杉浦明平(1913-2001)-戦後短歌論, 1951: ペリカン書房, "村の選挙", 1955: 柏林書房, 現代短歌(斎藤)茂吉文明以後, 1959: 弘文堂, 海の見える村の一年:新農村歳時記, 1961; 岩波新書青版, わたしの崋山, 1967: 未来社, 渥美だより, 1974: "家の光協会" : 山村暮鳥(1884-1924): 新詩から口語自由詩への転換期に、革新的な作風から人道的な作風まで何度も詩質や詩作を変えた詩人は稀であり、日本の近代史にも似ている。彼も影響を受けずに軌道を描く。





Cucumis melo L.

【生産, 卸地】

愛知県田原市豊島町, 長沢町大鹿(JA愛知みなみ, 田原露地メロン部会)


Because it looks yellow and Big.


The variety of KODA melon is "Pure Takamatsu melon" named after the production area. A melon native to Africa is a descendant of the Earl's Feborit species, which was prized as a "count's favorite" in England. It seems that he was cultivated all over the Atsumi Peninsula until around 1975 as a pure line where seeds were repeatedly taken from better individuals. However, while market demand was large ball, pure Takamatsu melons tend to be small balls. It was extremely difficult to cultivate without disease resistance, and when the F1 variety melon crossed with a strong melon was developed, producers jumped at it, and this excellent agricultural product disappeared. The impression is that the flesh is very chewy and contains ingredients that taste like higher alcohol. It is delicious in combination with the sugar content, but when you actually cut the "KODA town melon" that the flesh is soft, a mellow sweet scent drifts in a blink of an eye. This scent is also one of the characteristics, and it is said that sugar concentrated like honey has entered the fruit. In fact, this melon seems to have the problem that the tree will die just before harvesting. In 2022, a skilled farmer planted 4000 seedlings, but it seems that half of them, about 2000, have already been destroyed. “Toshima Town(Hanamizu), Tahara City, Aichi Prefecture”, Established as Toshima Village, Atsumi District by Konda Village and Innai Village. Named with prayer so that it will be a rich land. In 1889, it became the Aikawa Village section of village Toshima. In 1906, it became the Tahara Town section of village Toshima. Municipal system enforced in 2003: Became Toshima Town, TAHARA City.44 small sections of village are set up. City designated cultural property : 工芸 - 萩薄飛禽鏡1面, 渥美郷土資料館(豊島神社(亀山町十七畑)寄託)平成5年3月4日, “市杵島姫命” : Babysitter god, child guardian god(天照大神, 建速須佐之男命の子); It is a deity and the regular holiday is October 16th.Immediately after passing through the shrine torii, you will see a giant tree of Castanopsis sieboldii (Makino) Hatus. ex T.Yamaz. et Mashiba on your right. Tree height 13 m, trunk circumference 2.89 cm, 1.89 m, estimated tree age 100 years or more. 市の巨木 / 名木100選(89番目)に選定. City-designated intangible folk cultural property : 豊島大念仏おどり, 豊島町: 大念仏保存会, 昭和40年10月01日. あたごまいり, 三念仏 , 子供, 回向, 子宝, 棒踊り, 返し踊り, 跳踊り. It was suspended at the end of 1986. The Toshima loudly reciting Amithaba's name, which is a traditional performing art, goes up because it is a community revitalization and a village revitalization. It was revived in 2004.There are three main venues. 