三引高月甚十郎は, 1657年, 伊予吉田藩の建国とともにこの地域に住み, 法花津屋と名付けられました. 当時, 彼は帆船を使って紙と酒を中心に大阪に事業を拡大し, 財産を築き上げ, 金融事業に従事していました.





Citrus unshiu


愛媛県宇和島市吉田町立間尻甲(株式会社 彩果園(彩果園倶楽部)


Wase mandarin oranges will be harvested from November, but the variety is unknown without confirmation.


Kamesaburo Yamashita is a businessman and a business person. He is from Kisagata Village, Uwa District (currently Yoshida Town, Uwajima City). Moved to Tokyo at the age of 18 and entered the Meiji Law School (currently Meiji University), but dropped out after a year or so. Independently established the Yokohama Coal Company. In 1903, he bought a ship from Britain and entered the shipping industry, apparently laying the foundation for a shipping company by recruiting ships for the Russo-Japanese War. After that, there was a crisis of bankruptcy such as the plunge of stocks and the failure of the timber business in Hokkaido, but Kamezaburo overcame it with an indomitable spirit and established the Yamashita Kisen General Partnership Company in 1911, and after World War I the world. It has been developed into an industry-leading company with branches in various places and is called “shipping magnate”. He focused on human resource development, especially women’s education, saying, “It is thanks to my mother that I became a person who can help the nation as much as possible.” Yamashita practical course High School (currently Yoshida High School) Established No. 2 Yamashita practical course High School (currently Prefectural Mikame High School). He is also a great man who has contributed to public works such as donations to his hometown elementary school and library and construction of roads, tunnels and canals. It seems he was never a child of a wealthy family. After the Russo-Japanese War, in 1907, excessive redemption of foreign bonds and military spending put pressure on public finances and entered a serious postwar recession. Since he mainly operated the Navy’s recruitment ship, he was exposed to this wave. In addition, he failed in the timber business in Hokkaido and owed millions of yen in debt. Yamashita, who has exhausted all the measures, devises a strange method here. It is a repayment method called the “Rhombus rejection method”, which does not set a fixed framework for repayment such as equal principal and interest, equal principal and interest, and gradually repays a lot when profits are made. He persuaded the creditors in this way and allowed them to repay by the 20-year installment Rhombus rejection method, and survived the predicament. The debt was paid off in just seven years, riding the wave of the boom that followed. 1903 Purchased the British ship Ben Benini (2373 tons). The purchase price is 120,000 yen (at that time, about 130,560,000 yen). He first paid 10,000 yen and struggled with the remaining 110,000 yen. He borrowed 80,000 yen from an insurance company and a business partner, and the remaining 30,000 yen was consulted with Kengo Ishii (later the president of Daiichi Bank), who was the manager of the Yokohama branch of Daiichi Bank at that time. Borrows and lends 30,000 yen. Thanks to Ishii’s kindness, it seems that the first bank was the main bank until he retired. The first ship thus obtained was named “Kisagata Maru” after his hometown and embarked on the shipping business. In general mandarin orange cultivation, it seems that the mainstream cultivation is to bring out the sweetness by giving as little water as possible to the tree. However, it is said that this method reduces the acidity and does not add depth to the taste. On the other hand, mandarin oranges grown in their natural state seem to have a deep taste that has both sweetness and acidity. Even at the time of harvest, the green color of the leaves is dark and photosynthesis is carried out firmly, so the sweetness and richness tend to become deeper. For example, Wase Okitsu is said to have been selected from nucellar embryony obtained by pollinating trifoliate orange with “Wase Miyagawa”. Compared to Wase Miyagawa, the tree is stronger, the fruiting is good, and it seems to be fertile. The maturity period is from late October to early November, and it seems to have excellent taste. As of 2012, the cultivated area is about 4760 ha, and I heard that it is one of the main varieties. Agriculture and forestry certified varieties (former: named registered varieties), registration number: mandarin orange agriculture and forestry No. 1, registration date: July 1, 1963. Compared to Wase Miyagawa, it has stronger tree vigor, better fruiting and fertility. Fruit coloring is slightly faster than Wase Miyagawa, and the fruit shape is flat. The maturity period is from late October to early November, and the sugar and acid in the juice seems to have a higher and richer taste than Wase Miyagawa. Even after complete coloring, the taste is less likely to be blurred and the flavor increases, so it seems that ripe cultivation is possible. In recent years, functional components such as β-cryptoxanthin contained in Satsuma mandarin have been attracting attention. In addition, it seems that the preventive effect of osteoporosis can be expected. “Uwajima City, Ehime Prefecture”, Located in the southwestern part of the prefecture. Seiyo City in the north, kihoku Town and matsuno Town in the east, and ainan Town in the south. Next to it, it borders Sukumo City and Shimanto City, Kochi Prefecture. The west faces the Uwa Sea, followed by a typical ria coast where coves and peninsulas are intricately interlaced., 5つの有人島(嘉島, 九島, 竹ヶ島, 戸島, 日振島)と,多くの無人島(御五神島, 沖の島, 黒島, 佐島, 高島, 契島, 遠戸島, 野島, 横島)がある. The Onigajo mountain range on the east side has a steep slope approaching the sea and has a complex terrain