中川郡中川町教育委員会, 1986 「誉平(ポンピラ)遺跡」, 国営農地開発(工事立会)-集落, 擦文時代(日本の飛鳥時代から鎌倉時代後期まで), 竪穴建物1, 土器, 礫, 貝: オフイチャシ跡(佐久付近で天塩川と合流する安平志内川右岸の段丘上に位置し, 天塩川水系最大の柵囲い)





Asparagus officinalis


北海道中川郡美深町, 音威子府村, 中川町, 上川郡下川町(JA北はるか, ホクレン)


A branch that looks like a leaf that has been cut into small pieces when it grows: Overgrown enough to hide Pheasant - Asparagaceae


Sales of JA Kitaharuka "Green Asparagus" began on April 9, 2022. Research groups such as Okayama University of Science announced on May 10 that the fossil dinosaurs discovered in Nakagawa Town, Hokkaido in 2000 were a new species of Therizinosauria. Named "Paralitherizinosaurus japonics". It seems that it was published in an English online academic journal. After Tobinitai culture - 城館, アイヌ文化期時代 チャシ1(壕, 平坦面, 溝上構造, 橋状構造, 土塁?)地すべり地形を利用して壕を構築 - 安部志内川右岸遺跡, 墓, アイヌ文化期時代 物送り場1 : 玉(ガラス製) 赤漆膜 動物遺存体(Natural monument : カワシンジュガイ; Margaritifera laevis) 貧乏徳利, 珪化岩(火打石), 鉄釘? コイル状鉄製品. JA Kitaharuka jurisdiction, Located in the north of Hokkaido, it is blessed with abundant nature and the Teshio River. Born on May 1, 2003 by the merger (Shimokawa Town Agricultural Cooperative, Bifuka Town Agricultural Cooperative, Nakagawa Town Agricultural Cooperative). Located approximately halfway between Wakkanai City and Asahikawa City in the north (44 ° 30'north latitude). In the image of the JA name, "NORTH ; 北" represents Hokkaido."Haruka" is a geographical image of Northern Hokkaido + The cool earth is reminiscent of the scent of spring. To the east, the main peak is Hakodake mountains (1,129 m above sea level) : The Kitami mountains and the Teshio River mountains extend to the west. Nakakasen, which originates from here, flows north-south through the central flatland while forming a flat part. The 4th largest river in Japan-Joins the Teshio River (286 m) to form a basin.Take advantage of fertile land conditions while overcoming harsh natural conditions. The southern part is a rice-growing area mainly composed of glutinous rice. Right crop for right land : In addition, the northern and eastern parts are areas centered on wheat, legumes, potatoes, and sugar beets. The mountainous wilderness occupies 92% of this land, and the agricultural land area is 4,800 ha. “Bifuka Town, Nakagawa District”, Most of the raw milk shipped in the Same District is the raw material for Meiji's “delicious milk. ”Dairy farmers seem to have a strong commitment to quality. On the other hand, there is a shortage of successors :Faced with challenges faced by dairymen nationwide, such as dairy farming difficulties. Related organizations gather to improve dairy farming. The future of dairy farming will be questioned. Established a farmer support team, commonly known as “Takumi ; Specialist of high quality milk production”. “Dairy-related organizations from different positions come together to seriously consider the present and future of dairy farming” - Establishing a cooperative system of dairy-related organizations is a clue to solving problems in the industry as a whole. Number of dairy farms in the jurisdiction centered on dairy and livestock(As of 2018) : 40 units in Bifuka / Otoineppu area, there are 24 units in the Shimokawa area and 24 units in the Nakagawa area, for a total of 88 units. It is said that 17 households have decreased in the last 5 years. The problem of a shortage of successors due to the aging of business owners and the decrease in the number of young people. In response to this situation, producers themselves stand up in the Bifuka area. In 2003, he established an organization to promote “inheritance without living” without relying on hereditary succession. Not only barns and cows, but also houses are handed over : Promote acceptance of new farmers as successors. Although he has a strong admiration, he seems to have a big setback. The association aims to create a system that will support the heart at such times. Although we have succeeded in accepting new friends so far : It seems that the production base is still not solid.Furthermore, dairy farming centered on family business : Since there are no holidays 365 days a year, we plan to flexibly introduce helpers, etc. Challenges to reduce the workforce and secure holidays. 1963 Renamed Tokiwa Village to “Otoineppu Village”. Ainu - で濁りたる泥川, 漂木の堆積する川口, または切れ曲がる川尻の意. Located at the northern end of the Kamikawa jurisdiction. Esashi Town in Soya jurisdiction to the northeast : The north is Nakatonbetsu town in Soya jurisdiction : Adjacent to Nakagawa Town in the northwest and Bifuka Town in the south. It has 22.2 km east-west, 18.6 km north-south, and a total area of 275.63 km2. Narrow cultivated land that runs through the center and forests occupy 86% of the total area. Most of them are formed in the research forests of Doyurin and Hokkaido University. 44 degrees 43 minutes north latitude, 142 degrees 16 minutes east longitude, 40 m above sea level. The weather reaches the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan at about 50 km from east to west. It belongs to the oceanic climate and is a narrow basin topography surrounded by mountains on all sides : The temperature difference is large, and the average temperature from December to March is -6 degrees Celsius or less : From June to September, the temperature is over 17 degrees. Show 30 degrees or more during the hot season : It can be below -30 degrees Celsius during the cold season. It is also one of the most heavy snowfall areas in Hokkaido. Village trees and flowers : “Japanese Spruce and Moss Phlox”. 