南房総市富山(旧安房郡)地区では, 1960年代頃からセロリの栽培が始まり, 現在も町内に点在するハウスでセロリの生産が続けられています. 私も数度食べましたが, 地元(富山, 伊予ヶ岳, 御殿山)では新鮮で柔らかく, 品質が高いと市場での評価が高いです.


Apium graveolens var. dulce
千葉県館山市(JA安房, JAグループ千葉, 館山市セロリ生産組合)
Greek, Latin “selinon” Italian “selano”, Lombardy dialect “seleri”, French “sceleri d’ltalie”, English (foreign language) changed from “celeri” to “celery” It is said to have been.
In early March 2022, the 35th Chiba Prefectural Wind Music Competition Awa / Kazusa District Qualifier was recently held at Kazusa Academia Park in Kisarazu City. Judging by recording, a girl in the 6th grade of Tateyama in the woodwind musical instrument category and a boy in the same grade at the same elementary school in the brass instrument musical instrument category won the gold medal and decided to participate in the prefectural tournament to be held on the 19th and 20th. It seems that he is focusing on practicing with the aim of further success in the prefectural tournament. In the competition where 174 people from elementary school students to the general public entered the woodwind, brass instrument, and percussion instrument categories, the top ranks were selected from among the gold medal winners, and 19 people are qualified to participate in the prefectural competition. SEIEI-dou, a Japanese confectionery store in Anbaya, Minamiboso City, Chiba Prefecture, received the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister’s Secretary’s Award at the “31st Excellent Management Food Retail Store Awards Project” to commend retail stores with excellent management. The award is the first in four years in Abo, and 2022 is the only achievement in the prefecture. The store was founded in 1914 and initially started as a retail store for purchasing and selling. We started manufacturing from the 3rd generation, and while the number of delivery destinations decreased due to the rise of large supermarkets, we strengthened sales at our own stores. The signature product “Sazae Monoka” (a popular product that has continued from the third generation, seems to have the motif of the shell of the turban shell, which is a specialty of Minamiboso. The types of Bean marmalade are Ogura bean marmalade, white bean marmalade, dried green seaweed bean marmalade. , Fine-grained sweet bean paste, yuzu fruit-flavored 5 types Whale sweet bun (new sweets from Minamiboso, started from Wadaura, the town of whales. Each one is handmade, so the shape and face may be slightly different. The whale Age-manju is unique with the theme of the sea, such as Fried-buns containing strained adzki-beans paste with crispy dough (of brown cane sugar). Aiming to create a store that attracts tourists with its products, the award was given for its management ability with a strong spirit of challenge. In order to support local dairy farmers in response to the decline in milk demand, Corona Sazae has commercialized “Boshu Dairy Mill Cookie”. Sponsored by the Food Distribution Rationalization Promotion Organization, sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Nippon Keizai Shimbun, and Japan Policy Finance Corporation. Discovering and commending retail stores. This is the 45th traditional award including the holding of the predecessor association, the Food Distribution Improvement Association. In 2022, 3 stores from all over Japan, the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award A total of 34 stores have been selected, including 5 long prizes, 3 Nippon Keizai Shimbun Awards, 3 Japan Policy Finance Corporation President’s Awards, and 20 Food Distribution Rationalization Promotion Organization Chairman’s Awards. Tateyama City is located in the southern part of the Boso Peninsula, Chiba Prefecture, with an average annual temperature of 16 ° C or higher. Blessed with a warm climate, poppies, stocks and rape blossoms are in full bloom in January, and the flower fields are famous as a flower town in full bloom. In addition, with a coastline of 34.3 km, it is a sea town with diverse and valuable marine