Komaji NAKAJIMA, a great man from Toyohashi, was born on February 12, 1866, to the second son of Ichibei Nakajima in Noda Village, Atsumi District (Kitajima Town, Toyohashi City). In 1901, he started forcing cultivation of Japanese pepper with a frame using oil paper, and in 1902 he cultivated tomatoes in a glass greenhouse of 5 units of land measurement. In 1907 he devised a Nakajima-style boiler, cultivated melons and harvested 160 condyles. In 1911, he also succeeded in the controlled cultivation of cucumber. In 1929, he founded the Toyohashi Greenhouse Horticultural Association. He died on January 16, 1950, unfortunately. The "Origin of Aichi Prefecture Special Industry" published in 1942 states that Kitajima, Muroyoshida Village, Atsumi District, before the expansion of Toyohashi City, was famous as "the birthplace of greenhouse gardening in Japan". , It seems that the greenhouse gardening in Toyohashi region was known nationwide. In particular, in the Showa era, when the silkworm industry became sluggish, greenhouse horticulture suddenly spread and expanded not only to Toyohashi but also to farmers in old Hoi District and Atsumi District, and the entire area was 30,000 units of land measurement. 10 hectare), it seems that it has reached the scale of more than 1,000 buildings. Indeed, a greenhouse gardening area that is unprecedented in other areas has been formed and is developing. It seems that this development was largely due to the ingenuity and efforts of Komaji NAKAJIMA who lived in Kitajima, his brother Ryumatsu, and Heinosuke HATTORI who ran a soy sauce manufacturing industry in Funamachi. In 1923, he seems to have made efforts to improve greenhouses and cultivation techniques, such as receiving guidance from Dr. Hara of Tokyo Agriculture University. The main cultivation in the greenhouse was tomatoes, melons and cucumbers. Of these, tomatoes were prototyped by Komaji in 1902, and became the number one producer in Japan around 1935. It seems that cucumber was also started by the controlled cultivation of Komaji. Initially, the main product was shipment in December, but it seems that it has become possible to ship in the spring by devising heating, and it has become the largest producer of greenhouse products in Japan. In the early Showa period, most of the shipping destinations were Osaka, Kyoto and Kobe, and it seems that they had a strong connection with the Kansai market. Until this time, each farmer had a system of individual shipping, but due to many disadvantages, in 1929, the name of the Kitajima Greenhouse Shipping Association centered on Kitajima was changed to Toyohashi Greenhouse Horticultural Association. It seems that it was reorganized. In this way, greenhouse horticulture, which controls the growth, flowering, and fruiting of crops and adjusts the shipping time, has attracted attention as a source of high profits, and has spread to neighboring farmers such as Kou Town, Toyokawa, Kozakai, and Gamagori, and is further nationwide. It seems that it has spread to. In this way, greenhouse gardening in the Toyohashi region during this period has secured the number one position in Japan in terms of history and scale. After World War II, the formation of the largest greenhouse gardening area in Japan centered on the Omotehama area of the Atsumi Peninsula is not unrelated to the greenhouse gardening of this period, which originated in the North Island, but rather until then. It seems that it was the one that accumulated, expanded and developed the experience of cultivation technology. “Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture”, Born on August 1, 1906 as the 62nd city in Japan(Futagawa-juku Station (Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture)). Although it is a region, the east borders Shizuoka Prefecture with the Yumihari Mountains as the border. Facing the Pacific Ocean to the south and Mikawa Bay to the west, it is blessed with abundant nature and a warm climate. The center is dotted with facilities such as the city hall, yoshida(Fumon-ji Temple (Toyohashi City) (Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture): Yoshida Shichifukujin)castle, and art museum. It seems that the shopping district is developing around Toyohashi Station. A tram (city tram) runs from the station front to the eastern part of the city, and is popular as a means for citizens. In the eastern part, Imou Bog, known as small Oze in the Tokai region, is located in the eastern hills. In the south, the farmland cultivated during postwar days bears abundant vegetables and boasts the highest agricultural output (gross agricultural