銚子塚古墳附属丸山塚古墳:笛吹川左岸曽根丘陵の北麓に位置:山梨県埋蔵文化財センター平成20年「調査報告書253」 山梨県教育委員会」東部最大級の前方後円墳


Prunus persica (L.) Batsch
It’s juicy like dripping, and you can enjoy the mellow scent of Peach.
One of the largest anterior-posterior burial mounds in eastern Japan, the latter half of the 4th century. Both were designated as national historic sites in 1930. 銚子塚-古墳時代, 墳丘 墳端テラス 周濠区画溝, 立柱埋設土坑 : 埴輪(円筒 / 朝顔形 / 壺形)土器(S字状口縁台付甕他), 木製品(立柱 / 蕨手形木製品 / 笠形木製品火鑽板など), 自然遺物(樹木 / 種子 / 昆虫化石), 全長169mの前方後円墳の周濠範囲を確認. 丸山塚古墳-5世紀初め, 円墳 1907年に, 墳頂に石室 鏡 / 武器 / 装身具など, 竪穴式石室, 朱彩円文, 二段築成 : 埴輪 墳丘-直径72m, 高さ11m, 墳頂径9m, 竪穴式石室の長さ5.55m, 幅1.05m, 高さ0.85m ; 副葬品(東京大学に収蔵) 四神四獣鏡 / 鉄斧 / 鉄剣 / 石釧(腕輪)鉇(やりがんな). Kai-no-kuni (Yamanashi Prefecture) I love Yamanashi prefecture.「盆地に適応した山梨の複合的果樹システム : 山梨県峡東地域(笛吹市, 山梨市, 甲州市」2017年(平成29年3月), 日本農業遺産認定(Food and Agriculture Organization: FAO(1945年(昭和20年)に設立. 食料と農林水産分野の国連専門機関で, 事務局本部は, イタリア, ローマ. 加盟は, 194国.(日本は, 1951年(昭和26年)に加盟), 2準加盟国及び欧州連合(EU). 世界経済の発展及び人類の飢餓からの解放を目的とし, 農林水産分野の国際的ルールの策定や, 世界の食料と農林水産物に関する情報収集, 伝達, 分析, 統計資料の作成, 国際的な協議の場の提供や開発途上国に対する技術助言, 技術協力等を実施.): Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries(Japan)): 日本において, 重要かつ伝統的な農林水産業を営む地域を, 農林水産大臣が認定する制度. 峽東地域 ; With more than 300 varieties, it serves as a storehouse for Japanese fruit varieties. 世界農業遺産認定に向けて(2019年(令和元年10月8日)) : Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems; FAO, 2002: Biodiversity(果樹園に自生する植物を利用した草生栽培は, 土壌の流亡防止や有機物の補給だけでなく, 多様な生物の生息に, 大きく貢献) and Sustainable agriculture(There is an urgent need to advance research and development efforts to respond to the improvement of the food self-sufficiency rate): geographical indications: GIマーク(地理的表示)など.「やまなしの歴史」,「山梨県」の大地では, 現在に至る, 約3万年前から人々が生活していた事が, 研究の成果により解り伝わっている. 12世紀には, 甲斐源氏が興り, 16世紀の戦国時代には「武田信玄」が, 天下統一に覇道する. 19世紀に鎖国が解かれると, 明治元年に甲府から「甲府県」を経て「山梨県」となり, 急速に近代化が進み今日に至る. 「山梨県甲州市」は,平成17年11月1日に, 塩山市, 東山梨郡勝沼町, 大和村と合併し「甲斐国」の別称「甲州市(Concerning municipalities which changed characters for names and adopted old provincial names virtually, there are Mutsu City(青森県), Iwaki City(福島県), Sanuki City(香川県), Oushu City(岩手県), and Koshu City.)」になる.「甲州市」は, 甲府盆地の東側に位置し, 富士山, 南アルプス(The South Alps cover an area of over 300,000 hectares across Yamanashi, Nagano and Shizuoka Prefectures.), 八ヶ岳(谷戸城跡: 史跡名勝天然記念物; 北巨摩郡大泉村(現:北杜市): 指定年月日, 1993.11/29, Located in the southern foothill of Yatsugatake, Henmiso had Henmi-no-maki, a livestock grazing land for ancient officials, spreading in the area, and Kiyomitsu settled in present Seikoji Temple area (Nagasaka Town, Hokuto City) (alleged otherwise to be located at Wakamiko, Sudama Town, Hokuto City) and built Yato Castle (Oizumi Village, Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture) as tsume-no-shiro, a retreat and backup castle.)などの緑豊かな山々に, 囲まれている「フルーツ」の栽培適地である.「甲州市」は, 「武田信玄」の菩提寺として, 名高い「恵林寺(His family temple was the Erin-ji Temple in Koshu City, Yamanashi Prefecture.)」,子の「勝頼(四郎)」の菩提寺である「景徳院」, 風林火山(During the period of the Northern and Southern Courts, which was about 200 years earlier than the period of Shingen, the banner was used by Akiie KITABATAKE as a Jinki (the flag for a camp) containing the emblem, Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan. Akiie KITABATAKE used this emblem on his flag and fought against Takauji ASHIKAGA until Takauji at one time was driven to take his own life in an instant. “Shingen TAKEDA” was not the first to use the battle flag of Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan.)