嶺松山 光福寺(Oike; 曹洞宗), 豊島集会所(Takahata), 安原(Abara)お薬師. “Tahara City, Aichi Prefecture”, Located on the Atsumi Peninsula, it overlooks the scenic and calm Mikawa Bay to the north. The south is heroic and black current dancing Pacific Ocean. To the west, facing the irago chenel overlooked by the chalk lighthouse, Mt. Zao and Mt. Oyama, the highest peak on the peninsula, are located. It is blessed with these, rich nature and a warm climate. The automobile industry is active in the coastal industrial area centered on the important port "Mikawa Bay" in the northeastern part of the city. Many excellent companies have entered the market and are actively engaged in production and logistics activities. It is said that infrastructure development will be steadily promoted so that the entire company can develop its business more efficiently. We are aiming for an attractive area by advancing toward the realization of moisture and a vibrant city. Agriculture develops while taking advantage of its blessed warm characteristics. Since the full flow of Toyogawa irrigation water in 1968, the development of a large-scale production base has been promoted. In an advanced agricultural region that is unique in Japan due to the production of fresh vegetables and the creation of greenhouses and livestock estates. Types are often used for outdoor cultivation, institutional horticulture, and livestock. In open field cultivation, mainly cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, watermelon, sweet corn, etc. In facility horticulture, tomatoes, “melons”, chrysanthemums, carnations, roses, western flowers, pots, etc. are cultivated. Livestock is diverse, including milk cow, beef cattle, pig, hens, broilers, and quail. All breeds are bred in modernized facilities and are branded individually. The city promotes resource recycling and environmental conservation agriculture. We are also actively promoting measures to compost livestock waste discharged from livestock and return it to cultivated agriculture. ‘Cabbage’ has been cultivated since the beginning of the Showa period. Today, it is cultivated throughout the city and is a key crop for autumn and winter of open-field vegetables. Recently, I hear that many production farmers have obtained the certification of ‘依怙’ Farmer to reflect the intentions of consumers. It is produced with the aim of making safe and delicious cabbage, such as by working on Reduced pesticides and Chemical fertilizers. It has a large planted area and shipping volume, and is positioned as one of the largest production areas in Japan. In agricultural output, it ranks high in the whole country by municipality. It ships from late October to mid-June.The story so far is the gold sour cabbage introduced last time.Tahara Tokoharu - Subcommittee: ‘Cabbage’ is produced on the Atsumi Peninsula in the south. Because the trigonal is surrounded by mikawa bay and the Pacific Ocean, it is affected by kuroshio. Average annual temperature: It is warm at 15.8 ℃, and