resources as a suitable place for marine sports such as scuba diving and summer swimming, and as a habitat for coral and sea fireflies. It is also a city. In the green city, the prefectural Tateyama Wild Bird Forest has been selected as one of the 100 Best Forest Bathing Forests, and the area near Heisaura Beach has been selected as one of the 100 Beautiful Stretch of sandy beach dotted with pine trees and 100 Best Roads in Japan. Also, in the Middle Ages, Sengoku daimyo Satomi ruled this land. Fiction writer Takizawa Bakin’s “Nansou Satomi Hakkenden (Eight Dog Chronicles, novel 1842)” was set in this area, where many historical sites of Mr. SATOMI and romance of Hakkenden still remain. Aiming to realize a warm hometown with a smile and abundant nature, in the city, the number of people who interact with each other has increased due to the improvement of accessibility from the city center and the promotion of “seaside town development”. It seems that the number of people living in two areas is increasing. With the aim of becoming a vibrant city full of smiles and vibrancy for all people, including citizens, those who visit the city and those who migrate, we have set up “a warm hometown full of smiles and abundant nature” as a future city image. We are steadily advancing efforts to achieve this. JA Abo is located at the southernmost tip of the Boso Peninsula, with the ridgeline of the Boso hills in the north, Tokyo Bay in the west, and the Pacific Ocean in the east and south. In terms of climatic conditions, it is blessed with warm climatic conditions with an average temperature of 15 to 16 degrees Celsius, and it seems that spring will come sooner. Flowers, vegetables, fruit trees (loquats, lemons, oranges) It seems that special items have been cultivated for a long time, taking advantage of the warm climatic conditions. For outdoor vegetables, edible brassica flower, lettuce, shishito green pepper, broad beans, etc. For facility vegetables, “celery”, green beans, melons, strawberries, etc. are cultivated. After many years of cultivation technology and research, it seems that it is working on cultivation and shipping aiming for celery that has gained market evaluation and meets consumer needs. Although it is a variety, the main is the summit (Cornel 619: From the US Celery Cornell 619, the ones with particularly high commercial value and high quality are selected and improved for many years, and the stems and leaves are light. Green, early cultivar with high plant height, few leaf stalks and openness, slow stalks and moss extraction, glossy stems, thick and flexible, large stock (1 stock, 2 to 3 kg). The length of the knots is very good, 20 cm or more, and the appearance is extremely graceful. It has strong heat and cold resistance, and it seems to be insensitive to low temperature even when cultivated in the early spring to late autumn to winter low temperature period, and it seems to have high stability. It has a round shaft, less fiber, aroma and sweetness, and the quality is the best among the Cornell systems currently cultivated.), Cornell celery. Although it is a special treatment of the Tateyama City Celery Production Association, I hear that it is cultivated by conducting soil diagnosis every year, researching the creation of rich soil, using 100% organic fertilizer, weeding work, etc. to reduce the number of pesticides used as much as possible. “Celery,” which is in full season in Tateyama, is generally called celery, and the correct pronunciation seems to be celery. The Tateyama Organic Society, which grows celery around Masaki in the city, is famous. The Tateyama Organic Society seems to have established a fertilizer application method that takes into consideration the taste that uses almost no chemical fertilizer, based on many years of cultivation experience such as applying coarse organic matter such as rice straw and rice husks. It seems that it is producing with reduced pesticides and reduced chemical fertilizers, aiming for an