で, お馴染みの「孫子の旗; 兵法(The Art of War (military text by Sun Tzu, 512 BCE): Dou XIN said, “the Art of War by Tzu SUN tells us that an obstinate attitude leads a small army to being captured by a large army. If the small army fiercely fights against the large army without considering the deference of their fighting strength, it will end up being captured. It is not a perfect plan to force tired soldiers to fight against the enemy that is increasing in number. We should withdraw. “The art of warfare of Sonshi (Chinese books about tactics) in the ancient China is famous in Japan, too. Hatajirushi: A flag of Sonshi (also known as a flag of Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan which literally means “Wind, Forest, Fire, and Mountain,” which was the motto of the feudal lord Shingen TAKEDA, quoted from Sonshi (Chinese books about tactics), meaning “swift as the wind, quiet as a wood, fierce as fire, and immovable as a mountain.”), a flag of Suwa Myojin (The Suwa Deity) )」や, 日本最古の「日の丸御旗(flag with a red circle on a white background)」を所蔵する「雲峰寺(臨済宗妙心寺派 裂石山(関連; 影武者: 黒澤明監督, 大菩薩峠: 中里介山(弥之助))」, 武田家代々の家督の印とされる国宝「楯無鎧」を預かる「菅田天神社」(Tatenashi (no shield) (Kanda-tenjinja Shrine) – handed down from the Takeda clan.), 武田家と縁の深い社寺仏閣が数多く存在する. Katsunuma district,National /prefecture designated cultural property(甲州市勝沼地区)「国宝」大善寺本堂附厨子/大善寺「彫刻重要文化財」, 木造薬師如来及両脇侍像, 木造十二神将立像,「史跡」勝沼(武田信虎公, 弟君2代(信友氏,信友氏))氏館跡勝沼町勝沼字御所/甲州市「名勝県指定文化財」, 大善寺庭園/大善寺三光寺庭園/三光寺「記念物」, 萬福寺のムクノキ/萬福寺「建造物」旧宮崎醸造所/メルシャン大善寺山門/大善寺「彫刻」大善寺役行者椅像/大善寺大善寺日光月光菩薩立像「工芸品」大善寺鰐口「古文書」大善寺文書「工作物登録文化財」葡萄酒貯蔵庫,堰堤,祝橋. Temple of origin of Japanese grape cultivation – A “Bhaisajyaguru (buddha able to cure all ills)” holding a rare grape is enshrined. “Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries From Variety Registration.” Yume Shizuku Peach: Application number 14059 Date of application 2001/11/14. Date of publication of application 2002/03/25 Registration number 12299. It was cultivated by crossing “Chiyohime peach” with “Yawata Hakuho peach”. The fruit shape is oblate, the fruit size is large, the skin color is green-yellow, and the flesh color is white. It is a wase species that matures in mid-July in the land (Yamanashi City, Yamanashi Prefecture). The shape of the tree is medium, and the size and vigor of the tree are medium. The thickness and internode length of the shoots are medium, and the color of the shoots is green to reddish brown. The shape of the leaf is long, the wavy edge of the leaf is slightly large, the size of the leaf is large, the color is green, the gloss is slightly large, and the shape of the nectary is bulbar kidney. Flower shape is normal bloom, flower size is medium, number of petals is single petal, shape is slightly elliptical, wavy, medium size, color is pale peach, health of females and presence or absence of pollen, calyx The color of the inner wall of the tube is slightly salmon meat, the shape of the calyx is a bell, and the shape of the tip of the calyx is blunt. The appearance of the fruit is oblate, the shape of the apex is concave, the dent is shallow, the depth of the stalk is deep, the width is medium, the depth of the suture line at the equator is a little deep, the depth of the suture line at the fruit apex. The size of the fruit is medium, the size of the fruit is large, the ground color of the pericarp is green-yellow, the color of the pericarp is medium, the darkness is slightly dark, the shape is strip-blurred, and the presence or absence of hair on the fruit surface is present. The color of the flesh immediately after cutting is white, the coloring inside the flesh is small, the coloring around the