女方遺跡:鬼怒川左岸河岸段丘の女方地区にあり、田中邦夫医師(当時、宇都宮病院勤務)が昭和14年から3年間かけて発掘・顔付壺形土器(J34947) 弥生改葬墓





Pyrus pyrifolia (Burm.f.) Nakai var. culta (Makino) Nakai


茨城県筑西市布川(JA北つくば, 下館梨共同出荷場)


I heard that the name was taken from the parent varieties “Kikusui Pear” and “Wase Kozo Pear”.


Cucumber cultivation at JA Kita Tsukuba began in the mid-1955s. At that time, in order to maintain the soil temperature in a simple steel-frame greenhouse, a stepping floor was made mainly of rice straw and rice bran, and it seems that plants were planted where heat was generated. After that, from around 1968, warmed cultivation and grafting cultivation in greenhouses were introduced, and it seems that the area was expanded by improving cultivation techniques. Currently, we are shipping all year round mainly for forcing cultivation and restraint cultivation, but we hear that the most shipments are from March to May. On the cultivation side, with the aim of creating healthy soil, organic matter such as compost is added, and soil diagnosis is carried out on all fields before planting. It seems that there is In terms of cultivation management, we have introduced a hydroponic cultivation system. This system does not require special soil or facilities, and automatically performs irrigation and fertilization work, enabling thorough management and reducing the amount of fertilizer used compared to conventional soil cultivation methods. In addition, daily management work is reduced, and there is no need to add fertilizers or soil conditioners when planting, so it seems that labor is reduced. In addition, since the crops absorb water and fertilizer efficiently, they are less likely to be stressed, which can be expected to increase yields and improve quality for producers. In terms of pest control, measures are taken to prevent the invasion of pests from outside the greenhouse, and natural enemy materials such as Amblyseius swirskii are released to reduce the number of times pesticides are used so as not to increase the density of pests. Apparently. In addition, all producers have been certified as environmentally friendly farmers by Ibaraki Prefecture, and it seems that they are working on environmentally friendly agriculture for the eternity of the future. According to history, it is said that Fujiwara no HIDESATO built Isa Castle in 938-947 due to the turbulence of Taira no MASAKADO. In the Middle Ages, the clan Isa dominated the area around Chikusei City. In the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Mr. Isa, who was on the Southern Court side, was attacked by the Northern Court side, and there is a legend that he escaped to Oshu when the main castles, Daiho Castle and Seki Castle, fell. From 1478, Katsuuji MIZUNOYA((The year of birth is unknown, and it is said to be the son of Tokiuji Isenokami MIZUNOYA. During the Eikyo turbulence that occurred in 1437, he was given to the Kanto Koga kubo Mochiuji ASHIKAGA together with his master, Mr. Yuki, and was defeated by the Shogunate army. Protected him until the end and killed him at Yuki Castle.)became the lord of the Shimodate and built the Shimodate Castle. Incorporating the idea of Feng Shui into the castle town, Dewasanzan (Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture) has five key points, including the demon gate, wind gate, sick gate, and Tenmon. Haguro Daigongen(It is watched as a god of Shinto and Buddhism based on the mountain worship and Shugendo of Mt. Haguro in Dewa Province. Based on the theory of Honji Suijaku, the Holy Kannon Bodhisattva