production) in Japan. The Omotehama coast, which faces the Pacific Ocean, is known as the spawning ground for loggerheads(Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758): Widely distributed in the world ocean. The coastlines of Japan's Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, and Okinawa are attracting attention as the only spawning grounds in the North Pacific Ocean. The body color is brown on the back, pale yellow on the abdomen, and the head is large.). Mt. Ishimaki rises in the north, and many are hilly areas. A region where fruit trees such as jiro persimmon, which is famous for "Ishimaki", strawberries, peaches, and grapes are cultivated. Beautiful flower irises(Acorus calamus var. angustatus: sweet flag)bloom in early summer at the northernmost tip. January 4: Toyohashi Flower Festival (Toyohashi City). Aichi Prefecture's cabbage production in 2016 was the second highest in Japan. Above all, the area from Toyohashi City to Atsumi Peninsula is positioned as a major production area. Efforts of Koshiro Sugiura, who was the head of the vegetable shipping union in Takashi Village, Atsumi District (currently Toyohashi City) in 1930. Thanks to his efforts, the excellent variety "Koshi Kanran(Cabbage)" was born. After that, it will gradually be cultivated in neighboring Okubo, Tahara Town and Akabane Town. It is said that this area has become a production area that supplies large consumption areas in the east and west. In 1966, winter cabbage became a designated production area of the country, and actively worked on improving cultivation techniques. In 1968, Toyogawa irrigation water was introduced, and the production volume increased dramatically. It grows well in warm and abundant sunshine, and is characterized by good taste and freshness. The cultivated area at that time was about 1100 ha in the fall and winter, and about 500 ha in the spring and summer. Expansion of scale and anniversary of cultivation progress, acreage is on the rise. It is roughly divided into four types according to the time of year, and the main products are winter (cold ball) and gold sour (spring type), which are shipped in the fall and winter. In winter, the leaves are flat with few wrinkles, and the leaves are hard and chewy. It is used for cooking because it does not easily crumble even when cooked. Gold sour (named in Toyohashi: spring) is often used for raw food such as julienne because the leaves are wrinkled and round in shape and the leaves are soft. In recent years, sorghum(green manure: High production is expected and germination is good. Moreover, the seed price is cheaper than Crotalaria(Juncea). It tends to be relatively easy to use because it is relatively responsive to the acidity of the soil.)has been used to improve drainage and fertility. It's said that there is a border in Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture, that divides the two different ways of cooking sukiyaki between the Kanto and Kansai regions. 国指定 : 重要文化財-東観音寺多宝塔(Myoshinji School of the Rinzai Sect-行基) -小松原-1907年5月27, 豊橋ハリストス正教会聖使徒福音記者マトフェイ聖堂-八町通-2008年6月9日, 豊橋公会堂-1998年9月2日, etc. A long time ago, Ushikawa people(Pleistocene)lived 50,000 to 80,000 years ago. May 1957 at the limestone quarry in Ushikawa town-Discovered some of the human humerus. It is considered to be the oldest fossil hominid found in Japan. In the 600s, the “穂” country changed to Mikawa. “Perilla”, It is an annual plant of Lamiaceae and resembles Green shiso; Japanese basil. Perfect for health, the Jomon people were processed into cookies. “Kuruma shrine tumulus(植田町)” : Prefectural designation (registration) 1959, Kofun period : Car Shrine : A 42 m-long front-rear burial mound located on the river terrace along the left bank of the Umeda River in the southern part of the city. In September 1885, when the rear circle was flattened for the renovation of the main shrine, three copper bell apricot leaves, one glass magatama, 33 jasper tube balls, one iron sword, and one Sue pottery bottle were found. It is estimated that the main body of the mound where the relics were excavated is a horizontal hole type stone chamber, but the details are unknown because the main shrine is built on the flattened surface. Of the excavated items, two of the harness decorations, Suzu Kyouha, are complete products, one is crushed but the bell part remains, and all three are three bells with bells on the tip and both sides. It seems that you can see that it was an apricot leaf. This Suzu Kyouha is rarely excavated and is the only obvious example of an excavated tumulus in the prefecture. It is a relatively old harness and