nucleus is not, the flesh is dense, the flesh fiber is a little small, the peelability of the flesh is easy, the flesh is solute, and the juice Somewhat more, slightly more sweet, slightly sour and astringent, no bitterness, more aroma. The separation between the nucleus and the flesh is a viscous nucleus, the shape of the nucleus is a short ellipse, the size is large, the color is slightly light brown, and the rough surface of the nucleus is rough. The flowering period and germination period are medium, and the maturity period (days from full bloom to maturity) is 91 to 100 days, which is mid-July in the growing area. The difficulty of coloring the fruit is easy, the amount of physiological fruit drop is quite small, the number of nuclear cracks is slightly small, and the fruit cracking is slight. Compared to “Yawata Hakuho Peach” and “Kanoiwa Hakuto Peach”, it is said that distinction is recognized due to the absence of pollen and the deep suture line. Registration date 2004/11/08 25 years of breeder’s rights. Name and address of cultivar registrant Kofu City, Yamanashi Prefecture, Registered cultivar breeder, Mr. Tezuka, Mr. Sakurai, Mr. Amemiya, Mr. Iijima, Mr. Kubota, Mr. Inomata, Mr. Tomita, Mr. Kikushima, Mr. Takeshita, Mr. Sato, Mr. Endo , Mr. Yamauchi, Mr. Tsuruta. The maturity period is between “Hikawa Hakuho Peach” and “Hakuho Peach”. Large ball with excellent early maturing variety. It is necessary to secure fruit set by artificial pollination, and it is basically cultivated in a bag. Yamanashi original variety with very good taste. It is a rare variety with little output because it is difficult to cultivate. エコファーマー; Environmentally friendly farmer (as recognized by law)」とは, It is the “Act on Promotion of the Introduction of Highly Sustainable Agricultural Production Methods”, which was enacted in Law No. 110) “Sustainable Agriculture Act” on July 28, 1999, and came into effect on October 25, 1999. He is a farmer certified by the Governor of Yamanashi for the introduction plan of the agricultural production method that integrates soil preparation with compost and reduction of chemical fertilizers and synthetic pesticides. “Technology certification required to become an eco-farmer” “Technology related to soil preparation” (application of compost, cultivation of green fertilizer crops, etc.) “Chemical fertilizer reduction technology” (use of organic fertilizer, local fertilizer application, etc.) “Chemical pesticide reduction technology” (Use of biological pesticides, mechanical weeding, etc.) It is necessary to introduce (or more) one by one the technologies that fall under the following three categories. Kojiki (神代(かみよ,じんだい), 神武天皇: 初代から推古天皇: 第33代までの古事を記録する, 日本最古の典籍: 712年), Nihonshoki (天地開闢 (日本神話: にほんかいびゃく) から7世紀後半の持統天皇: 第41代までを記す, 日本初の勅撰史書: 720年) (Chronicles of Japan) A peach god that appears in Japanese mythology.「意富加牟豆美命: OHOKAMUZUMINOMIKOTO」Around the 10th (西暦901年~西暦1000年:『本朝和名』『和名類聚抄』: 唐桃) century, peach seeds were donated to the emperor from various countries. In the 17th(Education in the Edo period: 『備陽国誌』『東備郡村誌』『吉備前秘』『和気絹』『備前国備中国之内領内産物帳』: 岡山県) century, the number of fruit peaches (Prunus persica: 花桃) has increased and many varieties have been recorded. Momoyama Hills (桃山丘陵) : 京都市伏見区(“Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine”, which was built in the 8th century, is famous. The undulations surrounded by the Uji and Katsura rivers are full of emotion.) Since the Meiji Restoration, many descriptions are posted, so it’s an excerpt. Up to that