The Oirase Gorge Utilization Optimization Council, which is composed of the national government, Aomori Prefecture, Towada City, etc., held the first meeting in 2022 at Towada City Hall on June 27, and the Oirase Gorge in the autumn leaves season in late October. The policy is to implement the “private car traffic regulation” to be implemented on the surrounding national highway No. 102 for the first time in three years. After confirming the infection status of the new coronavirus and the safety of the detour, it seems that it will be officially decided at the second meeting in late September. The regulation period is four days from October 27th to 30th. I heard that the restricted sections are the Oirase Gorge section (Sobe intersection-Konoguchi intersection, about 10 km) and the seven songs section (Konoguchi intersection-Aobunayama intersection, about 6 km). It is said that the regulation time is from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm on weekdays (June 27 and 28) and from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on Saturdays and Sundays (June 29 and 30). It seems that cars and motorcycles, including rental cars, will be restricted in the mountain stream section, and large vehicles and specified medium-sized vehicles will be restricted in the seven-track section. The 2020 and 21 car traffic regulations have been suspended due to the spread of the new corona infection. Parking lots are set up in both the Yakiyama and Kyoya districts, and a shuttle bus (1 day free pass 1,000 yen) that connects the two districts and runs along the mountain stream is operated. This year, during the four-day regulation period, a social experiment will be conducted for the first time in which an electric bus for sightseeing runs along a mountain stream at a low speed. Looking at the agricultural form, there are many livestock farmers mainly in dairy in the northern area, and in the southern area, various management forms suitable for environmental conditions such as climate and soil are formed, such as upland farming, vegetables, livestock, etc. centering on rice cultivation. The JA area consists of two cities, Towada City, Aomori Prefecture, Mutsu City, Oirase Town, part of Shichinohe Town, part of Tohoku Town, Oma Town, Yokohama Town, Sai Village, Kazamaura Village, and Higashiodori Village, which are located in the eastern part of Aomori Prefecture. It consists of 5 towns and 3 villages with a total area of 2,557.8 km2. In the jurisdiction, the Shimokita Peninsula, which is famous for Osorezan and Oma tuna, is scattered in the north, which has a mysterious lake, Lake Towada, with mountains of 1,000 m to 1,500 m above sea level, mainly Hakkoda Mountains, in the west. The eastern Pacific Ocean is lined with gentle land formed of fertile volcanic ash soil, and is famous as one of the prefecture’s leading upland fields. “Towada City”, A beautiful town where rich nature and art are fused, such as Lake Towada, Oirase Gorge, and Hakkoda, which are woven by the four seasons and emotions, and the government office street, which is centered around the Towada Art Center. By making the most of the diverse local resources that we have carefully inherited from our predecessors and the wisdom of the citizens living in this town, and working together, more people will “want to live” and “continue to live.” We will promote community development that is strongly supported by want and want to visit, and create an ideal hometown full of hope for the future that can be passed on to children who will lead the next generation with strong pride and confidence. I will continue. It is located in the center of the southern part of the prefecture and has an area of 688.60 km2 due to the merger. The population is gradually increasing from the latter half of the Showa era to the Heisei era, and it seems that the local environment is comfortable to live in. However, it decreased temporarily in 1990 and 1999. However, it seems that there is an increasing trend now. It is formed from areas with abundant natural environments such as Mt. Hakkoda and Lake Towada, and areas with rural and urban functions, which are deeply rooted in the areas I introduced earlier.There are Hachinohe City and Misawa City within a 20 km radius of the city, and Hachinohe City in particular is a major rival city for expanding the commercial