




Raphanus sativus L. var. hortensis Backer


千葉県香取市山倉(林健次郎商店, ⭕は園芸出荷組合)


When it grows, the hypocotyl on the root rises greatly from the ground surface, and chloroplasts are formed on the surface part exposed to sunlight and become pale green.


The Sawara area of Katori City, Chiba Prefecture, along with Itako City, Ibaraki Prefecture, on the opposite bank of the Tone River, is a water town area that represents Japan, and has a history and facts that have been exposed to the violence of floods since ancient times. In the Middle Ages, the area was a wetland, and every time it rained, the crops in the fields were submerged in water, and due to poor weather, the people were often very tired and depressed. At the beginning of the Edo period, more than 400 years ago, the Tone River, which had poured into Tokyo Bay, was replaced by the current flow from Choshi to the Pacific Ocean, and the Sawara area seems to have been greatly affected. With the Tonegawa River flowing right next to it, Sawara became a relay point for water transportation to Edo and prospered as a port where large junks come and go. However, on the other hand, the amount of water collected in the river has increased to an unprecedented level, and the flood damage seems to have increased in a circle. From the middle to the end of the Meiji era, when boat transportation declined, river improvement changed to a construction method in which the embankment was raised and revetment work was carried out. It seems that it was made. For this reason, it was possible to prevent water from overflowing from the Tonegawa River, but it seems that the tributary water that had lost its place overflowed into the surrounding agricultural land and caused floods. In 1936 (February 26 Incident (attempted military coup in Japan; 1936), disappointment and hatred of imperial and Tosei faction confrontation officers, warlords, chaebols, and political parties in repeated political disputes) The waters of the tributaries, the Osuka and Ono rivers, have overflowed, and 1/2 of the 3,200ha of paddy fields along the Tonegawa River are covered with water, about 700 ha has no harvest, and 400 ha is less than half of the average year. The Kujukuri Plain, which draws a bow-like arc along the Kujukuri Beach (one of the largest sandy beaches in Japan facing the Pacific coast from Cape Gyobumi to Taitozaki in the eastern part of Chiba Prefecture), is a vast plain with few rivers. It seems that the area was short of water so that even a little sunshine would cause a fierce water conflict. It is said that the development of agricultural land was started after the Middle Ages, and Tamasaki Shoen was developed in almost the entire area of Ichinomiya Town, Mutsuzawa Town, Chosei Village, and Isumi City (former Misaki Town) during the Kamakura period. ing. At that time, the Kujukuri Plain was thought to have had a number of lakes and marshes, and a wetland all over. It seems that the reclamation of the plain was promoted by the reclamation of these lakes. However, in this plain where there are no rivers and sufficient water cannot be obtained, as development progresses in this way, it will be attacked by intense water deficit at the same time. It seems that the reclaimed farmland was also in very bad condition, with poor drainage and, on the contrary, sandy land, which caused water to drain quickly. It seems that the water conflict in the Kujukuri Plain, which was extremely fierce in the past, has been recorded more than 50 times from the Edo period to the Showa