with many undulations. Urban areas and settlements are scattered in the coastal plains and inland basins. Most of the rivers flow into the Uwa Sea. Above all, the Mima River joins the clear stream Shimanto River and flows to Kochi Prefecture. The east and west including the manned island is 38.15 km, the north and south is 34.94 km, and the area is 468.19 km2. Forests account for about 70% of the total. The climate is located between the Setouchi area and the Pacific coast area. The average annual temperature is 16 to 17 ° C, which is warm throughout the four seasons, and precipitation is high in the summer. It is said that it may exceed 2,500 mm per year in the year when the influence of the rainy season front and the passage of typhoons are frequent. The west side faces the Bungo Channel, and the east side is lined with 1,000 m-class monsoons, so the northwest monsoon blows in winter. Differences in temperature and precipitation can be seen between the coastal areas and mountainous areas, and the mountainous areas have various climates with snow and freezing. “YOSHIDA Town”, As well as being the number one producer of Mandarin Orange in Japan, the fishing industry is also outstanding. 旭醤油醸造場;東小路, 旭合名会社,(国登録)平成14年2月14日, 上甲家住宅; 東小路, 個人,(国登録)平成14年2月14, 神像 : 法花津与村井, 三島神社,(市)昭和54年3月26日, 木造薬師三尊像のうち中尊坐像; 医王寺下医王寺,(市)昭和54年3月26日, 木造薬師如来坐像; 法花津与村井法花津地区,(市)昭和59年2月17日, 木造延命地蔵菩薩立像; 牛川西福寺,(市)平成11年9月10日, 木造千手観音立像; 鶴間宗昌寺,(市)平成11年9月10日, 木造地蔵菩薩立像; 立間大乗寺(市)平成22年7月7日, 食籠; 立間尻大信寺,(県)昭和40年4月2日, 木造八十八体仏; 裡町長福寺,(市)平成6年6月20日, 記念物; 吉田藩陣屋跡; 御殿内市有地他,(市)昭和49年3月1日, 普門寺跡寺家; 個人,(市)昭和49年3月1日,石城跡; 立間尻石城山; 個人,(市)昭和49年3月1日, 時観堂跡; 桜丁宇和島信用金庫,(市)昭和49年3月1日, 吉田藩御舟手御用井戸; 御舟手; 個人(市)昭和49年3月1日, 吉田藩主伊達家墓所;寺家; 伊達家(大乗寺),(市)昭和49年3月1日,伊達兵部一族の墓;寺家; 大乗寺,(市)昭和49年3月1日, 法華津本城跡;法花津; 個人,(市)昭和49年3月1日, 安藤継明廟所;御舟手; 海蔵寺,(市)昭和49年3月1, 僧日述謫居跡; 東小路; 宇和島市,(市)昭和53年7月13日, 犬尾城跡; 立間尻; 宇和島市,(市)昭和54年3月26日, 八烈士の供養碑; 大工町; 個人,(市)昭和54年3月26日; 西蔵寺跡; 雪森引地;雪森自治会,(市)昭和59年2月17日, 吉田藩刑場跡;寺家郷蔵; 個人,(市)平成8年5月20日. Nationally registered tangible cultural property (building) ; 上甲住宅 – In 1901, the Joko Family purchased the old YOSHIDA clan’s old mansion. 1911年に, 現 : 吉田町立間から元家老屋敷であった, 現在の地に, この建物を創建して転居している. Since its foundation, it has been brewing sake and soy sauce. Taisho era -Mainly soy sauce brewing, this mansion was used as the store until the 1955’s. Prefecture-designated intangible folk cultural property ; 吉田秋祭の神幸行事 – Tachima YOSHIDA-cho, 八幡神社の11月三日秋季例大祭における神幸行事. 近世後期に成立した祭礼風流である, “ねり行列”の形態を, 幕末期に描かれた複数の絵巻物で, 確認. The appearance of the modern festival is inherited from late in the same town division as in the Edo period. 南予地方の祭礼に登場するねり物の要素が広範に含まれて構成される. City-designated intangible folk cultural property ; 河内口説 – The part of the narrative in traditional music (Minyo, etc.), or the tone of the narrative. それらは民謡に影響して口説節となり, 各地の盆踊り唄にうたい継がれる. Generally, it is called “Dance Talk”. Many incorporate descriptive songs. It has been reported about 250 years ago. It was held at the new Buddha’s house to stop the new Buddha in the first Bon Festival following the death of a family member. Also, Bon festival dance is practiced to pray for a good harvest. 吉田騒動(武左衛門一揆)の発端 ; This case is also known as the YOSHIDA clan paper turmoil. The largest riot in the YOSHIDA territory, with about 9,600 people from 83 or villages participating. In 1793, YOSHIDA clan’s paper monopoly and heavy tax burden. これに耐えられなくなった農民が, 隣藩である, “宇和島城下”の八幡河原に集結. 一揆収拾のために派遣された“吉田藩”家老“安藤儀太夫 氏”は, 群衆の前で“割腹”. Ikki submits 11 applications : Almost accepted the request -Two years after the incident, in 1795, the ring leader on the farm family side – 現 : 北宇和郡日吉村の‘武左衛門’らが, 斬首されて事件は, 終結. About Bull Sumo ; UWAJIMA’s Bullfighting – A fisherman from fukuura rescues a Dutch ship drifting in the uwa sea. It was around the second half of the 17th century. 礼 – It seems that it started when the two cows that were given happened to struggle. From the fact that farmers made strong Japanese beef cows for farming in the Kamakura period – It seems that they naturally butt the cow’s horns in the field and used this as entertainment. The origin began with the introduction of farming cattle. It is spontaneous due to the cattle’s struggle instinct. Palaeography of the feudal era: A full-scale bullfighting with a ring was held in the Kyowa era. A document addressed to a deputy officer by the county magistrate in 1856 : 近頃牛突合せ, 繁々相催し, 互いに勝負を争い候趣, 夫れが為に牛売り買い高値に相成り, その外, 時々米銭の費も少なからざる, これに相聞くが左様の事相長く候ては, 先々難渋いたし候. etc. It can be seen that the bullfighting that became a box office was enthusiastic about people. During the Meiji and Taisho eras, bans or regulations were repeated. The common people were extremely prosperous, and reached their peak from the Taisho era to the early Showa era. In addition to “Warei sumo wrestling ring”, it was at Yamagiwa and Hode. Install a simple bamboo fence -It was set up in each district. The New Year and summer Warei festivals are especially busy. The audience seats are full of spectators carrying lunch boxes and bottles. In 1948, the GHQ banned bullfighting for reasons such as animal welfare. Ehime and Oki, Echigo – Petitions were repeated by the people concerned, and resumed two years later. While the name bullfighting is beginning to take root – Agricultural mechanization and urbanization are progressing rapidly, and along with this, they are declining. The bullfighting tournament ended at the end of the Warei Arena in the spring of 1955. Uwajima Bullfighting Promotion Committee launched: In 1959, the momentum of the resurrection showed excitement. In addition, the tournament (entertainment) has resumed. Steering Council established in 1974. In March 1975, the city was the first to complete an all-weather dome-shaped bullring nationwide.


