Low table used by speakers : A true hero must bathe in water and wait for trials. You wouldn't know when the enemy would decapitate You. The quarrel did not subside, and the arbitration of Sakai saemonnojo(六位相当) TADATSUGU. He also ridicules both of them as “禄” thieves.I'm guessing that both of them will be settled on the battlefield. Leaving the large army of Shingen TAKEDA ; In front of the military commander, when both run up, there are three helmet neck(侍大将格)on each other. Entering the battle again, the Tokugawa and Oda Allied Forces are inferior. Later, both of them became dew on the battlefield, and finally they met. Here, the dictation of the SAGA feudal lord about 143 years later comes to mind. ‘武士道といふは, 死ぬ事と見附けたり’ - “武士たる者は武勇に大高慢をなし, 死狂ひの覚悟が肝要なり” - By Tsunetomo YAMAMOTO『JOCHO’s 葉隠聞書, 1716』, Written by Tsuramoto TASHIRO. It seems that the annual blader cherry exhibition and sales event started on June 25, 2022 at JA Topia Hamamatsu-Hamakita Farming Green Flower Tree Center in Shinpara, Hamakita Ward, Hamamatsu City. Summer feature of the season; something characteristic of a particular season is lined up to entertain visitors. Until August 14th (finished as soon as sold out). Bladder cherry is a perennial plant of the Solanaceae family. According to the center, there is a strong demand for it as a decoration for the Weaver Festival and Bon Festival, as if it were a paper lantern that ignites a fire. It seems that it was produced by a man in Fukahagi Town, Nishi Ward, who also shipped to the "Winter Cherry Market" held at Sensoji Temple (Taito Ward, Tokyo) and Hattasan Sonei Temple (Fukuroi City, Shizuoka) in July. JA Topia Hamamatsu, Located in the westernmost part of Shizuoka prefecture. Tenryu River(Lake Suwa)to the east, Aichi Prefecture border to the west, Pacific coast to the south, and Tenryu Village(Shimoina District, Nagano Prefecture: southern tip)border to the north. Hamana Lake is held in the central west. With an average temperature of 15.7 degrees and a mild climate with little annual gap, the annual sunshine hours are as long as 2,132 hours, boasting the nation's top level sunshine. The annual rainfall is around 1,880 mm, which is high in the summer and little snowfall in the winter. Are you fine with your friends? It is characterized by strong seasonal winds(a monsoon)toward the west. Around 1970, the cultivation of salad vegetables was introduced in the Seien area(浜松市西区 ; 神久呂地区, 雄踏地区). “Minami Ward, Hamamatsu City”, The ward consists of 7 districts in the southeast (Shirawaki, Shinzu, Iida, Hogawa, Kawawa, Goto, Kami). An area of 46.84 km2, which is about 3% of the total area of Hamamatsu City. The area with many foreigner citizens and the highest proportion of the ward population in the city's 7 wards. A spectacular spot with the Tenryu River in the east and the Enshunada in the south. Rivers such as the Anma River, Magome River, and Hogawa River, and the Nakatajima Sand Dunes(Modeling of sand carried by the wind "Wind ripple" : You can feel loggerhead turtles, various wild birds, and communities of beach plants.)facing the Enshu Nada shine. etc. People who should live are blessed with an environment where they can get close to nature. In agriculture, "Allium chinense'shallet” is cultivated in the sand, and it is also famous for producing ‘onions’, sweet potatoes, and paddy rice. In recent years, idle farmland has begun to stand out due to the aging of farmers and the shortage of successors. As a community building, efforts are being made to utilize it as a civic farm or a hands-on farm. On the industrial side, there are many factories such as industrial parks and transportation equipment in Tsurumi and Terawaki Town. Active businesses on various scales, from large companies to small and medium-sized companies, such as manufacturing-related and transportation-related. Rich nature and lively industry are in harmony, and the southern part of the area faces Enshunada. It seems that there is concern about Tsunami hazard in the coastal area. It is said that Nankai Trough earthquake(Nankai megathrust earthquake: Currently, imminent disasters such as massive earthquake in the Nankai Trough and Tokyo Inland Earthquake are pointed out. In a massive earthquake in the Nankai Trough, which has a high probability of occurring, the ultra-high-rise buildings in the Tokyo metropolitan area and other major cities could experience long-period ground motion that cause the buildings to slowly sway by a large amount over a long period of time; Nankai megathrust earthquake: The probability that a great earthquake of M(Charles Francis Richter: ML; magnitude. If it increases by 1, the energy of the earthquake will increase 32 times.)8-9 will occur in the future 30 years is expected to be 70-80%. 