period, but this is a big battle with proceedings, and small water conflicts are more frequent. It seems that it was happening. Unfortunately, in 1894, more than 200 farmers on both banks clashed over the water of the Kuriyama River, holding Hoe, plow, bamboo spear, Japanese sword, swordstick, etc. in whitet seems that two victims have been killed. In the 1933 drought, there are still stories of a farmer slashing the water utilization union leader with a sword, and a farmer pushing a general trend and robbing the village mayor's house of rice. The record of such fierce water conflicts clearly shows the seriousness of farmers' lives. Marco Co., Ltd. (Headquarters), which operates a bakery cafe “Boulangerie Hilltop Shelley” in Sahara, Katori City, Chiba Prefecture, connects people and towns, and provides a richer lifestyle that is full of excitement and happiness in everyday life. : KATORI City, Chiba Prefecture) collaborates with JAL Group's JAL Sky Co., Ltd. (Narita Office: Narita City, Chiba Prefecture) to plan and develop products for “hot sandwiches that travel the world” from March 11th. Scheduled to be held on the 13th, it will be sold to the general public for the first time at Japan's largest bread festival 2022 Spring in Yokohama Red Brick. In addition, it will be on sale from March 14th at the Sherry store on the hill, and will be sold at POP ups and events in the future. This collaboration was triggered by Marco Co., Ltd. selling lunch at the Narita Operation Center of Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. in Narita International Airport, and jointly planning bread products for the company's employees. It seems that it started for the purpose of developing and selling. The collaboration theme between JAL Sky, which plays a role in connecting the world, and Sherry on the hill, which connects people and towns as a community of local residents while rooting in the area, seems to be “connection”. Nowadays, due to the corona, there are restrictions on movement and actions, cancellation of events, etc. With the aim of providing food that allows people to feel the connection with people, local communities, and the world, as the first step, “hot sandwiches that travel the world” Is devised. Our company reproduces the dishes of the world that JAL Sky employees traveled around the world and memorized. New Corona, it seems that he aimed for a hot sandwich that makes you feel like you have traveled all over the world and can immerse yourself in memories, with the message that “the sky and people's thoughts are connected” even if you can not travel. Benefits: Healing of illness, eradication of illness, disease-free breathing Yamakura Daijin is a shrine located in Yamakura, Katori City, Chiba Prefecture. It is a village shrine in the modern shrine. If you visit, you can get letter bearing the shogun's scarlet seal. It is said that it was founded in 811 in the early Heian period, and it seems that it has been worshiped by people since ancient times as the Soja of Dairoku Tenou Shrine. The Inner sanctuary was built in 1778 in the middle of the Edo period and is very useful. Until the Edo period, it seems that the Shingon sect Yamakurasan Kanpuku-ji was a special place, but due to the Ordinance Distinguishing Shinto and Buddhism of the Meiji era, Dairoku Tenou was transferred to Kanpukuj Templei. In 1871, the company name was changed to Takamimusubi no kami, Takehayasa no Kami, Okuninushi; Deity of magic and medicine later viewed as equivalent to Daikokuten and celebrated at