Cryptotaenia canadensis subsp. japonica
茨城県土浦市今泉(㈲ 菜花, JA水郷つくば, JAグループ茨城)
The leaf has a long handle and consists of three leaflets. Tone River A first-class river that is a tributary of the Koise River -Tennokawa.
Tsuchiura City is one of the leading production areas in Japan, thriving in flowering plants such as lotus root, gladiolus and alstroemeria. For those who are considering new farming in the city, the city cooperates with constituent organizations such as Suigo Tsukuba Agricultural Cooperative and Tsuchiura Regional Agricultural Extension Center to create plans for farming and support after the start of business seems to be doing As a system that can be used, the farming preparation funds and management start-up funds (agricultural next-generation human resource investment funds) are funds that support pre-farming training for those who aspire to become farmers who will lead the next generation (within two years ) and funds (within 3 years) to support the establishment of management immediately after starting farming. The agricultural employment business supports training conducted by agricultural corporations for new farmers. There are three types of agricultural employment projects, depending on the target audience and the purpose of the training. Employed farmer training / independence support type: Support for practical training conducted by corporations for new employees (subsidy 1.2 million, support period 2 years), new corporation establishment support type: new corporation establishment for new workers (subsidy 1.2 million, support period of 4 years (600,000 after the 3rd year)), next-generation manager training type: support for domestic and overseas dispatch training of employees etc. by corporations (subsidy 1.2 million, support period of 2 years). In addition, starting in fiscal 2020, it will be a requirement that employees are working to create a comfortable working environment, or are newly working on it. “Tsuchiura City, Ibaraki Prefecture”, Villages have been born and daily lives have been carried out on the rich land brought about by water and greenery. From ancient times, it seems that it has been a rich land blessed with seafood and mountain food. Ruins have been discovered that indicate that people have already lived since the Paleolithic era over 14,000 years ago. More than 50 plateaus such as Mt. Mari, Hitana, Kidamari, Tamura, Okijuku district. In the Jyomon era, Kasumigaura turned into a cove connected to the sea. The invention of earthenware will allow people to cook and store food. Kamitakatsu Kaizuka site(Designated as a national historic site in 1977): Ruins of the late Jomon period 4,000 to 3,000 years ago. The remains of a village where people lived by collecting abundant fish and shellfish, salt, and surrounding animals and plants. Opened on October 17, 1995 as a registered museum “Kamitakatsu-kaizuka Hometown History Square”. It consists of Kamikotsu Kaizuka (4.4 ha), a nationally designated historic site, and the adjacent Archaeological Museum (0.5 ha). In the Yayoi period, rice cultivation using Yatsu began in Tsuchiura. Villages have been found in Kidamari, Shishitsuka, Nagakuni, etc. The large-scale settlement traces found in the Harada archaeological site of Murasakigaoka are one of the largest in the prefecture in the latter half of the Yayoi period. During the Kofun period, the number of archaeological sites found on the plateau increased, and it is believed that the population of the area increased further. Large-scale settlement traces have also been found in Kidaamaridai and Hitanadai. Kisakizuka tumulus, Ozuka tumulus, Mushazuka tumulus, etc. They are jars with baskets on the plateau overlooking Kasumigaura and Sakuragawa. Around this time, Tsuchiura also had a powerful family with the power to join hands with the Yamato administration(From the viewpoint of the formation of the ancient state of Japan, the Miwa Regime can be thought to be the first Yamato Administration.). In the Nara and Heian era, a legal system called Ritsuryo(Centralized government) was established following the Tang Dynasty in China. The whole country is divided into administrative units such as roads, countries, counties, and villages (later townships). Farmers were provided with paddy fields in a fixed area, but instead imposed tax and military service obligations. Hitachi at that time consisted of 11 districts, and the city areas were Ibaraki, Tsukuba, Kawachi, and Shida. The ancient villages that were run by the Tamura and Okijuku site group and the Mt. Karasu ruins are the remains of a powerful settlement during this period. Also, the time when a new culture represented by Buddhism began to spread to rural areas. When the system of decree