Echigo-Tsumari is a heavy snowfall area known for its beautiful rice terraces and satoyama, consisting of Tokamachi City and Tsunan Town in Niigata Prefecture. In addition, "Tsumari" refers to the former Tokamachi City, the former Kawanishi Town, the former Nakasato Village, and the Tsunan Town area from ancient times, but here, Tokamachi City and Tsunan Town including the former Matsudai Town and the former Matsunoyama Town. Is expressed. Due to the northwest monsoon, the warm current flowing into the Sea of Japan, and the Echigo Mountains that rise behind it, snowfall of over 2 m occurs in normal years, forcing people to live in the snow for nearly half a year. It seems. In fact, the gradual melting of this snow throughout the year acts as a "Natural Dam" and keeps the amount of water flowing downstream constant. Hokuetsu Express (Minami Uonuma City, Niigata Prefecture), the third sector that operates the Hokuhoku Line, announced on June 29 that the non-consolidated financial results for the fiscal year ended March 2022 had a final loss of 511 million yen (7 in the previous fiscal year). It seems that it was a deficit of 669 million yen). It seems that the decrease in usage due to the new coronavirus disease has affected. By recording the subsidy as extraordinary profit, the deficit narrowed. It seems that operating revenue, which is equivalent to sales, was 349 million yen, up 8% from the previous term. The annual number of transport personnel is 810,000, which seems to have increased by 9%. Commuter users were flat, but commuting users increased by 7% and non-regular users also increased by 20%. On the other hand, it seems that the operating loss was 937 million yen (compared to 908 million yen in the previous fiscal year) due to the expansion of repair costs. Tokamachi City, Niigata Prefecture, was established on April 1, 2005 by the merger of the former Tokamachi City, Kawanishi Town, Nakasato Village, Matsudai Town and Matsunoyama Town. The former Tokamachi City was born in 1954 by the merger of Tokamachi, Kawaji Village, Nakajo Village and Rokka Village, and has since incorporated Yoshida Village, Shimojo Village and Mizusawa Village. Kawanishi Town was born in 1956 by the merger of Senju Town, Ueno Village, Tachibana Village and Senda Village. Nakasato Village was born in 1955 by the merger of Tazawa Village and Kuramata Village, and has since incorporated a part of Kaino Village. Matsudai Town was born in 1954 by the merger of Matsudai Village and Yamadaira Village, and the town system was enforced in the same year. After that, Nunakawa Village and others have been incorporated. Matsunoyama Town was born in 1955 by the merger of Matsunoyama Village and Urada Village, and the town system was enforced in 1958. The city is located on the prefectural border with Nagano prefecture in the southern part of Niigata prefecture, just after the Chikuma River changed its name to the Shinano River. It borders Minami Uonuma City in the east, Ojiya City in the north, Joetsu City in the west, Yuzawa Town and Tsunan Town in the south. It is about 200 km from Tokyo and about 100 km from Niigata City. The city area is 31.4 km east-west and 41.1km north-south, with an area of 590.39 km2. The Uonuma Hills are on the east side of the city, and the Higashikubiki Hills are on the west side. In the central part, the Shinano River, the largest river in Japan, flows from north to south, forming a magnificent river terrace along with the Tokamachi Basin. In addition, the Shibumi River flows from north to south in the western mountainous area, and the basin is dotted with villages, showing a beautiful landscape of agricultural and mountain villages with terraced rice fields. The southernmost part occupies a corner of Joshinetsu Kogen National Park and is a mountainous area with an altitude of 2,000 m. Location and Area: Area 590.39 km2, sea level maximum 2,010.0 m, minimum 81.6 m, location 138 degrees 45 minutes 20 seconds north latitude 37 degrees 07 minutes 39 seconds north latitude, area east-west 31.4 km, north-south 41.1 km. The climate belongs to the Sea of Japan type meteorological category, and shows a seasonal appearance in each of the four seasons. The average annual snowfall exceeds 2 m, making it one of the most heavy snowfall areas in Japan. More than one-third of the year is covered by snow, and this weather condition seems to have a great influence on the formation of a unique lifestyle and economic activities. In terms of industry, the area of the former Tokamachi city (hereinafter referred to as the “Tokamachi area”. Hereinafter, the areas of Kawanishi town, Nakasato village, Matsudai town and Matsunoyama town are referred to as “Kawanishi area” and “Nakasato area”, respectively. In the “Matsudai area” and “Matsunoyama area”), the kimono industry began to grow significantly from the period of high economic growth in the 1955s and prospered as the main industry. It has been washed by the waves, and the shipment value and the number of employees have been decreasing until now. In the