose.Dicarboxylic acid, in the role of an intermediate in the TCA cycle:Alpha hydroxy acid. 
Succinic acid;C4H6O4:HOOC–(CH2)2–COOH
ルチン;C27H30O16:β-rutinose((2R,3S,4S,5S)-6-[ [(2R,3R,4R,5R,6S)-3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-methyl-oxan-2-yl]oxymethyl]oxane-2,3,4,5-tetrol;C12H22O10)bound to quercetin.The E-rutin group significantly increased muscle weight and lean weight in the lower limbs compared to the placebo group that ingested E-rutin-free whey protein-n = 1, isoquercitrin;C21H20O12.Research results increase potential antioxidants in the blood.It protects cells and tissues by suppressing or eliminating the generation of reactive oxygen species, and preserves the normal normality and growth of muscles.etc.
Sucrose(β-D-fructofuranosyl α-D-glucopyranoside);C12H22O11;1-O-α-D-Glucopyranosyl-1-(hydroxymethyl)-β-D-arabinofuranose
ペクチン:methyl ester:J.Braconnot,1825(Rf):Galacturonic acid:carboxyl group:-C(=O)OH
セルロース:(C6H10O5)n;The main component of plant cell sell stones and plant fibers, and the most abundant carbohydrate on earth.
ヘミセルロース(Amyloid):Discovered by E. Schulze in 1891.The name of the polysaccharide extracted with alkali after extracting Pectin from cell wall carbohydrates.Xyloglucan(Angiospermae):With 1,4-β-D-glucan as the main chain, the α-D-xylose residue binds to the O-6 position of the D-glucose residue of 75%.It is distributed throughout the cell wall including the middle lobe, and I hear that it is hydrogen-bonded to cellulose.Tendency to exist as a storage polysaccharide in seeds.
リグニン:Sphingomonas paucimobilis SYK-6:bacterium:Mineralization;Effective resistance to decay and feeding damage.
Amygdalin:C20H27NO11;[(6-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-β-D-glucopyranosyl)oxy](phenyl)acetonitrile:Discovered by American biochemist Mr. Ernst Krebs in the 1970s.
カリウム:K;It interacts with “sodium”, which is abundant in extracellular fluid.It works to maintain the osmotic pressure of cells and retain water.After ingestion and absorption in the small intestine, it is transported to tissues throughout the body, most of which is excreted by the kidneys.It is maintained by regulation of reabsorption in the kidney, and the k concentration in blood is maintained between 3.6 and 4.8 meq / l.Together with sodium, it maintains cell osmotic pressure.It works to suppress nerve stimulus transmission, functional regulation of heart and muscle, and intracellular enzyme reaction(I have to add proton transfer equilibrium).I heard that about 200g is contained in the body of an adult:Potassium.
カルシウム:Ca;In the body, the amount in cells and blood is strictly controlled.Tendency to move from bone to blood as needed.About 99% is stored in bone, but also in the blood of cells and muscles.If you don't get the calcium you need, you risk mobilizing large amounts of calcium in your bones and weakening your bones.To maintain normal blood calcium levels, it is necessary to take at least 1000-1500 mg daily.Parathyroid hormone(PTH)and Thyrocalcitonin(Made by the cells of the thyroid gland, hormones have the function of lowering the calcium concentration in the blood by delaying the breakdown of bones.);It is made up of four parathyroid glands behind the thyroid gland in the neck.As the calcium concentration in In blood rises, the amount of hormones produced by the parathyroid glands tends to decrease.It stimulates bones to release calcium into the blood and reduces the amount of calcium excreted by the kidneys into the urine.Increases calcium absorption by stimulating alimentary canal to increase calcium absorption by promoting the activation of vitamin D in the kidneys.
マグネシウム:Mg;Vinegar has been known to solubilize insoluble calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) in food, however, the difference in solubilization ability among various kinds of vinegar has not been investigated. In this study, solubilization of Ca and Mg from coral powder and beef bone powder was compared with several kinds of vinegar. Calcium solubilization was observed to be high in grain vinegar, cider vinegar and wine vinegar, and low in rice vinegar and un-polished rice vinegar. On the other hand, magnesium solubilization was high in rice vinegar, wine vinegar and cider vinegar, and low in grain vinegar and un-polished rice vinegar. Calcium solubilization of coral powder was significantly negatively correlated with the pH of vinegar, while Mg solubilization was not. Comparison of solubilization of Ca in un-polished rice vinegar and acetic acid solution suggested that the phosphorus content was also responsible for solubilization in un-polished vinegar. These results suggest that ingredients in vinegar, as well as acidity and pH, affect solubilization of Ca and Mg from food when cooked with vinegar.Characterization of Solubilization of Insoluble Calcium and Magnesium with Various Kinds of Vinegar,Nakano Central Research Institute, Nakano Vinegar Co., Ltd. and Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku University with Nippon shokuhin kagaku kogaku kaishi = Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology 45(11), 655-662, 1998-11-15)
リン:P;(Leakage in urine causes symptoms such as hypoproteinemia, decreased renal function, and hyperphosphatemia.)The amount of phosphorus per 1 g of protein contains about 15 mg, and the intake correlates with the protein intake.The role of combining and strengthening bones and teeth.Higher blood phosphate levels tend to make bones brittle.Calcium tends to combine and become coal in other than bones such as blood vessels and tendons.