that started(laws and ordinance system)in the Nara period loosened and the authority of the government was lost, the land was dominated by powerful ones. Armed to protect their land and property, samurai emerged. During the medieval period of Kamakura, the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Muromachi, and the Warring States period, samurai came to power. The samurai, who were only vassals of the aristocrats, gradually overwhelmed the aristocrats who were their masters. Mr. Oda was one of the samurai who was active throughout the Middle Ages in the southern part of Hitachi Province. During the Kamakura period, he extended his power on behalf of Mr. Daijyo. During the Northern and Southern Dynasties(Nanboku-chō period, Northern and Southern dynasties, Southern and Northern Dynasties (Vietnam)), it became the core of the Southern Court of Hitachi Province. In the Warring States period, he gradually lost his territory in the conflict with Mr. Satake in the north. During the Tensho era, he went down to the army gate and lost his territory. The Middle Ages was also a period of war, and people believed in Buddhism because of social unrest, and Buddhism dominated the culture. Even in tsuchiura, Buddhism prospered under the protection of mr. Oda and Mr. Suganoya, a subordinate person.Remnants still remain in Daishoji-Temple and Hannyaji-Temple. It was in the Middle Ages that place names first appeared in historical materials. Tsuchiura and its surrounding area at that time: It was included in the villa of Toji(東寺百合文書)によって, 3か条が知られる. Although the accurate provisions are unknown, three Articles are known from the ancient documents handed down in Toji Temple (“Toji Hyakugo Monjo” [100 case documents of the To-ji Temple]). Its collection of ancient documents includes the ‘Toji Hyakugo Monjo Document,’ a National Treasure, which had been handed down at Toji Temple (also known as Kyogokoku-ji Temple) that is associated with Kukai, a well-known Buddhist priest, in Minami Ward of Kyoto City, and ‘Ancient documents and books of Kanchiin Temple’ that had been handed down at Kanchiin Temple, a sub temple of Toji Temple, and ‘Kawashimake Bunsho’ (the Kawashima family documents), which are both designated as Important Cultural Properties-Ketsugetsujou: Kyoto) called Shintaso. Land and water transportation base where people and things come and go: For about 260 years after Ieyasu Tokugawa opened the shogunate in Edo in 1603, there was no battle with foreign countries or civil war. It is said that Mr. Tsuchiya ruled the Tsuchiura region for the longest time as a feudal lord. The second generation Masanao-Ko has served four generals since Tsunayoshi Tokugawa, and has been in office for more than 30 years. It owns 95,000-koku of rice, including excursions in the Kansai and Tohoku regions. It was also during this period that the lord of the Shogunate developed a transportation network. In 1604, the Mito Kaido connecting Edo and Mito(The roads which ran from Edo to Sendai along the Pacific coast were called ‘Rikuzenhama Road,’ and among them the one which ran to Mito City, where one of three privileged branches of Tokugawa family was located, was occasionally called ‘Mito-kaido Road.’)was passed through the town of Tsuchiura. A waterway that enters the Tone River via Kasumigaura and Kitaura and leads to Edo Bay is also formed. A ship loaded with annual tribute rice, soy sauce, oil, wood, etc. sails 53 ri (About 212 km) for about two nights and three days. Commerce has developed, and there are headquarters, travel baskets, wholesalers, and many merchants lined up in the town. Along with Noda and Choshi, it was famous as a soy sauce producing area. Against the background of economic affluence, the common people become the bearers of culture.Education through terakoya(A temple school)has become widespread, creating a climate where not only public houses and samurai but also ordinary people can enjoy culture. Mr. Minaka Irokawa or Mr.Bokusen Numajiri: Many excellent scholars and writers are active. Clan school, Ikubun building, 1799. Understructure was built and developed in the Edo period.Supported by the development of industry, it is famous as the second largest city in Hitachi after Mito. The years that have continued to develop as a commercial city are proof of people who lived in the times with dreams. From the Meiji era to the Showa era, Japan was forced to change and progress in the midst of the great trends of the world. With the Meiji Restoration, the political system has changed significantly. 