Kawanishi area, Nakasato area, Matsudai area and Matsunoyama area, agriculture, which is mainly rice cultivation, is the main industry. However, due to the outflow of new graduates from the city and the policy of reducing the number of people from 1970, there are problems such as leaving agriculture and lacking successors. On the other hand, resources include Matsunoyama Hot spring, which is said to be one of Japan's three major medicinal baths, Kiyotsu Gorge, which boasts the beauty of a valley with columnar joints, the Toma Kogen Resort surrounded by a rich environment, and town planning with art triggered by the holding of the Earth Art Festival. However, we are expanding the exchange population. In addition, the expansion of the software industry based on the development of the information-oriented society, the cultivation of mushrooms, which are special forest products, the response to green tourism utilizing the fact that it is an agricultural and mountain village, and the Doburoku(Yeast is added to rice, rice jiuqu, and water as raw materials and fermented. The method of making is basically the same as that of sake, but the feature is that it does not mash. It is said that history has almost the same origin as rice cultivation. Since anyone can easily manufacture it, it is said that many people used to make it by themselves. However, it goes without saying that the 1899 revision of the Liquor Tax Law completely banned the preparation of doburoku at home. In 2003, 6 towns and villages in Higashikubiki District, Niigata Prefecture at that time were certified as “Doburoku Special Zones”.)utilizing the system of the special structural reform zone. We are developing various activities such as manufacturing. On October 23, 2004, the Chuetsu region, including Tokamachi City, was hit by the Great Chuetsu Earthquake in Niigata Prefecture. It shook violently over several degrees and recorded a maximum seismic intensity of over 6. Therefore, as of August 23, 2007, 9 people were killed, 70 people were seriously injured, 522 people were slightly injured, 1,225 houses were completely destroyed, and lifelines such as water services, roads, rivers, agricultural land, agricultural facilities, etc. Has caused enormous damage. Based on the experience of the Great Chuetsu Earthquake, he seems to be energetically standing up with the aim of becoming a more vibrant city than before the earthquake. The Kawanishi area, Nakasato area, Matsudai area and Matsunoyama area have been designated as depopulated areas, and have been making efforts toward regional revitalization and independence with the support of the national and prefectural governments. The Tokamachi area was designated as a depopulated area for the first time after this merger. As of March 31, 2004, the total number of settlements in the city is 443, of which 44 are less than 10 households. In addition, the number of villages that have been closed in the last 20 years is said to be 11. The primary industry is mainly agriculture, which mainly cultivates paddy rice. As a move to combine management in order to strengthen the management base, the production of special forest products such as mushrooms has been increasing for about 10 years, and the production value greatly exceeds that of livestock. In addition, summer vegetables that take advantage of the characteristics of semi-high cold regions and the production of shimenawa are becoming major initiatives. The amount of agricultural output in 2002 was 11.5 billion yen. On the other hand, the number of workers in the primary industry has decreased by 4.2 points (census) compared to 1990 and 2000. The downward trend is expected to continue. In agriculture, the aging of workers and the securing of successors and bearers have become major issues, but the Special Zone for Structural Reform has made it possible for corporations other than agricultural production corporations to enter agriculture. The secondary industry has been based on the footwear industry, but the shipment value and the number of employees have been declining over the long term. In addition, due to economic globalization, attracting companies centered on light electricity are also shifting their production overseas, and the scale is shrinking one after another. For this reason, the shipment value of industrial products in 2001 was 55.4 billion yen, which is ranked low among the 20 cities in the prefecture. In the construction industry as well, the number of workers is being reduced due to the stagnation of private works due to the prolonged recession and measures to curb public works projects due to financial deterioration. The number of workers in the secondary industry has decreased by 5.1 points (census) between 1990 and 2000. The service industry and retail / restaurant are the main industries in the tertiary industry. In recent years, the installation of special nursing homes for the elderly and day service facilities based on the aging society has been expanding, and the software industry that captures the information