it is rare for snow or ice to form. It is also called the "Tokoharu(Everlasting spring)Peninsula" because of its mild climate throughout the year. It is said that cabbage freezes and is damaged in cold regions. For this reason, we supply fresh cabbage during the cold season: Limited to warm regions. Make the most of the warm climate of Atsumi Peninsula: It lasts for eight months from mid-October to June- Check required. Once upon a time, the peninsula was scarce in water sources. Therefore, it was often damaged by drought and was not suitable for cultivation. However, it was triggered by the passage of irrigation water called Toyokawa irrigation water in 1968. Nationally designated important cultural property(歴史資料): 渡辺崋山関係資料1件, “田原市博物館”, 昭和53年3月24日, 紙本著色一掃百態図1冊, 昭和30年2月2日, 絹本墨書自筆墓表(不忠不孝渡辺登)1幅, 昭和30年2月2日, 紙本墨画渡辺巴洲像画稿1幅, 昭和30年2月2日, 紙本著色および墨画渡辺巴洲像画稿(五図)1幅, 昭和30年2月2日, 紙本淡彩日月大黒天図1幅, 昭和30年2月2日, 渡辺崋山印, 印22顆 / 印矩3個 / 印箱1合, 昭和30年2月2日, 紙本墨書自筆画論(画譚, 絵事御返事)2冊, 昭和30年2月2日, 紙本墨書自筆遊相記稿1冊, 昭和30年2月2日, 紙本墨書自筆狂歌草稿1巻, 昭和30年2月2日, 紙本墨書退役願書稿1冊, 昭和30年2月2日, 紙本墨書自筆渡海願書および助郷書類1巻, 昭和30年2月2日, 紙本墨書自筆獄中書簡(椿椿山宛)1巻, 昭和30年2月2日, 紙本墨画自筆獄廷素描および記録1巻, 昭和30年2月2日, 紙本墨書自筆遺書(渡辺立 宛)1巻, 昭和30年2月2日, 紙本墨書自筆遺書(椿椿山 宛)1巻, 昭和30年2月2日, 紙本墨書自筆手本(忠孝)1幅, 昭和30年2月2日, 自筆扁額(報民倉)1面, 昭和30年2月2日, 自決脇差(東播士祐国作)1口, 昭和30年2月2日, 絹本著色渡辺崋山像(椿椿山筆)1幅, 昭和30年2月2日, 紙本著色小集図録および書簡(椿椿山筆)1幅, 昭和30年2月2日, 紙本墨書麹町一件日録(椿椿山筆)1冊, 昭和30年2月2日, 紙本墨書書簡および書簡案1巻, 昭和30年2月2日, 渡辺家年譜1冊, 昭和32年2月19日, 崋山先生略伝補(三宅友信著)1冊, 昭和32年2月19日書簡(渡辺定通, 渡辺崋山, 妻たか)1巻, 昭和32年2月19日, 書簡(椿椿山筆)1巻, 昭和32年2月19日, 刀銘吉家1口, 昭和32年2月19日, 短刀銘国次1口, 昭和32年2月19日, 短刀無銘(菊池槍)1口, 昭和32年2月19日, 絹本著色孔門十哲像10幅, 昭和32年2月19日, 絹本著色孔子像1幅, 昭和30年2月2日" 板絵墨画馬図1面, 昭和30年2月2日. 史跡 : 百々陶器窯跡, 495 m2, 六連町一本木, 大正11年03月8日, 吉胡貝塚, 11,017.243 m2, 吉胡町矢崎, 昭和26年12月26日, 大アラコ古窯跡, 2,923.45 m2, 芦町郷津, 昭和46年1月12日, 伊良湖東大寺瓦窯跡, 421.22 m2, 伊良湖町瓦場, 昭和42年12月11日, 天然記念物, 宮山原始林, 37,707 m2, 伊良湖町宮下, 昭和29年8月3日, 植物 : 椛のシデコブシ自生地, 399.3 m2, 伊川津町椛, 昭和45年6月19日. Prefectural designated cultural property(史跡): 城宝寺古墳1基 622.50 m2, 城宝寺, 昭和50年12月26日, 皿山古窯群 1,200 m2, 和地町北山, 昭和42年3月17日, 伊川津貝塚 430.9 m2, 伊川津町郷中, 昭和49年10月9日, 天然記念物 : 黒河湿地植物群落 5,462 m2, 大久保町黒河, 昭和46年2月8日, ハマボウの野生地 297.6 m2, 堀切町新堀西,昭和30年7月1日, 伊川津のシデコブシ 100 m2, 伊川津町椛, 昭和42年10月30日, 光岩1件, 赤羽根町, 平成26年1月24日, 彫刻 : 木造観世音立像1躯, 長興寺, 昭和30年5月6日, 考古資料 : 伊良湖東大寺瓦窯跡出土品 455点, 渥美郷土資料展示収蔵館, 令和2年2月7日. City designated cultural property(建造物): 護摩堂1棟, 長仙寺, 昭和44年8月25日, 山門並びに二王像1棟,1対, 長仙寺, 昭和44年8月25日, 厳王寺山門1棟, 厳王寺,平成4年6月11日, 絵画 : 商山四皓(渡辺崋山筆)2曲1双, “田原市博物館”, 昭和63年7月1日, 風竹之図(渡辺崋山筆)1幅, 昭和63年7月1日, 糸瓜俳画(渡辺崋山筆)1幅, 昭和63年7月1日, 母堂栄之像稿(渡辺崋山筆)1幅, 昭和63年7月1日, 母堂栄坐像稿(渡辺崋山筆)1幅, 昭和63年7月1日, 母堂栄像稿(渡辺崋山筆)1幅, 昭和63年7月1日, 関羽帝之図(渡辺崋山筆)1幅, 昭和63年7月1日, 鹿之図(福禄寿三幅の一)(渡辺崋山筆)1幅, 昭和63年7月1日, 両国橋納涼図(渡辺崋山筆)1幅, 昭和63年7月1日, 四季山水図画冊(渡辺崋山筆)折本1冊, 昭和63年7月1日, 春秋山水図(渡辺崋山筆)双幅, 昭和63年7月1日, 福田半香像稿(椿椿山筆)1幅, 昭和63年7月1日, 渡辺たか坐像稿(椿椿山筆)渡辺たか像稿(1)(椿椿山筆)渡辺たか像稿(2)(椿椿山筆)3幅, 昭和63年7月1日, 蝙蝠(福禄寿三幅の弐)(渡辺小華筆)霊芝(福禄寿三幅の三)(渡辺小華筆)2幅, 昭和63年7月1日, 絹本着彩秋山瀑布図(渡辺崋山筆)1幅, 平成4年6月25日, 絹本設色 林和靖養鶴之図(渡辺崋山筆)1幅, 平成4年6月25日, 山水画稿帖(渡辺崋山筆)1帖, 平成4年6月25日, 紙本淡彩高士観瀑図(渡辺崋山筆)1幅, 