Izumo Grand Shrine. Even now, the amount of main shrine seems to be the 6th Tenjingu. The annual festival is the first Sunday in December. Originally, it was held every year on the day of the founding of the lunar calendar frost day first Rabbit, and it seems that it was also called the “First Rabbit Festival”. Yamakura Salmon Festival (held on the first Sunday of December every year. The origin of the festival is unknown, but a person who caught a salmon that came up to the Kuriyama River in the past has a big character on the head of the salmon. It is said that the dedication of this to Yamakuradaijin was the beginning of the festival. As the festival approached, salmon went up, and people in this area called salmon “salmon” and worshiped them. It seems that the salmon is Ryugu dedication, and the devoted salmon that has been pickled in the tide is cut into small fillets on the day before the festival and arranged as a guard. In the evening, Portable Shrine Is also done. On the day of the festival, salmon fillets used as amulets are distributed to worshipers, and a portable shrine parades through the Yamakura area. This amulet is prized for avoiding disasters, and along with the salmon amulet that is always available, it is known as an amulet for eradicating illnesses, especially for colds. Salmon, a prominent catch in eastern Japan, plays an important role as a Shinsen.) ”, And was designated as an intangible folk cultural property of the prefecture on March 29, 2005. First, the devoted salmon is salted, then cut into small fillets by the Shirakawa style kitchen knife style Shinto ritual, and given to worshipers only on the day. It is said that Kobo Daishi Kukai, who had been traveling to various countries, devised a pandemic countermeasure that was popular when he visited the area. As a festival related to salmon, the salmon festival at the salmon shrine in Okuma, Tajima, Kama City, Fukuoka Prefecture is known, but it is completely different from our festival. It seems that Oirase Shrine in Towada City, Aomori Prefecture also has a history of salmon. The ancient “Katori” area is near the “Sawara” area, Katori-gun, part of the Omigawa area and Yamada area is Kaijo-gun, and part of Yamada-cho and Kurigen area is Sosa-gun. Katori Jingu, one of the three Togoku shrines, has been enshrined since ancient times as the Ichinomiya of Shimousa. Tadataka INO (Sanjiro Jimbo) -Ko Dainippon Coastal Transport, which created the first actual Japanese map in Japan, including the natural scenery around the Tone River, located in the countryside and satoyama “Suigo Tsukuba National Monument” that makes you feel the original scenery of Japan. The old house of Map (1745- (2nd year of Bunsei-1st year of Bunsei) 1818), as well as the townscape of Sawara, which was built from the Edo period to the early Showa period and is lined with merchant houses and storehouses (important for national selection) Katori City is surrounded by water and greenery, and is surrounded by nature, history, and culture. In terms of the agricultural industry, it is a rice source that has long been known as Suigo's early rice-producing region (Koshihikari, Fusaotome, Fusakogane). From the production of edible sweet potatoes, it boasts the highest sales value in Japan and is said to be the number one edible sweet potato production area in Japan because it is the largest production area in Chiba prefecture. Blessed with a warm climate and fertile agricultural land, it plays an important role as a food producing area in the metropolitan