Protein: macromolecule; Structural proteins make up the body, and functional proteins are proteins involved in digestion, transportation, and chemical reactions. Digestive enzymes such as pepsin(aspartic endopeptidase)and trypsin(Endopeptidase & Serine Protease), which are cut by digestive enzymes and decomposed into small peptides and amino acids, absorbed and digested finely, are also made from amino acids.

脂質 ; It has important roles such as being used as an energy source, becoming a component of cell membranes, organs, and nerves, and assisting the transport of vitamins. It keeps a person’s body temperature, moisturizes and glitters the skin, helps normal hormones work, and has an active function. Women, in particular, can be detrimental to beauty and health and need some lipids for beautiful skin and hair.  However, if the intake is too high, it will be stored as fat.

炭水化物; It is a compound of carbon(Ca)and hydrogen(H), and is divided into sugar, which is taken into the body as food and used as an energy source, and dietary fiber, which cannot be digested by digestive enzymes in the body.

ビタミンA: C20H30O; Retinol activity equivalent (μgRAE) = retinol (μg) + 1/12 × β-carotene (μg) + 1/24 x α-carotene (μg) + 1/24 × β-cryptoxanthin (μg) + 1/24 × other provitamins A carotenoid (μg).

Lutein: C40H56O2; As an antioxidant, it is expected to have the effect of suppressing active oxygen that causes aging of the eyes, absorbing harmful light, and protecting the eyes. In addition to the eyes, the human body is found in the skin, breast tissue, breast milk, cervix, and brain.

βカロテン: C40H56; Converted to vitamin A in the body as needed. Carotenoids that are abundant in green and yellow vegetables. It is important for maintaining the health of skin and mucous membranes and for photostimulatory response, and promotes cell proliferation.

ビタミンB1; Decarbonization in the ketoglutarate dehydrogenase reaction: Coenzyme; Form of thiamine pyrophosphate.

B2; The form of flavin adenine dinucleotide as a cofactor for the α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex and succinate dehydrogenase.

B6; Pyridoxine(C8H11NO3), Pyridoxal(C8H9NO3), Pyridoxiamine(C8H12N2O2); Coenzyme for protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism: It acts as a coenzyme(Pyridoxal phosphate)for metabolism of bioactive amines, which is a neurotransmitter, and as a hormone regulator: Helps keep nerves and skin healthy, fight infections, keep blood sugar levels normal, produce red blood cells, and some enzymes work properly.

パントテン酸(Cofactor fused with active carboxylic acid residues such as Acyl coa and succinyl-coa: Coenzyme A(Cysteamine): C21H36P3N7O16S)

ナイアシン(The form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide as a coenzyme of isocitrate dehydrogenase, α-ketotoglutarate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase.)

ビオチン(5-[(3aS,4S,6aR)-2-oxohexahydro-1H-thieno[3,4-d]imidazol-4-yl]pentanoic acid: C10H16N2O3S): ビタミンH; It is a colorless acicular crystal that is stable to neutral, acidic, alkaline, oxygen, and light, but weak to heat. It is released from proteins in food by biotinidase(dominant gene)secreted by the pancreas. It translocates into the blood and binds to biotinidase, a transport protein synthesized in the liver.

葉酸; ビタミンM(2S)-2-[(4-{[(2-amino-4-hydroxypteridin-6-yl)methyl]amino}phenyl)formamido]pentanedioic acid: C19H19N7O6; Pteridine(C6H4N4)with para-aminobenzoic acid; PABA(C7H7NO2)and another or more glutamic acids. Most exist in the “Polyglutamic acid type” (A combination of multiple glutamic acids). I heard that it is absorbed from the epithelial cells of the small intestine after being converted to the “Monoglutamic acid type” (A form in which one glutamic acid is bound) by digestive enzymes in the digestive tract. It is soluble in acids and alkalis, but hardly soluble in pure water or ethanol, and tends to be insoluble in acetone(C3H6O), Diethyl ether((C2H5)2O), Chloroform(CHCl3), and Benzene(C6H6). In the polyglutamic acid type folate, sugar and protein are released and released in the cooking and processing of foods and in the gastric acid environment. It is decomposed into monoglutamic acid-type folic acid by an enzyme in the small intestinal mucosa and then absorbed into the cells of the small intestine. I heard that it is converted to 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid by the enzyme(small intestinal epithelial cell). It is transported to the liver via the portal vein, and 50% of the whole body seems to accumulate. It is converted again and transferred to bile, which is reabsorbed from the digestive tract and supplied to tissues for transfer. It is required to return homocysteine, a risk factor for arteriosclerosis, to methionine, etc.

ビタミンC: C6H8O6; Discovered as a Skorbut preventive factor by Royal Navy doctor James Lind in 1753. It removes rust from water-soluble parts of the body, such as blood and the crystalline lens of the eye, and also restores tired vitamin E. It is absorbed mainly from the small intestine as it is without being digested by the stomach. It is then carried in the blood, stored and dispersed throughout the body. It is characterized by its “antioxidant effect”, which inhales, captures a small amount of active oxygen obtained, and detoxifies it. Excessive growth damages DNA or Protein and reduces cell function.

ビタミンE: C29H50O2; It is divided into a total of eight compounds, four tocopherols(In nature, α, β, γ, δ.)and four tocotrienols. It is absorbed into the body from the intestinal tract via the lymphatic vessels together with lipids, and has a very strong antioxidant effect. Protects unsaturated fatty acids and other fat-soluble components that make up biological membranes from oxidative damage: Included in the phospholipid bilayer of cell membranes. It suppresses the production of lipid peroxide, keeps blood vessels healthy, and suppresses the oxidation of LDL(Bad cholesterol)cholesterol in the blood. You will not have hypervitaminosis with a normal diet, as you tend not to have cumulative actions in your body.

β-cryptoxanthin: Provitamin A: C40H56O: Ester body, carotenoid. It forms mixed micelles with bile acids, fatty acids, cholesterol, etc., and is passively diffused and absorbed by small intestinal epithelial cells.Move to liver with chylomicron(Lipoprotein particles; 乳糜脂粒). Very low density lipoprotein and “Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol”: To peripheral tissues≒ Ester body.