平成4年6月25日, 絹本彩色湖石白猫図(渡辺崋山筆)1幅, 平成4年6月25日, 花卉鳥虫蔬果画冊(12図)(渡辺崋山筆)1冊, 平成4年6月25日, 紙本 : 陰文竹(渡辺崋山筆)1幅, 平成4年6月25日, 絹本淡彩晴風萬里図(渡辺崋山筆)1幅, 平成4年6月25日, 紙本淡彩千山萬水図(渡辺崋山筆)1幅, 平成4年6月25日, 紙本淡彩芭蕉翁像(渡辺崋山筆)1幅, 平成4年6月25日, 絹本彩色水郷驟雨之図(渡辺崋山筆)1幅, 平成4年6月25日, 紙本水墨月下芦雁之図(渡辺崋山筆)1幅, 平成4年6月25日, 紙本淡彩 換鵞図(渡辺崋山筆)1幅, 平成4年6月25日, 紙本水墨花鳥帖12図(渡辺崋山筆)1帖, 平成4年6月25日, 絹本設色青緑山水図(渡辺崋山筆)1幅, 平成4年6月25日, 絹本彩色臨模仇英洗硯之図(渡辺崋山筆)1幅, 平成4年6月25日, 絹本極彩仙鶴霊亀双幅(谷文晁筆)双幅, 平成4年6月25日, 絹本極彩 蘭亭禊会図(谷文晁筆)1幅, 平成4年6月25日, 花卉屏風(椿椿山筆)6曲1双, 平成4年6月25日, 彫刻 : 大日如来像1躯, 大日庵, 平成6年03月14日, 阿弥陀如来立像1躯, 成道寺, 平成16年03月26日, 十一面観世音菩薩立像1躯, 泉福寺, 平成17年03月25日, 薬師如来坐像1躯, 泉福寺, 平成17年03月25日, 工芸 : 馬伏里神楽用具21点, 渥美郷土資料館(馬伏自治会寄託), 平成13年3月23日, 古文書 : 琢華堂門籍(椿椿山筆)1冊, “田原市博物館”, 昭和63年7月1日, 椿家系譜並東海林氏譜(椿椿山筆)1巻, 昭和63年7月1日, 田原藩日記類506冊, 昭和63年7月1日, 奏者番手留2,361冊, 昭和63年7月1日, 典籍 : 田原藩御納戸書籍3,041冊, 昭和63年7月1日, 渡辺崋山旧蔵書籍(崋山献上御納戸本)677冊, 昭和63年7月1日, 蘭書類75冊, 昭和63年7月1日, 漂民聞書5冊, “渥美郷土資料館”, 平成9年3月12日, 書跡 : 大般若経31巻, 医福寺寄託, 平成5年3月4日, 常光寺古文書(柱杖井竹箆)常光寺古文書(潔堂禅師楞厳伝授状)常光寺古文書(法皇派広澤流伝授目録)常光寺古文書(奥相一紙)4枚, 常光寺, 平成13年3月23日.考古資料 : 宝海天神社瓦経2片, 宝海天神社寄託, 平成13年3月23日, 刻字・刻文碗1個, “田原市博物館”, 平成24年9月19日.歴史資料 : 椿椿山印顆6顆,7印面, 昭和63年7月1日, 渡辺如山印顆7顆,8印面, 昭和63年7月1日, 渡辺小華印顆111顆122印面, 昭和63年7月1日, 崋山赦免建白書(松崎慊堂筆)1巻, 昭和63年7月1日, 帰都日録(渡辺崋山筆)1巻, 平成4年6月25日, 大蔵永常書状2通合装(大蔵永常筆)1巻, 平成4年6月25日, 三岳老人宛書簡(渡辺崋山筆)1幅, 平成4年6月25日, 佐藤半助宛書簡(渡辺崋山筆)1幅, 平成4年6月25日, 有形民俗文化財 : 田原祭萱町山車とからくり人形, 萱町町内会, 昭和63年7月1日, 田原祭本町山車とからくり人形, 本町町内会, 昭和63年7月1日, 田原祭新町山車とからくり人形, 新町町内会, 昭和63年7月1日.無形民俗文化財 : 田原凧けんか凧合戦 / 初凧, 田原凧保存会, 平成5年9月22日(追加: 平成12年03月31日).史跡 : 渡辺崋山 池ノ原幽居跡 1,327 m2, 田原町中小路, 平成4年6月25日, 籠池古墳1基, 416.35 m2, 大久保町籠池, 平成15年10月3日, 皿焼12号窯1基, 小塩津町後山, 平成5年3月4日, 中世墳墓 224 m2, 山田町谷太郎(泉福寺), 平成17年3月25日, 参道石段 265段, 山田町谷太郎(泉福寺), 平成17年3月25日, 新美古墳1基 227.76 m2, 西神戸町山股, 平成20年6月30日, 保美貝塚 1,922.5 km2, 保美町平城, 平成27年3月31日, セメント徳利窯2基, 御殿山, 平成27年3月31日, 天然記念物 : 藤七原湿地植物群落 5,417.67 km2, 田原町衣笠, 平成3年3月22日, 大久保神社のやまももの木 1樹, 大久保町森下(大久保神社), 平成4年6月25日, 大久保神社の椎の木 1樹, 大久保町森下(大久保神社), 平成4年6月25日, 当行寺の槇の木 1樹, 田原町本町(当行寺), 平成4年6月25日, ハマセンダン 1樹, 堀切町出口(堀切小学校), 平成5年3月4日, シイの木 1樹, 山田町谷太郎(泉福寺), 平成17年3日. The cultivated area of agricultural products including cabbage has increased dramatically. Now that the water content can be adjusted, fresh cabbage can be cultivated. ‘IkiIki- Aichi’: Cabbage specializing in safety and security: Aichi Keizai-Ren certification system. Chemical fertilizers / synthetic pesticides: Both usages are reduced to less than half that of normal cultivation methods. The members continue their research and strive to provide a stable supply. However, I heard that cultivation is not easy. Specially cultivated agricultural products(Labeling guidelines for the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries): We are also starting to supply specially cultivated cabbage based on. The amount of chemical fertilizers / synthetic pesticides used is less than half the normal amount, like Ikiiki-Aichi. It is cultivated with the same type and amount of use. Agricultural cooperative merger on April 1, 2001- JA Aichi Minami is born. A new cabbage subcommittee "Tokoharu subcommittee" was established on October 17, 2002 - Two subcommittees of old agricultural cooperative merged. 