was regarded as the Honji Suijaku god who appeared in the form of "Right" as the Honji Buddha.)was solicited and made a spiritual cornerstone. Mr. MIZUNOYA was working hard as a vassal of Mr. Yuki, but became independent, survived the Warring States period while being a small lord, and was relieved of 31,000 koku of rice (later about 50,000 koku) under the HIDEYOSHI administration and established the Shimodate domain. After that, Kiyokata UESUGI in the Kanto region searched for Tokiuji-Ko's orphan in order to revive Mizunoya, and it is said that Katsuuji was found. He was given 12 Naganuma hometown and 33 Isa hometown for his efforts to revive the Yuki clan as a senior vassal. In 1478, he founded Yakushido, and in 1481, he invited Buddhist priest “良室榮欣” (priest of Yuki Jokokuji V). The temple name was changed to "Jorinji(曹洞宗; 岡芹町)" after the opening of the mountain and Katsuuji(定林寺殿玉叟了圓大居士). In 1481, it was protected as a successive Bodhisattva temple, and the Mizunoya family donated 150 koku of the temple territory and built Dou. The bronze bell donated by KATSUTOSHI MIZUNOYA in 1567 (Muromachi period work, 4 cases of 4 steps of milk, total height 89 cm, diameter 49 cm) remains and was designated as an important cultural property designated by Ibaraki Prefecture in 1963. Many Dou, temple treasures, and records were destroyed by fire in 1880, but they were later rebuilt.)In the same year, the Haguro Daigongen of Dewasanzan (Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture) was solicited to establish the Kamihaguro Shrine and the Shimohaguro Shrine. When MIZUNOYA Family transferred to Bichu Nariwa in 1639, it seems that the feudal lord changed to Matsudaira, Masuyama, Inoue, and Kuroda in a relatively short period of time. When Fusashige ISHIKAWA became the feudal lord with 20,000 koku of rice in 1732, the Ishikawa family celebrated the Meiji Restoration for nine consecutive generations. In addition, Shimodate, Chikusei City, which is a castle, has been economically developed as a post town on the Yuki Highway, where many supplies have been brought in and it has become a collection place for “cotton,” which is a special product. Shimodate City, 旧真壁郡; Sekijo Town, Akeno Town, and Kyowa Town merged to form March 28, 2005. It is located in the western part of the prefecture, about 70 km north of Tokyo, about 15 km east-west, about 20 km north-south, and has an area of 205.3 km2. Adjacent to Shimotsuma City and Tsukuba City, which includes Japan's leading science and technology center city “Tsukuba”, to the east is Sakuragawa City, to the west is Yuki City, Yachiyo Town and Oyama City, Tochigi Prefecture, and to the north is Moka, Tochigi Prefecture. Adjacent to the city. The terrain is generally flat, and the Kinugawa and Kokaigawa rivers flow from north to south, forming a fertile countryside. The altitude is about 20 m to 60 m, and in the north there is a hilly area that connects to a part of the Abukuma mountain range, and the altitude is about 200 m. The climate is Pacific, mild and refreshing throughout the four seasons. As for the road system, National Road No. 50 is developed in the east-west direction and National Road No. 294 is developed in the north-south direction, and the intersection of these two lines becomes the center of the city. Furthermore, prefectural roads will be radiated from here to Ishioka City, Tsukuba City, and Koga City. The JR Mito Line runs from east to west, and the Moka Railway Moka Line runs from Shimodate Station to Toride in the south and Motegi(Not Motogi, Itako City, but different reading)in the north. 