公益財団法人鹿嶋市スポーツ振興事業団 2019 ”鹿嶋市内遺跡埋蔵文化財発掘調査報告書40” 鹿嶋市の文化財167, 西畑遺跡, 散布地, 奈良 /平安時代, 堅穴建物跡1, 縄文土器, 土師器, 須恵器, 石製品, 鉄滓, 旧郡家の確認調査, 散布地 時代不明, 堅穴建物跡1, 堅穴工房跡1, 溝状遺構1, 土坑10, 旧郡家の確認調査. Pets are a member of a respectable family that provides healing and comfort to people and supports their hearts. However, if you do not understand how to keep pets and keep them without observing the rules and manners, it may harm the health of animals and cause trouble for the residents around you. In June 2021, Kamisu City enacted the "Kamisu City Animal Protection and Management Ordinance" in order to realize a symbiotic society in which humans and animals are in harmony. Toward zero culling of dogs and cats, we are aiming to create a human-and animal-friendly community by clarifying the responsibilities of the city, citizens, owners, etc. and cooperating with each other. "Is it necessary to protect 130,000 animals?" Amendment Animal Protection Law Enforced in June 2022 Pet industry swaying due to the number of pets. The revised Act on Welfare and Management of Animals, which requires breeders and distributors, is in force on the 1st. The microchip seems to be able to identify the owner. Even if a dog or cat gets lost or is separated from the owner due to a disaster, theft, accident, etc., the probability of returning to the owner is high, so it seems that a microchip is required to be attached. Above all, it can be expected to have the effect of deterring irresponsible abandonment and abuse by traders and owners. With the enforcement of this revised law, it seems that dogs and cats purchased from pet shops will be equipped with microchips in advance. 益田山 : 相応院 : Jinzenji Temple(Saint Teiyu; CHIZAN School of Shingon Sect)-Emperor Goreizei was erected in 1056 : Hasaki’s Large Machilus thunbergii(Prefecture Natural Monument). Karuno Village and Ikisu Village merged. Kamisu Village was born in 1955. “KAMISU city, Ibaraki Prefecture”, August 1, 2005, Kamisu Town and Hasaki Town merged.It will be born as a city with a population of over ninety thousand. The city flowers are Sarcandra glabra, the trees are Sciadopitys verticillata, and the birds are Horornis diphone. It is located in the Kashima area in the southeastern part of Ibaraki prefecture. Kashimanada, the dashing Pacific Ocean in the east. To the west is Katori City and Tonosho Town in Chiba Prefecture via the Tone River. It borders Kashima City in the north and Choshi City in Chiba Prefecture in the south. Sources from Kasumigaura and Kitaura : It is located in a flat lowland sandwiched between the Hitachi Tone River and the Tone River and Kashimanada. The east and west are gently sloping against the backdrop of Route 124, which runs north and south. The Kashima port and Kashima Seaside Industrial Zone have been developed from the north to the east. It plays an important role as a wide-area supply base for steel and petroleum products. It is also located within 100 km from Tokyo. Time distance is shortened by using Higashi-Kanto Expressway. In addition, it is close to Narita-New Tokyo International Airport ; New Tokyo International Airport and is about 30 km away. The climate is oceanic, with little rainfall and little temperature difference throughout the four seasons. Impression that it is easy to live in a relatively warm place.The terrain consists of flat land, alluvial lowlands and sandy soil. Japan's four largest dunes : Kashima sand dunes were scattered at an altitude of about 30 m. Once counted as one, it is isolated. The city's terrain has completely changed as it disappeared with the creation of the Kashima Seaside Industrial Zone. The littoral industrial area extends to the east and the agricultural area extends to the west. The area of the city area is about 146.97 km2. Public organizations such as the city hall are concentrated in the Mizoguchi District, which borders National Route 124. Onohara and Shitte District are the core of commerce. Kamisu City International Friendship Association(KIFA) : Fostering citizens' feelings for the wider world and enhancing international mutual understanding : Implement these various support projects, etc., Established for the purpose of contributing to internationalization and International goodwill. Cultural exchange, language, homestay, public relations ; The association has four committees as pillars. For foreigners : Holding class / Language course and international exchange events. Developing various businesses such as publishing public relations magazines(Ki-fa). Hasaki Coastal dune plants park : Area 4.80 ha (width 151 m × depth 317 m) Opening date May 1992. Beginning of green pepper cultivation in Kamisu City : A variety called “California Wonder” from the United States was cultivated. It was used as a vegetable for the expeditionary forces around 1949, immediately after the end of the war. Facility maintenance such as vinyl house : From around 1965, a major production area was formed due to the improvement of production technology. Expanding awareness of Hasaki green peppers : ‘Dora-P’, Together with the characters of the distribution subcommittee, the