point, I’m in love with peach. The process that is indispensable for the spread of “Japanese peaches” such as “white peaches” to this day has a history of ancestors who found a way out about 140 to 150 years ago. In 1875, “Shanghai water peach” and “Tianjin water peach” were introduced from China, and it is said that they were cultivated in earnest in Okayama prefecture in the Meiji era. Jugoro OKUBO (1867-1941), born in Kamamura, Hieda District (currently Shiono, Seto Town, Higashi Ward, Okayama City), was hailed as a teacher in his youth and was awarded the “Fruit Tree Cultivation Founder”. In 1895, Masuta KOYAMA (1861-1924), Hieda Village, Iwanashi District (currently Hieda, Akaiwa City), discovered “Kinto”. In 1889, the white water peach “white peach peach” was discovered from the seedlings of the Shanghai peach family. The varieties of “peach” can be roughly divided into two lines, “Hakuto peach and Hakuho peach”. The nutritious “vitamin C” is required for the biosynthesis of collagen, L-carnitine and certain neurotransmitters. In addition, collagen is involved in protein metabolism and is an essential component of connective tissue and plays an important role in wound healing.


It is a “Yamanashi prefecture breeding original variety” cultivated in Yamanashi prefecture around 2000. As the name suggests, it is gaining popularity as a juicy peach with dripping drops. It is a strain grown by crossing “Chiyohime peach”, which is a Wase variety with excellent taste and coloring, with “Yawata Hakuho Peach”, which can be harvested in mid-July. The feature is that you can enjoy the mellow scent of peaches. Also, peaches are famous for their large size and high sugar content, but they are rare because there are very few producers.


In order to meet all the conditions, greenhouse peaches seem to have three important keys to cultivation: creating a cultivation environment by hand, “temperature control”, “moisture control”, and “sunshine control”. Cultivating in greenhouses seems to facilitate “temperature control” and “moisture control” as well as for early harvesting. Since it is in the greenhouse, it is possible to raise the temperature with a heater if the temperature drops, and rainwater does not directly enter the root, so if you put the irrigation pipe in the greenhouse, it will give water as much as necessary for the growth of the thigh. Seems to be able to. Recently, the quality of vinyl greenhouses has improved much more than before, and it seems that it is now possible to manage sunshine in green, which was difficult before, and to harvest high quality peaches.


Among Yamanashi prefecture, which boasts the largest production of thighs in Japan, the Kyotou region (Koshu city, Yamanashi city, Fuefuki city) is considered to be the production center of high quality thighs. Although the price is a little higher than other production areas, it is highly evaluated by the market as a brand production area such as Kasugai Town in Fuefuki City, Kanoiwa District in Yamanashi City, and Ofuji District in Koshu City. It seems that peaches have already been cultivated in Yamanashi for about 200 years. Although it is easily affected by the weather, many new varieties have been developed in various parts of the prefecture, and many original varieties, Hikawa Hakuho peach, Kanoiwa Hakuto peach, etc. are discharged in the jurisdiction. There is a gentle slope, and the optimum conditions for the production of drainage, soil, mechanism, etc. are met, and we look forward to it every year.
