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Petasites japonicus (Siebold et Zucc.) Maximowicz
The genus name Petasites comes from the Greek word petasos(鍔広帽子). This is attributed to the wide and large leaves. It is derived from the fact that Japanese butterbur leaves were used instead of toilet paper in ancient times.
Inauguration of the association: 1979, Number of members: 40 (2022) What is the Sakegawa Village Dietary Life Improvement Promotion Council? Under the slogan "Health is our hands", an organization that volunteers to promote health through food. We aim to protect our own health by ourselves, protect the health of our families as a family, and support the health of the community as we all live in the community. We aim not only to prevent lifestyle-related diseases but also to create a bright village. It seems that the members are engaged in activities aimed at promoting health in a broad sense for the sake of their health. It seems that he is having fun every day. Established in 1979, we are promoting dietary habits with the purpose of contributing to the health promotion of local residents and the awareness that we will protect our health. Learn the importance of "food" and correct eating habits while learning about local cuisine and food culture through interaction with local people who have a wealth of knowledge and experience, such as Sakemaru Nutrition Kids Cooking Class and Food Education Course for Men. Planning lectures and classrooms to attach. “Sakegawa Village, Mogami District, Yamagata Prefecture”, Located in the northern part of the prefecture, in the northwestern part of the Mogami area. A rural village with a total area of 122.14 km2, extending 20 km east-west and 12 km north-south. Shinjo City in the east and Tozawa Village in the south, Adjacent to Mamurogawa Town in the north and Sakata City in the west. It is located 71km north of Yamagata City, the prefecture's capital. Area Designation Promotion Mountain Village Area February 3, 1972. Designated as a special heavy snowfall area on September 27, 1971. Designated as a depopulated area on April 1, 2000. The village soil area is 12,214 ha, which is the 32nd largest in the prefecture: It accounts for 1.3% of the prefecture's land area, of which 65% is occupied by forests.The dazzling Sakegawa River flows through the central part. The eastern part is relatively flat, and the western part is a mountainous area with intense derricking motion. It is about 702.3 m near the highest Yozo swamp(大芦沢地区: 大蛇伝説-Mt. Yozo; Located in the middle of the Yozo Pass, which is known as an ancient road connecting the Mogami region and the Shonai region. “カゴ山の大カツラ5兄弟(太郎, 二郎, 三郎, 四郎, 五郎), 藤九郎沢の千年桂(Cercidiphyllum japonicum Sieb. & Zucc.), まぼろしの滝群(大滝, 白猿の滝, 夫婦滝, 湯沢の滝)”). There are three regional divisions: Sakegawa, Toyoda, and Toyosato. Generally, it is roughly divided into the Sakegawa area and the Otoyo area. The Toyosato area is more than three times as large as the Toyosato area. 鮭の新切り: There is a landscape of salmon road, which is a winter tradition every year. Preserved food made by exposing salmon to the cold wind-Yo no Jingiri-The construction begins and it is hung under the eaves of a private house. Remove salmon guts and salt for at least 10 days. After removing the salt, hang it under the eaves with bamboo in between to open the belly. Aged slowly by exposing it to the temperature difference between day and night and the cold wind: Cooked in the traditional way of increasing flavor. It will be completed in about 50 days. Great for nibbles for drinks when put in a hot pot or baked. 鮭川歌舞伎: In 1971, the four districts(石名坂 / 京塚 / 上大渕 / 川口)of jishibai merged and revived. The origin is old, around 1773, and the one handed down by the Edo kabuki(Japanese classical drama originated from the cross-dressing dance of Okuni: Okuni kabuki; progenitor of modern Japanese classical drama, developed by Izumo Taisha shrine maiden Izumo no Okuni and popularized in Kyoto (Early Edo period).)actor was inherited. Until now, it was unable to perform due to lack of successors and costume damage. In 1972, from Kabuki actor 5th generation Danzo(三河屋; 千升)ICHIKAWA(1788-1845), former chairman(市川千升歌舞伎劇団, 元座長)of the family in Tokyo: Many costumes and props are donated. Furthermore, with the support of acting guidance, a preservation society was formed in the same year. It is preserved as the first designated cultural property of Sakegawa Village in 1974. Designated as an intangible folk cultural property of Yamagata Prefecture. It has been handed down to the village by Edo kabuki actors. 