一つ松 幾代か経ぬる 吹く風の 声の清きは 年深みかも(市原王-6巻-1042)わが園に 梅の花散る ひさかたの 天より雪の 流れ来るかも(大伴多比等-5巻-822)春の野に すみれ採みにと 来しわれそ 野をなつかしみ 一夜寝にける (山部(山邊)赤人-8巻-1424); 万力(万葉の森)




Solanum melongena L.




It is said to have originated in the Tohoku region of the Republic of India, and is said to have been introduced from China before the 8th century. Since the Heian period, it has been cultivated as ‘Nasubi’ for over 1200 years. The etymology is "To grow up" because the number of fruits increases, and "Summer fruit" that can be harvested in the summer.


The total project cost is about 3.1 billion yen, which was deliberated by the prefectural assembly in June 2022. While prices and crude oil prices continue to rise, Yamanashi Prefecture provides benefits to poor households and expands consumption to support livestock farmers. It has announced that it will make efforts to achieve this. It seems that the benefits are for households that are exempt from residence tax, and exclude households that receive special benefits for child-rearing households. It is provided through municipalities, and the prefecture seems to be subsidizing 15,000 japanese yen per household. In addition, as support for restaurants, we will reprint 90,000 premium meal tickets, and as support for livestock farmers affected by soaring feed costs, we will promote efforts to expand consumption, such as providing prefectural meat for school lunches. It seems that JA Fuefuki, a special production area, is considering installing hundreds of security cameras in response to the fact that a large amount of peaches are stolen in Yamanashi prefecture, which has the highest yield and production in Japan. Hundreds of security cameras and mass theft of peaches are being considered by a local JA. , Greenhouse), about 14,400 pieces have been stolen, and the damage amount has exceeded 3.8 million yen. Due to a series of damages, the JA seems to be trying to match places that are difficult for people to see. In addition, it seems that they are considering asking a security company to strengthen night patrols and install lights with motion sensors. “Fuefuki City, Yamanashi Prefecture”, Located slightly east of the central part of the Kofu basin. Collecting water systems flowing from the mountainous hills in the north, east and south of the basin: The Fuefuki River flows southwest through the central part of the basin. 日川, 金川, 浅川, 境川 etc. The alluvial fan and the alluvial plain at the bottom of the basin spread out.In addition, agricultural land mainly composed of fruit trees is distributed from the foot of the mountain to the flat land. Behind it is misaka mountains, there are villages scattered along the Ashigawa River, which flows from east to west in the mountains. In this way, centering on the flat land that extends along the Fuefuki River: Area with relatively cohesive terrain sandwiched between north and south hills and mountains range. The soil is fertile and well drained: Excellent for fruit tree cultivation due to long hours of daylight and large temperature difference between day and night. Ministry of agriculture, forestry and fisheries Fruit tree production shipping statistics: Cultivation area, yield and shipment of peach / grape every year-All are the best among the cities, towns and villages in Japan. Honoring the feats of our predecessors who have led the historic cultivation of fruit trees in Japan: We pledge to protect and further develop the wonderful fruit villages that we can be proud of throughout the country. Peach and Grape, declaration of Japan's No. 1 Township in October 2005. On April 10, 2013, we will declare Japan's number one paradise on earth. 