In June 2022, there was an error in the entry of the hazard map showing the danger of sediment-related disasters, and it seems that three cities including Sasebo City had mistakenly collected property tax. The mistake I made was in the hazard map managed by Nagasaki Prefecture. It seems that there were omissions or mistakes in the description of the caution area (yellow zone) and the special caution area (red zone), which indicate the danger of the sediment disaster caution area. It seems that there were 81 mistakes in total, 39 in Sasebo City, 1 in Matsuura City, 36 in "Minamishimabara City", and 5 in Nagasaki City. The management company that was outsourced made a mistake while organizing the data. Due to this effect, I heard that the property tax was calculated incorrectly and there was an error in its collection. According to the Nagasaki Prefecture Sasebo Division, data operation management is outsourced to a private company. The data for the entire prefecture is provided to the cities and towns in folders for each city and town. On April 20, Sasebo citizens pointed out that the hazard map was inadequate, and it turned out. The cause of the prefecture is the data leakage when dividing by city and town, and the misplacement of data in the special caution area and the caution area. It seems that the correction data will be provided to the four cities, and each city will soon correct the hazard map. On the other hand, the property tax was calculated based on incorrect data, and overcollected a total of 324,600 yen for 57 taxpayers in Sasebo City and a total of 14,700 yen for two taxpayers in Matsuura City. It seems that a total of 45,700 yen for three people could not be collected in Minamishimabara City. Each city will carry out necessary procedures such as refunds and reduction corrections. Wide area distribution center; 栄田町 : Nagasaki National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations, “Isahaya City, Nagasaki Prefecture”, It is located almost in the center of the prefecture.It faces three seas with different characteristics: the tidal flat Ariake Sea in the east, the inland sea Omura Bay in the west, and the open sea Tachibana Bay in the south. The Honmyo River is the only first-class river in the prefecture that flows through the beautifully towering mountains of the Tatara Mountains and the central part of the city. Downstream of it is a vast reclaimed land, blessed with a rich and diverse natural environment. The Isahaya Plain, formed by reclamation for more than 400 years, is the largest breadbasket in the prefecture. The fertile hills are a specialty of vegetables, strawberries and mandarin oranges. It has an industrial park, which is one of the prefecture's leading industrial clusters, and has the second largest shipment value of manufactured goods in the prefecture. One city and five towns merged on March 1, 2005. We are promoting town development aiming at the realization of “Isahaya, a creative city where humans shine”. It is warm all year round, with little winter snow, and has a good balance of rich nature and transportation access. With a total area of 341.79 km2, annual average temperature, about 16.4 ° C, annual precipitation of about 2,329. City Designated Cultural Property : 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 島原の乱戦没者追悼碑, 西小路町, 昭和54年4月1日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 愛宕山の肥前鳥居, 宇都町, 昭和56年8月28日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 愛宕社宝殿と三重塔, 宇都町, 昭和60年1月31日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 旧早川家住宅, 小野島町,平成5年7月23日,有形文化財 / 建造物 : 化屋 / 阿蘇神社の二の鳥居と三の鳥居,多良見町, 平成10年7月3日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 十六善神社の一の鳥居と二の鳥居, 多良見町, 平成10年7月3日, 有形文化財 / 建造物伝: 「円通寺」跡の石塔群, 多良見町, 平成10年7月3日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 井樋尾「御境石」多良見町, 平成11年7月27日,有形文化財 / 建造物 : 化屋名塩浜跡石碑, 多良見町, 平成11年7月27日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 慶師野の将棋墓, 森山町, 平成14年4月3日, 有形文化財/建造物 : 西川内堤改修記念碑, 多良見町, 平成16年4月26日, 有形文化財 / 工芸品 : 肥前長崎の焼物, 東小路町, 平成19年2月1日, 有形文化財 / 彫刻 : 市杵島神社の馬頭観音, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 有形文化財 / 彫刻 : 金泉寺の千手観音像, 高来町, 昭和62年3月2日, 有形文化財 / 彫刻 : 