society is also developing, and services including accommodation and medical care are also developing. The amount offered is increasing. In the retail industry, the exhaustion of existing shopping districts has become a major problem due to the expansion of large suburban stores. It is necessary to revitalize local commerce by collaborating with merchants to create attractive shopping streets that are loved by consumers. The number of workers in the tertiary industry has increased by 9.2 points (national census) compared to 1990 and 2000. For the time being, the population of the city as a whole is declining, and it is expected that it will increase slightly or maintain the status quo. JA Tokamachi's image characters “Toka-chan” and "とかちゃん", which were born in October 2003, are designed in a circular shape to represent development, based on the characters to in Tokamachi, and express Futaba with the image of agriculture. There is. It takes the to and “ka” of Tokamachi, and is also an acronym for “father” and “mother” who support regional agriculture. Appear at each JA event. Her personality is self-paced and sloppy, but kind. Her favorite foods are Koshihikari rice balls, Calbita tomatoes, and Tsumari pork(Echigo-Tsumari is an area consisting of Tokamachi City and Tsunan Town, Niigata Prefecture, and is a land with abundant greenery where the satoyama landscape remains. The “Tsumari Livestock Group” formed on 10 farms pursues safety, security, and deliciousness, prepares the environment for raising healthy pigs, takes time and effort, and raises them without relying on antibiotics. Since it has a great effect on meat quality, it is unified into three breeds of pigs: Duroc, Landrace, and Large York. Since the piglet period, we have been feeding drug-free feed and paying attention to nutritional balance such as vitamin and mineral supplementation. Received the “Grand Prize” of the Japan Agriculture Award.). 100 selections of Niigata agricultural irrigation facilities-Water facilities that push water to one of Japan's leading river terraces (Kiyotsu River pumping station, etc.): The Shinano River from Tsunan Town to Nagaoka City and its tributaries have one of Japan's leading river terraces. During the post-war period of increased food production, rice fields were opened in terraced areas where there was no water source and mainly upland farming, and many pumping stations were built to draw water from rivers that flow far below the hills. The height difference is 164 m at the Kiyotsugawa pumping station, 152 m at the Koshijihara pumping station, 140 m at the Ikegahara pumping station, and 50 m at the Kowadahara pumping station. Location, Tokamachi City, etc., Manager, Nakazato Land Improvement Zone, etc. Dams that moisten the river terraces in the west of Tokamachi (Kawanishi Dam, Chofukuji Dam, Tsuboyama Dam, Matsubazawa Dam, Gosanae Dam): This dam was constructed to supplement the chronic water shortage of agricultural land on the river terraces in the left bank area of the Shinano River (formerly Kawanishi Town). The Kawanishi Dam and Gomasa Dam are dedicated to irrigation, and the Chofukuji Dam, Tsuboyama Dam, and Matsubazawa Dam are both irrigation and flood control dams, both of which support local agriculture. During the winter, water from these dams is drained to help people live in heavy snowfall areas. Location, Aramachi Shinden, Tokamachi City, etc., Manager, Kawanishi Land Improvement Zone. Tomeyama Dam, which fulfilled the dreams of its predecessors: A water storage facility with a total storage capacity of 420,000 m2 that irrigates 333 ha of agricultural land around the former Matsunoyama Town Tianshui Island, and was completed in 1986. The story of the treasure irrigation story, which shows how hard it was to seek water in the irrigation fields in the Tianshui Island area, is still being handed down to local elementary school students. A dam festival is held on August 15th every year to cherish the “Regional Pride Toruyama Dam,” which delivers stable water even in the sunshine, and is crowded with many people. Location, Matsunoyama Tianshui Island, Tokamachi City, Manager, Matszato Land Improvement Association, Tokamachi City. Aqueduct facility to moisten the terraces of Nakasato from the ancient times of Edo Tenmei (Kikyohara Headworks, Kikyohara Sui Road, Kikyohara Aqueduct): Kikyohara is located on the terraces of the Shinano River and has been a water-scarce area for a long time. In 1785, Tenmei Edo, a 9 km-long Kikyobara irrigation water was excavated to send agricultural water from the Kiyotsu River. It is an irrigation canal constructed with the blood and sweat of its predecessors, causing many casualties in tunnel construction. After that, the Kikyohara headworks were built to enable stable water intake, and in addition to agricultural water, water for snow-flowing ditches is also taken in winter. Local elementary school students also visit the site for comprehensive study and learn about its history. Location, Higashitajiri, Tokamachi City, etc., Manager, Nakasato