財団法人 北海道埋蔵文化財センター 1992 『調査報告書073:音威子府村咲来2, 3遺跡』咲来(さっくる)3遺跡 : 北海道中川郡音威子府村字咲来河川敷地 : 北緯(日本測地系)度分秒444133東経(日本測地系)度分秒1421601 : 調査面積 700m2, 調査原因天塩川改修工事の内咲来河道掘削工事に伴う事前調査遺跡 : 縄文時代, 縄文土器, 石器, 包蔵地, 咲来2遺跡 : 北緯(日本測地系)度分秒444144東経(日本測地系)度分秒1421603 : 天塩川改修工事の内咲来河道掘削工事に伴う事前調査遺跡 : 集落, 縄文時代, 土壙, 焼土, 集石, 縄文土器, 石器. “Nakagawa Town”, Located in the northern part of Hokkaido. The Kitami mountains to the east and the Teshio mountains to the west. The Teshio River that runs through the center of these two mountains : It is long and narrow from north to south along the Abeshinai river basin that joins this. The terrain is roughly divided into mountains and plains. The plains are fertile and suitable for farming, except for some flark areas. The climate belongs to the coastal type of the Sea of Japan, with less rain in spring and more in autumn. It is also characterized by severe cold and heavy snowfall. Area at the end of December 2014 : Total area, 594.74 km2 Mountains, 84.5%, Agricultural land 5.91%, Residential land 0.17%. The Teshio River, which flows north and south through the town, is the fourth longest river in Japan. It is also certified as a Hokkaido heritage site.The town was under the sea long ago.Many fossils have been discovered -Plesiosauria de Blainville, 1835, Therizinosaurus Maleev, 1954 and Ammonoidea Zittel, 1884, Nakagawa herring etc. In recent years it is known as a fossil gusset. Forests are characterized by steep slopes and complex terrain with small rivers and streams. To make effective use of rich forest operation : Need a solid work path network to overcome difficult terrain. Invited Yukio TANABE, one of the leading forest work road opened technicians in the town. “Tanabe style strip road” ; First, a homogeneous road body is created by the embankment method. Accelerate slope planting by using topsoil and root stock, and reduce the cutting width as much as possible. This is an environmentally and economically good road. Technology created by Mr. Tanabe in Shimanto, Kochi Prefecture, which is a steep slope and typhoon-prone area : Promote efforts to improve to Northern Hokkaido in cooperation with engineers. “Hawk-eagle wind feathers” - Biodiversity indicator-Located at the top of the food chain. Inhabitation of the mountain hawk eagle, also known as the umbrella species (umbrella species) : Means the richness and soundness of the biota under its umbrella. Numerous Rare birds of prey nest and reveal a rich forest ecosystem. The existence of bamboo grass is indispensable as one of the factors that hinder the natural regeneration of trees. A very, very strong competitor for the species of trees in Northern Hokkaido. Therefore, the bamboo grass is removed together with the topsoil to expose the hard soil. This is work to support the germination and growth of cambers-Raise-Small area Performed in logging and undeveloped land : We carry out operations mainly for the purpose of renewing cambers. “Shimokawa Town, Kamikawa District”, A pioneer hoe is put in 1901. The fertile land of the Nayoro River basin, abundant nature and blessed forest resources : Overcome many difficults with the wisdom and untiling efforts of our predecessors. And it has developed steadily. The tree in the town is Abies sachalinensis. It was established on January 1, 1978 - The flower of the town is gentian. The environment surrounding local governments remains harsh. Supporting existing industries and new entrepreneurs : A city with moisture and vitality, safe and secure for children and the elderly : The most happy city in Japan where you can have a purpose to live. Residents play a leading role in actively working on human resource development and attracting human resources. Create a town where you can play an active role : Creating “Shimokawa” now and in the future through collaborative work between residents and the government. Promote community development aimed at increasing the happy population. “Agriculture” : The Nayoro River runs east to west through the central part of the area. The climate has a continental appearance and is relatively hot in summer. Focusing on rice cultivation and dairy farming, taking advantage of the location conditions. Rice cultivation has shifted to upland farming due to the establishment of conversion. The planted area in recent years is about 70 ha, and the total amount is glutinous rice - Recent years. Formed one of Hokkaido's leading production areas with neighboring municipalities. Upland farming is mainly done with wheat and buckwheat. In recent years, we have shifted to the production of high-value-added agricultural products. Institutional garden crops that are not easily affected by weather conditions are being introduced. フルーツトマト, スナップエンドウ, キヌサヤエンドウ, グリーンアスパラガス, “White asparagus” : Production is being expanded as one of the leading production areas in Hokkaido. Dairy accounts for 70% of the town's agricultural production.In addition, the annual milk production has reached 14,200 tons. In recent years, some corporations have introduced milking robots. Also, for the purpose of reducing feed production labor and producing high quality feed : The TMR Center was established in 2005 to stabilize management. Established with investment from each farmer. Its main role is to supply food. “Exclusive-use facilities” - Make a large amount of feed - Stable with less burden than when making food at each farm - A mechanism that makes it easier to produce high-quality feed. The number of members of the Center depends on the size. In Hokkaido, one consists ; TMR of several to 30 dairy farmers. 