文化財他 : 佐久神社本殿 : 県指定, 石和, 八田家書院 / 八田御朱印公園 : 県指定, 石和, 絹本著色仏涅槃図 : 国指定重, 石和, 木造大物主神立像, 国指定重 : 御坂, 板絵著色三十六歌仙図 : 県指定, 御坂, 美和神社の太々神楽 : 県指定, 御坂, 白糸威褄取鎧〈残欠〉: 県指定重, 御坂, 朱礼紅糸素懸威胴丸佩楯付〈一領〉: 県指定, 御坂, 木造吉祥天坐像と二天像 : 国指定重, 御坂, 木造香王観音像 : 県指定, 御坂, 木造他阿真教上人坐像 : 国指定重, 御坂, 称願寺の桜 : 県指定, 御坂, 御坂隧道 : 国登録, 御坂, 檜峯神社コノハズク確認の地 : 県指定, 御坂, 姥塚 : 県指定, 御坂, 下黒駒の大ヒイラギ : 県指定, 御坂, 渦文深鉢 : 県指定, 御坂, 美和神社, 御坂, 福光園寺, 御坂, 称願寺, 御坂, 檜峯神社, 御坂, 花鳥山一本杉 : 市指定, 御坂 / 八代, 星石 : 市指定, 御坂, 浅間神社摂社山宮神社本殿 : 国指定, 一宮, 慈眼寺本堂 : 国指定, 一宮, 慈眼寺庫裏 : 国指定, 一宮, 慈眼寺鐘楼門 : 国指定, 一宮, 紺紙金泥般若心経 付武田晴信自筆奉納包 : 国指定, 一宮, 甲斐国分寺跡 : 国指定史跡, 一宮, 甲斐国分尼寺跡 : 国指定史跡, 一宮, 木造十一面観音菩薩立像 : 県指定, 一宮, 石造地蔵菩薩坐像 : 県指定, 一宮, 超願寺文書 : 県指定, 一宮, 広厳院文書 : 県指定, 一宮, 梵字法帖 : 県指定, 一宮, 銅鐘 : 県指定, 一宮, 太刀 銘国次 : 県指定, 一宮, 古常滑大甕 / 支那青磁碗 / 同染付碗皿 / 黄瀬戸皿, 県指定, 一宮, 古瀬戸瓶 古常滑大甕 : 県指定, 一宮, 太刀 : 銘一徳斉助則 : 県指定, 一宮, 刺繍法華経 : 県指定, 一宮, 刀剣 : 銘広重 附衛府太刀拵 : 県指定, 一宮, 紙本著色星曼荼羅 : 県指定, 一宮, 経塚古墳 : 県指定, 一宮, 夫婦梅 : 県指定, 一宮, ルミエール旧地下発酵槽 : 国登録, 一宮, 土偶(釈迦堂遺跡出土品) : 国指定重, 一宮, 一宮浅間神社, 一宮, 浅間神社摂社山宮神社の夫婦杉 : 市指定, 一宮, 岡の式三番叟 : 県指定, 八代, 菱雲文帯半円方形四乳鏡 : 県指定, 八代, 岡 / 銚子塚古墳 : 県指定, 八代, 御崎古墳出土品362点 : 県指定, 八代, 竜塚古墳 : 県指定, 八代, 木造如来形坐像及び塑像仏像残欠 : 県指定, 八代, 木造十二神将立像 : 県指定, 八代, 絹本著色熊野曼荼羅 附桐箱 : 県指定, 八代, 荒神堂のケヤキ : 市指定, 八代, 木造虚空蔵菩薩坐像 : 県指定, 境川, 版本大般若経 : 県指定, 境川, 桑原家文書 : 県指定, 境川, 智光寺のカヤ : 県指定, 境川, 宗源寺のヒダリマキカヤ : 県指定, 境川, 地蔵堂塚古墳出土蕨手刀 : 県指定, 境川, 藤垈の滝, 境川, 山梨岡神社本殿 : 国指定, 春日居, 山梨岡神社太々神楽 : 県指定, 春日居, 木造五大明王像 : 県指定, 春日居, 木造立川不動明王坐像 : 県指定, 春日居, 寺本廃寺跡 : 県指定, 春日居.平成17年11月1日に,塩山市,東山梨郡勝沼町, 大和村と合併し, 「甲斐国」の別称 “Koshu City”,(Concerning municipalities which changed characters for names and adopted old provincial names virtually, there are Mutsu City(青森県), Iwaki City(福島県), Sanuki City(香川県), Oushu City(岩手県), and Koshu City.)になる. 甲府盆地の東側に位置し, 富士山, 南アルプス(The South Alps cover an area of over 300,000 hectares across Yamanashi, Nagano and Shizuoka Prefectures.), 八ヶ岳(谷戸城跡:史跡名勝天然記念物; 北巨摩郡大泉村(現: 北杜市): 指定年月日, 1993. 11/29, Located in the southern foothill of Yatsugatake, Henmiso had Henmi-no-maki, a livestock grazing land for ancient officials, spreading in the area, and Kiyomitsu settled in present Seikoji Temple area (Nagasaka Town, Hokuto City) (alleged otherwise to be located at Wakamiko, Sudama Town, Hokuto City) and built Yato Castle (Oizumi Village, Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture) as tsume-no-shiro, a retreat and backup castle.)It is a suitable place for growing "fruits" surrounded by lush mountains such as. 武田信玄 の菩提寺として, 名高い「恵林寺(His family temple was the Erinji Temple in Koshu City, Yamanashi Prefecture.)」, 子の「勝頼(四郎)」, の菩提寺である「景徳院」, 風林火山(During the period of the Northern and Southern Courts, which was about 200 years earlier than the period of Shingen, the banner was used by Akiie KITABATAKE as a Jinki (the flag for a camp) containing the emblem, Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan. Akiie KITABATAKE used this emblem on his flag and fought against Takauji ASHIKAGA until Takauji at one time was driven to take his own life in an instant. “Shingen TAKEDA” was not the first to use the battle flag of Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan. )で, お馴染みの「孫子の旗; 兵法(The Art of War (military text by Sun Tzu,512 BCE): Dou XIN said, "the Art of War by Tzu SUN tells us that an obstinate attitude leads a small army to being captured by a large army. If the small army fiercely fights against the large army without considering the deference of their fighting strength, it will end up being captured. It is not a perfect plan to force tired soldiers to fight against the enemy that is increasing in number. We should withdraw." The art of warfare of Sonshi (Chinese books about tactics) in the ancient China is famous in Japan, too. Hatajirushi: A flag of Sonshi (also known as a flag of Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan which literally means "Wind, Forest, Fire, and Mountain," which was the motto of the feudal lord Shingen TAKEDA, quoted from Sonshi (Chinese books about tactics), meaning "swift as the wind, quiet as a wood, fierce as fire, and immovable as a mountain."), a flag of Suwa Myojin (The Suwa Deity) )」や, 日本最古の「日の丸御旗(flag with a red circle on a white background)」を所蔵する「雲峰寺(臨済宗妙心寺派 裂石山,(関連; 影武者: 黒澤明監督, 大菩薩峠: 中里介山(弥之助))」, 武田家代々の家督の印とされる国宝「楯無鎧」を預かる「菅田天神社」(Tatenashi (no shield) (Kanda-tenjinja Shrine) – handed down from the Takeda clan.), 武田家と縁の深い社寺仏閣が数多く存在する. Katsunuma district, National / prefecture designated cultural property(甲州市勝沼地区)“国宝” 