area. Nationally designated cultural property (national treasure) : 工芸品- 海獣葡萄鏡1面, 昭和28年3月31日, 香取神宮, Tangible and historical materials- 伊能忠敬関係資料2-345点, 平成22年6月29日, 伊能忠敬記念館. Nationally designated cultural property(有形 / 工芸品銅造): 十一面観音坐像 / 地蔵菩薩坐像/ 薬師如来坐像 / 釈迦如来坐像4体, 大正2年8月20日, 観福寺(牧野)記念物 / 天然記念物: 府馬の大クス, 大正15年10月20日, 宇賀神社(府馬), 記念物 / 史跡: 良文貝塚, 昭和5年2月28日, 貝塚区(貝塚), 記念物 / 史跡: 伊能忠敬旧宅1件, 昭和5年4月25日, 伊能忠敬記念館(佐原イ), 有形 / 工芸品, 古瀬戸黄釉狛犬1対, 昭和28年3月31日, 香取神宮(香取), 有形 / 工芸品: 双竜鏡1面, 昭和28年11月14日, 香取神宮(香取), 有形 / 彫刻: 木造十一面観音立像1体, 昭和34年6月27日, 荘厳寺(佐原イ), 記念物/ 史跡: 阿玉台貝塚, 昭和43年5月20日, 阿玉台区(阿玉台), 有形 / 建造物: 香取神宮本殿 / 楼門2棟, 昭和52年6月27日,昭和58年12月26日, 香取神宮(香取), 有形 / 古文書, 香取大禰宜家文書15巻7冊, 昭和60年6月6日, 個人(香取), 民俗 / 無形民俗: 佐原の山車行事, 平成16年2月6日, 佐原区(佐原イ), 記念物/ 史跡: 下総佐倉油田牧跡, 令和元年10月16日, 九美上字駒込ほか(九美上・福田), 平成8年12月10日佐原区(佐原イ) . Nationally registered cultural property(有形/ 建造物): 染織処 谷屋土蔵(夢紫美術館)1棟, 平成11年8月23日, 夢紫美術館(小見川), 有形 / 建造物: 香雲閣1棟, 平成12年2月15日, 香取神宮(香取), 有形 / 建造物: 香取神宮拝殿 / 幣殿 / 神饌所1棟, 平成13年4月24日, 香取神宮(香取), Prefectural designated cultural property(記念物/ 史跡): 佐藤尚中誕生地, 昭和12年3月19日, 内浜公園(小見川), 記念物 / 史跡: 天真正伝香取神道流始祖飯篠長威斎墓3件, 昭和18年2月19日, 個人(香取), 有形 / 彫刻: 羅龍王面 / 納曽利面3面, 昭和30年12月15日, 大戸神社(大戸), 有形 / 考古資料: 香炉形顔面付土器1個, 昭和32年10月21日, 貝塚区(貝塚), 有形 / 彫刻: 木造阿弥陀如来坐像1体, 昭和33年4月23日, 善雄寺(一ノ分目), 有形 / 彫刻: 木造十一面観世音菩薩立像1体, 昭和33年4月23日, 織幡区(織幡), 有形 / 工芸品: 銅造薬師如来立像1体, 昭和33年4月23日, 織幡区(織幡), 有形 / 工芸品: 銅造阿弥陀如来立像1体, 昭和33年4月23日, 織幡区(織幡), 有形 / 工芸品: 銅造観世音菩薩立像1体, 昭和33年4月23日, 織幡区(織幡), 有形 / 工芸品: 銅造十一面観世音菩薩立像1体, 昭和33年4月23日, 織幡区(織幡), 有形 / 工芸品: 香取神宮古神宝類一括, 昭和35年2月23日, 香取神宮(香取), 無形武術: 天真正伝香取神道流1件, 昭和35年6月3日, 香取神道流道場(香取), 民俗 / 無形民俗: おらんだ楽隊1件, 昭和38年5月4日, 扇島区(扇島), 記念物 / 史跡: 初代松本幸四郎墓, 昭和40年4月27日, 善光寺(小見川), 有形 / 彫刻: 銅造阿弥陀如来及び両脇侍立像3躯, 昭和42年12月22日, 修徳院(府馬), 有形 / 考古資料: 城山第1号古墳出土品一括(301点), 昭和44年4月18日, 香取市文化財保存館(羽根川), 記念物 / 史跡: 久保木竹窓遺跡1件, 昭和45年1月30日, 個人(津宮), 有形 / 歴史資料: 久保木竹窓遺品一括, 昭和47年9月29日, 個人(津宮), 有形 / 建造物: 西坂神社本殿1棟, 昭和48年3月2日, 西坂神社(西坂), 有形 / 建造物: 正文堂書店店舗1棟, 昭和49年3月19日, 正文堂書店(佐原イ)有形 / 建造物: 小堀屋本店店舗1棟, 昭和49年3月19日, 小堀屋本店(佐原イ), 記念物 / 天然記念物: 香取神宮の森1件, 昭和49年3月19日, 香取神宮(香取), 有形 / 工芸品: 梵鐘(貞和五年在銘)1口, 昭和50年3月28日, 浄土寺(大戸川), 記念物 / 史跡: 下小野貝塚1件, 昭和53年2月28日, 下小野区(下小野), 有形 / 工芸品: 大戸神社和鏡3面, 昭和55年2月22日, 大戸神社(大戸), 有形 / 建造物: 側高神社本殿1棟, 昭和57年4月6日, 側高神社(大倉), 有形 / 古文書: 天正検地帳(下総国香取郡木内庄木内郷野帳)4冊, 昭和57年4月6日, 個人(木内), 有形 / 古文書: 天正検地帳(下総国香取郡府馬領長岡村御縄打水帳)8冊, 昭和57年4月6日, 個人(長岡), 有形 / 古文書: 天正検地帳(下総国香取郡岡飯田村御水帳)2冊, 昭和57年4月6日, 個人(岡飯田), 有形 / 建造物光明院阿弥陀堂1棟, 平成1年3月10日, 光明院(多田), 有形 / 考古資料板碑(正元元年九月三日在銘)1基, 平成2年3月16日, 惣持院(佐原),(県立大利根分館展示), 有形 / 考古資料: 板碑(正元元年九月在銘)1基, 平成2年3月16日, 地福寺(大戸), 有形 / 考古資料: 板碑(正元元年十月廿五日在銘)1基, 平成2年3月16日, 地福寺(大戸), 有形 / 考古資料: 板碑(正元元年八月廿二日在銘)1基, 平成2年3月16日, 香取市文化財保存館(羽根川), 有形 / 建造物: 三菱銀行佐原支店旧本館1棟, 平成3年2月15日, 佐原三菱館(佐原), 有形 / 建造物: 福新呉服店 店舗兼住宅/ 土蔵2棟, 平成4年2月28日, 福新呉服店(佐原イ), 有形 / 建造物: 中村屋乾物店 店舗 / 文庫蔵2棟, 平成4年2月28日, 中村屋乾物店(佐原イ), 有形 / 建造物: 正上醤油店 店舗 / 土蔵2棟, 平成4年2月28日, 正上醤油店(佐原イ), 有形 / 建造物: 旧油惣商店 店舗 / 土蔵2棟, 平成5年2月26日, 旧油惣商店(佐原イ), 有形 / 建造物: 中村屋商店 店舗兼住宅 / 土蔵2棟, 平成5年2月26日, 中村屋商店(佐原イ), 有形 / 古文書: 香取分飯司家文書58通 / 2冊, 平成5年2月26日, 個人(香取), 民俗 / 有形民俗: 浄福寺の鬼舞面面30点他, 平成15年3月28日, 浄福寺(下小堀), 有形 / 彫刻: 木造観音菩薩坐像1躯, 平成16年3月30日, 梅林寺(西和田), 民俗 / 無形民俗: 山倉の鮭祭り1件, 平成17年3月29日, 山倉大神(山倉), 民俗 / 有形民俗: 利根川下流域の漁撈用具251点, 平成18年3月14日, 県立大利根分館(佐原ハ), 有形 / 建造物: 香取神宮旧拝殿1棟, 平成19年3月16日, 香取神宮(香取), 有形 / 考古資料: 関峯崎3号横穴出土金銅製三尊押出仏1点, 平成26年3月4日, 香取市文化財保存館(羽根川). City designated cultural property(有形・工芸品): 尺時計1点, 昭和37年1月5日, 伊能忠敬記念館(佐原イ), 民俗 / 有形民俗: 八坂神社旧神輿1基, 昭和40年2月18日, 水郷佐原山車会館(佐原イ), 有形 / 絵画: 十六羅漢像16幅, 昭和42年12月22日, 徳星寺(小見), 有形 / 彫刻: 薬師如来1躯, 昭和42年12月22日, 個人(田部), 有形 / 典籍: 大般若経文600巻, 昭和42年12月22日, 新福寺(神生), 記念物 / 史跡: 土井利勝植林指導地7310 m2, 昭和42年12月22日, 仁良(仁良), 記念物 / 史跡: 鴇崎貝塚, 昭和45年5月27日, 