is chronologically edited from the latter half of the 5th century to the first half of the 6th century even in the latter part of the Kofun period. In addition, glass magatama is also rare and has a red color. Since these have been stored at the car shrine without being dissipated from the time they were excavated, they are designated collectively. The front part of the mound remains well, the front part is 14 m wide, 24 m long, 2.8 m high, and the diameter of the rear circle is 18 m. “Ueda Town” : Our association consists of a total of 28 members and 10 designated suppliers, centered on Higashi Mikawa, in the Toyohashi area (15 people), the Toyokawa area (1 person), the Atsumi area (9 people), and outside the area (3 people). In addition, all of us members who handle agricultural products in the production area will provide information on consumers' understanding of food and the safety and security of food. And we are making efforts to ensure a stable supply of fresh local vegetables and fruits that we love. “Toyokawa City”, The surrounding Area's adjacent to Gamagori City, Okazaki City, Shinshiro City and Toyohashi City. “Otowa District / Mito District. On January 15, 2008, Toyokawa City merged with Otowa Town, Hoi District and Mito Town, Hoi ; 宝飯 District.” City area, On April 1, 2010 (39691,673 / 1000 acre (Ímperial units, 1824: Úniteds States customary units, 1875): 160,630,000 m2: 16,063 ha: 1,606,300 a: 16196,3239 / 10000 町: 1,619,680,479 / 10000 反). Part of the southern part of the city faces “Mikawa Bay”. The plain extends from the central part to the southern part, and the mountainous area extends in the northern part. The relief's relatively gentle to the west of the center. The clear stream "Toyokawa" originating from the “Oku Mikawa” spreads the fertile arable land that has been accumulated. It is warm all year round, and ôba such as large leaves, chrysanthemums, and roses is popular. We can see a bright future by developing various agriculture such as paddy rice and livestock. Make efforts to grow landscape crops in abandoned cultivated land. Many valuable flora and fauna are distributed (Endangered species: IA or IB, 宮路山; コアブラツツジ (Enkianthus nudipes), 富士神社; コバノミツバツツジ ; Rhododendron farrerae, 財賀寺 Niomon (National Important Cultural Property) ;ヒメハルゼミ ; Euterpnosia chibensis etc. We are proud of the production volume of one of the leading MUSKMELONS (High-class Earls Melon) in the country. 豊川市教育委員会 2012 “東赤土遺跡”, 豊川西部土地区画整理事業に伴う埋蔵文化財調査報告書, 集落, 旧石器時代, 埋没谷1, 石器, Detected medieval tombs, settlements from the late 8th century to the early 10th century. 縄文時代, 炉穴6, 土器, 古代 (細分不明) 時代, 竪穴建物23, 土坑4, 掘立柱建物5, 土師器, 須恵器, 灰釉陶器, 瓦, 金属器, 中世 (細分不明) 時代, 溝3, 墓2, 土師器, 陶器, 陶磁器, 中世以降. 豊川市教育委員会 2011 “国分寺北遺跡1”(赤坂町松本), 集落, 弥生時代, 方形周溝墓14, 土器棺墓2, 土器, 弥生後期から古墳初頭の方形周溝墓群, 7世紀後半から8世紀前半の集落, 三河国分寺跡の附属地, 古代末期から中世の集落を検出. 集落, 社寺, 古代 (細分不明) 時代, 竪穴建物, 掘立柱建物, 土坑, 溝, 土師器, 灰釉陶器, 集落, 中世 (細分不明) 時代, 掘立柱建物, 土坑, 溝, 陶器. 豊川市教育委員会 2010 “三河国分寺跡2”(八幡町竹下 / 本郷), 史跡三河国分寺跡整備基本構想策定に伴う確認発掘調査報告書, 保存目的調査, 社寺, 古代 (細分不明) 時代, 基壇, 雨落溝, 須恵器, 灰釉陶器, 土師器, 瓦. 豊川市教育委員会 2009 “豊川市内遺跡発掘調査概報XI”, 史跡三河国分寺跡整備基本構想策定に伴う発掘調査概報II, 社寺, 古代 (細分不明) 時代, 溝, 土坑, 版築, 須恵器, 灰釉陶器, 土師器, 中世陶器, 近世陶器, 瓦, 鐘楼(経蔵)及び“伽藍(saṁghārāma)地南面築地”の可能性がある遺構を検出. 豊川市教育委員会 2009 “天井平遺跡”(東上町柿木平), 分譲宅地の造成, 集落, 縄文時代, 竪穴建物5, 落とし穴5, 風倒木跡27, 縄文土器, 石器類, 斜行する垂木穴が壁下に環状に配置される竪穴住居跡. 天井平1号 : かなてんじょうびらいちごう, 古墳時代, 横穴式石室1. 大谷家住宅母屋(足山田町下平): It faces west on the site at the foot of Mt. Hongu in the northern part of the city. There are two rooms in two rows, such as a tatami room and a Buddhist altar room, in the north from the central entrance to the ceremony, and a living room and kitchen in the south. Each room is connected by a central corridor. From the living room to the concrete basement and the second floor. The shaft is thick, and the material that is said to have been cut out from the mountain it owns is of good quality and wonderful. 1916, 2 stories of wooden structure, 1st floor of basement, tiled roof, building area 249 m2 (1 building) Registered Tangible Cultural Property (Building) Registered on October 27, 2017. “Nishio City”, It is located at the southern end of the Yahagi River basin, which flows from north to south in the center of the prefecture, with mountains such as Sanganesan in the east, the Yahagi River in the west, and Mikawa Bay in the south. It is said that people's lives have been practiced since the Jomon period due to the combination of the fruitful land and the warm climate. “Saijo Castle”, which is said to have been built by Yoshiuji ASHIKAGA in the Kamakura period, continued to develop as a base for this area, and a castle town was created in