大善寺本堂附厨子 / 大善寺「彫刻重要文化財」, 木造薬師如来及両脇侍像, 木造十二神将立像, “史跡” 勝沼(武田信虎公, 弟君2代(信友氏))氏館跡, 勝沼町, 勝沼字御所 / 甲州市「名勝県指定文化財」, 大善寺庭園 / 大善寺三光寺庭園 / 三光寺 “記念物”, 萬福寺のムクノキ / 萬福寺 “建造物” 旧宮崎醸造所 / メルシャン大善寺山門 / 大善寺 “彫刻” 大善寺役行者椅像 / 大善寺大善寺日光月光菩薩立像, ”工芸品” 大善寺鰐口, “古文書” 大善寺文書,「工作物登録文化財」葡萄酒貯蔵庫, 堰堤, 祝橋. Temple of origin of Japanese grape cultivation - A “Bhaisajyaguru (buddha able to cure all ills)” holding a rare grape is enshrined. “Kofu City”, It is located almost in the center of the prefecture. The city area is 23.1 km east-west, 41.6 km north-south, and the area is 212.47 km2. In the northernmost mountainous area, Mt. Hachiman, Mt. Kinpu, and Mt. Asahi are lined up from east to west. Mt. Ou and Mt. Shakkagatake are in the south. The city area is located in the center of the Kofu basin.It is generally flat, but tends to slope high to the north and low to the south. From the city, you can see Mt. yatsugatake to the north, Mt. fuji to the south, and the Southern Alps mountain range to the west. Arakawa flows from the main peak of Chichibu-Tama-Kai National Park. Certified as "Heisei Best Water 100's" in 2008: Mitakeshosenkyo boasts one of the best canyon beauty in Japan. A land pattern blessed with abundant nature such as the Ashigawa Valley. City tree: Subgen. Cyclobalanopsis or Cyclobalanopsis: It is an evergreen tree of the family Fagaceae and grows naturally in Kofu. The material is very hard, and the tree shape grows magnificently toward the heavens. The tree shape that extends toward the sky symbolizes the future of the city: Designated in August 1971. Flowers: Dianthus: It is widely distributed all over the world and is loved as a flower that is very easy to grow. The strength and beauty of blooming withstanding the heat and cold are suitable for symbolizing Kofu: Designated in January 1958. Bird: Alcedo atthis Linnaeus, 1758: It is known as a resident bird (a wild bird that does not leave the land born until death) that lives on the banks of rivers and on the water's edge. It is also called a "flying jewel" because of the beauty of its back wings. It is most suitable for "Kofu, the city of jewels": Designated in August 1984. Nine declarations: Road safety city; December 9, 1958, Pollution-free city; July 8, 1971, Nuclear Weapons Abolition Peace City; July 2, 1982, Greening promotion city; March 13, 1986, Clear creative city; July 6, 1990, Volunteer city; December 9, 1994, Lifelong Learning city; June 12, 1998, Gender equality city; June 20, 2013, Healthy city; September 19, 1st year of Reiwa. History: People started living at the foot of the mountain in the Paleolithic era about 27,000 years ago. In the Yayoi period, when rice farming began, villages were set up in lowlands and the development of the bottom of the basin began. Construction of burial mounds began in the city area in the middle of the 4th century. The existence of Kannduka, which boasts a huge horizontal hole type stone chamber, indicates the rise of political power with great economic power. At the end of the Heian period, Nobuyoshi Takeda led Kai Genji and solidified Kai's rule. His sons Tadayori Ichijyo and Kanenobu Itagaki set up a mansion in the city area. He also participated in the raising of Minamoto no Yoritomo and contributed to the establishment of the Kamakura Shogunate. It was Nobutura that laid the foundation for Mr. Takeda to fly as a warring lord. Nobutora, who took over the role of guardian of Kai at the age of 14, overwhelmed the rebellious influential landlord. Built a residence in Tsutsujigasaki(Currently, Takeda Shrine is enshrined in the castle.)and started construction of a castle town. I hear that is the beginning of Kai's Fuchu "Kofu". With the expansion of power, Kofu has developed into one of the largest castle towns in the eastern country. Shingen: Construction of a large river embankment to protect the kofu basin from flood disasters. Creation of a monetary system using koshu money. Enactment of law for territorial governance: laws established by daimyo applicable only in their own domain (during the Warring States period); Koshu Hatto no Shidai (the Laws of the Province of Kai) of the Takeda clan laid down that 'both parties to a quarrel leading to violence were to be executed regardless of their reasons; however, those who were involved in quarrels, but who kept their patience were not to be punished.' In Koshu Hatto no Shidai (the Laws of the Province of Kai), it was defined that Yoriko would bring a suit to Yorioya regardless of its content. The castle town was expanded by relocating Shinano Zenkoji Temple to Kofu to enrich Kai Province. I hear that the castle town of Kofu prospered most throughout the early modern period during the time of Mr. Yanagisawa. It was limited to daimyo feudal lord in hereditary vassalage to the Tokugawa house, but Yoshiyasu, an aide to General Tsunayoshi, accepted Kai. The maintenance of the castle town was promoted for two generations of father and son. After that, it became the direct control of the Shogunate, and Kofu Castle was under the control of the duty, and the end of the Tokugawa shogunate was reached. The city system was enforced in 1889. It is the 34th in Japan and second only to Yokohama, Mito and Tokyo in the Kanto region. Kofu air raid in July 1945 scorched 74% of the city area. The remnants of the good old days of Kofu have been lost. However, immediately after the end of the war, the war damage reconstruction station(War Damage Reconstruction Board: War-damaged area reconstruction plan basic policy; Cabinet decision on December 30th.)was set up, and the citizens came together to stand up for the reconstruction of their hometown with a high hammer; War Damage Reconstruction Institute. What about Japan today? “Chuo City”, Located in the south central part of the prefecture. The east is adjacent to Kofu City across the Kamata River. To the north is JR Minobu Line, Showa Town with Showa Bypass as the boundary: West is in the city of minami Alps across the Kamanashi River, the south is adjacent to Ichikawamisato Town. An area consisting of an alluvial plain area formed by the Kamanashi River and Misaka mountains. It has two geographical characteristics, and between the two jurisdictions are separated by the Fuefuki River. The flat part is Tamaho and Tatomi: Located between the Fuefuki River and the Kamanashi River. It is famous as an area spread over abundant mountainous areas. The area of the city is 31.69 km2. Land use goes back to the past in 2003: Residential land 19.4%, agricultural land 36.5%, forests 16.4%, others 27.7; The proportion of agricultural land was high. Special products are peach, asparagus, and maize: Alcoholic spirit distilled from corn, 恵 / Silk products “Silk Flower” “First Silk”, Grape, Wine. B-1 grand prix-Exhibited food with Local delicacy; Bloom of youth tomato noodles. Holding a sweet corn marathon, etc. Many residents love their hometown, which has a long history and the blessings of nature. 木造薬師如来坐像 (富田山 歓盛院; 曹洞宗) : 国指定重要文化財, 下三條, 木造釈迦如来坐像 : 市指定文化財. 木造聖観音立像 (豊田山 永源寺; 華厳宗, 真言宗, 現: 曹洞宗, 加藤梵玄 公; Fujiwara clan) : 国指定重要文化財, 下河東. 浅利義遠(与一)公; Son of the founder of “Henmi style archery”. Kai-Genji (Minamoto clan): 三与一, Battle of Dannoura. The soil in Fuefuki City’s fertile, has good drainage, has long sunshine hours, and has a large temperature difference between day and night.「盆地に適応した山梨の複合的果樹システム: 山梨県峡東地域(笛吹市, 山梨市, 甲州市」2017年(平成29年3月), 日本農業遺産認定(Food and Agriculture Organization: FAO(1945年(昭和20年)に設立. 食料と農林水産分野の国連専門機関で, 事務局本部は, イタリア, ローマ. 加盟は, 194国.(日本は, 1951年(昭和26年)に加盟), 2準加盟国及び欧州連合(EU). 世界経済の発展及び人類の飢餓からの解放を目的とし, 農林水産分野の国際的ルールの策定や, 世界の食料と農林水産物に関する情報収集, 伝達, 分析, 統計資料の作成, 国際的な協議の場の提供や開発途上国に対する技術助言, 技術協力等を実施): Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries(Japan)): 日本において, 重要かつ伝統的な農林水産業を営む地域を, 農林水産大臣が認定する制度. 峽東地域; With more than 300 varieties, it serves as a storehouse for Japanese fruit varieties. 