鴇崎区(鴇崎)8記念物・史跡三郎作貝塚 昭和45年5月27日, 新市場区(新市場), 記念物 / 史跡: 大倉南貝塚, 昭和45年5月27日, 大倉字井戸谷(大倉), 記念物/ 史跡: 台畑貝塚, 昭和45年5月27日,多田字台畑(多田), 記念物 / 史跡: 片野新林古墳, 昭和45年5月27日, 片野字新林(片野), 記念物 / 史跡: 又見古墳, 昭和45年5月27日, 又見神社(香取), 記念物 / 史跡: 本矢作城跡, 昭和45年5月27日, 本矢作972(本矢作), 記念物 / 史跡: 大崎城跡, 昭和45年5月27日, 大崎字城内(大崎), 記念物 / 史跡: 伊能忠敬墓, 昭和45年5月27日, 観福寺(牧野), 記念物 / 史跡: 今泉恒丸墓, 昭和45年5月27日, 前原共同墓地(佐原), 記念物 / 史跡: 楫取魚彦墓, 昭和45年5月27日, 観福寺(牧野), 記念物 / 史跡: 松永呑舟墓, 昭和45年5月27日, 千仏寺(津宮), 記念物 / 史跡: 清宮秀堅墓, 昭和45年5月27日,浄国寺(佐原イ), 有形 / 彫刻: 木造釈迦如来同脇侍像3躯, 昭和45年5月27日, 光福寺(寺内), 有形 / 彫刻: 木造阿弥陀如来坐像1躯, 昭和45年5月27日, 西福寺(山之辺), 記念物 / 天然記念物: 堂の下大ひいらぎ, 昭和45年5月27日, 個人(長山), 民俗 / 無形民俗: 多田の獅子舞, 昭和47年6月29日, 多田区(多田), 記念物 / 史跡:城山第4号墳1基, 昭和48年4月23日, 小見川(小見川), 記念物 / 史跡: 富田第1号墳1基, 昭和48年4月23日, 富田, 記念物 / 史跡: 山倉の念仏塚3基, 昭和48年8月20日, 山倉(山倉), 有形 / 建造物: 安産大神1棟, 昭和48年8月20日, 愛宕神社(府馬), 記念物 / 天然記念物: 安興寺大杉1樹, 昭和50年11月12日, 安興寺(岩部), 有形 / 古文書関家古文書24点, 昭和51年3月17日, 個人(小見川), 有形 / 古文書: 脇家古文書10点, 昭和51年3月17日, 個人(小見川), 有形 / 古文書: 谷本家古文書28点, 昭和51年3月17日, 個人(岡飯田), 記念物/ 史跡: 森山城主東胤頼夫妻の墓2基, 昭和51年3月17日, 芳泰寺(岡飯田), 記念物 / 天然記念物: 樹林寺四季桜1本, 昭和51年3月17日, 樹林寺(五郷内), 有形 / 絵画杉板戸絵4枚1組, 昭和51年9月17日, 大乗寺(岩部), 有形/ 彫刻: 子育地蔵菩薩1躯, 昭和51年9月17日, 薬王寺(高萩), 有形 / 建造物津宮河岸の常夜燈1基, 昭和52年6月1日, 津宮河岸(津宮), 民俗 / 無形民俗: 大崎の大和神楽, 昭和52年6月1日, 大崎区(大崎), 民俗 / 無形民俗: 側高神社のひげなで祭, 昭和52年6月1日, 側高神社(大倉), 民俗 / 有形民俗: 玉田神社の力石5石, 昭和52年6月1日, 玉田神社(大倉丁子), 記念物 / 史跡: 神道山古墳群,前方後円墳1基 円墳11基, 昭和52年6月1日, 香取字神道(香取), 記念物 / 史跡: 頭白上人塚1基, 昭和52年6月1日, 大根字来光(大根), 記念物/ 史跡: 伊能穎則墓1基, 昭和52年6月1日, 観福寺(牧野), 記念物 / 史跡: 源満仲伝承地 21m2, 昭和52年6月1日, 光明院(多田), 有形/ 絵画: 絹本着色浄土曼陀羅-浄土変相図-3幅, 昭和53年4月1日, 法界寺(佐原), 有形 / 絵画: 坂本桃渕遺作30点, 昭和53年4月1日, 個人(佐原), 有形/ 建造物: 真淨寺本堂1棟, 昭和53年5月13日, 真浄寺(沢), 有形 / 建造物: 実相寺山門1棟, 昭和53年5月13日, 実相寺(苅毛), 記念物/ 史跡: 稲屋敷1ケ所, 昭和53年8月20日, 田部字遠田部(田部), 記念物 / 史跡: 向油田貝塚1ケ所, 昭和53年8月20日, 神生, 記念物 / 史跡: 土井の新堤 1,200m2, 昭和53年8月20日, 田部字新堤(田部), 記念物 / 名勝: 橘堰 20,429 m2,昭和53年8月20日, 橘ふれあい公園(田部 / 仁良), 有形 / 建造物: 徳星寺本堂1棟, 昭和53年12月22日, 徳星寺(小見), 有形/ 建造物: 稲葉山神社本殿1棟, 昭和53年12月22日,稲葉山神社(長岡), 有形 / 建造物: 阿弥陀如来一尊来迎絵図1基, 昭和53年12月22日, 個人(田部), 有形 / 建造物: 八幡神社板碑1基, 昭和54年11月10日, 八幡神社(志高), 有形 / 建造物: 下総式寛治板碑1基, 昭和56年6月22日, 新里(新里), 有形 / 建造物: 下総式長嘉板碑1基, 昭和56年6月22日, 萬蔵院(新里), 民俗 / 無形民俗: 白川流十二神楽, 昭和56年6月22日, 八重垣神社御神楽保存会 / 八重垣神社(新里), 記念物 / 史跡: 虚無僧墓1基, 昭和56年9月22日, 大角こものはか(大角), 有形/ 工芸品: 宝篋印塔1基, 昭和57年3月16日, 沢区(沢), 有形 / 歴史資料: 曼荼羅4幅, 昭和57年3月16日, 個人(岩部), 有形 / 歴史資料: 検地帳2冊, 昭和57年3月16日, 苅毛区(苅毛), 有形 / 歴史資料: 検地帳4冊, 昭和57年3月16日, 西田部区(西田部), 記念物 / 史跡: 常葉談林 5482 m2, 昭和57年3月16日, 実相寺(苅毛), 有形 / 建造物: 山倉大神本殿1, 昭和58年9月26日, “山倉大神”(山倉), 記念物/ 史跡: 肥前鹿島藩鍋島氏の遺跡, 昭和59年9月1日, 円通寺(上小川), 有形 / 考古資料: 図像板石塔婆1基, 昭和59年9月1日, 寺内区不動堂(寺内), 有形 / 工芸品: 光福寺寺宝類3点, 昭和59年9月1日, 光福寺(寺内), 有形 / 考古資料: 金泥板石塔婆4基, 昭和59年9月1日, 大竜寺(与倉), 民俗 / 無形民俗: 木内神楽, 昭和60年2月27日, 木内神楽保存会 / 木内大神(木内), 民俗 / 無形民俗: 油田神楽, 昭和60年2月27日, 油田神楽保存会 / 大宮大神(油田), 民俗/ 無形民俗: 新市場神楽, 昭和60年6月1日, 新市場区天宮神社神楽保存会/ 新市場区(新市場), 有形 / 彫刻: 木造聖観世音菩薩立像 / 木造愛染明王坐像3躯, 平成3年3月1日観福寺(牧野), 有形 / 歴史資料: 観福寺文書53点, 平成3年3月1日, 観福寺(牧野), 有形 / 工芸品: 金銅牡丹唐草文華鬘6枚, 平成3年3月1日, 観福寺(牧野), 記念物 / 天然記念物: 岩ケ崎の森, 平成3年3月1日, 稲荷神社 / 岩ケ崎区(佐原), 有形/ 考古資料: 阿弥陀文字図像板碑1基, 平成3年3月1日, 新寺区(新寺), 有形 / 考古資料: 阿弥陀文字図像板碑1基, 平成3年3月1日, 大戸区(大戸), 有形 / 考古資料: 阿弥陀文字図像板碑1基, 平成3年3月1日, 浄土寺(大戸川), 有形 / 考古資料: 種子不動明王図像板碑1基, 平成3年3月1日, 西福寺(山之辺), 有形 / 考古資料: 阿弥陀文字図像板碑1基, 平成3年3月1日, 大竜寺(与倉), 有形 / 考古資料: 阿弥陀文字図像板碑1基, 平成3年3月1日, 多田分飯司堂(多田), 有形 / 歴史資料: 千体仏863体, 平成3年3月1日, 千仏寺(津宮), 有形 / 考古資料: 種子板碑(正元元年在銘)1基, 平成4年10月1日, 密蔵寺(岩ケ崎), 有形 / 彫刻: 木造聖観世音菩薩立像1躯, 平成4年10月1日, 観音区(観音), 有形 / 絵画: 両界曼荼羅2幅, 平成4年10月1日, 観福寺(牧野), 有形 / 絵画: 常光明会曼荼羅1幅, 平成4年10月1日, 観福寺(牧野), 有形 / 絵画: 釈迦三尊十六善神像1幅, 平成4年10月1日, 観福寺(牧野), 有形 / 絵画: 弥勒曼荼羅1幅, 平成4年10月1日, 観福寺(牧野), 有形 / 建造物: 神庫, 平成6年3月1日, 香取神宮(香取), 有形 / 建造物: 返田神社本殿, 平成6年3月1日, 返田神社(返田), 