"Izunokuni City, Shizuoka Prefecture", Located in the northern part of the izu peninsula, almost in the center of the Tagata plain. The east is the Mt. Hakoneyama mountain range, and the west is Shiroyama - Surrounded by mountains such as Mt. Katsuragi, it maintains a rich natural environment. The Kano River runs from north to south in the plains, and the rich countryside spreads out. In addition, National Route 136, Izu-hakone Railway runs along the Kano River. Form an urban area around.It is within 100 km from Tokyo. It takes less than 2 hours using the Tokaido Shinkansen and Tomei Expressway. Capital Are-Good access, close to the eastern center of Shizuoka Prefecture in Numazu and Mishima city. It is also blessed with convenient transportation. East-west 13.5 km North-south 10.4 km Area 94.62 km2. Historical heritage, cultural property(有形文化財) : 国宝(願成就院運慶作諸仏), 重要文化財(石櫃「若舎人銘」, 江川家住宅, 韮山代官江川家関係資料, 江川家関係写真), 登録有形文化財(中川家住宅, 旧菅沼家住宅, 三養荘(旧岩崎久彌別邸)本館), 無形文化財, 演劇 / 工芸技術など, 貝塚 / 古墳 / 城跡など, 史跡(北江間横穴群, 願成就院跡, 北条氏邸跡, 伝堀越御所跡, 韮山役所跡, 韮山反射炉), 庭園・山岳・渓谷など, 特別名勝 (富士山), 動物・鉱物・植物など, 天然記念物(地震動の擦痕), 伝統的構造物群保存地区 : 宿場町, 城下町, 農漁村など(町並みや景観), 伝統的建造物群保存地区, 文化財の保存技術, 文化財修理の技術, 選定保存技術, 埋蔵文化財, 土地に埋蔵されている文化財(遺跡や出土品)etc. Important Cultural Property Egawa House : In 1958, the main building was designated as a national important cultural property. 1993年に, 書院, 仏間, 蔵, 門, 塀, 神社が追加指定. It was additionally designated and a large-scale repair was carried out. Ownership / management ; Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Egawa library. The Egawa family emigrated from Yamato Country to the end of the Heian period - Since then, it has made history in the land of Nirayama, over a long period of time, 850 years. Among the daikan, famous figures are Tarozaemon(Hidetatsu)EGAWA of Nirayama daikan office, MIYAGAWA no Tomoyuki Sukezaemon of Matsuzaki daikan office, and Shigenari SUZUKI of Amakusa daikan office. “Izu City”, Located in the central part of the Izu Peninsula. It is about 100 km from Tokyo and about 60 km from Shizuoka City in a straight line. Blessed with a rich natural environment, the south side is surrounded by the mountains of the Amagi mountain range. On the west side, it faces the clear blue Suruga Bay. The Kano River, which originates from Mt. Amagi, flows through the central part. The northern part is open as the Tagata Plain formed by the Alluvium. It is blessed with a warm climate due to the influence of the climate on the Pacific side. The average temperature throughout the year is around 15 degrees Celsius. In addition, there are places with high rainfall in areas such as mountainous areas. I hear that the climate is mild and comfortable to live in as a whole. It is about 25 km east-west, about 20 km north-south, and has an area of 363.97 km2. It occupies 4.7% of the total area of 7779.46 km2 in Shizuoka prefecture. More than 80% is occupied by forests, and the Resident area is 17.3% of the total. Land use -82.7% of forests and 4.6% of agricultural land : Residential land accounts for 2.7%, and others account for 10.0%. “水わさび” is either cultivated on wasabi farms that use the water of waterways or mountain streams, or it grows naturally and is eaten raw(Invented by wasabi field called tatami stone type.). In many cases, high-value added commercial crops such as wasabi (Japanese horseradish) are grown in Tanada, due to its high drainage capacity. Japan's largest production area, accounting for over 70% of the whole country. In the prefecture, the Shizuoka area, Izu area, and Hokusun area(The county area at that time, which was established as an administrative division in 1879, seems to correspond to the following areas in addition to the above three towns in the current administrative division. Nansun in Numazu City, Nagaizumi Town, and Shimizu Town. Susono City, Gotemba City, and Oyama Town are called Hokusun)are famous as the main production areas. If it isn’t clean water, products that cannot grow are Japanese treasures. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United: In Rome, Italy on March 8 and 9, 2018. 世界農業遺産科学助言グループによる審査会で, 静岡水わさびの伝統栽培が, 世界農業遺産に認定(SAG : Scientific Advisory Group: 5 standards and maintenance plan). It took about one year and one month from the approval of the Japanese agricultural heritage certification and the application for certification to the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and after the FAO field survey. I'm guessing that I've been silently making preparations before that.With spice of Japanese specialty that represents Japan in the world. “石原センテニアル” :(ヨーロッパブドウ Vitis vinifera種 × アメリカブドウ Vitis labrusca種)」という名の葡萄であった. 