subcommittee will work together to promote it nationwide. The well-drained, smooth sandy soil has strong characteristics for continuous cropping. Also, a warm climate is suitable throughout the year. A famous production area with a nationwide share rate of 25% and the largest acreage in Japan. In Hasaki, the greenhouse and three crops are replanted seasonally in spring and autumn. Ships green peppers to markets throughout the country, mainly in the Tokyo metropolitan area, throughout the year. Green pepper cultivation of Hasaki Blue(Green)Sales Subcommittee(Namegata-Shiosai Japan Agricultural Cooperatives)started in 1949. It has grown into a standing position that can be said to be a key production area that supports national consumption. In Hasaki, shipments peak from May to June every year during the peak season. Harvesting work and temperature control of the house during the day. At night, I spared no time to sleep, such as sorting and sorting fruits. Unification of quality by unification(Resource conservation and Labor reduction); Now it takes fifteen minutes to complete all fruit selection, sorting and packaging. Now it is possible to reduce labor and time.It is incomparable to the time when shipping work was done manually. Merged on February 1, 2019. The jurisdiction is located in the southeastern part of the prefecture. A peninsular terrain sandwiched between Kasumigaura, Kitaura, and Kashimanada. 行方台地や鹿島台地には, 肥沃な畑作地帯が「水郷」と呼ばれ, 両湖岸には水田地帯が広がる. “行方市”は,麻生町, 北浦町,玉造町が,2005年(平成17年9月2日)に合併して, 誕生した市である.「なめがた(行方)」という市名の読み方は, 市民の方より公募され,「郡名として慣れ親しんできた歴史や文化があり,将来へ継承していきたい」“漢字の表記は, 歴史などの伝統の重みがある”,「なめがた(行方)の読み方は,現在の郡名の呼称による」などの理由から選定されたもの. 行方(なめがた)の由来は, “ヤマトタケルノミコト”が, 市の水辺と台地の入り組んだ様子を“行細し(なめくわし)”という表現をしたことが, 始まりといわれている. I will explain the details later, but first I will briefly explain the product. “紅こがねさつまいも”, It will change moistly during the year by storing it for a long time. “Ferment Beni-kogane sweet potato”, Especially as sweet potatoes that have been stored for a long time, they are very sweet and have a rich flavor that is soft even when cooled. “Curing low temperature storage”, The temperature is 13 degrees and the humidity is close to 90%, so it does not give stress as much as possible. Connect to consumers with this thorough management. According to a survey, you can enjoy it from May to August.「なめりーミコット」は, 全国の公募により, 2013年(平成25年3月)に誕生したマスコットキャラクターで,「なめがた」と「ユリ」で「なめりー」が名字,古代の高貴なイメージ「尊」や「ヤマトタケルノミコト」の伝承も残されていることから「ミコット」が名前である. “Itako City” is located in the southeastern part of Ibaraki Prefecture. Sotonasakaura shines in the south, and it is a city surrounded by water and rich in nature. An oceanic climate with mild summers and warm winters throughout the four seasons. Kamisu is a city located in the southeasternmost Rokkou area. Katori City and Tounoshô Town in Chiba Prefecture via the “Kashimanada” in the Pacific Ocean in the east and the Tone River in the west. Adjacent to Kashima City in the north and Choshi City in Chiba Prefecture in the south. A relatively warm climate that is oceanic, with little rainfall and little temperature difference throughout the four seasons. It consists of flat land, alluvial lowlands and sandy soil.The isolated Kashima dunes were once scattered at an altitude of about 30 m. The planted area of bell peppers is the largest in Japan. Readers should know it because it has been introduced many times. Kashima City is located in the southeastern part, and the magnificent Pacific Ocean shines in the east. To the west is a town with abundant water blessings facing the quiet waterside of “Kitaura”. Due to the influence of the Kuroshio Current, it faces the Pacific Ocean with a warm oceanic climate throughout the four seasons. It has undergone a major transformation into a modern industrial city with the steel industry as its main industry. Kashima District, Hitachi Province (Ibaraki Prefecture): Kashima-jingu Shrine Famous. It was Takemikazuchi no kami (who is variously called but we use this name after the shrine; also known as Kashima-sama), the enshrined deity of Kashima-jingu Shrine, who struck down the catfish with the spirit rock. It is said that Kanto-Shichiryu was established by seven Shinto priest families from Katori-jingu Shrine and Kashima-jingu Shrine to whom the art of kenjutsu had been passed on by Futsunushi no kami and Takemikazuki when these kami settled in Katori county and Kashima county (Ibaragi Prefecture) after the conquest of Ashihara no nakatsukuni due to the tenson korin (descent of the grandson of the sun goddess). Kashima-jingu Shrine's spirit rock is situated in a small shrine in the woods, far away from the main buildings of the Shrines. After the Ansei Great Earthquake, in the tenth month in the old calendar of 1855, Kashima-jingu Shrine's paper charm with a picture of the gigantic catfish became very popular, spreading the spirit rock to the people in Edo. ‘A place related to Mr. Tokugawa Mito’ : 長勝寺(臨済宗妙心寺派)-武運長久(源 頼朝 公)徳川光圀, 潮来陣屋跡(麻生藩兵: 幕府攘夷: 元治甲子の争乱)武田耕雲斎, 潮来祇園祭(総鎮守素鵞熊野神社の例祭: 三社大権現), 二十三夜尊堂(徳川斉脩 公の親筆 “至聖先師孔子神位” の木碑), 延方郷校跡(沢田平格: 金沢藩士)久保木蟠竜, 宮本茶村, 延方相撲 (鹿嶋吉田神社) 農耕地の利権,耕作権の争い: 徳島一帯, 普門院地蔵堂(海老虹梁,遊女), 愛染院(真言宗豊山派)水原の観音様 (安産 /子育の御神).