Violaxanthin: (1S,4S,6R)-1-[(1E,3E,5E,7E,9E,11E,13E,15E,17E)-18-[(1S,4S,6R)-4-Hydroxy-2,2,6-trimethyl-7-oxabicyclo[4.1.0]heptan-1-yl]-3,7,12,16-tetramethyloctadeca-1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17-nonaenyl]-2,2,6-trimethyl-7-oxabicyclo[4.1.0] heptan-4-ol; C40H56O4: The gene expression balance is clear, which makes it difficult to accumulate BCR(Caricaxanthin)and facilitates the accumulation of more metabolized VIO(Carotenoid). It is considered as a precursor of a plant hormone called “abscisic acid(C15H20O4)” that promotes leaf fall.

ペクチン: methyl ester: J. Braconnot,1825(Rf): Galacturonic acid: carboxyl group: -C(=O)OH

セルロース:(C6H10O5)n; The main component of plant cell sell stones and plant fibers, and the most abundant carbohydrate on earth.

ヘミセルロース(Amyloid): Discovered by E. Schulze in 1891. The name of the polysaccharide extracted with alkali after extracting Pectin from cell wall carbohydrates. Xyloglucan(Angiospermae): With 1,4-β-D-glucan as the main chain, the α-D-xylose residue binds to the O-6 position of the D-glucose residue of 75%. It is distributed throughout the cell wall including the middle lobe, and I hear that it is hydrogen-bonded to cellulose. Tendency to exist as a storage polysaccharide in seeds.

リグニン: Sphingomonas paucimobilis SYK-6: bacterium: Mineralization; Effective resistance to decay and feeding damage.

ビタミンP: ヘスペリジン; flavonoid: C28H34O15: polyphenol; Glycotransfer works in cooperation with vitamin C to regulate the permeability of the capillary membrane so that it does not become too permeable.

ルチン; C27H30O16: β-rutinose((2R,3S,4S,5S)-6-[ [(2R,3R,4R,5R,6S)-3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-methyl-oxan-2-yl]oxymethyl]oxane-2,3,4,5-tetrol; C12H22O10)bound to quercetin. The E-rutin group significantly increased muscle weight and lean weight in the lower limbs compared to the placebo group that ingested E-rutin-free whey protein-n = 1, isoquercitrin; C21H20O12. Research results increase potential antioxidants in the blood. It protects cells and tissues by suppressing or eliminating the generation of reactive oxygen species, and preserves the normal normality and growth of muscles, etc.

Neohesperidin; C28H34O15

シネフリン: 4-[1-hydroxy-2-(methylamino)ethyl]phenol: C9H13NO2; Used in various slimming natural health products as an alternative to the pharmaceutical ingredient ephedrine. It has effects on heart rate and blood pressure, and both pharmacological effects tend to be significantly enhanced by caffeine. From the identified risk.

オーラプテン: auraptene,7-geranyloxycoumarin: C19H22O3

テルペノイド: Aldehyde,carboxylic acid: C5: IPP, DMAPP: C10, C15, C20: prenyltransferase

ナリンギン: flavanone: C27H32O14; A glycoside in which a sugar called Neo hesperidos is bound to naringenin. When hydrolyzed with the degrading enzyme naringinase, it changes to naringenin without bitterness, so it is often used for fruit juice processing.

Apigenin; C15H10O5: 5,7-Dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one: Suppression of mRNA splicing(Processing received after transcription-RNA polymerase ii)Transcription factor -By suppressing the expression of ets-2, the activity of microglia(小膠細胞)can be increased. Binds to the SF3B1 factor in spliceosomes.

クエン酸: C(OH)(CH2COOH)2COOH: C6H8O7; When energy is taken up by the living body, it decomposes through various processes to become a substance called acetyl-coa (active acetic acid), which binds to Oxaloacetic acid(C4H4O5). Later, it transforms into seven types of acids and returns to citric acid. TCA cycle: A substance called “ATP (adenosine triphosphate(C10H16N5O13P3))” that acts as an energy source for cells in the body. Effective against lactic acid, which is the source of stiff shoulders and muscle fatigue.

ブドウ糖: C6H12O6: D-グルコース; Known as a component of cellulose, starch and glycogen. D-glucose(Dextrose, an organic compound.)and pure crystalline monosaccharides produced after the starch is completely hydrolyzed. It is divided into water-containing water containing molecular water of crystallization and anhydrous water containing nothing.

酒石酸: 2,3-dihydroxy butanedioic acid:(CH(OH)COOH)2: L-(+)-Tartaric acid: It is known as a crystalline organic acid obtained by oxidizing and enzymatically decomposing maleic acid(HOOC–CH=CH–COOH: Chain unsaturated dicarboxylic acid)or fumaric acid(HOOC–CH=CH–COOH: C4H4O4: -2-ブテン二酸: Alpha hydroxy acid). 

リンゴ酸: HOOC-CH(OH)-CH2-COOH: C4H6O5; 2-hydroxybutanedioic acid; It is known as an organic acid obtained by synthesizing fumaric acid or reducing glucose. Dicarboxylic acid, in the role of an intermediate in the TCA cycle: Alpha hydroxy acid. 

Kaempferol; C15H10O6

(+)カテキン: C15H14O6; Flavonoids of polyphenols. Derived from the dark brown “catechu” taken from the Acacia Mill. / Acacia (Fabaceae) trees that grow in India. There are research cases that eliminate infectivity by adhering to protruding proteins on the surface such as influenza virus.

イソロイシン(C6H13NO2:2-アミノ-3-メチルペンタン酸); Hydrophobic amino acid(BCCA). The role of promoting the uptake of blood glucose into skeletal muscle without an increase in blood sugar concentration. It works to suppress gluconeogenesis(A pathway that slowly reverses glycolysis from lactic acid, pyruvic acid, amino acid, propionic acid, etc. to produce D-glucose.)in the liver and to oxidatively utilize glucose. A zwitterionic compound having a leucine structural isomer and a sec-butyl group (-ch (ch3) ch2ch3) in the side chain.

ロイシン(C6H13NO2: 2-Amino-4-methylpentanoic acid); Activator of mTOR: mammallian Target Of Rapamycin(Atypical serine-threonine kinases present in two types of complexes: It senses nutrient sources such as glucose and amino acid, and plays a role of regulators in cell proliferation, metabolism, and survival.): There are insulin, IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1: insulin-like growth factors 1), Testosterone, Nitric oxide, Muscle Contraction etc. An important factor that promotes protein synthesis(BCCA).