田結観音寺の聖観世音菩薩像, 飯盛町, 平成3年5月21日, 有形文化財 / 彫刻 : 唐比権現の神像と仏像, 森山町, 平成15年8月11日, 有形文化財 / 彫刻 : 旧荘厳寺木造阿弥陀三尊立像, 金谷町, 令和元年11月1日, 有形文化財 / 絵画 : 江の浦 / 熊野神社の天井絵と絵馬, 飯盛町, 昭和63年12月20日, 有形文化財 / 絵画 : 諫早家歴代肖像画, 西小路町, 令和元年11月1日, 有形文化財 / 絵画 : 林公琰肖像画, 飯盛町, 令和元年11月1日, 有形文化財 / 石造 : 物代官モクどんの石棺, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 有形文化財 / 石造 : 物唐比権現石塔群, 森山町, 平成15年8月11日, 有形文化財 / 歴史資料 : 唐比のくり舟, 森山町, 昭和56年7月14日, 有形文化財 / 古文書 : 高屋家文書, 多良見町, 平成12年8月23日, 有形文化財 / 古文書 : 円満寺の東照宮様寺法拾五ヶ条御垂範, 多良見町, 平成15年2月25日, 有形文化財 / 古文書 : 化屋組記事簿, 多良見町平成16年4月26日, 有形文化財 / 古文書 : 喜々津村, 漁業組合関係書類, 多良見町, 平成17年2月18日, 有形文化財 / 古文書 : 多良嶽山観世音菩薩縁起并讃, 高来町, 令和元年11月1日, 有形文化財 / 古文書 : 太良嶽縁起, 高来町, 令和元年11月1日, 有形民俗文化財 : 天祐寺の六地蔵石幢, 西小路町, 昭和52年3月5日, 有形民俗文化財 : 田原の六地蔵石幢, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 有形民俗文化財 : 開の辻の六地蔵石幢, 下大渡野町, 昭和56年8月27日, 有形民俗文化財 : 慶巌寺の磨崖仏三十三観音, 城見町, 昭和59年7月26日, 有形民俗文化財 : 久山の磨崖仏三十三観音, 久山町, 昭和59年7月26日, 有形民俗文化財 : 水ノ浦のスクイ漁場, 高来町, 昭和62年3月2日, 無形民俗文化財 : 本村浮立と白塔掛打, 森山町, 昭和60年5月31日, 天然記念物 : 津水 / 熊野神社の植物群, 津水町, 昭和52年3月5日, 天然記念物 : 天初院のヒゼンマユミ群生地, 高来町, 昭和62年3月2日, 天然記念物 : 向島のノアサガオ群生地, 飯盛町,平成12年1月12日, 天然記念物 : 長里 / 阿蘇神社のヒゼンマユミ群生地, 小長井町, 平成17年2月14日, 天然記念物 : 池下のアコウ, 飯盛町, 平成3年5月21日, 天然記念物 : “伊木力のコミカン”, 多良見町, 平成15年2月25日, 天然記念物 : 群のクロガネモチ, 多良見町, 平成16年4月26日, 名勝 : 金比羅山頂, 小野町, 昭和52年3月5日,名勝 : 川下の牛のはなぐり, 飯盛町, 昭和63年12月20日, 史跡 : 御手水観音の磨崖仏群, 御手水町, 昭和52年3月5日, 史跡 : 善納岩陰, 湯野尾町, 昭和52年3月5日, 史跡 : 本明石棺群, 本明町, 昭和52年3月5日, 史跡 : 大村街道, 破籠井町, 昭和52年3月5日, 史跡 : 大峰古墳, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 史跡 : 城山古墳群, 小長井町,昭和52年9月26日, 史跡 : 南平墓石群, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 史跡 : 岩宗墓石群, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 史跡 : 若杉春后居宅跡, 森山町, 昭和56年7月14日, 史跡 : 善神さん古墳, 高来町, 昭和62年3月2日, 史跡 : 金泉寺の石垣と墓石群, 高来町, 昭和62年3月2日, 史跡 : 横津の石槨, 飯盛町, 昭和63年12月20日, 史跡 : 飯盛鬼塚古墳, 飯盛町, 平成12年1月12日, 史跡 : 土橋貞恵墓地, 森山町,平成14年4月3日,史跡 : 陣野家墓地, 森山町, 平成14年4月3日, 史跡 : 上井牟田の歴代庄屋の墓, 森山町, 平成14年4月3日, 史跡 : 柏原古墳群,森山町, 平成15年8月11日, 史跡 : 中里虚空蔵さん, 多良見町, 平成17年2月18日. “Minamishimabara City”, Blessed with a warm climate, moderate rainfall and sunshine hours, it is famous as an area where agricultural products can be easily cultivated. Located in the southeastern part of the Shimabara Peninsula, in the southern part of Nagasaki Prefecture. It borders Shimabara City in the north and Unzen City in the west. Facing the Amakusa area of Kumamoto prefecture across the Ariake Sea, I am deeply moved by the memories I visited once. It has a land containing fertile and abundant groundwater that extends south from the foot of Mt. Unzen, which exceeds 1,000 m. It also has a coastline that faces the Ariake Sea and Tachibana Bay, which are rich in seafood. Agriculture, forestry and fishing are carried out by the residents. Historically, there was a time when Christianity was introduced to this area in the 1560s and Christian culture prospered. The Edict expelling Jesuit missionaries was a prohibition document concerning the mission of Christianity and trade with Spain and Portugal issued by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI in Chikuzen Hakozaki, in July 24, 1587: There are many historical heritage sites in the city that show the light and shadow of Christianity in Japan. 1637: Shimabara-Amakusa ikki (Shimabara War): The Shimabara War broke out, lasting two years from 1637 to 1638. In such a situation, the occurrence of Shimabara / Amakusa uprisings led the bakufu to the complete prohibition of Christianity and the complete national isolation that allowed only bakufu-controlled trade. “Hara Castle Ruins” is "Hidden Christian-related heritage of Nagasaki and Amakusa Region" : Registered for UNESCO World Cultural Heritage on June 30, 2018. The shimabara peninsula area has been certified as the first in Japan by the global geopark networks, which is said to be the geological version of the world heritage(Unzen Volcanic Area Geopark: In 2009, with Itoigawa in Niigata and Mt. Toyakousu(Lake toya Mt. Usu)in Hokkaido). An area where you can feel the heartbeat of the earth and the history of the earth.