有形 / 建造物: 神徳館表門, 平成7年6月1日, 香取神宮(香取), 有形 / 彫刻: 木造十一面観音菩薩坐像, 平成8年7月1日, 歓喜院(扇島), 有形 / 建造物: 天真正伝香取神道流道場, 平成8年7月1日, 神道流道場(香取), 民俗 / 無形民俗: 本矢作区の神楽, 平成8年7月1日, 神楽保存会 / 本矢作区(本矢作), 民俗 / 無形民俗: 愛宕神社神楽, 平成10年10月21日, 愛宕神社神楽稚児舞保存会 / 愛宕神社(府馬), 民俗 / 無形民俗: 山倉大神白川流十二座神楽, 平成10年10月21日, 山倉芸能保存会/ 山倉大神(山倉), 有形 / 古文書: 荒北郷御縄打之水帳7冊, 平成11年10月21日, 荒北区(荒北), 有形 / 絵画: 大乗寺仏涅槃図1幅, 平成11年10月21日, 大乗寺(岩部), 有形 / 絵画: 安興寺仏涅槃図1幅, 平成11年10月21日, 安興寺(岩部), 民俗 / 無形民俗: 熊野神社並びに若宮八幡宮等, 神幸祭宮前番所使者受諸役芸能, 平成12年5月19日, 若宮八幡宮氏子 / 志高区(志高), 有形 / 考古資料: 瓦当笵1個, 平成13年12月18日, 香取市文化財保存館(羽根川), 民俗 / 無形民俗: 下小野神楽, 平成14年1月4日,下小野区(下小野), 民俗 / 有形民俗: 下仲町区山車人形, 菅原道真1躯の内, 頭1個手一対, 平成14年4月1日, 下仲町区(佐原イ), 有形 / 彫刻: 妙見菩薩立像1躯, 平成15年3月3日, 本命寺(大崎), 有形 / 彫刻: 男神坐像2躯, 平成15年3月3日, 本命寺(大崎), 有形 / 古文書: 府馬領主依田家文書1通, 平成15年12月3日, 個人(志高), 有形 / 古文書: 志高村延享二年水帳1冊, 平成15年12月3日, 個人(志高), 有形 / 古文書: 府馬領主進藤家文書2通, 平成15年12月3日, 個人(志高), 民俗 / 無形民俗: 長岡稲葉山神社神楽, 平成17年11月2日, 長岡神楽保存会(長岡), 有形 /古文書: 下総国香取郡府馬郷水帳12冊, 平成17年11月2日, 個人(志高), 有形 / 古文書竹内東白の事蹟(著書)一括, 平成17年11月2日, 個人(新里), 有形 / 建造物: 久保神社本殿1棟, 平成17年12月6日, 久保神社(久保), 有形 / 歴史資料: 千葉親胤御影1幅, 平成17年12月6日, 久保神社(久保), 有形 / 歴史資料: 久保神社御神幸絵図1巻, 平成17年12月6日, 久保神社(久保), 有形 / 書跡: 祐天上人名号跡1幅, 平成17年12月6日, 久保区(久保), 有形 / 歴史資料: 小見川藩主内田氏関連位牌一式(54点), 平成17年12月6日, 本願寺(小見川), 有形/ 歴史資料: 伊能忠敬関係資料93点, 平成18年3月1日, 伊能忠敬記念館(佐原イ), 民俗/ 有形民俗: 旧関戸町の猿田彦 頭部及び両手部3点, 平成18年3月1日, 水郷佐原山車会館(佐原イ), 有形 / 考古資料: 大戸宮作1号墳出土品一括, 平成19年7月3日, 香取市(大戸), 記念物 / 史跡: 三ノ分目大塚山古墳1基, 平成26年6月2日, 個人 / 三ノ分目区, 有形/ 建造物: 来迎寺宝篋印塔3基, 平成27年7月30日, 個人 / 貝塚区, 有形 / 歴史資料: 大禰宜家所蔵資料3点, 平成28年9月5日, 平成29年7月12日, 個人(香取), 民俗 / 無形民俗: 牧野大神楽, 平成31年2月1日, 牧野神楽保存会(牧野), 歴史資料: 香取神宮木造八龍神像8躯, 令和3年6月1日, 香取神宮. The Okura district of Katori City, known as “Suigo Pear Village,” is a cultivation method that makes use of the land on the slopes of mountains and small hills, and pear farmers have been concentrated since ancient times. Even in the prefecture with the highest yield in Japan, the pears grown by the morning mist and evening mist of the Tone River, which are unique to the water town area, are characterized by their smooth meat quality and fresh texture. “Hosui” is a hybrid seedling of "Kosui" x “ィ-33 (Wase Ishii x Nijusseiki)” in (Former Institute of Fruit Tree Science, Fruit Tree Tea Industry Research Division from April 1, 2016). (I heard that the year of hybridization was 1954; old strain name, 71-8: 2003, from a survey of fruit skin color, self-incompatibility genotype DNA analysis, etc.) However, in 1972 (Japanese pear Norin No. 8), the mating combination was corrected to be unknown because all of them were green pears and the fruit-skin-colored children such as “Hosui” did not occur. Registered as a seedling method variety by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. “Tonosho Town, Katori District” is located in the northeastern part of Chiba prefecture, bordering Choshi city in the east, Asahi city in the south, Katori city in the west, and Kamisu city in Ibaraki prefecture across the Tone River in the north. The climate is mild, with an average annual temperature of about 16 degrees Celsius, 2-3 degrees warmer than Tokyo during the winter, and cooler in the summer. To the northwest, you can see Mt. Tsukuba at the end of the Yamizo Mountains, and the area including Honmachi is Suigo Tsukuba National Park: Designated in 1959. Zone, Kashima Jingu, Katori Jingu, including the coastline from Inuzaki to Byobugaura. 1969 (Showa 44) It belongs to the area of Mt. Tsukuba and Mt. Kaba. The center of the town is a corner of the Hokuso plateau, make. 