下館祇園まつり : One of the best summer festivals in Ibaraki prefecture, which is held over four days around Haguro Shrine and Shimodate Station. In addition to the 120-year-old Meiji portable shrine, the female portable shrine of the Aiden god, Tamayorihime, the Heisei portable shrine, which boasts the heaviest weight in Japan as a portable shrine carried every year, more than 30 children's portable shrines will be handed over. In the early morning of the final day, the magnificent sight of “Kawatogyo ; When the movement of the divine spirit itself is especially valued as a manifestation form of the divine power; 神幸祭” carrying the Meiji portable shrine into the river is brilliant. 母子島遊水地 : Many photo enthusiasts and fans gather at “Diamond Tsukuba,” where the sun rises from the summit of Tsukuba, which is seen twice a year. It has become a hot topic as a popular spot that has been selected as the “Mt. Tsukuba Best Viewpoint”. あけのひまわりフェスティバル : It is famous as an event held in the Akeno area from late August to early September. Mainly on the “Tohoku Yae Sunflower”, which is covered with petals up to the seeds, a field of 1 million sunflowers over 4ha spreads out. 県指定文化財 : 建造物 : 羽黒神社本殿(附棟札1枚), 甲地内, 平成14年1月25日, 建造物 : 上羽黒神社本殿及び拝殿, 岡芹地内, 平成14年1月25日, 絵画 : 絹本著色八景の図, 中舘地内, 昭和37年10月24日, 絵画 : 絵馬(羽黒神社), 甲地内, 昭和38年8月23日, 絵画 : 絵馬(上羽黒神社), 岡芹地内, 昭和39年7月31日, 絵画 : 来迎の弥陀, 森添島地内, 昭和45年9月28日, 絵画 : 絹本著色両界曼荼羅図, 桑山地内, 昭和57年3月4日, 絵画 : 絹本著色毘沙門天像, 黒子地内, 平成28年1月21日, 絵画 : 絹本著色日吉山王本地仏曼荼羅図, 黒子地内, 平成29年1月26日, 彫刻 : 木造愛宕明神立像, 甲地内, 昭和38年8月23日, 彫刻 : 木造阿弥陀如来坐像 : 下星谷地内, 昭和57年3月4日, 彫刻 : 木造狛犬, 甲地内, 平成16年11月25日, 彫刻 : 銅造誕生釈迦仏立像, 小栗地内, 平成19年11月16日, 工芸品 : 螺鈿硯箱, 中舘地内, 昭和37年10月24日, 工芸品 : 銅鐘, 岡芹地内, 昭和38年8月23日, 工芸品 : 板碑, 岡芹地内, 昭和39年7月31日, 工芸品 : 大袖鎧, 丙地内, 昭和39年7月31日, 工芸品 : 石造五輪塔, 村田地内 : 昭和41年3月7日, 考古資料 : 板碑, 辻地内, 昭和50年6月25日, 無形民俗 : 小栗内外大神宮太々神楽, 小栗地内, 昭和41年3月7日, 史跡 : 船玉古墳, 船玉地内, 昭和8年7月4日, 史跡 : 伊佐城跡, 中舘地内, 昭和10年11月26日, 史跡 :久下田城跡, 樋口地内, 昭和15年9月4日, 史跡 : 板谷波山生家, 甲地内, 昭和40年5月21日.市指定文化財 : 建造物 : 観音寺本堂, 中舘地内, 昭和51年6月28日, 建造物 : 薬師堂本堂, 甲地内, 昭和51年6月28日, 建造物 : 雷神社(本殿 / 幣殿 / 拝殿)樋口地内, 昭和51年6月28日, 建造物 : 五所神社本殿, 五所宮地内, 昭和52年3月24日, 建造物 : 観音院本堂, 森添島地内, 昭和52年3月24日, 建造物 : 春日神社本殿, 嘉家佐和地内, 昭和52年3月24日, 建造物 : 田中稲荷神社本殿, 甲地内, 昭和52年3月24日, 建造物 : 不動堂, 岡芹地内, 昭和52年3月24日, 建造物 : 八幡神社本殿, 甲地内, 昭和52年3月24日, 建造物 : 小栗孫次郎平満重公と家臣の供養塔, 井出蛯沢地内, 昭和54年3月1日, 建造物 : 宝篋印塔, 蓬田地内, 昭和54年3月1日, 建造物 : 桑山神社本殿, 桑山地内, 昭和55年3月28日, 建造物 : 八幡神社本殿, 八幡地内 : 昭和55年3月28日, 建造物 : 東睿山千妙寺総本堂, 黒子地内, 昭和55年10月20日, 建造物 : 虚空蔵堂, 大谷地内, 昭和56年1月1日, 建造物 : 二所神社本殿, 成田地内, 昭和56年1月1日, 建造物 : 徳聖寺山門, 小栗地内, 昭和60年5月17日, 建造物 : 羽黒神社旧拝殿, 甲地内, 昭和61年6月26日, 建造物 : 最勝寺薬師堂(附棟札1枚), 下平塚地内, 平成14年3月20日, 建造物 : 宮山観音堂, 宮山地内, 平成14年11月15日, 建造物 : 五所神社石造鳥居, 五所宮地内, 平成29年11月17日, 絵画 : 漁夫図, 昭和51年6月28日, 絵画 : 寿三幅図, 昭和51年6月28日, 絵画 : 追羽子図, 昭和51年6月28日, 絵画 : 陶淵明山水図, 昭和51年6月28日, 絵画 : 東坡乗驢之図, 昭和51年6月28日, 絵画 : 文徴明八勝図模写, 昭和51年6月28日, 絵画, 大機院殿筆画, 中舘地内, 昭和51年6月28日, 絵画 : 水谷夫人妙西大姉画像, 乙地内, 昭和52年3月24日, 絵画 : 孝養太子四臣連座図, 宮後地内, 昭和57年2月25日, 絵画 : 絹本著色刀八毘沙門天星宿像, 黒子地内, 昭和59年3月19日, 絵画 : 絹本著色馬形護法童子像, 黒子地内, 昭和59年3月19日, 絵画 : 絹本著色護法童子像, 黒子地内, 昭和59年3月19日, 絵画 : 顕如上人御影, 宮後地内, 平成2年6月27日, 絵画 : 紙本著色仏涅槃図, 平成13年3月16日, 絵画 : 絹本著色釈迦三尊十六善神図, 平成15年2月26日, 彫刻 : 宮山観音堂本尊十一面観世音菩薩, 宮山地内, 昭和51年4月1日, 彫刻 : 月海山観喜院(廃寺)石仏, 岡芹地内, 昭和51年6月28日, 彫刻 : 木造阿弥陀如来坐像, 中舘地内, 昭和51年6月28日, 彫刻 : 青銅聖観世音菩薩立像, 甲地内, 昭和52年3月24日, 彫刻 : 木造薬師如来立像, 横塚地内, 昭和54年3月1日, 彫刻 : 聖観世音菩薩立像, 小栗地内, 昭和54年3月1日, 彫刻 : 木戸幸福寺仏像, 木戸地内, 昭和54年4月1日, 彫刻 : 銅造観世音菩薩立像, 昭和55年3月28日, 彫刻 : 木造阿弥陀如来坐像, 黒子地内, 昭和59年3月19日, 彫刻 : 木造薬師如来坐像, 小栗地内, 昭和60年5月17日, 彫刻 : 木造鬼子母神立像, 知行地内, 平成元年11月1日, 彫刻 : 木造十一面観音立像, 五所宮地内, 平成3年3月28日, 彫刻 : 木造天部形立像, 五所宮地内, 平成3年3月28日, 彫刻 : 木造薬師如来坐像, 下平塚地内, 平成14年3月20日, 彫刻 : 木造不動明王及び二童子立像, 岡芹地内, 平成15年8月21日, 彫刻 : 木造阿弥陀如来坐像, 関本上地内, 平成17年3月15日, 彫刻 : 木造不動明王立像, 関本下地内, 平成17年3月15日, 彫刻 : 木造聖観音立像, 小栗地内, 平成23年8月18日, 彫刻 : 木造十一面観音立像, 小栗地内, 平成23年8月18日, 工芸品 : 二峯庵額, 昭和51年6月28日, 工芸品 : 本小札紺糸縅胴丸, 昭和51年6月28日, 工芸品 : 陣羽織, 昭和51年6月28日, 工芸品 : 陣笠, 昭和51年6月28日, 工芸品 : 下館藩主石川家拝領打刀拵, 昭和52年3月24日, 工芸品 : 銀製定紋入手鏡, 甲地内, 昭和52年3月24日, 工芸品 : 銅五鈷杵, 黒子地内, 昭和58年4月15日, 工芸品 : 銅五鈷鈴, 黒子地内, 昭和58年4月15日, 工芸品 : 茅屋山水蒔絵硯箱, 黒子地内, 昭和59年3月19日, 工芸品 : 月海山観喜院医王寺(廃寺)不動堂厨子, 岡芹地内, 平成15年8月21日, 書跡 : 宇都宮歳旦帖, 昭和51年6月28日, 書跡 : 伊達左近中将吉村公筆軸一対, 中舘地内, 昭和51年6月28日, 書跡 : 吉村公筆和歌, 中舘地内, 昭和51年6月28日, 考古資料 : 鯨の化石, 明野公民館, 昭和51年4月1日, 考古資料 : 板碑, 小栗地内, 昭和58年4月22日, 考古資料 : 板碑, 関本中地内, 平成元年5月25日, 考古資料 : 五輪塔, 関本中地内, 平成元年5月25日, 考古資料 : 注口土器, 平成7年2月23日, 考古資料 : 高坏型土器, 野殿地内, 平成7年2月23日, 歴史資料 : 安倍晴明伝記版木 / 八幡稲荷権化帳伝記版木, 平成12年3月24日, 歴史資料 : “高札台, 関本分中地内, 平成14年2月25日”, 有形民俗 : 結縁交名帳(附阿弥陀如来1躯), 樋口地内, 昭和51年6月28日, 有形民俗 : 千人仏, 関舘地内, 昭和53年4月1日, 有形民俗 : 具足一揃, 昭和53年1月25日, 有形民俗 : 関流算額絵馬, 八幡地内, 昭和54年3月1日, 有形民俗 : 関流算額絵馬, 桑山地内, 昭和54年3月1日, 有形民俗 : 二宮尊徳仕法の水車と枡, 花田地内, 昭和54年10月1日, 無形民俗 : “太太神楽, 関本上地内”, 昭和50年4月24日, 無形民俗 : 常盤連(ひょっとこ), 松原地内, 昭和51年4月1日, 無形民俗 : 雷神社の湯立祭, 樋口地内, 昭和51年6月28日, 無形民俗 : 辻集落火渉, 辻地内, 昭和59年3月19日, 史跡 : 伊達行朝廟, 中舘地内, 昭和51年6月28日, 史跡 : 葦間山古墳, 徳持地内, 昭和51年6月28日, 史跡 : 加波山事件志士の墓, 乙地内, 昭和51年6月28日, 史跡 : 女方遺跡, 女方地内, 昭和51年6月28日, 史跡 : 女方古墳群(神明塚), 女方地内, 昭和51年6月28日, 史跡 : 下江連十二天遺跡, 下江連地内, 昭和51年6月28日, 史跡 : “水谷家歴代の墓”, 岡芹地内, 昭和51年6月28日, 史跡 : 下館城跡, 甲地内, 昭和51年6月28日, 史跡 : 野殿古墳, 野殿地内, 昭和51年6月28日, 史跡 : 藤原高房供養塔(等覚院供養塔), 泉地内, 昭和52年3月24日, 史跡 : 西方古墳, 西方地内, 昭和52年3月24日, 史跡 : 西方新畑古墳, 西方地内, 昭和52年3月24日, 史跡 : 薬師古墳, 甲地内, 昭和52年3月24日, 史跡 : 下館藩主石川総管の墓, 中舘地内, 昭和52年3月24日, 史跡 : 富士東古墳(浅間山), 中舘地内, 昭和52年3月24日, 史跡 : 富士東古墳(寺うしろ山), 中舘地内, 昭和52年3月24日, 史跡 : 佐藤英信の墓, 岡芹地内, 昭和52年3月24日, 史跡 : 台畑古墳, 村田地内, 昭和60年12月24日, 史跡 : 飯田軍蔵の墓所, 木戸地内, 平成12年7月25日, 天然記念物 : 観音寺 大欅, 中舘地内, 昭和52年3月24日, 天然記念物 : 薬師堂 大欅, 甲地内, 昭和52年3月24日, 天然記念物 : 関本神社の欅, 関本上地内, 昭和54年10月1日, 天然記念物 : 月海山観喜院医王寺(廃寺), 藪椿, 岡芹地内, 平成5年10月21日, 天然記念物 : 二所神社大榊, 成田地内, 平成5年10月21日, 天然記念物 : 八幡台大榎, 一本松地内, 平成11年3月24日, 天然記念物 : 市野辺大柳, 市野辺地内, 平成11年3月24日. Tsukubano, which is blessed with vast plains and water, is a treasure trove of fresh taste, where the blessings of the earth and the warmth of human hands come to fruition. As one of the best rice fields in the Kanto region, the vast plains at the foot of Mt. Tsukuba and several first-class rivers flow through the city. In addition, it is blessed with abundant land and water, and is famous as one of the leading rice fields in the prefecture. Its production and shipment are among the highest in the prefecture, and it is cultivated mainly in Koshihikari. In addition, rice crackers using rice, brewed products, miso, soy sauce, etc. have been handed down to the present day, following the old-fashioned manufacturing method. Due to the recent natural orientation, it has become popular and has taken root in the streets. In addition, there are many long-established confectioneries loved by literati in the Shimodate district, which prospered as the center of commerce and culture in the area. The city is also widely known as a large production area for red pears, which boasts one of the largest acreages in Japan. Due to pesticide-reduced cultivation, strict fruit selection, and traditional cultivation techniques, its beauty is outstandingly designated as a brand production area in the prefecture. The main varieties are the popular varieties of “Kosui Pear” and “Hosui Pear” and the large “Nitaka Pear”, which are in season