1944(40 km : 熊野灘沖),昭和東南海地震及び ; 1946(24 km : 紀伊半島沖), 昭和南海地震: Since the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, the risk of the occurrence of giant earthquakes has been widely recognized in Japan. The government revised its damage estimates for events such as a Nankai Trough Earthquake and a Tokyo Inland Earthquake. However, during the current State of emergency, we have to think about how to respond. It is certain that the probability is increasing year by year. It's better to have an evacuation site and no disaster for the time being. What I mean is that action viewed in terms of participation live, exist. The distribution of ‘Agricultural Products’ is delayed. It takes time for the route of goods to be restored, which hinders people's lives. Do you understand what I mean? Overbold asks people around him, including himself.)is likely to occur in the near future. Disaster prevention measures are well known as the most important issue in community development. Strengthen the Disaster prevention system and promote education for Disaster prevention in order to protect the safety and security of local residents. “Kosai City”, Located on the westernmost border with Aichi Prefecture. Kosai mountain range, which is lush and popular as a trekking course : Ocean / Pacific Ocean overlooking the far horizon : Surrounded by beautiful waters of Lake Kisui(brackish lake)and Lake Hamana : Nature is a beautiful city with a rich and warm climate. It is blessed with the location condition that it is located in the center of Honshu. The only existing Arai-sekisho(Old-time fifty-three stages on the Tokaido highway ; It is said to be small and the number of travel cages is 48th. Due to the disaster, the location of the post station changes twice, and it has the right to go to the checkpoint and the ferry.)in Japan, Shirasuka inn(It refers to a village opened on a white sandbar. The Fifty-three Stages on the Tokaido-38th. It was destroyed by the 1707 Hoei earthquake and moved.)where the old townscape remains, etc. Prospered as a transportation hub for a long time : People, things, and information are still actively coming and going. History of “tomato” cultivation in Hamamatsu : 1917s-It started to be cultivated in winter using greenhouse melon in Hogawa Area. Currently, the main production areas are the Waji and Isami districts. It is cultivated in a vinyl house and a hydroponic cultivation method is introduced. It is a wonderful tomato that has been cultivated almost year-round. Nutriculture : Solid medium cultivation ; Cultivated with a culture solution in which fertilizer is dissolved in water without using Soil. Avoids soil diseases and continuous cropping disorders. Tillage, ridges, soil gathering, fertilization, herbicide, etc. Omission of work required for soil cultivation. Automation of liquid supply and fertilization management : It will be easier to scale up and the efficiency of fertilizer and water utilization will be improved. There are two methods of feeding the culture solution: circulating type and Non-circulating type. In the deep flow technique, the culture solution circulates between the bed and the tank. The same applies to nutrient film technique(薄膜水耕). Solid medium cultivation : Discard the excess culture solution that was not absorbed by the crop-I've heard that there are many Free-flowing expressions. Disadvantages are the effect on growth due to changes in nutrient composition, and the spread when diseases invade. In the Non-circular type, these worries seem to be less. In solid medium cultivation, the shift to the circulation type is also in progress. It is the aspect of improving the utilization efficiency of nutrient water and protecting the environment. 産地:神久呂, 新津, 伊佐美, 引佐, “A tomato a day keeps the doctor Away”. ‘Hanakawa Town, Naka Ward’, From solanum tuberosum fruit sorting plant : Hamamatsu AND Kosai, Approximately 150 producers planned shipments of around 4500 tons toward the end of July. The first day is harvested on May 9th-12 tons of dried products are sorted by an automatic sorting machine. Workers visually check for pain and deformation of New Potatoes. In addition, the internal quality is inspected with a mechanical sensor and packed in a box. Blessed with high temperatures and moderate rainfall this year, growth is going well and I am looking forward to it. Shipments to the market began on the 13th, and the people involved were in a rush. The beginning of cultivation in Mikatahara dates back to the early Taisho era. It used to be clayey, lean tuff loam with poor drainage. In addition, the crops that can be cultivated were limited and it was difficult to cultivate. Meanwhile, potatoes were introduced as a crop that is resistant to thin soil and dryness. Now it has a brilliant white appearance, a lot of starch and sweetness. That is high quality “男爵いも”, Baron Ryokichi Kawada: In 1908, he was appointed as a director of “Hakodate Dog(Manufacturer of transportation equipment and shipbuilding: THE HAKODATE DOCK CO., LTD.)”