県指定文化財: 県指定有形文化財(絵画): 紙本著色鉄牛和尚像1幅, 小南, 福聚寺, 昭和45年4月17日, 県指定有形文化財(絵画): 紙本著色隠元和尚像1幅 紙本著色木庵和尚像1幅 紙本著色鉄牛和尚像1幅3幅, 小南, 福聚寺, 昭和45年4月17日, 県指定有形文化財(絵画): 絹本著色十六羅漢像図4巻, 小南, 蔵福寺, 昭和46年3月26日, 県指定有形文化財(彫刻): 木造妙見菩薩立像1躯, 笹川イ,東庄町, 平成13年3月30日, 県指定有形文化財(典籍): 伝東常縁筆詠草断簡1幅, 宮本,東大神, 平成11年3月30日, 県指定有形文化財(書跡): 隠元 / 木庵 / 即非墨蹟1幅, 小南, 福聚寺, 昭和45年4月17日, 県指定有形文化財(古文書): 天正検地帳18件, 71冊: 船橋市, 成田市, 印旛郡酒々井町, 香取市, 香取郡東庄町, 銚子市, 匝瑳市, 茂原市, 君津市, 木更津市, 船橋市他, 昭和57年4月6日, 県指定無形民俗文化財 : 笹川の神楽, 笹川(諏訪神社), 諏訪神社氏子総代会, 昭和40年4月27日, 県指定記念物(史跡): 鉄牛和尚墓, 小南, 福聚寺, 昭和45年4月17日. “Katori City” is located in the northeastern part of Chiba Prefecture, and borders Ibaraki Prefecture in the north. In the north, the Tone River flows from east to west, and in the basin, paddy fields with the atmosphere of a water town spread, and in the south, flat land centered on forests and fields occupies a part of the Hokuso Plateau. The “Hokuso Plateau” was reclaimed in earnest after the beginning of the Meiji era, when the samurai who lost their jobs were given vocational training and urgent development to increase food production began. There was no water on the plateau, no trees blocking the wind, and it was untouched. The soil of the expanding plateau was hard, and the conditions were too harsh for the unfamiliar samurai to clear rice field. At the beginning of the reclamation, there was no end to the separation and escape of the pioneers. In 1897 (Meiji 30), the Sobu Railway was opened in the current Yachimata city, and new pioneers from all over the country began to gather on the Kitaso plateau. Since many farmers with abundant (skilled) experience were included in this, the reclamation of the Hokuso Plateau progressed rapidly, and various crops were planted in the vast fields. Yields of none of the crops were as high as expected in fields without freshly cleared fertilizer. Cultivation has been devised according to harsh land conditions, and it takes time steadily to produce results. The Kanto Loam that covers the Hokuso Plateau is a soft volcanic ash soil that does not contain fine gravel. Taking advantage of this, the cultivation of souvenirs such as sweet potato, burdock, radish, 'carrot', and taro is flourishing. There are many varieties of fruit vegetables such as watermelon and tomato, and leaf vegetables such as cabbage and spinach. Daikon was introduced to Japan during the Yayoi period, and along with Chinese yam, Taro, and Melon, it is one of the oldest vegetables in Japan. The origin is Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean region, and it seems that it was transmitted to Europe and Asia from there. The route on the Asian side is north and south via the Middle East, and the north road is landing on the main island via northern China and South Korea. It's been a cold region, so I went to a hard Daikon radish. The south road goes to Kyushu and Okinawa via India and Southeast Asia, and it seems that this is a soft Daikon that is resistant to heat and has come to Japan. Japanese white radish is one of the representative vegetables in Japan. It is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a wide variety of daily meals, from standard dishes such as simmered dishes and pickles to grated radish and sashimi. The closer it is to the leaves, the sweeter it is, so it is more suitable for grated and raw food, the lower it is, the more spicy it is for condiments, and the middle it is for food cooked by boiling.