easy-to-eat taste that is neither too thick nor too thin. Since 90% or more of the improved organic fertilizer is used, it seems that it will not grow unless fertilizer is given much more than usual, and it seems that it takes a lot of time and effort to produce. For that reason, his commitment has been recognized, and he has been registered as a “more secure agricultural product” of the JA Group. Celery sold one by one at supermarkets seems to weigh up to 2 kg per share when it comes to L size. Harvesting is done in Tateyama City until the end of March, and it seems that it is also sold at the direct sales office in the city. As an aside, celery is said to have been used as a fragrance in ancient times. Cultivation began as a medicinal plant in Italy from around the 16th century, and it seems that it became edible in France in the 17th century. It is said that Kiyomasa Kato brought back Chinese species to Japan when he was sent to Korea at the end of the 16th century, and Western species entered Nagasaki by a Dutch ship after the Edo period. An improved European species was introduced by Pioneer at the beginning of the Meiji era, and cultivation for foreign ships began in Japan in the middle of the Meiji era, and it became popular after World War II. 国指定有形文化財(彫刻): 銅造千手観音立像1躯, 館山市那古, 那古寺, 昭和59年6月6日, 国指定有形文化財(工芸品): 梵鐘(弘安九年在銘)1口, 館山市出野尾, 小網寺, 昭和36年6月30日, 国指定有形民俗文化財 : 房総半島の漁撈用具2,144点, 館山市館山(館山市立博物館分館)昭和62年3月3日, 国指定無形民俗文化財 : 茂名の里芋祭, 館山市茂名茂名区, 平成17年2月21日, 国指定記念物(史跡): 里見氏城跡稲村城跡, 岡本城跡, 館山市稲, 南房総市富浦町, 豊岡館山市・南房総市他, 平成24年1月24日, 県指定有形文化財(建造物): 那古寺多宝塔1基, 館山市那古, 那古寺, 昭和40年4月27日, 県指定有形文化財(建造物): 大巌院四面石塔1基, 館山市大網, 大巌院, 昭和44年4月18日, 県指定有形文化財(建造物): 手力雄神社本殿1棟, 館山市大井, 手力雄神社, 昭和55年2月22日, 県指定有形文化財(建造物): 石井家住宅1棟, 館山市畑個人, 平成2年3月16日, 県指定有形文化財(建造物): 那古寺観音堂1棟, 館山市那古, 那古寺, 平成6年2月22日, 県指定有形文化財(建造物): 千葉県立安房南高等学校旧第一校舎1棟, 館山市北条, 千葉県, 平成7年3月14日, 県指定有形文化財(絵画): 絹本著色僧形八幡神像1幅, 館山市那古, 那古寺, 平成6年2月22日, 県指定有形文化財(彫刻): 木造阿弥陀如来坐像1躯, 館山市那古, 那古寺, 昭和59年2月24日, 県指定有形文化財(彫刻): 木造如来形坐像1躯, 館山市館山, 館山市立博物館, 千祥寺, 昭和61年2月28日, 県指定有形文化財(工芸品): 小網寺鋳銅密教法具16口4本, 館山市館山,館山市立博物館, 小網寺, 昭和41年5月20日, 県指定有形文化財(工芸品): 繍字法華経普門品1巻, 館山市那古, 那古寺, 昭和44年1月10日, 県指定有形文化財(典籍): 観世音経・孔雀王咒経2巻, 館山市那古, 那古寺, 平成21年3月17日, 県指定無形文化財 : 館山唐棧織, 館山市長須賀, 齋藤裕司氏, 平成21年3月17日, 県指定有形民俗文化財 : 神余の弘法井戸1基, 館山市神余巴川神余区, 昭和30年12月15日, 県指定有形民俗文化財 : 房総半島の万祝及び製作関連資料1,403点, 館山市館山(館山市立博物館分館)館山市, 平成12年2月25日, 県指定無形民俗文化財 : 洲崎のミノコオドリ, 館山市洲崎(洲崎神社)洲崎区, 昭和36年6月9日, 県指定無形民俗文化財 : 安房やわたんまち, 館山市八幡(鶴ヶ谷八幡宮)・大神宮(安房神社)・洲宮(洲宮神社)・大井(手力雄神社)・東長田(山宮神社)・山荻(山荻神社)・山本(木幡神社)・高井(高皇産霊神社)・湊(子安神社)・北条(神明神社)・新宿(神明神社) 南房総市白浜町滝口(下立松原神社)・沓見(莫越山神社), 安房やわたんまち安房国司祭継承保存会, 平成16年3月30日, 県指定記念物(史跡)安房神社洞窟遺跡 : 館山市, 大神宮 etc. Tateyama City, Chiba Prefecture, was established on April 12, 2022 by the Japan Unified Communications Service provider Association (Toranomon, Minato Ward, Tokyo, established in May 2019. Contributing to the promotion of public welfare and the improvement of people’s lives through the creation and development of a new generation of communication services that leverage the strengths of the straddling communication infrastructure), Matsuzaki Town, Kamo District, Shizuoka Prefecture, Nishiizu Town and regional ICT (information and communication technology) It seems that they have signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement on promotion. It seems that they will cooperate in solving regional issues using ICT. JUSA is an organization of unified telecommunications carriers that connect people and society, including the web conferencing services “Teams” (Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd.) and “Zoom” (ZVCJAPAN Co., Ltd.). It seems that they are doing their utmost to promote PBX and telework, improve the reliability of telephone services, and eradicate special fraud. Under this agreement, Tateyama City and JUSA will provide opportunities to experience the ICT system such as smartphone app courses for the elderly, programming classes for elementary and junior high school students, and drone experience, as well as the fun and possibilities of the ICT industry.