2004, All members have been certified as environmentally friendly farmer (as recognized by law). We are working on the production of environmentally friendly cabbage by raising the production area. In 2006, a subcommittee will work to increase the number of certified farmers. We held explanatory meetings and planning meetings, and many club members were certified-By district. Received "Japan Agriculture Award" and "prime minister's award", 2011. “Tahara bare ground Melon Subcommittee”, Among them, we cultivate open-air melons centered on Yellow King. It has a history of about 30 years and has 62 producers. With a planted area of about 30 hectares, more than 200,000 cases are shipped annually. Main shipping destinations- From Chukyo to Kansai Region, shipments to the Kanto region have increased in recent years. Production item: ホームラン, タカミ, ルピアレッド, クインシー, プリンス. The non-net type Yellow melon is also positioned as the mainstay. Shipping period From early May to early August. Established in 1990, it has a history of about 30 years.“Yellow King Melon”, Even in All Japan, there are few production areas where it is cultivated, so no ripening is required. Also, it can be eaten from the day it is harvested.Unlike many other melon varieties, it is harvested after ripening in the field. It also has the characteristic that it is difficult to ripen after harvesting. About 65% is cultivated in the open field and about 35% is cultivated in the greenhouse. The period from fruit set to shipment is shorter than that of net-based melon: Harvested first among the melons cultivated in the jurisdiction. Seeding and raising seedlings will begin in January in the house.In addition, the harvest of house cultivation will start from the end of April. From late May, harvest from open-field tunnel cultivation. Therefore, it can be shipped seamlessly and stably throughout the season. Shipping period from late April to the end of July: Harvested by the producer in the morning and delivered to the JA collection point by the evening. Then, the next morning, it will be delivered to the wholesale market.The shipping standard is full of boxes, and the class is from 5L to 2S: Appropriate maturity without pests, with quality characteristics such as shape and luster - 秀品. In addition, the producer always inspects the sugar content of one ball at random each time(Carrying in JA collection point). The ja staff confirmed that these of the standards of the subcommittee were met. “Yellow King Melon” , Hokiji Tawaramoto Town, Shiki District, Nara Prefecture : 株式会社 萩原農場 - A hybrid of Spanish melon and Honeydew melon(Inodorus Group)≒ Nornet Melon -Announced in 1997. A bright dark yellow skin that is smooth and glossy without a mesh. Light white-green flesh is packed under the skin. With a soft texture and mellow taste, the refreshing aftertaste is impressive. Shipments peak from May to mid-July. The sugar content is stable at 13 to 15 degrees, depending on the region.