from summer to autumn. Recently, it is also focusing on the production of “Akizuki Pear” and “Keisui Pear; Ibaraki's first original variety produced by the prefecture over 17 years. It is a hybrid of Shinsetsu and Chikusui pear, and has a sugar content of about 13 degrees, a strong sweetness, and a moderately refreshing acidity”. Ibaraki Prefecture has a history of pear cultivation since the Edo period and is one of the oldest pear producing areas in Japan. July 4th is “Nashi Pear Day”, pears in Ibaraki Prefecture start in July. Pear production is the second largest in Japan. The climate with a large temperature difference between day and night, abundant water, and blessed soil are suitable for pear cultivation. In the prefecture, it is produced mainly in Chikusei City, Shimotsuma City, Kasumigaura City, Ishioka City, and Yachiyo Town. The climate with a large temperature difference between day and night, abundant water, and blessed soil are suitable for pear cultivation. In the prefecture, it is produced mainly in Chikusei City, Shimotsuma City, Kasumigaura City, Ishioka City, and Yachiyo Town. From the beginning of July, starting with house pear (Kosui), which grows pears in a house that is rare in Japan, we will start with delicious pears while changing varieties such as “Shimotsuma Kanjuku pear”, Keisui Pear, Hosui Pear, Akizuki Pear, Niitaka Pear, and smile. You can enjoy it until around the time. Greenhouse-grown pears (Kosui) will be distributed from July, and the open field will be from early August to late August. A variety that marks the start of the pear season, with a light texture and plenty of juice. Since it has less acidity, it has a stronger sweetness. The crispy and refreshing texture seems to heal your mind. Shimotsuma Kanjuku Pear is from mid-August to late August. It is a rare ripe pear that is matured for 10 days or more than a normal pear and is harvested after determining when it is ready to eat. Keisui Pear is from early September to late September. It is an original brand of Ibaraki, and because it is large, has a high sugar content, and has low acidity, you can feel a deep sweetness when you eat it. Hosui is from late August to late September. The flesh is soft, the juice is plentiful, the acidity is moderate, and the refreshing flavor that is not only sweet is felt, which is exciting. Akizuki Pear is from early September to late September. A variety of three pears, Hosui, Niitaka, and Kosui, whose flesh is dense and sweet, with a refreshing and juicy texture. Niitaka Pear is from late September to mid-October. Also known as the King of Pears, the larger ones weigh more than 1 kg. It has low acidity, is fresh, has a rich flavor, lasts a long time, and can be enjoyed for a long time. Smiles are from mid-October to late October. It is a variety that is a combination of Niitaka and Hosui. It is large and has plenty of juice, has a high sugar content, lasts for a long time, and is full of smiles. Chikusei City forms the largest pear producing area in the prefecture. The history of pear cultivation in the area is old, and cultivation began in 1857 in the former Sekijo Town and in 1860 in the former Shimodate City. Former Shimodate City was designated as a fruit and vegetable brand production area in the prefecture in 1985, and Sekijo Town was designated in 1991. As for the varieties, “Kosui Pear” and “Hosui Pear” account for almost 80-90%, and late-maturing “Akizuki Pear” and “Niitaka Pear” seem to account for the rest. The introduction of “Nikkori Pear” as