鉄:Fe;It is attracting attention as one of the world's three major deficient micronutrients along with vitamin A and Iodine(I2;.In 1811,Discovered by burning seaweed with potassium carbonate, which is the raw material for potassium nitrate by Bernard Courtois(仏).)Non‐heme iron(Fe)(Included in vegetables, eggs and milk.);By taking it with foods rich in high-quality protein and vitamin C, the absorption rate into the body is improved.Fe shortage of women due to blood loss, a big problem for expectant mother and lactating women whose demand increases.Due to the metabolism of the body, about 1 mg of iron(Fe)is lost in adult men and about 0.8 mg in women per day.Ferritin(A globular protein complex consisting of 24 proteins.)has a role of suppressing deficiency and excess, and is also called stored Fe.About 90% of anemia is iron deficiency, which is deficient in fe, one of the important materials of hemoglobin.
銅:Cu;It has been known for a long time as a trace essential mineral, which is present in the human body at about 80 mg.It binds to proteins and plays a role in catalyzing a wide range of in vivo reactions.Tendency to be mainly present in bone, skeletal muscle and blood.Although it is involved in hematopoietic function as well as Fe, no reports have been heard regarding the adverse effects of chronic overdose, except for some diseases.Monovalent compounds exist as insoluble salts and complex salts.Divalent salts and complex salts are common.It is absorbed from the small and duodenum and transported to the liver through the portal vein.I hear that the lower the intake, the higher the absorption rate, and the higher the intake, the lower the absorption rate.Large amounts of divalent iron and tin ions competitively inhibit the absorption of copper from the gastrointestinal tract.Inborn errors of copper metabolism(Wilson’s disease):Protein binding:Hepatolenticular degeneration.It acts as a Cu enzyme and acts as a catalyst for various reactions such as O2 transport, electron transfer, redox, and O2 addition.Important for Fe metabolism and transport, removal of active oxygen, and metabolism of neurotransmitters.Deficiencies can result from hereditary malabsorption or are acquired, but are not found in the normal life of healthy people.On the other hand, cases of symptoms are given to Babies whose main source of nutrition is low-content milk.Insufficiency may cause anemia, leukopenia, and bone abnormalities that do not respond to Fe administration.In addition, there are decreased immune function, cardiovascular abnormalities, and abnormal cholesterol and glucose metabolism.However, this is less frequent.
亜鉛:Zn;Zinc‐deficiency symptom:A state in which the zinc concentration in the blood is below 80 μg / dL to 130 μg / dL.Dermatitis, stomatitis, alopecia, pressure ulcer due to lack.Loss of appetite, developmental disorders, hypogonadism, susceptibility, dysgeusia, anemia, infertility, etc.Various symptoms occur and tend to improve with zinc supplementation.
モリブデン:Mo;In the human body, it acts as a component of the molybdenum enzyme that catalyzes the redox reaction.I've heard that hypervitaminosis is not a problem because it is relatively less toxic than other heavy metals.It dissolves in hot concentrated sulfur acid, but does not react with H2O, hydrochloric acid(HCl),and dilute sulfuric acid(H2SO4)and does not dissolve.It is abundant in the liver and kidneys in the body and tends to be easily absorbed in the stomach and small intestine.Xanthine oxidase(NAD+-xanthine dehydrogenase), aldehyde oxidase, and sulfite oxidase are known as constituents.Insufficiency often causes tachycardia, hyperventilation, night blindness, etc. due to long-term complete parenteral nutrition.However, I heard that the administration is expected to improve the symptoms.In healthy people, hypervitaminosis is not a problem in a normal diet because it is excreted quickly even if it is ingested excessively.Chronic poisoning can cause gout-like symptoms such as joint pain and hyperuricemia.Acute poisoning can cause gastrointestinal disorders with diarrhea, leading to coma and heart failure.It is abundant in cereals, legumes and nuts.
抗癌作用:Anti-cancer effect 
抗酸化作用:Antioxidant effect
抗菌作用:Antibacterial effect
肩こり:Stiff shoulder
髪の毛健康:Hair health
風邪予防:Prevention of cold
美肌・美容:Beautiful skin and beauty
老化防止:Prevention from getting older
利尿効果:Diuretic effect
女性ホルモン:Female hormones
妊婦:Expectant mother
疲労回復:Recovery from fatigue
視力維持:Maintaining eyesight
消化促進:Digestion promotion
殺菌効果:Bactericidal effect
ストレス解消:Stress relief
活性酸素抑制:Reactive oxygen species suppression
喉・呼吸器安定:Throat, respiratory stability
皮膚粘膜強化:Skin and mucous membrane strengthening
高血圧:Elevated blood pressure
生活習慣病:Life style related disease
血中コレステロール緩和:Blood cholesterol relief
二日酔い:Overnight drunkenness
心筋梗塞:Heart infarction
脳梗塞:Brain infarction
認知機能改善:Cognitive function improvement
胃潰瘍:Gastric ulcer
胃腸障害:Gastrointestinal injury

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