Land Improvement Zone. Shinmei-dong, which moistens Mita in Shimogumi, Tokamachi from the early Edo period: An irrigation facility for irrigating 60 ha of agricultural land in the Shimogumi area of Tokamachi City. It is said that the irrigation tunnel dug for the development of newly reclaimed rice field more than 300 years ago was a difficult construction that caused many casualties in a cave-in accident. It is said that the local people are still struggling to maintain and manage the tunnel as a valuable irrigation water in the area. Location, Tokamachi City Shimogumi, Manager, Tokamachi Land Improvement Zone, Shimogumi Irrigation Association. Shibakurazawa Waterway, which remembers the hardships of its predecessors in the tunnel: 36 ha of agricultural land in Seidayama, Shimoyama, and Juji villages in Tokamachi City, and a water facility that supports daily life. Completed in 1956, it is a hillside canal with a total length of 7 km. Four of the six tunnels are hand-dug tunnels, and the hardships of the ancestors who were involved in difficult construction in the local area are handed down and carefully managed. Location, Seidayama, Tokamachi City, Manager, Shibakurazawa Waterway Utilization Association. The Agricultural Promotion Department of the Tokamachi Regional Development Bureau fosters motivated and capable management bodies, as well as field maintenance projects to secure excellent agricultural land, irrigation drainage projects to stably secure drainage functions, and safety. It is said that it is promoting a landslide countermeasure project to create a safe hometown and a mountainous area countermeasure project to secure a safe and comfortable living base. “KURI-YUTAKA SQUASH”, A large-sized variety with stable fruit set and high yield of strong powder, black-skinned chestnut seeds mainstream in the Japanese market. The fruits are large balls weighing about 1.8 to 2.0 kg, and the balls are particularly well aligned. It is a little dark green and has a high waist and a round shape. The meat is very mixed and has a strong sweetness, which is popular with children. The grass is a little strong and the vines tend to be a little big. The petioles are strong, the leaves are less likely to break and fall, and they are strong against the wind. In addition, the incidence of powdery mildew(うどんこ病 ≒ Filamentous fungi; 糸状菌)is low. Female flower epiphytes are about the same as conventional varieties. Fruit set is very good and the yield tends to be high.Wide range of cropping, greenhouse, tunnel, open field cultivation: Also suitable for seasonal extension, multi-faceted. Pumpkin vines can grow up to 15 cm a day, so attract them early. When the vines grow 15 to 20 cm, leave two good vines. (In the case of double tailoring) Remove the side branches up to the fruit setting position early to enrich the ovary of female flowers. Be sure to leave the male flowers at the root of the plant, and remove the side branches of the fruit-bearing node as they can cause vine wounds. Regarding the fruit-bearing node position, the fruit is usually set in the 12th to 13th sections, but it is ideal for Kuriyutaka to set the fruit in the 10th to 12th sections. (70 cm from the vine). Mating should be done early in the morning. Honey Bee mating is recommended for labor saving (in cloudy weather, bees do not fly, so artificial mating is required). Be careful when using pesticides to avoid killing visiting insects. The harvest days for chestnuts are generally around 50 days after mating. If the fruit is unripe, the powderiness will decrease, leading to a decrease in storability and taste. “See from Mikado Kyowa Co., Ltd(Current Vilmorin Mikado Co., Ltd.)”. Tokamachi Squash, which is characterized by its bright green color, is a proud pumpkin grown in abundant nature and the earth. Sowing begins around the beginning of April, when snow still remains, and the pumpkins that have been cultivated with a lot of love are harvested around July and reach the peak of shipping around the Bon Festival. The variety “Kuriyutaka SQUASH” produced in Tokamachi is characterized by its strong sweetness and chewy texture, and its flavor is further enriched by cultivation and post-harvest curing(After harvesting, place in a shaded and well-ventilated place and cure for 7 to 10 days. The best time to harvest is when the peduncles are corked and cracks occur in both the vertical and horizontal directions. The curing period varies depending on the variety. After treatment, store at about 10 ° C. This is because people tend to prefer powdery products that are fluffy. The higher the powderiness, the higher the starch content, but the higher the storage temperature, the faster the starch decreases. Therefore, if curing is continued for a longer period of time or the storage temperature rises, the starch will change to sugar and become sweeter. However, on the other hand, it is necessary to be careful because it loses the feeling of fluffiness and becomes fragile.)that take advantage of the climate that varies from day to day.