a new variety is progressing, and some new varieties such as “Keisui Pear” are being cultivated. In addition to open-field cultivation, simple cover cultivation to protect from rain (1983), unheated cover cultivation (1993), and warm cultivation (1991) have been introduced in some of the production areas to disperse labor. It is an effective means of expanding the cropping season. From “Greenhouse Kosui Pear” in early July to “Nikkori Pear” in early November, shipments tend to be mainly in the Tokyo metropolitan area for about four months. In order to raise awareness of environment-friendly agriculture and promote product creation that captures consumer needs, we practice reduced pesticide cultivation using sex pheromone agents, reduced chemical fertilizer cultivation utilizing annual soil diagnosis, and the use of organic matter. There seems to be. At the time of shipment, submission of an agricultural product production control ledger is a condition, and we strive to ship safe and secure pears. In addition, all Greenhouse Nashi pear members have acquired eco-farmers. The quality targets for the production area are 2L or more and 70% for “Kosui Pear” and 12 degrees or more for sugar content, and 3L or more and 13 degrees or more for “Hosui Pear”. Cultivation seminars, assessment meetings, etc. are held mainly by the production departments of each organization. Also, it seems that they are trying to improve the overall level. In 2013, the “Chikusei City Fruit Tree Producing Area Council” was launched, and the “Chikusei City Fruit Tree Producing Area Structural Reform Plan” was formulated. , We are trying to enhance and strengthen the production area support system. In the future, we plan to revitalize the production area by actively promoting large seedling raising, tree joint tailoring cultivation, root area limited cultivation, introduction of new varieties, etc. Kanto Cultural Property Promotion Association Co., Ltd.(Nunogawa Area), Established on November 22, 2010. It is a valuable property shared by the people. I feel that it is my greatest joy to be involved in the work of protecting cultural properties and passing them on to future generations, and I devote myself every day. We were able to open a demo booth at the ICOM Kyoto Convention held in 2019. ICOM : An international non-governmental organization founded with the aim of advancing and developing the museum. A global community for museums and museum professionals from around the world to discuss and interact with ethical standards and innovative practices. Since its founding in 1946, it has been working on the protection and promotion of museums and the heritage entrusted to them. In addition, ICOM has announced that the role of museums as a place to provide information, inspiration, and insight is indispensable for the development of a sustainable society. There are national committees and regional alliances organized by country, and international committees organized according to the various specialties of the museum. In addition, it seems that there are Standing Committees and working groups to consider issues related to museum ethics and how to respond in an emergency such as a disaster. Each of them holds annual meetings to exchange the latest information and share knowledge. Every three years, a General Conference is held where all committees meet together. The ICOM Code of Ethics has been developed to provide basic guidelines for museums around the world to achieve activities that meet certain standards. As