世界農業遺産認定に向けて(2019年(令和元年10月8日)): Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems; FAO, 2002: Biodiversity(果樹園に自生する植物を利用した草生栽培は, 土壌の流亡防止や有機物の補給だけでなく, 多様な生物の生息に, 大きく貢献) and Sustainable agriculture(There is an urgent need to advance research and development efforts to respond to the improvement of the food self-sufficiency rate): geographical indications: GIマーク(地理的表示)など. やまなし「エコファーマー; Environmentally friendly farmer (as recognized by law)」とは,「持続性の高い農業生産方式の導入の促進に関する法律」であり, 1999年(平成11年)7月28日法律第110号)「持続農業法」に制定, 同年10月25日に施行された. たい肥等による土づくりと, 化学肥料や化学合成農薬の低減を一体的に行う, 農業生産方式の導入計画について, 山梨県(道,(県), 府)知事の認定を受けた農業者である.「エコファーマーになる為に必要な技術認定」「土づくりに関する技術」(たい肥の施用, 緑肥作物の栽培等)「化学肥料低減技術」(有機質肥料の利用, 局所施肥等)「化学農薬低減技術」(生物農薬の利用, 機械除草など)以下の3区分に該当する技術を一つずつ(以上)導入する必要がある. About 1500 varieties of “Eggplant” have been confirmed all over the world. From long, kinky, round, bite-sized small eggplants to those with a length of 40 cm or more, which are said to be Chinese snake eggplants, can be confirmed. Depending on the shape, it can be divided into various varieties such as round eggplant, small round eggplant, egg eggplant, medium-length eggplant, long eggplant, large-length eggplant, and american eggplant. As for the color, purple (black), white, yellow, green, etc. can be confirmed. The local varieties of traditional vegetables that are still produced are branded, continue to maintain the traditions of the past, and are cultivated with love even in small quantities. At TAKII & CO., LTD., Improvements were made with the aim of producing varieties with stronger grass than “Senryo eggplant”, which does not rest in the summer. Released in 1964, “Senryo No. 2 eggplant” aims to be an eight-headed beauty eggplant, and has stronger grass and better stamina than “Senryo eggplant” (sold in 1961). With the advent of “Senryo No. 2 eggplant”, long-term cultivation starting from small tunnels can be used properly as “Senryo eggplant” for forcing cultivation for greenhouses and large tunnels. It has spread to areas that prefer to eat, and has become the center of production in Kansai, Chubu, Kanto, Hokuriku, Tohoku, and Hokkaido.“Senryo No. 2 eggplant” was and still is “F1” (a seed called Filial 1 hybrid: which has been crossed for one generation and is also called a F1 hybrid or hybrid), and has epoch-making high quality. The fruit skin is soft and has excellent marketability, and the fruit color is dark purple with a particularly good luster, and the fruit alignment is also good. “Senryo eggplant” was awarded the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Forestry Award in 1964, “Senryo No. 2 eggplant was awarded the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Forestry Award in 1969, and “No. 2” was awarded the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award in 1980. Even today, it is widely cultivated and loved in production areas all over the country. It grows well, and the optimum temperature for germination is preferably 20 ° C to 30 ° C and the optimum temperature for growth is 15 ° C to 30 ° C. Continuous cropping of eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, capsicums, potatoes, etc. should be avoided. Since it is a vegetable of the Solanaceae family, it is recommended to choose a place that has not been cultivated for 4 to 5 years, or use grafted seedlings. In order to enjoy the growth for a long period of time, it is necessary to apply a large amount of compost and apply appropriate additional fertilizer so as not to run out of fertilizer. The important thing is to plant in a sunny and well-drained place. Since we prefer high temperatures, we recommend planting in the fields after the temperature has risen sufficiently and there is no need to worry about late frost. Takii & Co., Ltd. and NARO have elucidated the mechanism by which the phenomenon of parthenocarpy, in which fruits grow without pollination, occurs in eggplants. A patent was filed in 2015, registered in 2017, and the results were published in the scientific journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America” published on June 9, 2020, about a year ago. It was. Takii & Co., Ltd. and the Agricultural Research Institute have