リシン(リジン: C6H14N2O2: 2,6-diaminohexanoic acid); It is known as a synthetic raw material for carnitine(C7H15NO3: Derivative)required for fat burning.In the human body, we also hear examples of promotion of glucose metabolism and its relationship with calcium absorption. L-Lysine Hydrochloride: Mol fileKCF fileDB search(HCl: hydrochloric acid).

(含硫)メチオニン(C5H11NO2S: 2-amino-4-(methylthio)butanoic acid); It is a sulfur-containing amino acid containing sulfur and is converted into glutathione(C10H17N3O6S)and taurine(C2H7NO3S)in the body. It is also known as a biosynthetic raw material for carnitine involved in fat burning. Tendency to be metabolized in a series of reactions called carbon metabolism. Using methionine and ATP synthase as substrates, S-adenosylmethionine synthase catalyzes the biosynthesis of S-adenosylmethionine(C15H22N6O5S+): Protein methylation.

シスチン( C6H12N2O4S2: 2-amino-3-(2-amino-2-carboxy-ethyl)disulfanyl-propanoic acid); The role of stabilizing the structure of Proteins. It is one of the sulfur-containing amino acids(The composition of Glutathione-SH(C10H17N3O6S), which is important for detoxification and antioxidant activity.)containing sulfur and has a unique aroma. It converts methionine to Cystathionine(C7H14N2O4S: A catalyst for β-synthase from Homocysteine(C4H9NO2S: 2-Amino-4-sulfanylbutanoic acid)and Serine.)in the human body. It is famous as a sulfur-containing amino acid in which two molecules of cysteine ​​are bound.

(芳香族)フェニルアラニン( C9H11NO2: 2-Amino-3-phenylpropanoic acid); In the brain, the role of Synthesizing Neurotransmitter Norepinephrine(C8H11NO3: 4-[(1R)-2-amino-1-hydroxyethyl]benzene-1,2-diol; Monoamine(A chemical structure in which an amino group is connected to an aromatic ring by two carbon chains.))and Dopamine(C8H11NO2: Monoamine neurotransmitter). It is also known as a raw material for Tyrosine(C9H11NO3: 4-hydroxyphenylalanine; Protein production synthesis). Important for accelerating the amyloid assembly process.Adrenaline(Adrenal medulla): Epinephrine(C9H13NO3), Produced by neurons and released as adrenal medulla hormones and neurotransmitters.

チロシン(C9H11NO3: 2-Amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl) propanoic acid); Synthesized by hydroxylation of phenylalanine. When the aromatics are further hydroxylated, L-dopa(C9H11NO4: L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine: (S)-2-amino-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl) propanoic acid. It is converted to L-Dopa by tyrosine hydroxidase and to dopamine(Nerve cells in a specific area of brain, which is the final product.)by decarboxylase. The neurotransmitter catecholamines (noradrenaline: norepinephrine(C8H11NO3), adrenaline(C9H13NO3): Mainly adrenal medulla(副腎髄質)cells can be metabolized, etc.) are produced from L-Dopa.)is produced. When oxidized by tyrosinase, the intermediate L-Dopa is immediately oxidized and converted to dopachrome(C9H7NO4). It is further polymerized by the action of enzymes and converted to melanin. It is a dark brown pigment and is widely distributed in animal tissues such as skin, hair and iris. I hear that it has a role to absorb excess sunlight. A disease in which tyrosinase is congenitally deficient is known as oculocutaneous disease (albino: Mutant individuals who cannot synthesize photosynthetic pigments: 先天性白皮症) etc.

トレオニン(スレオニン: C4H9NO3: 2-Amino-3-hydroxybutanoic acid): A zwitterionic compound having an Amino group (-NH2) and a carboxyl group (-COOH) and a hydroxyethyl group in the side chain. There are two diastereomers, but only the (2S, 3R) form is called L-threonine(Since it has two optically active centers, four isomers have been identified.). It has been suggested that it may compete with alanine, Branched Chain Amino Acids, phenylalanine, serine, tryptophan, tyrosine etc. I hear that it is the newest in history.

トリプトファン(C11H12N2O2: 2-Amino-3-(1H-indol-3-yl)propanoic acid): A raw material for Nicotinic acid: C6H5NO2 (Niacin: Vitamin B3) in the human body and Serotonin(It is deeply related to important human functions such as mental (stress) and sleep; Endorphin), a neurotransmitter involved in sedation and sleep-inducing action in the brain. Operate the sodium and potassium pumps to discharge the sodium incorporated into the conjugate with glutamic acid. When glutamate and lactic acid are taken up by nerve cells, the most important nerve, the glutamate nerve, begins to move. Glial cells(Oligodendrocytes(希突起膠細胞)that make myelin sheaths(髄鞘)to increase nerve conduction velocity, microglia(小膠細胞)that are responsible for central nervous system immunity, etc. Featured “astrocytes”(Glial fibrillary acidic protein Immunohistochemistry): kallikrein-related peptidase 7:(KLK7): Serine Protease(Proteolytic enzyme with serine group): To elucidate the generation mechanism of neuroglioma.)take up glucose and activate glutamatergic nerves.

バリン(C5H11NO2,SMILES: CC(C)[C@@H](C(=O)O)N): Energy is metabolized in muscle tissue and is involved in growth.Branched Chain Amino Acids(BCAA: Similar to leucine and isoleucine): Expected to adjust the nitrogen balance in blood and improve liver function.

ヒスチジン(C6H9N3O2: 2-Amino-3-(1H-imidazol-4-yl)propanoic acid: It is said to have the effect of suppressing oxidative stress (ischaemia reperfusion), and there are cases of action such as increased insulin secretion. When neonatal screening is abnormal and when amino acid acid metabolism disorder is presumed: I heard that an increase in a specific concentration is a powerful clue to the diagnosis. In the nutritional disorder called cardiac cachexia seen in Chronic congestive heart failure, etc., aromatic amino acids increase and branched chain amino acids and histidine decrease.Since it is abundant in “hemoglobin(Proteins present in red blood cells)”, there is a risk of anemia if it is insufficient. In some cases, it was suggested that the anti-obesity effect was attenuated by “proline(Pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid)”.