The yellow king melon has a medium grass vigor and is relatively gentle, and the leaves are middle leaves with shallow notches. It grows well even in low temperatures and in low sunlight, and it seems that female flowers have stable settling and fruit set. The enlargement varies depending on the cultivation conditions, but it seems to be 800 to 1,200 g. The fruit shape is positive to slightly high spherical and well-aligned, and there is little disturbance in the fruit shape such as ridged fruits. The pericarp is dark yellow, and it seems that there are few crack nets and green streaks. The flesh is pale green and thick, has a unique texture, and has a refreshing texture and is comfortable. The sugar content is stable at 14 to 15 degrees, and the shelf life is extremely excellent. The number of maturity days varies depending on various conditions (weather, temperature, grass vigor), but it is about 43 to 48 days.


Yellow skin and white meat melon with a vivid appearance and extremely excellent hypertrophy. There is no need to worry about when to eat, and it is also a big feature that it is always ready to eat and has a long edible period. This excellent variety is cultivated in few production areas nationwide, and its major feature is that it does not require ripening and can be eaten from the day it is harvested. Unlike many other melon varieties, it seems to have the characteristic that it is difficult to ripen after harvesting after ripening in the field. Therefore, there is no time to wait until it is ready to eat. About 65% of JA's yellow king melons are cultivated in open fields and about 35% are cultivated in greenhouses. In Greenhouse cultivation, the period from fruit set to ripening (shipping) is shorter than that of net-based melons, so it seems that the melons cultivated in the jurisdiction are the first to be harvested. As for the cultivation system, sowing and raising seedlings will start in the greenhouse from January, and the harvest of greenhouse cultivation will start from the end of April. From the end of May, harvesting will begin in open-field tunnel cultivation, so it seems that stable shipments will be possible throughout the season.


Located on the Atsumi Peninsula in the southern part of Aichi Prefecture, with the entire area of Tahara City as the jurisdiction, adjacent to Toyohashi City in the east, facing the Pacific Ocean in the south, facing Ise Shima in the west via the Irago Suido, and facing Mikawa Bay in the north. In this area, shipment of the yellow-skinned melon "Yellow King Melon" will begin in late April, before the shipment of Earl's melon begins. The sugar content seems to be over 14 degrees. It features a bright yellow skin and white flesh. Within the jurisdiction, it seems that about 60 houses of farmers are cultivating in an area of 24 ㏊.