It seems that it was transmitted to Japan in the ancient Nara period via China and the Korean Peninsula. Emperor Nintoku of "Kojiki" (16th generation, Uji no Wakiiratsuko and the throne of the emperor Nukata Oonakatsuhiko who tried to seize the colonization of the emperor of ancient Japan Around the time (there are many stories that the peasants were willing to build this without building the palace, and the peasants were enriched by exempting the assignment of work), the song in which the radish appeared was sung. In the Edo period, it began to be cultivated in earnest and the number of varieties seems to have increased. Many varieties are still cultivated today, and this excellent agricultural product, which is the most widely available, has been mainstream since the 1970s. It is the most popular radish on the market and is characterized by its green neck. It weighs about 1 to 2 kg, is uniform in thickness, is elongated, and has a refreshing sweetness. Suitable for a wide range of cooking such as food cooked by boiling, pickles and salads.


Katori City has a place name called Japanese white radish: Oone (the origin of things). The upper part of the root of this radish is green. The roots turn green because chloroplasts are formed when exposed to sunlight. It can easily permeate CO2, but seems to be selective for other metabolites. The internal feature is that there is a network structure consisting of multiple folded membranes called thylakoid membranes, which is the process of decomposing NADPH (C21H29N7O17P3) and ATP synthesis (incorporated food using oxygen) in photosynthesis. It is a field for photodependent reactions (synthesis process by oxidative phosphorylation of generated energy, synthesis process in glycolysis without oxygen, process of converting light energy into photophosphorylation). The thylakoid membrane floats in the aqueous region of the chloroplast called the stroma. It seems to contain soluble oxygen that reduces carbon dioxide to sugar. The aqueous region in the thylakoid membrane is called the lumen, and the protons (same meaning as H3O+) that cross and are taken into the lumen seem to be the proton driving force for ATP synthesis. The thylakoid membrane forms a stack of folded vesicles called grana, or exists as a single layer of vesicles protruding and connected into the stroma. The thylakoid membrane region of grana that is not in contact with the stroma is called the granalalamella, and the region that is in contact with the stroma is called the stromalamella. The components involved in photosynthesis embedded in the membrane are specifically distributed in granala lamella and stroma lamella. By absorbing it, it captures the energy required for photosynthesis. The origin seems to be that a type of cyanobacteria (a group of bacteria that perform photosynthesis accompanied by oxygen evolution) coexisted intracellularly. It seems that it has its own nucleic acid called chloroplast DNA as a remnant of that.


Yamakura supreme being (daijin), which sits on a small hill, is a sacred place that has long supported the region during an infectious disease epidemic. It is said that the demon king of the sixth sky was solicited in 811 for the epidemic to disperse, and the king is enshrined. Until the Edo period, it seems that it was a Buddhist temple of Shingon Buddhism, Kanpukuji Temple. The Great Devil of the 6th Heaven was relocated to Kanpukuji Temple by Ordinance Distinguishing Shinto and Buddhism in the Meiji era, and was renamed to its current name in 1871. At the festival for the first Day of the Rabbit, which takes place every year on the first Sunday of December, salmon festivals and radish dances continue to this day, and locals cherish ancient legends and foundations.