アルギニン(C6H14N4O2: (S)-2-Amino-5-guanidinopentanoic acid); Expected to help the body produce energy, increase growth hormone secretion, build muscle, and improve male function.Promotes fat metabolism to strengthen muscle tissue and promote height growth. TCA cycle: Adenosine Triphosphate(C10H16N5O13P3), It enhances the function of the urea cycle in the liver and promotes the recovery of brain fatigue quickly. Ammonia(NH3)inhibits its function, but ingestion promotes detoxification. Expected to be effective as part of the Natural Moisturizing Factor(NMF)of the stratum corneum.

アラニン(C3H7NO2: 2-Aminopropanoic acid); It is a synthetic raw material for sugar and has the energy generation function of the living body. The action of secreting the hormone Glucagon(Peptide hormone: 29 amino acid; In the Liver, it activates protein kinase a through binding to specific receptors and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (AMP: cAMP-dependent protein kinase (Protein kinase A); Protein kinase(Phosphorylating enzyme)) production., which is secreted when blood sugar concentration is low and promotes the breakdown of glycogen(C6H10O5)n: Discovered as a liver component by Mr. Claude Bernard in Burgundy, France in 1856.

アスパラギン酸(C4H7NO4: Aminosuccinic acid, asparagic acid; The role of increasing the absorption of K and Mg and decomposing and promoting lactic acid. Located closest to the TCA cycle of the body, which is the place of energy production.)It is located closest to the TCA cycle(Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle: Citric Acid Cycle)of the body, which is the place of energy production. In 1937, German’s chemist and doctor Hans Adolf Krebs finds the circuit. England: Received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1953. Discovery of the Ornithine cycle of Urea synthesis: A cycle that draws out internal combustion. Decomposes fat and lactic acid and converts them into energy(Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle).

グルタミン酸(C5H9NO4: 2-Aminopentanedioic acid: In animals, it can be synthesized from non-essential amino acids, that is, other organic compounds. Discovered by Mr. Karl Heinrich Leopold Ritthausen in 1866 in the acid hydrolyzate of gluten, a wheat protein.It is famous as a raw material for glutathione and GABA (4-aminobutanoic acid). It can be biosynthesized from “2-Oxopentanedioic acid” and “ammonia(NH3)”. It conveys information to nerves by binding to and activating N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) -type receptors. D-serine(It has the enzyme serine racemase (SRR) synthesized by Glial cells(It acts to give an energy source to nerve cells in the brain and builds an energy environment: A cell that fills parts of the brain other than nerve cells and supports the functions of nerve cells from various aspects.)located in a specific region of the hippocampus.)regulates stimulus volume. It is believed that the Synapse connection will be strengthened, giving memory and learning. There seems to be a hypothesis that the diseases alzheimer dementia and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis are caused by too much stimulation of the “NMDA receptor”.)

グリシン(Glycocholic: C2H5NO2: Aminoethanoic acid); In the Nerve system, it also functions as an amino acid (Collagen: Protein, Elastin(Elastic fiber), Keratin(△Cystine), Sericin(C30H40N10O16).), which is mainly responsible for inhibitory synaptic transmission between the brain stem and spinal cord. The feature is that there are no stereoisomers(The opposite sex with different three-dimensional directions of atoms in space.)such as D-form and L-form. Not only does it improve the shelf life of food, but it also has a sweet taste and is used as a seasoning. Porphyrins(Porphyra; Hemoglobin as an oxygen carrier in human blood (Erythrocyte) is prominent.) related to the function of carrying oxygen in the blood and creatine(C4H9N3O2; A small amount in the brain.)essential for muscle exercise.

プロリン(C5H9NO2,SMILES: OC(=O)C1CCCN1): The main composition of collagen(Protein; A polymer compound formed by linking (polymerizing) a large number of 21 types of amino acids in a chain: Hydroxyproline(C5H9NO3)), which is abundant in gelatin and animal skins.When stored, aspartic acid tends to decrease and increase. It is high in fruit amino acids.

セリン(C3H7NO3: 2-Amino-3-hydroxypropionic acid); A raw material for Phosphatidylserine(C13H24NO10P,Phospholipid- Signal transduction), a component of cell membranes. It is one of the important moisturizing ingredients to maintain the moisture content of the skin, and can be a raw material for “glycine” that is close to the same ingredient. It is the Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF: Small molecules such as Amino acids, pyrrolidone carboxylic acids (and their salts), urea, mineral salts, organic acids (and their salts).) of the skin and is the most abundant in amino acid.

エリオシトリン: C27H32O15

ネオエリオシトリン: Eriodictyol(C15H12O6); It is metabolized and absorbed by eriodictyol and found in blood and urine as a glucuronide conjugate.Similarly(homoeriodictyol(C16H14O6), hesperetin(C16H14O6)), the role of inhibitory activity of lipoxygenase (5-LOX and 12-LOX).

ノミリン: TGR5; Transmembrane G protein-coupled Receptor 5: G protein-coupled receptor: C28H34O9 (mw514.57). Bile acids exert anti-obesity and anti-hyperglycemic effects through a G protein- coupled receptor TGR5: Ligand active food ingredient.By binding, it promotes insulin secretion from L-sell. It promotes the secretion of hormone GLP-1. In the living body, it binds to TGR5(G protein-coupled bile acid receptor)of skeletal muscle to increase heat production and exerts an anti-obesity effect through increased energy consumption. The non-sugar moiety that remains after the glycosyl group of the glycoside is replaced by a hydrogen atom: Aglycone; Phytochemical.

リモネン: monoterpene: 1-Methyl-4-(1-methylethenyl)-cyclohexene: C10H16; A terpenoid compound having two double bonds in which two isoprene units (C5 units) are linearly bonded to form a single ring (six-membered ring).

Acridinone, 1948: C13H9NO

ポリメトキシフラボノイド類(PMF):ノビレチン(C21H22O8); Long-term potentiation in the hippocampus (LTP): In cognitive impairment such as Alzheimer’s disease, synaptic plasticity disorder occurs due to various factors. cAMP response element-binding protein(cAMP-responsive element), I hear that it is cre-dependent transcriptional activity that follows. Expected to have Aβ deposition inhibitory effect and nerve growth factor (NGF) -like effect.