an organization representing museums and museum experts on a global scale, we maintain cooperative relationships with international organizations such as UNESCO, ICOMOS and INTERPOL, and work to protect heritage and prevent illegal trade, as well as in emergencies such as conflicts and natural disasters. We are engaged in activities to build a risk management and support system for cultural properties. It also prioritizes the sharing of knowledge and know-how, and seems to be focusing on human resources development for the expanding museum community around the world. Promoting transcultural dialogue and exchanges among museum experts by holding world-class training. The theme of this time is that the museum will build a peaceful and better future now that the politics, economy and society are undergoing major changes internationally, such as global climate change, poverty, conflict, natural disasters, human rights suppression, and environmental problems. It was a tournament to think about the role to play in order to do so. What can we do to create a new future while cherishing not only the historical events revealed by the excavation but also the cultural heritage, traditional performing arts, and lifestyle inherited from the past? It was an exhibition announcement that would serve as a reference for how to proceed.


Greenhouse Kosui pears tend to be shipped about a month earlier than outdoor-grown Kosui pears. Because it is carefully grown in the Greenhouse, there is no need to worry about pests and diseases, and there is no variation in quality. In 2022, the flowering period will be the same as usual, and it seems that the fruit setting is progressing well. Due to the early end of the rainy season and the continuing hot weather, the balls are expected to start to be a little small, but the quality and sugar content are sufficient, and we can expect smooth shipments.


At the JA Kita-Tsukuba Shimodate pear joint fruit sorting plant in Nunokawa, the same fruit sorting plant members brought in. After a fruit sorter visually inspects each ball for flaws, color, etc., they are sorted by size and shape using a fruit sorting machine, graded, packed in 10 kg boxes, and shipped to the Keihin Market. On the previous day, a meeting was held by the producers to unify the selection criteria. The city is one of the oldest pear-producing areas in Japan, having opened a pear orchard in 1857, and has been designated as a prefectural brand production area. At the fruit sorting plant, fresh pears brought in by members of the department can be purchased at the adjacent direct sales store, and it seems to be bustling with customers every year who come to buy pears for gifts. Kosui pear shipments peak between August 1st and August 7th, with shipments expected to reach approximately 3,000 tons per day. From the end of August, shipments will continue until October, relaying varieties such as "Hosui-nashi", "Akizuki-nashi", "Niitaka-nashi'', "Shinko Pear'' and "Nikkori-nashi''.


Ibaraki Prefecture is the third largest pear producing area in Japan (shipment volume in 2020) after Chiba Prefecture and Nagano Prefecture. With a history of pear cultivation dating back to the Edo period, it is renowned as one of the oldest pear-producing areas in Japan and is treasured in Japan. The climate, which has a large temperature difference between day and night, abundant water, and rich soil, is suitable for growing pears. It seems If it's the same as usual, we'll start with Greenhouse Kosui Pear in early July.