JA Awa’s largest product is edible rape blossoms, and it also produces fruits such as loquats and strawberries. Flower production is thriving in the Kanbe branch jurisdiction of Tateyama city, and it seems that it accounts for more than half of the sales. The main shipping destinations are the Tokyo metropolitan area, including the Ota Floriculture Market. Celery of the Tateyama Organic Society has established a fertilizer application method that takes into consideration the taste that uses almost no chemical fertilizer, based on many years of cultivation experience such as applying coarse organic matter such as rice straw and rice husks. Soil analysis is conducted every year, the mixing ratio is examined based on the results, and organic compound fertilizer unique to the Organic Society is applied. With many years of cultivation experience, such as applying coarse organic matter such as rice straw and rice husks, it seems that a fertilizer application method that takes into consideration the taste that uses almost no chemical fertilizer has been established.


It was September 8, 2019 that a huge typhoon struck a hellish tragedy in a mild climate of the jurisdiction. Typhoon No. 15 (2019 Boso Peninsula Typhoon), which recorded the highest instantaneous wind speed of 57.5 m / s in the history of observation, is hitting the metropolitan area directly. Greenhouses play a role in avoiding damage to crops due to poor weather, diseases, pests and rain. Crops can be harvested even when it is not in season, and there are many merits for farmers to cultivate and harvest in a stable manner. However, historic natural disasters have gone beyond that common sense. The damage was tremendous and many green houses were destroyed. It seems that various facilities such as heating were also seriously damaged. The damage was particularly large at the place where it hit the path of the gust, and the degree of damage varied depending on the producer, but there was a fact that about half of the green houses were damaged in the entire production subcommittee. Typhoon No. 19 (2019 East Japan Typhoon) occurred from October 12th to 13th to make it even more difficult. Greenhouse was spared from collapse by peeling off the vinyl, but this time it was hit by salt damage. Since the field is close to the sea, it seems that sea salt has fallen due to the stormy wind.


In vacuum precooling, the vacuum cooling device requires a short time for cooling, and cycle operation is possible in a short time. It seems that the quality is maintained even in the rain because it evaporates excess water when it cools. Since it cools evenly even in a boxed state, no special equipment is required other than the cold insulation equipment after vacuum precooling. By introducing the equipment, it will be possible to handle long-distance shipping, and the trade area will be expanded. All work is automated and no special operation is required. A method of carrying in from the entrance and carrying out from the exit on the opposite side. Since loading and unloading can be done almost at the same time, the efficiency of loading and unloading work is high. Adding a stock conveyor to the carry-in / carry-out section tends to improve efficiency. The proper cooling method must be adopted according to the shape and characteristics of the vegetables. Cold air cooling is highly versatile and can be applied to all items. Vacuum cooling seems to be used not only in leafy vegetables, but also in root vegetables. It seems that root vegetables are also considering the effect of removing the washing water adhering to the surface. In the Evaporation Latent Heat, it is necessary to apply heat or the like from the outside in order to make a phase transition from a liquid to a gas or from a solid to a liquid. During the phase change, the temperature of the substance is constant and does not change. For example, water containing ice and stirring keeps a constant temperature at about 0 ° C, and water boiling in atmospheric pressure keeps about 100 ° C. During the phase transition, the applied thermal energy transforms into a structural change in the material, so there is no apparent thermal change. It refers to the heat required when a liquid substance changes to a gaseous state.