area of Towada City. I also heard that in recent years, the suburbs of Shimoda Town have had a great influence on maintaining Towada’s trade area since inviting a large shopping center. From here, I heard from my relatives, but there are concerns about local residents and local business and industry associations. As in many local cities in recent years, it seems that the central city area is becoming donuts and sprawl against the backdrop of population outflow to suburbs, declining birthrate and aging population due to the progress of motorization and lifestyle changes. Moreover, in recent years, due to the diversification of consumer needs and the widening of the range of purchasing trends due to the development of the automobile society, the outflow of customers to large stores in the suburbs of the city and large shopping centers in the Shimoda Town and Hachinohe city areas Both the trade area population and the absorption rate population have shown a significant decrease or decline. As a result, the number of retail and commercial stores in the central block has decreased, the number of vacant stores and vacant lots has increased, the retail commercial activities and attractiveness of the central city as the face of the city have declined significantly, and the decline of the central city has been accelerating. Local residents and the government are worried about such changes in the situation, and based on the Central City Invigoration Law, formulated the “Towada City Central City Invigoration Basic Plan” in August 2020. In this basic plan, based on the results of the workshops of citizens and merchants, the direction of future town development and specific items to be examined are summarized. For more information, please contact the website, government office, or parliamentary secretariat for an easy-to-understand explanation. The city was pioneered in 1859 by Tsuto NITOBE(Famous as the grandfather of Inazo NITOBE, the portrait of the previous 5000-yen bill. At the start of the business, old man was already 62 years old, and it was a challenge after the average life expectancy at that time was far beyond his 50s. At that time, farmers suffered from repeated bad harvests and famines, and migrant workers and escapes continued. Therefore, in order to stabilize rice production and save the lives of farmers, old man planned to draw water from the Oirase River and develop a 2,500 ha paddy field on the barren Sanbongihara Plateau. In addition to the investment from the clan, many investors were solicited for the funds, and the private property of the den was also used. After the introduction of advanced civil engineering technology and the labor of many farmers, after difficult construction such as tunnel construction through hard rock, it took about four years to successfully draw water into the barren wilderness. The completion of this waterway brought rice harvests to the area for the first time in the fall of 1860, and when the lord of the Morioka domain, Toshihisa, visited the waterway, the waterway was named Inaoi River. After that, the reclamation project was handed down to the local people, the waterway reached the Pacific coast, and the total length including the tributaries was 70 km. Today, it moisturizes about 5,900 ha of paddy fields and is popular with local citizens as a waterside for relaxation. In the city, there is the Nitobe Memorial Museum(BUSHIDO-東三番町), a museum facility whose predecessor is the Nitobe Bunko, a privately-owned company founded by Inazo NITOBE, who is famous as an international representative of Japan.)and others. Located in the central part of the green Sanbongihara plateau(It used to be a wilderness called “Sanbongi” because there are only three trees.)at the foot of magnificent mountain Hakkoda in the southeastern part of the prefecture, it is known as the eastern entrance of the national park “Lake Towada”. In addition, the southern region has produced many famous horses since the Heian and Kamakura periods, and the city has been busy with horse auctions since the horse market was held in 1863 during the feudal era. Later, the War Horse Replenishment Department was also established, and it was widely known as a horse-producing area. 