1953年(昭和28年)に, 農産種苗法名称に, 登録申請され, 1954年(昭和29年)に, 特許庁登録申請. 翌年, 1955年(昭和30年)に「巨峰」として, 大井上理農学研究所(静岡県伊豆市上白岩 : 大井上康学術文献資料館)の大井上康が, 商標登録されたと聞き及ぶ.」及び「ピオーネ: 4倍体(巨峰よりも香りが強く, 日持ちが良い傾向. 強い甘みと爽やかな酸味で, 大粒の身から豊富な果汁を含んでいる. ジベレリン処理がなされ栽培される為, 種がほとんどない. 1957年(昭和32年)に静岡県川西村(現: 伊豆の国市)の井川秀雄(1896年(明治29年)〜1986年(昭和61年))が, 巨峰 × カノンホール・マスカット(マスカット・オブ・アレキサンドリアの4倍体の枝変り):(当時の静岡県有用植物園, 園長の古里和夫に1953年(昭和28年)穂木を譲り受ける)を交配実生し育成されたものである. 1968年(昭和43年)には, 富士山の前にある有名な「愛鷹山」から「アシタカ」と名付ける. 1973年(昭和48年)「ピオーネ」の権利を, 山梨県果樹園芸会に譲渡し, 農林水産省種苗登録されている. “Heda District Numazu City”, Located on the west coast of the Izu Peninsula. A small port town surrounded by the rich nature of the sea, mountains, rivers and sky. Surrounded by mountains on three sides, normal faces the deepest Suruga Bay in Japan, which boasts a depth of 2,500 m. Based in Heda Port, which has long been known as a good port -Deep-sea fish fishing has supported the region and its livelihoods. Looking up at the magnificent Mt. Fuji over Suruga Bay, time passes slowly. Also, the place far from the hustle and bustle of the city is attractive. 戸田造船郷土資料博物館 : Located at the tip of Heda Cape Mihama. Built at the end of the Edo period with the cooperation of Russians and Heda shipbuilders. Japan's first full-scale Western-style sailing ship “Heda” shipbuilding materials and Japan–Russia friendship history introduction. 駿河湾深海生物館. Matsushiro family ≒ 松城兵作 - Giyofu architecture : Western-style design that imitates the Western-style building built by Heda in the early Meiji era. An old house that has been engaged in the shipping business for generations. Stucco trowel pictures of master craftsman Chohachi IRIE(華水山浄感寺 - Honganji sect (of Shin Buddhism) - 長八記念館 - 静岡県賀茂郡松崎町)are arranged everywhere-国指定重要文化財. A Western-style design is realized based on skilled traditional building techniques. Also excellent as a work of art - 漆喰鏝絵 etc. Important as a remains showing the advanced plastering technique of the time. “JA Izunokuni ; Nurturing new farmers”, Collaboration with advanced farmers and Prefecture City. Advanced training for new farmers nationwide : 就農に向けての計画作成や資金相談 ; New farmer area liaison conference -Support from various fields such as information exchange and management advice. Technical guidance in collaboration with JA and government - Arrangement of agricultural land, securing of sales channels, etc. Support system of the Fruit Vegetables Committee to get new farmers on track immediately - It has been evaluated nationwide and is attracting attention ; 第42回(2013)日本農業賞「集団組織大賞」を, 受賞. “Cherry tomatoes subcommittee”, Door leaf 31 out of 36 members are from different industries. Here, it boasts a 100% retention rate for new farmers. It has a good balance of sweetness and acidity, and is suitable for the climate and has a deep taste.
Izu New Mini Tomato is a high-quality and excellent agricultural product that represents Shizuoka Prefecture, and is characterized by its deep red color and glossy fruit color and beautiful round shape. It has a stable high sugar content, sweetness and strong taste from the beginning of harvest, and has a fine meat quality and excellent taste, and has been popular with consumers for a long time. Izunokuni City boasts the largest production of cherry tomatoes in the prefecture, and it seems that new farmers who have turned from other industries to agriculture are playing an active role.
Taking advantage of the warm climate of Izunokuni City due to the abundant sunshine from winter to spring, it is characterized by its sweet and strong taste. It is famous as an area that holds the Nirayama Reverberatory Furnace, which is a constituent asset of the world cultural heritage "Meiji Japan's Industrial Revolutionary Heritage". The Izuhakone Railway, which has convenient access to Mishima Station, where the Shinkansen stops, also passes through, and although it is a moderate countryside, it seems that there are plenty of supermarkets, home centers, restaurants, etc. The agricultural support system is in place, and the number of new farmers is increasing.
Izunokuni City boasts the highest production in the prefecture due to the flourishing greenhouse cultivation of cherry tomatoes that take advantage of the warm climate. In 2021, the mini tomatoes of the former Izunokuni Fruit Vegetables Committee were also certified as the "Shizuoka Food Selection", which certifies the prefecture's agricultural, forestry and fishery products that the prefecture can be proud of nationwide and overseas.