1871: Haihan-chiken (the feudal domain system was abolished and the prefectural system was introduced.). Became Tsuchiura Prefecture, and became part of Niihari Prefecture due to the consolidation of prefectures. April 1, 1889: The act of the City, town, and village was carried out. The towns and villages that will shape the current Tsuchiura City are born. In 1896, the railroad opened from Tsuchiura to Tabata(Tokyo). The education system has also changed, and the school system was promulgated in 1872. The current Tsuchiura school was opened in 1873 in the town. Entering the Showa era, Japan eventually went to war.Yokaren(in the old Japanese navy, an apprentice pilots)etc. opened. Tsuchiura Town and Manabe Town merged in 1940, the year before the Pacific War began. It has always played a role as a central city in the southern part of Ibaraki prefecture.“Make rapid progress”. Adjacent to Tsukuba Scientific City. Making lotus roots that only you can make in Japan’s number one production area: “Ikeshima(池島)lotus root”. It rains a lot all year round, and there is no big difference in annual precipitation even during the driest season. It is relatively warm and is blessed with abundant nature such as Kasumigaura and the greenery that connects to Mt. Tsukuba. It combines topography, meteorological conditions, the development of transportation networks, and the favorable location conditions of being close to the metropolitan area’s large consumption areas. Lotus root (Ibaraki Prefecture brand production area designation): No. 1 in national production (about 500 ha acreage); Around kasumigaura, which is blessed with abundant water and low humidity, it has been cultivated for more than 50 years as Japan’s number one Lotus root producing area. In recent years, large-scale greenhouses have become widespread and varieties have been improved, and a system for cultivating high-quality lotus roots is in place throughout the year. For harvesting, we use “water digging” to remove the surrounding soil with water pressure so as not to damage the lotus root and make the lotus root stand out. It is said that the natural conditions of fertile soil and high water temperature grow delicious agricultural products. When you cut it into round slices, the round cavities are lined up and you can see the other side well, so you eat with the auspices that “the future is good”. If I had to choose, I receive lotus roots from the same area every year. In addition to kidney beans (‘ingenmame’ in Japanese), which became named after Yinyuan, moso bamboo, watermelon and lotus root are also said to have been brought to Japan by Yinyuan(Shinku Daishi Ingen (1592 – 1673) : Founder of Japanese Obaku Sect and was from China). ‘Imaizumi’, 土浦市遺跡調査会 1997 『土浦市今泉霊園拡張工事事業地内埋蔵文化財調査報告書 :根鹿北遺跡 / 栗山窯跡発掘調査報告書』土浦市教育委員会, Nejika-kita Remains -集落, 弥生時代,竪穴住居,土師器(後期後半), 台地上に28軒の竪穴住居跡が確認. 古墳時代, 竪穴住居, 古墳3, 土師器, 鉄製品, 住居内からは炭化物: 焼土が出土. 平安時代, 竪穴住居, 掘立柱建物, 粘土採掘坑, 土坑, 土師器, 須恵器, 瓦塔, 瓦堂, 墨書土器, 鉄鉢形土器, 鉄製品, 土製竈, 終末期の方墳2基: 主体部のみ1基. 台地上に, 平安時代の竪穴住居跡は, 11軒確認. 尾根上に, 4棟からなる掘立柱建物跡群が存在し, 北側の溝から瓦塔: 瓦堂が出土. 近辺の埋没谷から燈明専用の土師器小皿や, 「佛」と墨書された鉄鉢形土器が出土. Kuriyama kiln site-窯, 奈良時代, 灰原, 須恵器(蓋杯, 高台杯, 高杯, 円面硯など), 須恵器窯跡が台地斜面に1基確認. 7世紀末の遺物が出土. 蓋は, 返りが明瞭に存する. 古文書 / 小田孝朝下文-土浦最古, 南北朝時代の1374年(応安7年)に書かれたもので, 小田家第八代城主(小田,男体)孝朝公の黒印状. “左兵衛尉孝頼”は, 右筆. この頃, 帰依を受けた「今泉寺(Konsenji Temple)」は, 永国より, 田中荘平塚(現: つくば市西平塚)に移転し, 羽黒山今泉院大聖寺と号した. 当時, 十六世祐尊が代. 一条天皇(第66代-懐仁)の御代, 995年(長徳元年)に, 醍醐寺, 小野曼陀羅寺(随心院;真言宗善通寺派大本山): 小野成尊僧都(仁海僧正の付弟)により「今泉寺」として, 現在地より東約500 m先の永国の中央, 亀井墓地近辺に開山されたのが,縁起だと伝わる. “Japanese parsley Tennokawa(River)”, GAP, Ibaraki Prefectural Version: 2019-Japan Good Agricultural Practice, 食品安全, 環境保全, 労働安全などの確保の為に, 必要な生産工程管理の取り組み(農業全般): Sustainable agricultural management for the future as well for environmental protection sustainable. We should ensure that natural resources are managed properly in order to make agricultural development-Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry-Support was provided for initiatives to secure the trust of consumers and stimulate domestic markets by such means as improving the quality control of food products through the introduction of HACCP practices and adoption of ordinary hygiene control in the food industry, rigorous compliance, and voluntary labeling of places of origin of ingredients in accordance with guidelines. HACCP: 危害分析重要管理点: b. Support will be provided to small and medium food manufacturers, etc., by organizing human resource development workshops and providing technical information in order to further promote the improvement of control of food manufacturing processes (through hazard analysis and critical control point (HAACP) procedures). (continuation) 第1次産業 ✕ 第2次産業 ✕ 第3次産業 = 6次産業(Promotion of primary producer’s diversification into processing and distribution (sixth sector industrialization)). An agricultural production corporation supporting recovery with the strengths of becoming a sixth sector company. We will create a virtuous cycle of fostering new seeds of growth (including the construction of compact cities and Eco-Towns; energy conservation and new energy businesses; the development of decentralized energy systems; social security services suited to regional needs; and turning agricultural, forestry, and fishery industries into value-added sextic industries, etc.) and expanding capital demand (promoting private investment through funds and encouraging the use of private finance initiatives and public-private partnerships, etc.). – Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Hydroponic “Mitsuba; cow parsley” producers have been issued a confirmation certificate. 