“Kashima City“, Located in the southeastern part of the prefecture, the eastern part is the magnificent Pacific Ocean. To the west is a town with abundant water blessings facing the quiet waterside of Kitaura. Oceanic climate-Since it faces the Pacific Ocean, it is warm throughout the season under the influence of Kroshio. Since ancient times, Hitachi has been a country since the days of the Yamato imperial court : Developed as a gate town of Ichinomiya and Kashima Jingu. Kashima development started in the late 1950s : Construction of Kashima Seaside Industrial Zone centered on Kashima Port : Until then, the semi-agricultural and semi-fishing town has made the steel industry a major industry : It has undergone a major transformation into a modern industrial city. It is also the hometown of the famous club team Kashima Antlers. Now, let's follow the old story.It occupied an important geopolitics as a base for the Yamato imperial court's eastern strategy. Along with Katori Jingu in Katori City, Chiba Prefecture. “鹿島神宮の祭神 / 武甕槌命(Takemikazuchi no Mikoto ;火之炫毘古神 ; 速経和気命(春日権現))に象徴. It is literally the birthplace of martial arts. In the late Muromachi period-master swordsman / Kashima Shinto-ryu School-Bokuden TSUKAHARA : Matsumoto Bizen no Kami Naokatsu came out and raised the name of “Takenosato”. At the end of the Edo period-要石(御座石: Kashima jingu)が地中で地震を起こす大鯰の頭を押さえているという言い伝え. Triggered by Ansei great earthquakes in 1855 : color print caricature "Namazu-e" is all the rage : Confusion due to the arrival of capitalists and Kurofune who will soon gain huge profits in reconstruction : Being cracked down because he turned into a bitter satire on the shogunate and the world : Eventually, it disappeared rapidly. Served as the chief priest of shrine of Ise jingu : Founded the predecessor school of Jingu Kogakkan University : Mr. Noribumi(矗之輔)KASHIMA was born to the 大宮司. Learn Confucianism from Sokken YASUI. He also had a great influence on the formation of ideas leading up to the Meiji Restoration. “Ibaraking Melon”, It took about 20 years to complete the training. Ibaraki Agricultural Center(笠間市,小美玉市): Fruit through promoting photosynthesis ; 果実の肥大性, Than the mainstay after mid-May variety: More than 10% of the fruits are Big. Hypertrophy due to early shipment from late April to early May: Even when compared to good early-maturing varieties, it is as large as or larger. The sugar content is as high as the main product, and it has an elegant sweetness and is smooth. It has better shelf life than Wase, so it is best to ripen it sufficiently. Combining high breeding techniques, more than 400 ways of crossing. Ibaraki's original variety was selected as the only one.Following “Otome Melon”, shipping will begin around the end of April. The flesh has an elegant sweetness, a smooth texture, and is finely juicy. Production is mainly semi-forcing, which is shipped from Late April to June. Unheated cultivation in a vinyl house is the mainstream. Insulation is maintained by multiple coverings of lining curtains and tunnels. However, because it is unheated, it is easily affected by cold weather and unseasonable weather. Mother as a breeding method: Among strains that have been repeatedly bred: Select strains with good hypertrophy and high F1 combination ability. Mating the raised mother to create an F1 strain: 立体栽培で1次選抜: Crawling cultivation-特性検定-We proceeded with the selection of excellent F1 systems. We will promote the cultivation by paying attention to the cultivation characteristics as well as the fruit quality. “Net-based melon culture line” with excellent low-temperature hypertrophy and F1 hybrid of “Earl's type melon strain” with excellent taste ≒ 生研交14号. Promising adaptability test of strains at Horticultural Research Institute: Field tests were conducted from 2006 to 2007 ≒ ひたち交3号. It was also confirmed that the fruit was enlarged and the taste was excellent in the field. 登録番号第19804号; I applied for variety registration in 2008 and registered on September 17, 2010. Total effective temperature-From farmer's practice, which uses the number of days after pollination as a guide: Fruits with soft flesh and high sugar content can be harvested. Fruit quality is confirmed by NDE technique with an optical sensor. The hardness of the flesh is maintained by refrigeration, and it is difficult to soften even after shipping: By refrigerating at 0 ° C, the hardness of the pulp is maintained during and after refrigeration. Among the aroma components, the ester compound is less than “Andes No. 5”. C9 alcohol(3--phenyl-2-propen-1-ol, C9H10O, trans-C6H5CH = CHCH2OH.)compounds consisting of 9 carbon atoms are equivalent to slightly more. Stable net generation-Stable by raising the temperature to 10 ° C or higher and preventing the fruit from hardening. Low temperature widow sunshine condition on pit hardening stage(15 to 20 days after mating): After confirming that the temperature inside the house is 10 ℃ or higher: The humidity around the fruit is reduced, and the occurrence of hill nets is reduced. That is for the closed case.