国指定文化財 : 重要文化財(建造物), 旧笠石家住宅, 昭和48年2月23日, 大字奥瀬字栃久保, 特別名勝及び天然記念物 : 十和田湖および奥入瀬渓流, 昭和27年3月29日, 十和田市, 秋田県小坂町, 天然記念物 : 法量のイチョウ, 大正15年10月20日, 大字法量字, 銀杏木, 国登録有形文化財 : 建造物, カトリック十和田教会, 平成27年8月4日, 稲生町, 県指定文化財 : 無形民俗文化財, 南部切田神楽(南部切田神楽会), 昭和31年5月14日, 大字切田, 国の記録作成等の措置を講ずべき無形の民俗文化財, 平成16年2月6日(選択), 無形民俗文化財南部駒踊(洞内南部駒踊保存会), 昭和34年10月6日, 大字洞内, 国の記録作成等の措置を講ずべき無形の民俗文化財, 昭和49年12月4日(選択), 史跡 : 一里塚(一対二基), 昭和36年10月6日, 大字伝法寺字平窪, 史跡 : 一里塚(一対二基), 昭和36年10月6日, 大字大沢田字池ノ平, 天然記念物 : モミの木, 昭和47年12月6日, 大字沢田字水尻山, 市指定文化財 : 有形文化財, 彫刻, 法心和尚像, 昭和40年3月30日, 大字洞内字前田, 彫刻 : 道無和尚像, 昭和40年3月30日, 大字洞内字前田, 彫刻 : 伽羅聖観世音菩薩像, 昭和40年3月30日, 大字洞内字前田, 史跡 : 法心塚, 昭和40年3月30日, 大字洞内字沼田野古文書新山神社の記録及び修験道の古記録類, 昭和43年4月3日, 大字赤沼字下平, 史跡 : 一里塚, 昭和55年1月31日, 大字相坂字白上, 古文書 : 新渡戸記念館収蔵品及び新渡戸家文書, 昭和56年4月24日, 東三番町, 史跡 : 板石塔婆, 平成2年8月23日, 大字大不動字, 柏木古文書六十六部日本廻国巡礼納経札, 平成2年8月23日, 大字伝法寺字平窪, 史跡 : 山神の石碑, 平成2年8月23日, 大字三本木字倉出, 史跡 : 金毘羅山の石碑, 平成2年8月23日, 大字三本木字倉出絵図寛文三本木村絵図, 平成10年6月19日, 元町西一丁目, 歴史資料 : 三本木原実測図, 平成11年8月23日, 東二十一番町, 史跡 : 日本廻国納経供養塔, 平成26年11月28日, 大字深持, 古文書 : 廻国奉納経帳, 平成26年11月28日, 大字奥瀬, 無形文化財 : 民俗芸能, 南部駒踊(南部駒踊米田保存会), 昭和40年10月8日, 大字米田, 民俗芸能 : 南部駒踊(南部駒踊滝沢保存会), 昭和40年10月8日, 大字滝沢, 民俗芸能 : 南部駒踊(南部駒踊立崎保存会), 昭和40年10月8日, 大字立崎, 民俗芸能 : 藤島獅子舞(藤島獅子舞保存会), 昭和46年12月13日, 大字藤島, 民俗芸能 : 南部駒踊(南部駒踊相坂若駒会), 昭和46年12月13日, 大字相坂, 民俗芸能 : 南部洞内神楽(洞内南部神楽保存会), 昭和55年1月31日, 大字洞内, 民俗芸能 : 沢田鶏舞(沢田鶏舞保存会), 平成5年7月5日, 大字沢田, 民俗芸能 : 三日市神楽(三日市神楽保存会), 平成5年7月5日, 大字沢田, 民俗芸能 : 六日町鶏舞(六日町鶏舞保存会), 平成7年3月22日, 大字相坂, 民俗芸能 : 南部駒踊(南部駒踊上舘保存会), 平成7年3月22日, 大字切田, 民俗芸能 : 晴山獅子舞(晴山獅子舞保存会), 平成16年10月19日, 大字深持民俗芸能 : 南部深持神楽(南部深持神楽保存会), 平成16年10月19日, 大字深持, 民俗芸能 : 大不動鶏舞(大不動鶏舞保存会), 平成16年10月19日, 大字大不動, 民俗慣習 : 板ノ沢のカヤ人形作り, 平成26年11月28日, 大字深持, 天然記念物 : いちょう, 昭和55年1月31日, 大字大不動字八幡, 天然記念物 : 赤松, 昭和56年4月24日, 大字大不動字柏木. “Broad bean,” The origin is not well-established, but what appears to be a wild species has been found south of the Caspian Sea and in North Africa. Historically, there are records of cultivation in ancient Egypt and Greece, which means that humans have an old relationship of about 4000 to 5000 years. Therefore, it has become popular all over the world and has become an indispensable ingredient. It seems that there is a theory that it came from China via the Silk Road at the time of Emperor Shomu(The first prince of Emperor Monmu(天之真宗豊祖父天皇). 天璽国押開豊桜彦天皇, 勝宝感神聖武皇帝, 沙弥勝満; Fujiwara no Miyako is her mother; 髪長姫伝説 竹取物語)in the Nara period, but the truth is uncertain. As an actual record, it first appeared in Tashikihen in the Edo period under the name of broad beans. Razan HAYASHI(又三郎, 道春)edition. Ming Lin Zhaoke wrote the flora and fauna in “The Classic of Poetry” from the classification. In the already read eyes, more than 440 titles are listed, and in addition to Chinese classical studies, there are various Chinese books such as Hundred Schools of Morocco, history books, geography, military art, and Honzo. It can be seen that the academic ability was high. It is said to be the oldest agricultural product in the world, and is produced and loved in a wide area from North Africa to the Mediterranean coast and Asia. There are different ways to eat it, and in Japan it is the mainstream to boil it in salt and eat it as it is.
Limited to the middle of June every year, even if it is the beginning of July, it is a product only for now that ends in about 2 to 3 weeks. Komasakae broad bean (many pods, very dark green and tasty Nakate or Wase seeds. The color of the beans is very dark green, and the color of the boiled beans is also very dark green, Good. It is suitable for spring-sown cultivation in cool regions because it has low low temperature requirements. It has excellent lodging resistance because the plant height is low and the pod position is low. There are types. It is popular as a typical taste of early summer when you can enjoy a soft texture.
The place of origin is not clear, but it seems that wild species have been found in the south of the Caspian Sea and in North Africa. Historically, it has been cultivated in ancient Egypt and Greece, making it a 4000-year-old relationship with humans, and therefore seems to be eaten all over the world. There is a theory that the time of introduction to Japan came from China via the Silk Road during the time of Emperor Shomu in the Nara period, but the truth seems to be uncertain. As an actual record, it first appeared in the Edo period “Tashikihen” published by Razan HAYASHI under the name of broad beans. This work is an original interpretation of the Japanese body of knowledge by Confucianism, and there is “the logic of profane” there.