the Edo period when it was renamed “Nishio Castle; Tsuruga Castle.” In 1764, when it became the residence of the Ogyu Matsudaira family, commerce became even more lively as a castle town of 60,000 koku of rice, and its glory is tangible and intangible as a Gion festival and is still cherished. The city system was enforced in 1953, and it has continued to grow with the development of the automobile-related industry as a core city in the southern part of Nishi-Mikawa. On the other hand, it is also developing as a production base for agricultural and marine products such as matcha; green tea for ceremonies (tencha; 碾茶), which boasts one of the largest production volumes in Japan, carnations, farmed eels, and clams. In addition, historical sites and famous places are scattered, and many traditional festivals and performing arts are reported. The area including Mt. Sanganesan and Sakushima Island in Mikawa Bay is designated as Mikawa Bay National Monument and is scenic. It is well known that it is a great victory. In a rich natural environment surrounded by the sea, mountains and rivers, we are fostering a well-balanced industry of diverse cultures rooted in the region and agriculture, industry and commerce. “A town where nature, culture and people can live in harmony and affluent life” is the castle town of Rokumangoku. The total area of the city is 161.22 km2. In 1869, the great government was repatriated, and in 1872, the former Nishio domain became Nishio prefecture due to the abolition of the domain, and in November of the same year, it became “Nukata prefecture”, which is a combination of Mikawa and Chita. It is said that the post office was established in Nishio from this year. Shortly after that, Nukata Prefecture entered Aichi Prefecture, and Hazu County belonged to the 11th district out of the 15 major districts, but at that time Hazu District had 27 towns and 188 villages, and the meeting place was Nishio (Kinjo). I was struck. After that, in 1878, the large ward disappeared and became a township, and in 1889, a large-scale merger of towns and villages was carried out at the same time as the city system and town / village system were implemented, and Hazu District became 18 villages in addition to Nishio Town. The center of the county administration was located in Nishio, and two years later, a telegraph facility was built in Nishio, and when the Tokaido Main Line opened in 1891, the development of City, which is far from the center of transportation, will retreat significantly. It became. And the transition of the rapid Meiji Restoration local autonomy is over. The progress of civilization during this period was even more remarkable. In 1910, the telephone was opened, and in 1911, a light railway ran between Nishio and Okazaki, connecting to the trains on the Tokaido Main Line. The Meitetsu Main Line was laid 12 years later in 1923, and in 1926 a train ran between Yonezu and Imamura, making transportation very convenient. The Mikawa Line opened in 1926 in the first year of Showa. Then, in 1947, when it was released from the long war of Showa, a new constitution was enforced, the basics of democratic politics were clearly decided, and local autonomy was established. For this reason, small towns and villages like before have various inconveniences, and a large-scale merger of towns and villages is required again. The town also merged a part of Fukuchi Village in 1952 and a part of Heisaka Town the following year, and the long-awaited city system was enforced on December 15. It became the 14th city in the prefecture, and the following year it merged Heisaka Town, Terazu Town, Fukuchi Village Muroba-mura, and in 1955, part of Sanwa-mura and Meiji-mura, and it was the 6th largest city in the prefecture with a population of 70,000. Make a leap into the city. On April 1, 2011, it merged with Isshiki Town, Hazu District, Kira Town and Hazu Town. Tencha; Nishio Matcha : Due to the warm climate and the rich soil provided by the Yahagi River, tea production has been active since ancient times. A vast tea plantation spreads around the small hills in the northwestern part of the city, boasting the highest production of tea in Japan. In February 2009, “Nishio Matcha” was the first in Japan to be limited to matcha in the field of tea, and was certified as a regional brand (regional collective trademark registration system; 5204296; 西尾茶協同組合) by the Japan Patent Office. Characterized by its beautiful bright color, it has a mellow taste that makes it easy for men and women of all ages to enjoy matcha. The city, which is one of the leading flower producing areas in