牛潜大天馬様: It was in the rice field of Kamiushikuguri, Kyozuka. For the founding, Okiemon Sasaki, the developer of this village: Excavating a large stone with a length of more than two scale(60.606 cm)from the rice field, it was named Patron God-Ditenba and enshrined. When the lord of the Sakenobe family suffers from sickness: 城の北方に大天馬があるから, それを拝めば癒るでしょう - You will be informed of your dream. Where I was looking, there is a legend that he was healed as soon as he discovered Ditenba and prayed for it. In spring, a large group of Toads gathered in this precinct. It was believed that there was a psychic test for sickness and back pain. For the festival on August 19th-The worshiper was crowded with people from nearby areas. The famous swertia herb was sold. It is said that it will always rain on this day, even if only slightly. 京塚愛宕神社: It is located on the hillside of the eastern part of Kyozuka Shield, south of Kyozuka Village. 西方街新田-Originally a Village, Shichisho-Myojin(Left foot-大山守皇子; 応神天皇, 高城入姫命)was relocated in 1693; 癸酉. It was enshrined with Atago Jizo of Arasawa in 1873 and became a village shrine. The current shrine was rebuilt in 1919. The principal image is the wooden god statue, which dates back to 1693. There is a mountain shrine in the eastern mine: Large wooden stick of the god, until recently, children held a Strange Festival(山の神の勧進)on March 3rd(4/3). Inari's small shrine on the southern mountain ridge, Benzaiten; God of wealth a little above the precincts: Mt. Yudono's large stone monument and the now precious earthen stage at the southern end of the precincts: At the religious festival(Old July 17th), a village play was performed and it was very lively- 村無形文化財; 鮭川歌舞伎. In the solemn sanctuary surrounded by old cedar, below the guard frame of the approach is Betto education Gakuin. 庭月観音: On the east bank of the Mamuro River in 1535 during the Muromachi Period: 1546, Sakenobe(Mamuro) who built the castle Sadatsuna SASAKI: Built a temple on the banks of Sakegawa, it enshrines the statue of Holy Kannon by JIKAKU Daishi; Ennin, which is handed down from his ancestors. This is Niwatsuki Kannon, officially the beginning of Tendai sect (of Buddhism) Mt. Teigetsu Tsukizoin. Built overlooking the clear stream of the Sakegawa, 最上三十三観音(若松観音聖観世音, 若松寺, 天台宗, 天童市大字山元, 山寺千手観世音, 千手院, 天台宗, 山形市大字山寺, 千手堂千手観世音, 吉祥院, 天台宗, 山形市大字千手堂, 圓應寺聖観世音, 圓應寺, 真言宗智山派, 山形市宮町, 唐松観音聖観世音, 護国寺, 曹洞宗, 山形市大字釈迦堂, 平清水観音十一面観世音, 耕龍寺, 曹洞宗, 山形市大字平清水, 岩波観音十一面観世音, 般若院, 石行寺, 天台宗, 山形市大字岩波, 六椹観音聖観世音, 宗福院, 天台宗, 山形市鉄砲町, 松尾山観音聖観世音, 松尾院, 天台宗, 山形市蔵王半郷, 上ノ山観音聖観世音, 観音寺, 真言宗智山派, 上山市十日町, 高松観音聖観世音, 光明院, 真言宗智山派, 上山市高松, 長谷堂観音十一面観世音, 長光院, 真言宗醍醐派, 山形市大字長谷堂, 三河村観音聖観世音, 常福寺, 曹洞宗, 東村山郡山辺町, 岡村観音千手観世音, 正法寺, 真言宗智山派, 東村山郡中山町, 落裳観音十一面観世音, 観音寺, 曹洞宗, 寒河江市柴橋落衣, 長岡観音十一面観世音, 長念寺, 真言宗, 寒河江市丸内, 長登観音十一面観世音, 長登寺, 真言宗, 西村山郡西川町, 岩木観音聖観世音, 慈眼院, 天台宗, 西村山郡河北町, 黒鳥観音十一面観世音, 秀重院, 真言宗, 東根市大字東根甲, 小松沢観音聖観世音, 清浄院, 真言宗智山派, 村山市小松沢, 五十沢観音聖観世音, 喜覚寺, 浄土真宗, 尾花沢市大字五十沢, 延沢観音聖観世音, 龍護寺, 曹洞宗, 尾花沢市大字延沢, 六沢観音聖観世音, 円照寺, 曹洞宗, 尾花沢市六沢, 上ノ畑観音聖観世音, 薬師寺, 曹洞宗, 尾花沢市上柳渡戸, 尾花沢観音聖観世音, 養泉寺, 天台宗, 尾花沢市梺町, 川前観音聖観世音, 川前観音堂, 北村山郡大石田町, 深堀観音聖観世音, 深堀観音堂, 北村山郡大石田町, 塩ノ沢観音, 千手観世音, 曹源院, 曹洞宗, 北村山郡大石田町, 大石田観音聖観世音, 西光寺, 時宗, 北村山郡大石田町, 丹生村観音聖観世音, 般若院, 天台宗, 尾花沢市大字丹生, 富沢観音馬頭観世音, 光清寺, 天台宗, 最上郡最上町番外, 太郎田観音十一面観世音, 明学院, 天台宗, 最上郡最上町, 33; “庭月観音, 聖観世音, 月蔵院, 天台宗, 最上郡鮭川村”, 世照観音子安観世音, 天徳寺, 曹洞宗, 最上郡最上町.) 33rd bill place, sacred place to stop-Many pilgrims come to worship. “光姫” - A descendant of Kaneyori Shiba, the daughter of Yorimune Mogami. 庭月利左衛門広綱 - In addition, a legendary mound is quietly enshrined beside the temple dedicated to Kannon. 