シネンセチン(C20H20O7); InChI=1S/C20H20O7/c1-22-13-7-6-11(8-15(13)23-2)14-9-12(21)18-16(27-14)10-17(24-3)19(25-4)20(18)26-5/h6-10H,1-5H3,SMILES: COc1ccc(cc1OC)c1cc(=O)c2c(OC)c(OC)c(OC)cc2o1,及び,3,5,6,7,8,3′,4′-ヘプタメトキシフラボン(HMF): Induces the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF; 脳由来神経栄養因子).

γ(gamma)-aminobutyric acid: C4H9NO2; It is responsible for inhibitory synaptic transmission of the rostral central nervous system(Free amino acid series). Glutamic acid by decarboxylation catalyzed by glutamic acid decarboxylase (enzyme: GAD67(GAD1: cytoplasm), GAD65(GAD2: presynaptic terminal)). TCA cycle α-ketoglutaric acid(C5H6O5)to glutamic acid. In some cases, blood pressure lowering effect is achieved by suppressing the release of norepinephrine from pars sympathica: Ion channel type receptor etc.

ポンシリン: (2S)-7-[(2S,3R,4S,5S,6R)-4,5-dihydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)-3-[(2S,3R,4R,5R,6S)-3,4, 5-trihydroxy-6-methyloxan-2-yl]oxyoxan-2-yl]oxy-5-hydroxy-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-2,3-dihydrochromen-4-one; C28H34O14: Flavonoid glycoside with the structure of isosakuranetin(C16H14O5)7-O-neoheseridoside. It acts to inhibit osteoclast differentiation and bone loss through down-regulation of NFATc1(Nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic 1: OSCAR, TREM-2, PIR-A etc.)in vitro and in vivo.

ネオポンシリン(ジジミン): (S)-7-[[6-O-(6-Deoxy-α-L-mannopyranosyl)-β-D-glucopyranosyl]oxy]-2,3-dihydro-5-hydroxy-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one; C28H34O14: Suppression of NF-κB(Protein complex; Nuclear factor-kappa B)activation: Prevent vegf Induced angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo.

カリウム: K; It interacts with “Sodium”, which is abundant in extracellular fluid. It works to maintain the osmotic pressure of cells and retain water. After ingestion and absorption in the small intestine, it is transported to tissues throughout the body, most of which is excreted by the kidneys. It is maintained by regulation of reabsorption in the kidney, and the k concentration in blood is maintained between 3.6 and 4.8 meq / l. Together with sodium, it maintains cell osmotic pressure. It works to suppress nerve stimulus transmission, functional regulation of heart and muscle, and intracellular enzyme reaction(I have to add proton transfer equilibrium). I heard that about 200 g is contained in the body of an adult, Potassium.

カルシウム: Ca; In the body, the amount in cells and blood is strictly controlled. Tendency to move from bone to blood as needed. About 99% is stored in bone, but also in the blood of cells and muscles. If you don’t get the calcium you need, you risk mobilizing large amounts of calcium in your bones and weakening your bones. To maintain normal blood calcium levels, it is necessary to take at least 1000-1500 mg daily. Parathyroid hormone(PTH)and Thyrocalcitonin(Made by the cells of the thyroid gland, hormones have the function of lowering the calcium concentration in the blood by delaying the breakdown of bones.); It is made up of four parathyroid glands behind the thyroid gland in the neck. As the calcium concentration in In blood rises, the amount of hormones produced by the parathyroid glands tends to decrease. It stimulates bones to release calcium into the blood and reduces the amount of calcium excreted by the kidneys into the urine. Increases calcium absorption by stimulating alimentary canal to increase calcium absorption by promoting the activation of vitamin D in the kidneys.

マグネシウム: Mg; Vinegar has been known to solubilize insoluble calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) in food, however, the difference in solubilization ability among various kinds of vinegar has not been investigated. In this study, solubilization of Ca and Mg from coral powder and beef bone powder was compared with several kinds of vinegar. Calcium solubilization was observed to be high in grain vinegar, cider vinegar and wine vinegar, and low in rice vinegar and un-polished rice vinegar. On the other hand, magnesium solubilization was high in rice vinegar, wine vinegar and cider vinegar, and low in grain vinegar and un-polished rice vinegar. Calcium solubilization of coral powder was significantly negatively correlated with the pH of vinegar, while Mg solubilization was not. Comparison of solubilization of Ca in un-polished rice vinegar and acetic acid solution suggested that the phosphorus content was also responsible for solubilization in un-polished vinegar. These results suggest that ingredients in vinegar, as well as acidity and pH, affect solubilization of Ca and Mg from food when cooked with vinegar. Characterization of Solubilization of Insoluble Calcium and Magnesium with Various Kinds of Vinegar, Nakano Central Research Institute, Nakano Vinegar Co., Ltd. and Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku University with Nippon shokuhin kagaku kogaku kaishi = Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology 45(11), 655-662, 1998-11-15)

ナトリウム: Na; In the adult body, most of it is contained in extracellular fluid outside the cell. Approximately 50 % as salt (sodium chloride), bicarbonate, phosphate. About 40 % is present in the build and is slightly contained in the intracellular fluid. Functions such as osmotic pressure adjustment: Roles such as maintaining the amount of extracellular fluid. Normally, healthy people do not have a deficiency. It is possible to promote the excretion of sodium by taking vegetables and fruits that are high in potassium together. This is because it has been confirmed that taking too much increases the risk of swelling, thirst, high blood pressure, stomach cancer, and esophageal cancer.

リン: P;(Leakage in urine causes symptoms such as hypoproteinemia, decreased renal function, and hyperphosphatemia.)The amount of phosphorus per 1 g of protein contains about 15 mg, and the intake correlates with the protein intake. The role of combining and strengthening bones and teeth. Higher blood phosphate levels tend to make bones brittle. Calcium tends to combine and become coal in other than bones such as blood vessels and tendons.

鉄: Fe; It is attracting attention as one of the world’s three major deficient micronutrients along with vitamin A and Iodine(In 1811, Discovered by burning seaweed with potassium carbonate, which is the raw material for potassium nitrate by Bernard Courtois(仏).)Non‐heme iron(Fe)(Included in vegetables, eggs and milk.); By taking it with foods rich in high-quality protein and vitamin C, the absorption rate into the body is improved. Fe shortage of women due to blood loss, a big problem for expectant mother and lactating women whose demand increases. Due to the metabolism of the body, about 1 mg of iron(Fe)is lost in adult men and about 0.8 mg in women per day. Ferritin(A globular protein complex consisting of 24 proteins.)has a role of suppressing deficiency and excess, and is also called stored Fe. About 90% of anemia is iron deficiency, which is deficient in fe, one of the important materials of hemoglobin.