北はるかの“ホワイトアスパラガス”, Twenty producers are planting about 3.4 ha. It stores nutrients in Autumn and grows as soon as the snow melts. Therefore, it has a lot of water and has excellent sweetness. Also, since it is cultivated in a house, it is white and beautiful like snow. Inside a pitch-black house covered with a special light-shielding film that blocks 99.9% sunlight : It grows while touching the air, not the soil.Since the temperature is controlled in the house, there are few pests and pests can be grown safely. A delicious vegetable that is soft, slightly thick, has a pronounced sweetness, and is chewy. The harvest time is short, from mid-April to late May. So precious. A taste that can only be experienced all year round. Since there is no unique “Lye”, there is no need to remove lye. Can be cooked as easily as green asparagus. At first, ‘White Asparagus’ for canning for export to Europe and the United States is the mainstream. Spread to ordinary homes and widely used are eventsies, 1960s. When the harvest is at its peak-One date It will be harvested every day because it will grow more than five centimeters. Make the picked stems edible. A white one that is covered with soil.The green ones that are normally grown are Green Asparagus. Green and White are in the cultivation method, and there is no difference between the varieties. Embankment with a height of about 25 cm: Cultivated so that the young shoots are not exposed to light. Cut from the root before the buds come out on the ground, yellowish white. Strains with male flowers and Strains with female flowers: Male and Female strains.You can get multiple stems with appropriate thickness and tight tips-Dioecious(Male plant). Males and females are indistinguishable by appearance, so you have to wait until the flowers bloom. There are houses in the northern, central and southern parts of Miyaki Town. Not only Spring buds but also summer buds are harvested and devised for long-term shipping. Most of the agricultural land that spreads on flat land is excellent agricultural land with a well-established foundation. It is also designated as an agricultural promotion area. Agricultural Products are known for rice, wheat, and industrial crops (rush). Reformation into well-drained paddy field: Vegetables such as strawberries, onions, tomatoes, and small green onion are actively taken in. It is useful as an alternative to rice and wheat. In particular, asparagus is highly expected as cropable crops even for women and elderly. Pioneer Immigration Policy: In 1869, the new government changed Ezo to "Hokkaido" and established the Pioneer Agency, dividing Hokkaido into 86 counties in 11 countries. At the beginning of the Hokkaido Development Commission, the powers of each clan of the former Shogunate were requested to set up a territory and cultivate it. The control policy will be abolished. From 1874, the agricultural soldiers system, which doubles as northern security and reclamation, was introduced, and in May 1875, colonization began in Kotonihei Village, a suburb of Sapporo. In addition, Kiyotaka Kuroda, the Secretary of the Development Commission, will invite Horace Capron from the United States. Accepted the appeal of Kiyotaka, who had traveled to the United States in 1871 when he was the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States Government, accepted the invitation after resigning from his current position, and visited Japan in the same year until he returned to Japan in May 1875. Has made a great contribution to the development of. He made constructive proposals in various fields such as road construction, industry, and agriculture, and these measures seem to be the starting point for building the foundation for the development of Hokkaido as well as Sapporo today. During his stay in Japan, he proposed many projects, especially Sapporo Agricultural College, Pioneer Brewery, etc., which is one of the big projects for Sapporo, leaving many footprints in the development of Sapporo today. At Odori Park 10-chome, statues of Horace Capron and Kiyotaka are erected side by side, and they continue to look at the future of Sapporo, the capital city that continues to develop toward the east. Capron is highly regarded as one of the ancestors who built the history of Sapporo.


Shining white in a pitch-black greenhouse, JA Kita-haruka's white asparagus seems to grow in a pitch-black greenhouse covered with a special light-shielding film that blocks 99.9% sunlight, touching the air instead of the soil. Since the temperature is strictly controlled, it seems that the plants are grown safely with few outbreaks of pests. By not touching the soil, it seems to be a pure white asparagus with almost no harshness. It is cultivated, harvested and shipped from the shading green house from April to June every year.


I've heard that the temperature of a greenhouse can reach 30 degrees Celsius during the day, so harvesting can only be done early in the morning when the temperature settles down. Originally, the green and white of asparagus are the same, the one cultivated by blocking the sunlight is white, and the one exposed to the sun is green. Compared to green, white is thicker and has a slightly thicker skin, and the sweetness stands out. It has a crispy and chewy impression. It is a precious seasonal taste that can only be tasted all year round.