財団法人山形県埋蔵文化財センター 2006, “小反遺跡発掘調査報告書”, 山形県埋蔵文化財センター調査報告書148, 大字京塚字小反, 県営ほ場整備事業鮭川左岸地区遺跡概要種別 : 集落, 散布地, 縄文時代, 竪穴住居14, 掘立柱建物1, 陥穴7, 貯蔵穴7, 配石遺構1, 主な遺物 : 縄文土器, 石器, 縄文時代中期末葉の竪穴住居が, 14棟検出. Both dwellings are equipped with compound furnaces. In addition, an excavated pillar building with independent ridge pillars was detected. Number of boxes certified as cultural properties: 125 boxes. 集落, 狩猟場, 散布地, 中世 (細分不明) 時代, 近世 (細分不明) 時代, 掘立柱建物44, 掘立柱列14, 竪穴建物2, 土坑15, 陶磁器 : 集落, 狩猟場, 中世 / 近世時代. A few vegetables native to Japan; “Giant Butterbur”, The mainstream variety is Aichi Wase. Characterized by its unique aroma and bitterness, it is in strong demand as a seasonal vegetable in spring. Besides, Water japanese butterbur with red root: There are Akita butterbur, which has a high plant height and a pale green color. Forcing and semi-forcing products will be available from October: It is said that the peak season for open-air items is from April to June. It occupies more than half of the market and tends to be about 1 m long. It has been cultivated since the Edo period and grows naturally: It has a weaker scent than wild giant butterbur(山蕗), but has less lye and is softer.
A perennial herb of the genus Coltsfoot in the family Asteraceae. One of the few vegetables native to Japan. It grows naturally in wild mountains all over the country from Hokkaido to Okinawa, and has been eaten since the Heian period. Most of the butterbur that is currently in circulation is "Wase Aichi Butterbur", a traditional vegetable from Aichi prefecture. The Chita Peninsula is one of the largest producers of this excellent agricultural product, and its history seems to be in the middle of the Meiji era. It was discovered in the present Tokai city, and it seems that it has spread to the surrounding area because the leaves grow quickly, the stems are thick, and the scent is good. In addition, the Chita Peninsula does not have a large river, so there was a problem in farming, but I heard that when the Aichi irrigation water was made in the Showa era, it became possible to harvest more stably.
The Mogami region, which is one of the most heavy snowfall areas in Yamagata prefecture, is one of the nation's leading producers of "forcible edible wild plants." Wild plants have a strong image of the taste of spring, but by forcibly cultivating them by heating them in a green house in the deep snowy winter, it is possible to have a taste of spring a little earlier. A worker who continues to grow hard with the desire to eat delicious wild plants in the winter when it snows completely. And it is a wish that many people will know the charm of forcing edible wild plants. However, butterbur seems to prefer half-shade. It tends to grow even on the north side where it is not exposed to much sunlight or in shaded areas. However, he seems to dislike places exposed to direct sunlight and places where the soil is dry.
Sakegawa Village has formulated a vision for strengthening the profitability of paddy fields in 2021. The Paddy Field Profitability Enhancement Vision is an initiative policy aimed at creating a production area for unique and attractive products in the paddy fields of the village, and was formulated by the Sakegawa Village Agricultural Revitalization Council. Based on this vision for strengthening the profitability of paddy fields, we provide local subsidies to farmers who practice paddy fields and support their production activities. In connection with rice, Yone Marsh is a spot where photographers visit, with abundant nature and abundant precious flora and fauna in the yone area. The flowers that bloom differ depending on the season, and various animals and plants appear according to the four seasons. This place used to be Ashikariba, and as time went by, people couldn't enter and it seemed to be all-you-can-eat. However, when experts in the village took the lead in cutting weeds and installing wooden paths, many precious animals and plants such as skunk cabbage and white egret flower were discovered, and it is one of the best in the village where you can see rare animals and plants. It seems that it was reborn as a tourist spot in Japan. Even now, it seems that local residents and the Nature Conservation Society are taking the lead in developing the marshland.