12th in the prefecture, This is the second case after the “GAP” promotion group of the Kasumigaura branch of the lotus root producer. Hydroponic “Mitsuba” members : Cultivated in Imaizumi, Tsuchiura City for about 40 years. Approximately 2 ha produces 400 tons per year and approximately 400,000 cases. It is shipped all over the country under the name mentioned earlier. Germinate from seeds, grow, sort, pack and ship. High quality and no variation due to centralized management of hydroponics. Saika Liability Company.
In October 2019, JA Suigo Tsukuba’s hydroponics mitsuba producers confirmed the prefectural GAP (gap, agricultural production process control), which was institutionalized to use prefectural ingredients for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics. On the 16th, we received the confirmation certificate. It was the 12th case in the prefecture and the second case in the same JA after the GAP Promotion Group of the Kasumigaura Branch of the Lotus Root Section of Lotus Root Producers. The Ibaraki Prefecture version of GAP was issued by the JA Suigo Tsukuba Facility Horticulture Hydroponic Mitsuba Committee. All three representatives of the three corporations that make up the organization visited the Prefectural Tsuchiura Joint Government Office in Manabe, Tsuchiura City, and received a certificate from the then director of the Southern Prefectural Agriculture and Forestry Office. Members of the same group have been cultivating hydroponic mitsuba for about 40 years in Imaizumi, Tsuchiura City. Currently, it produces 400 tons of mitsuba per year on an area of about 2 hectares, or about 400,000 cases, and ships it nationwide under the brand name of “Amanogawa cow parsley.” We are proud of our ability to produce high-quality, consistent agricultural products through hydroponics, where seeds are germinated, grown, sorted, packed, and shipped.
Japanese honeywort is native to Southeast Asia and the temperate zone of North America, and in the Japanese archipelago, it grows naturally in Okinawa from the southern Kuril Islands. I have also heard that it grows naturally in China, Korea and Taiwan. The record of cultivation in Japan dates back to the Edo period. Beginning with , the five grains, mountain vegetables, three grasses and four trees, the sowing period, cultivation methods, etc.)” describes cultivation methods and simple ways to eat. Full-scale cultivation began in the Kyoho era (1716-1735) in what is now Mizumoto-cho, Katsushika Ward, Tokyo. The mitsuba cultivation that started in Shimo-Chiba town became the origin of ito mitsuba (blue mitsuba), and later the production areas moved to Chiba, Kanagawa, and Saitama prefectures, and it seems that it spread to Kansai after 1897. Hydroponic cultivation, which is a cultivation method that uses a solution of fertilizer dissolved in water (a culture solution) to grow crops in a large-scale greenhouse, without using soil, was established in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture in the mid-1965s. It seems that what was done was the first step.
Eating habits are supported by many people, such as the life of food and the people who make the ingredients and dishes. The “Nogyo Zensho” was published by Ekiken Kaibara and his older brother, and although he got a lot of his knowledge from Ming’s Agricultural Administration Zensho, it seems to have been written to suit Japanese circumstances. Plants are illustrated, and almost all the plants that were cultivated at that time, such as five grains, greens, and sweet trees, are covered. However, since he traveled around western Japan, including the Chikuzen domain, and wrote based on that, the proper growing season seems to be suitable for western Japan. In addition, as a part of agricultural policy, the foresight that concretely discusses the idea of national interest, such as encouraging farmers to cultivate medicinal seeds, is also highly evaluated. It has been evaluated as the most systematic book on agriculture, and its impact on Japanese agriculture is immeasurable.