『City designated cultural property』, Uchiishibashi group(Kitaarima Town): It was built from the late Edo period to the early Showa period. About 10 arch bridges made of natural stones and cut stones are left in the Arima River system in Kitaarima Town. The construction of the arch bridge requires a high level of technology because the strength of the stones is maintained by the weight of the stones. Natural stones are used for most of the stone bridges such as wall stones. At first glance, it looks like a rough structure, but in reality, it requires more skill to combine stones that are not standard products. I hear that the biggest advantage is that it is relatively easy to procure materials. Since the bridge is also a part of the living road, it requires quick repair. It can be said that the skillful skills of the masons closely supported people's lives. The scenery where the stone bridge is in harmony with the river and fields is also beautiful. We will support the cultivation of ‘Bananas’, which are expected to be new high-profit and high-value-added crops.Liability Company(LLC.), which develops business by utilizing subsidiary aid. We received 100 seedlings from company limited, an agricultural corporation that grows bananas in Kagoshima and Saga. ‘Freeze-thaw awakening method’ : By freezing and thawing growing cells for half a year and applying special treatment, resistance to cold and diseases becomes stronger. The Banana applied this time is pesticide-free and does not use pesticides or cleaning agents, so the skin is thin and the whole skin can be eaten. The sugar content is 25 degrees, which is much higher than the general 15 degrees, and is characterized by its rich sweetness and mellow aroma. About 150 trees can be harvested from one tree, and mature bananas are scheduled to be harvested around the summer of 2021. When it was transmitted, it was around last fall and before my favorite winter. ‘Arima Christian Heritage Museum’ - 南有馬町 - The background behind the 250 years of Christianity's hiding : The process leading to the suppression of Christianity, 1637 : Shimabara-Amakusa ikki (Shimabara War) situation is displayed in an easy-to-understand manner. City designated cultural property; 西有家(Nishiarie)町見岳名字上八反田 : 大菩薩権現神社-茸山大菩薩宝篋印塔-Initial features of Saga-style towers(鎌倉時代後半), Prefectural designated historic site; 里坊のキリシタン墓碑(個人)- Calvaria(カルワリオ)cross crest with stand-Made by dacite(火成岩)plate-shaped monument-1基, 須川名松原 : 吉利支丹墓碑-Portuguese Republic spelling the Roman alphabet; Japan's oldest romaji gold stone-慶長15,10/16. 西有家町教育委員会 2005 “野中遺跡 / 当田遺跡” 西有家町文化財調査報告書2 : 西有家町見岳地区県営畑地帯総合整備事業における範囲確認調査; Nonaka Ruins-県営圃場整備事業遺跡, 散布地,縄文時代, 焼土, 縄文土器, 石器,包含地, 縄文晩期, 弥生時代, 遺構不明, 弥生土器, 包含地, 弥生後期. Atada Ruins-散布地, 縄文時代, 焼土, 縄文土器, 石器, 包含地, 縄文晩期, 弥生時代, 遺構不明, 弥生土器, 包含地, 弥生後期. 南島原市教育委員会 2019 “東石原遺跡” 南島原市文化財調査報告書第17集 : 県営水利施設等保全高度化事業特別型(畑地帯担い手育成型 / 見岳地区)に伴う発掘調査; 農業基盤整備事業遺跡, 散布地, 縄文 / 弥生 / 中世(細分不明)時代, 縄文土器, 弥生土器, 石鏃, 磨製石斧, 貿易陶磁. 風呂川遺跡 :(西有家町文化財調査報告書, 第1集) 西有家町教育委員会, 1982.3. 慈恩寺城(大浦城): 有江(有家)Castle of lord, The age is unknown, but it was built during the Northern and Southern Dynasties. In 1381, the Southern Court forces such as Yasutaka ARIMA and Takeshi KIKUCHI stood up: I fought against Kyushu Tandai (local commissioner) Sadayo (Ryoshun) IMAGAWA. ‘果物時計草’, Discovered at República Federativa do Brasil by Spanish missionaries in the early 17th century.Eventually, it was introduced to tropical and subtropical regions around the world. “Passion fruit”, It is native to the subtropical region of the Americas. Today, it is cultivated in a wide range of tropical and subtropical areas. In the scorching summer, typhoons stand in front of farmers. Sun and Mineral Fruits that get fat in the sea breeze. Diligent temperature control and homemade organic fertilizer: Agriculture of environmental conservation type(Organic fertilizer)- Agriculture that is friendly to people and the environment. It does its daily work lovingly, one by one. Many farmers manually pollinate blossoms.It's a tremendous amount of work. Engrave your heart on flowers that are mysterious and very beautiful in appearance. Passionate aroma and sourness and sweetness. In Japan, Hachioji City, Tokyo Metropolis, Ogasawara Islands and Miake Island: Island of Okinawa, Ishigaki Island Amami Oshima: Also cultivated in the Tohoku region-Tropical fruits.