elucidated the mechanism by which the phenomenon of parthenocarpy of fruit enlargement without pollination occurs in eggplants, and applied for a patent in 2015 and registered in 2017. Patent: No. 6191996. In the pad-1(It encodes a 394 amino acid protein consisting of 9 exons, and the pad-1 mutant lacks approximately 4558 bp from the 4th intron to 8 bases upstream of the transcription termination point)mutant showing parthenocarpy, it was revealed that the fruit enlarges due to the loss of the function of the enzyme that suppresses the accumulation of auxin involved in cell division and hypertrophy (auxin accumulation). The results seem to be useful for the cultivation of parthenocarpy varieties that do not require fruit set accelerator treatment and produce fruits stably even at high temperatures. The research groups of both companies analyzed the pad-1 mutant showing parthenocarpy and clarified the mechanism by which parthenocarpy occurs. Normally, in eggplants that do not result in parthenocarpy, until pollination, the ovule (the part at the base of the pistil of the angiosperm, the part called the ovule inside, becomes a seed when fertilization is performed after pollination, and the eggplant In the case of tomatoes and tomatoes, the ovules are enlarged and become fruits.) The amount of auxin, which is a plant hormone in the plant hormone, is kept low, but it increases after pollination, and the action causes the fruits to enlarge. In the pad-1 mutant, it is a general term for a group of plant hormones that promote the elongation and growth of plant cells in auxin in the ovary before pollination.The most important naturally occurring auxin is indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). In addition, naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), etc. can be confirmed as synthetic auxins. In tomatoes and eggplants, the synthetic auxin parachlorophenoxyacetic acid (4-CPA) is used as a fruit set promoter. In addition, the function of the enzyme that suppresses the increase was lost, and high concentrations of auxin accumulated in the non-pollinated state, resulting in clear fruit enlargement. In the cultivation of solanaceous fruit vegetables such as eggplants and tomatoes, pollination and fruit enlargement are hindered in the summer when the temperature is high and in the winter when the sunshine tends to be insufficient, and the yield decreases. In order to prevent this, a fruit set accelerator is used at the time of cultivation, but it is a problem and a problem that a large amount of labor is required for the work for the treatment. On the other hand, the parthenocarpy (in plants, pollen is attached to the pistil (this is called pollination) and seeds are normally formed through fertilization), which causes the fruit to grow larger without pollination on the plant. It is a general condition for fruit enlargement. On the other hand, there are varieties and lines that have the property of normal fruit enlargement and maturation even when pollination is hindered by some factor and seeds are not formed, and this property is called parthenocarpy. In facility vegetable cultivation, fruit set promotion work such as hormone treatment and release of insects that help pollination of bumblebees is necessary for stable production, but this is not necessary for varieties with parthenocarpy, so labor saving is stable. There are some properties that are very useful for production, and their use is very useful for labor saving and production stabilization. Although some fruits and vegetables showing parthenocarpy have been found so far, the mechanism is not well understood, which is one of the reasons why it is difficult to grow parthenocarpy varieties, which is an issue for researchers and companies. I guess it was. Using the results of this research, Takii & Co., Ltd. has cultivated a parthenocarpy eggplant variety “PC Chikuyo eggplant”. This variety shows the same yield as a normal variety without using a fruit set accelerator, which leads