銅: Cu; It has been known for a long time as a trace essential mineral, which is present in the human body at about 80 mg. It binds to proteins and plays a role in catalyzing a wide range of in vivo reactions. Tendency to be mainly present in bone, skeletal muscle and blood. Although it is involved in hematopoietic function as well as Fe, no reports have been heard regarding the adverse effects of chronic overdose, except for some diseases. Monovalent compounds exist as insoluble salts and complex salts. Divalent salts and complex salts are common. It is absorbed from the small and duodenum and transported to the liver through the portal vein. I hear that the lower the intake, the higher the absorption rate, and the higher the intake, the lower the absorption rate.Large amounts of divalent iron and tin ions competitively inhibit the absorption of copper from the gastrointestinal tract. Inborn errors of copper metabolism(Wilson’s disease): Protein binding: Hepatolenticular degeneration. It acts as a Cu enzyme and acts as a catalyst for various reactions such as O2 transport, electron transfer, redox, and O2 addition. Important for Fe metabolism and transport, removal of active oxygen, and metabolism of neurotransmitters. Deficiencies can result from hereditary malabsorption or are acquired, but are not found in the normal life of healthy people. On the other hand, cases of symptoms are given to Babies whose main source of nutrition is low-content milk.Insufficiency may cause anemia, leukopenia, and bone abnormalities that do not respond to Fe administration. In addition, there are decreased immune function, cardiovascular abnormalities, and abnormal cholesterol and glucose metabolism. However, this is less frequent.

亜鉛: Zn; Zinc‐deficiency symptom: A state in which the zinc concentration in the blood is below 80 μg / dL to 130 μg / dL. Dermatitis, stomatitis, alopecia, pressure ulcer due to lack. Loss of appetite, developmental disorders, hypogonadism, susceptibility, dysgeusia, anemia, infertility, etc.Various symptoms occur and tend to improve with zinc supplementation.

マンガン: Mn; Functions as an enzyme activation and a component of metal enzymes. It is a silver-white metal with an atomic number of 25 and an atomic weight of 54.94, and its surface is oxidized in the air. I hear that 12(For a weight of 70 kg)to 20 milligramme is present in the body of an adult. It acts directly with many elements, gradually reacts with water, and is easily dissolved in acids. Absorbed by inhalation, oral or transdermal: Ingested from the diet, it dissolves as divalent by gastric acid and becomes trivalent by the oxidative mechanism of intestinal cells. It is absorbed, transported to the liver through vena portalis, secreted from the bile into the intestinal tract, and mostly excreted as feces. Since absorption competes with Fe, manganese tends to be less likely to be absorbed if the iron content in the diet is high. It is abundant in mitochondria, and is contained in high concentrations in pigmented areas in the body such as the retina, hair, and skin pigmented areas. It suggests specific and non-specific effects on many enzyme activities such as oxidoreductase, hydrolase, dehydrogenase, and transferase. It is also a component of arginine-degrading enzyme, lactate dehydrogenase, and manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD). Examples include connective tissue and bone formation, inner ear growth formation, glucose tolerance, fertility, lipid metabolism, growth and involvement in brain function.

【効果 / 効能】

抗癌作用: Anti-cancer effect 

抗酸化作用: Antioxidant effect

抗菌作用: Antibacterial effect

抗腫瘍性: Anticancerous

肩こり: Stiff shoulder

腰痛: Lumbago

髪の毛健康: Hair health

風邪予防: Prevention of cold

美肌・美容: Beautiful skin and beauty

老化防止: Prevention from getting older

ダイエット: Diet

むくみ解消: Edema

利尿効果: Diuretic effect

女性ホルモン: Female hormones

妊婦: Expectant mother

貧血: Anemia

疲労回復: Recovery from fatigue

視力維持: Maintaining eyesight

消化促進: Digestion promotion

殺菌効果: Bactericidal effect

骨粗しょう症: Osteoporosis

新陳代謝: Metabolism

ストレス解消: Stress relief

活性酸素抑制: Reactive oxygen species suppression

喉・呼吸器安定: Throat, respiratory stability

皮膚粘膜強化: Skin and mucous membrane strengthening

高血圧: Elevated blood pressure

肥満: Corpulence

生活習慣病: Life style related disease

血中コレステロール緩和: Blood cholesterol relief

コレステロール: Triglycerides 

二日酔い: Overnight drunkenness

心筋梗塞: Heart infarction

脳梗塞: Brain infarction

血栓予防: Thromboprophylaxis

食欲不振: Anorexia

精神安定: Tranquilize

認知機能改善: Cognitive function improvement

胃潰瘍: Gastric ulcer

胃腸障害: Gastrointestinal injury


Ehime oranges are harvested for about 5 months from early September to mid-January. The mandarin from September is called Goku-Wase mandarin, the mandarin from November is called Wase mandarin, and the mandarin from December is called ordinary Satsuma mandarin.


Uwajima City is known as one of the leading citrus producing areas in Japan, but Tachima, Yoshida Town is the birthplace of oranges in Ehime Prefecture. It is said that in 1789, Hirajiro KAGAYAMA brought back orange saplings from Kochi prefecture and started cultivating them, and its history extends to more than 230 years. Along with citrus cultivation that makes use of the steep slopes that occupy most of the area overlooking the Uwakai, direct sales offices have been lined up along National Highway 56, which runs north and south of the mountain town. After the war, the popularity of mandarin oranges increased, the number of producers increased, national roads were improved, and the number of direct sales offices increased at once.


Mandarin oranges repel rain and the like with a wax component to prevent the adhesion of bacteria and form a protective film. However, it is not completely waterproof, to some extent. As the fruit matures, the wax decreases and the cutaneous respiration rate increases, which promotes coloring. Along with this, the invasion of mold fungi will increase, and it seems that the factors of putrefaction will increase. But no wax is used in this excellent citrus.