Japan, has eight typical types of foliage plants, roses, western orchids, carnations, chrysanthemums, western flowers, potted flowers, and Japanese products. In addition, it is excellent in variety and quality, has a large production volume, and is highly popular because it is shipped nationwide. The city's strawberries are widely made mainly in the Kira and Hazu districts, and boast top-class production in the prefecture. In order to make delicious strawberries that emphasize quality such as appearance and sugar content, we are working to improve our technical capabilities by introducing seedlings that are highly resistant to diseases. In recent years, new varieties such as “Red cheeks; Benihoppe strawberr” have been introduced to make strawberries that meet consumer needs and gain popularity. Cucumbers cultivated in and around the city are popular under the brand “Mikawa Midori cucumber” : In the city, it is actively cultivated as a facility vegetable in the Isshiki district and Fukuchi district. Producers have acquired eco-farmers (a system that creates plans for environmentally friendly agriculture and is certified by the prefectural governor) and works on GAP (a guide that shows the implementation status and appropriate management methods of each process of agricultural production). Produces eco-friendly, safe and delicious cucumbers. I also ate some, but it was excellent. In addition, eggplant is cultivated as a facility vegetable in the city. Eggplant produced at the facility is soft and can be eaten deliciously by various cooking methods. In addition, it is produced in environmentally friendly agriculture that takes pesticides and fertilizers into consideration, and grows into safe and secure delicious eggplants. In this area, a new variety “No thorns Venus” is cultivated, which is popular and loved by consumers. Tomatoes in the city are made mainly in the Kira area. They are shipped under a planned joint fruit selection system, and unified, high-quality tomatoes are shipped. The efforts and compassion of the producers produce fresh and sweet tomatoes. The pears produced are known as the “Nishio Pear” brand, and are mainly produced in “Hosui Pear” and “Kosui Pear”. In the city, it is actively produced in Yatsuomote Town, Ehara Town, Fukuchi District, and Kira District along the Yahago Furukawa, which is fertile and has good drainage. It is said that they are trying to make pears safely and securely, such as by introducing an environmentally friendly pest control pheromone material “Confuser R(Oriflua totrilua peachflua agent; No. 22947 (Shin-Etsu Chemical Registration)), V(Aluminger A Uwabarua Diamora Beat Armir A Little A; No. 23084 (Shin-Etsu Chemical Registration))”. In addition, in order to secure a successor to pear producers, we are working to improve production technology by holding a workshop “Pear Fathers' Association” for retired farmers. Aichi Prefecture boasts the highest production of figs in Japan, and Nishio City is actively cultivated mainly in the Kira and Hazu districts. Some are cultivated in the original open field cultivated in the house, and many producers have adopted a unique cultivation method called the “one-letter pruning method; 一文字整枝法” that crawls the trunk along the ground. Every year, a co-promotion event (competition) is held at the “JA Nishimikawa Fig Subcommittee” in the city, and it is said that they are working hard to produce higher quality figs. “Takami Melon”, Meteorological conditions with an average temperature of 17 degrees Celsius throughout the year. It was announced in 1990 at the Horticultural Plant Breeding Research Institute (Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture). It is a green net-based greenhouse melon cultivated by crossing “Ams Melon”, “Earl's Melon”, “Rocky Ford Melon”, and varieties introduced from Taiwan. A melon that has a F1 hybrid of melons with high storability as parents, has a high fragrance and sugar content, and has a long shelf life and a long-lasting eating time. After that, we started to grow red meat “Takami Red Melon” and blue meat “Orpheus,” so we promoted the branding of these three varieties collectively as Iioka melon. Having accumulated experience as the first cultivation area for Takami Melon, we have tried to differentiate ourselves from other production areas with our own cultivation standards and strict inspections. Regarding shipping, from the fields that have passed the sugar content test, each field is harvested while looking at the face of the melon, and carefully selected and shipped. As the stable quality was gradually recognized, I decided to brand it.