to labor saving and stabilization of production, and therefore its spread is accelerating at present. There is concern that the rapid progress of global warming in recent years may adversely affect fruit production, and it is expected that expanding the use of parthenocarpy varieties will be an effective way to avoid this. We must be grateful and grateful to the people involved. In Japan, which I love, the decline and aging of farmers and the devastation and decline of agricultural land are major issues. The same situation is progressing in various places in Yamanashi prefecture. Under these circumstances, in order to protect agriculture and rural landscapes and realize sustainable and powerful agriculture in the future, it seems that it is an urgent task to secure a leader in the region. On the other hand, it seems that women are now being seen in various places as new leaders in agriculture. Even in Yamanashi Prefecture, a group of female farmers who make use of the unique perspective of women and widely convey the appeal of Yamanashi agriculture to society are active, and many individual female farmers protect local agriculture and farmland and revitalize the area. Seems to be working hard towards.


Takii Seed Co., Ltd. started selling Senryo No. 2 eggplant in 1964, which is a long egg-shaped variety with a wide range of cropping types and a reputation for quality and cultivability, mainly for tunnels and summer and autumn. The fruit color is dark purple and glossy, and the fruit is well-matched. The pericarp is soft and of good quality, and the range of cooking is wide. The internodes are a little long. It is full of grass and has stamina, the fruit grows quickly, and it seems that production is stable and high yield even in long-term cultivation. The best time to plant the seedlings is just before the first flower blooms. In principle, grafting is cultivated to avoid soil diseases and increase yields. Topdressing is applied from the time of the first fruit harvest, and after that, it is applied while watching the grass vigor. Since its launch, it has accounted for at least 80% of the total arrival in the Kansai and Chukyo markets, and its high yield and good quality have been recognized in the Kanto region, and the number of collective production areas is increasing.


It seems that eggplant cultivation began around 1959 in Kofu City for the Senryo No. 2 eggplant certified by the Agriculture and Forestry Products Division on August 22, 2018. This excellent agricultural product grown in the technology cultivated over a long history and the blessed climate of the Kofu basin has a very soft skin, freshness and sweetness, good color and luster, and is of the highest quality. Is said to be. I hear that the harvest season is around June every year.


Eggplants, tomatoes, green peppers, capsicums, potatoes, etc. to avoid continuous cropping. Choose a place where solanaceous vegetables have not been cultivated for 4-5 years. Or, it seems better to use grafted seedlings. Since the cultivation period is long, apply a large amount of compost. It is necessary to apply appropriate fertilizer and be careful not to run out of fertilizer. Since it is planted in a sunny and well-drained place and prefers high temperatures, it seems that it is better to plant it in the field after the temperature has risen sufficiently and there is no need to worry about late frost. It is advisable to sprinkle 100-150 g of magnesium lime per 1 m2 on the entire surface and cultivate it to mix it with the soil at least 2 weeks before planting the seedlings. I also heard that oyster shell lime (organic lime) may be used instead of magnesium lime. It seems that the effect is mild and the effect on the crop is small even if it is applied a little more. About 1 week before planting seedlings, you may apply 3-4 kg of ripe compost per 1 m2 and 100-150 g of chemical fertilizer containing 8-10% of each component of chisso, phosphoric acid and potassium per 1 m2. It seems good to plow.