. The solanum tuberosum is said to have been cultivated in the 6th century by the natives of república del perú in South America. It is said that there are records of cultivation in Hokkaido from the beginning of the 18th century from old materials. The beginning of "baron potato" was to purchase 11 potato seeds(From England and America)from a seedling dealer and cultivate them on a trial basis at the private farm "Seikaen Farm(Current Nanae Town, Kameda District)". The Baron had experience studying in England, and he had a strong desire to grow the Potato he ate at that time in Japan. Even during the government garden era in the early Meiji era, many varieties were cultivated and distributed free of charge to “Nanae” farmers, playing a major role in promoting agriculture. The Nanae government garden business will be abolished in the latter half of Meiji. With the opening of the current Hakodate Honsen, the entire village is in a predicament. Against the backdrop of a large consumption area called Hakodate, we will promote research on fruit trees and vegetables in order to develop it as a rural area again. Eventually, one of the agricultural products that succeeded in producing excellent products was “Baron Potato”. It is a variety “Irish Cobbler Potato”(Irish shoe repair: An Irish shoe repairer in Marblehead, Massachusetts, USA(1876). The origin is thought to be a hybrid natural crossing. Introduced to England around 1900 by Messrs Dobbie & Co. under the name “Eureka Potato”. Messrs Sutton & Sons also introduced what they purchased from Messrs W. H. Maule in USA in 1907, and it was also called “America”.)” native to England. For the trial production, he handed it over to Sojiro Murata, who lives nearby, and made efforts to contribute by repeating the trial production himself. Eventually, it turned out that the variety was resistant to disease and grew quickly. It has been well received for its excellent yield, and I hear that it has contributed to the cultivation circle in the neighborhood. It seems that it was the most suitable variety for cultivation in Hokkaido. In the Taisho era, it was shipped to Honshu as edible and seed potatoes, and was highly evaluated. The Nanae Agricultural Association will carry out thorough quality control and jointly ship it. At that time, it seems that the name was given with consent after the variety name for which the original name was forgotten was taken over from Baron. In praise of its achievements (achievements), it became an excellent variety in Hokkaido in 1928. It was decided to be an excellent variety along with "May Queen Potato", and was initially a limited variety in the Oshima region. With the passage of time, the growing period is short, it is suitable for a wide area, and cultivation techniques are accumulated. The strength of the potato-like flavor that has been loved for many years and its outstanding name recognition. There is no doubt that it is still gaining tremendous support from both producers and consumers. The color of the shoots is purple, and the color of the leaves at the time of germination is purple. I heard from my uncle that the stem length belongs to the shortest one. The number of stems is small, but it seems to be more than "Waseshiro Potato(Bareisho Norin No. 20: Characteristics of early ripening and white color)". The stem wings are slightly wavy, the stem color is green, and there are red-purple spots, and the tendency is intermediate. The grass is good, there is little lodging, and the leaf color is dark green. The shape of the apical leaflets and leaflets is wide, and the size seems to be smaller than "Waseshiro Potato" and larger than “May Queen Potato”(As a reminder, the May Queen in, which’s easy to peel off, is air-dried using a fan, etc., so that it looks beautiful. It’s said to be the apple of the earth" because of its high nutritional value.(Hokkaido excellent varieties, 1972(1928: Limited recommended variety),Early Victoria, Finna Early, Finney's Victory, Glenearn, Koksiaan, Maikoenigin, Thea Kartoffel)A disease called E. Sadler grows in Bentham, which is near Cheltenham in the UK. It was introduced by the Sutton Company in 1900 to the world, and the parents are unknown. Medium initial growth and early hypertrophy. In the withered period, it’s a middle to early life or middle age, which’s later than “Baron potato”. It’s oblong and the base’s slightly bulged and slightly bent. The skin color’s white to light yellow brown. It’s slightly yellowish, slightly sticky and has a pleasant texture, and has more sugar than other edible varieties immediately after harvest. When stored at low temperature, sweetness and viscosity tend to increase particularly.” etc. Well, let's get back to the story. “三方原台地”, It goes perfectly with tuff loam and increases yield. However, it cannot be said that tuff loam is generally suitable for cultivation. Since it is clayey, it is not possible to establish root as it is, be poorly drained. Producers carefully cultivate each field : We manage the fields to improve rooting and drainage. Moreover, there are not many production areas nationwide where potatoes can be produced with tough loam. Moreover, Hamamatsu does not have a large agricultural land compared to other production areas. For that reason, they seems to manage the cultivation carefully. Since the quantity is inferior, we will focus on quality and focus on production. A monument to hard work of ancestors who take advantage of Soil. Furthermore, it is compatible with the varieties that the workers have found in detail.