Excerpt from Toyohashi quail farming agricultural cooperative: Quails have been inhabited all over the world since ancient times, and it seems that they are also left in Egyptian mural paintings around 3000 BC. Also, in Japan, there is a description of Wenshu in the Kojiki and Manyoshu, and after that, it was written in a picture and sung in poetry, and it seems that it was bred in the Edo period to enjoy a lively cry. The quail of wild birds was domesticated in the Edo period, but it seems that it was bred for egg collection in the middle of the Meiji era. It was first kept in the Toyohashi region around 1921, and it seems that the chicks that were naturally mated here spread throughout the country after the war. It also seems to have been exported to Brazil and Southeast Asia. The quail breeding became popular in this area because of the warm climate and suitable for breeding. Originally, poultry farming is popular and there are many feed and equipment companies as related industries. It is located between the two major markets of Tokyo and Osaka, and has good transportation. Some of the quail farmers in Aichi are large-scale corporate organizations, but the majority are privately owned and the percentage of full-time professionals seems to be high. Previously, it was said that the egg price of quail fluctuates greatly with the seasons, but in recent years it seems that the average egg price has been maintained throughout the year. The feature is that the price fluctuation is relatively small because the ratio for processors is large. The market price of raw eggs peaks from around April as the temperature rises, and seems to be calm at other times. It grows very fast and seems to weigh twice as much as when feeding in 4-5 days. (It takes 8 to 9 days for chickens) Furthermore, the average age of first birth is around 40 days earlier than that of chickens. In addition, it is a small-sized large egg, and the chicken weighs about 3% of its body weight, but it seems to be about 8%. On the other hand, the composition of eggs is very similar to that of chicken eggs, but in addition to high-quality protein, vitamins, minerals and amino acids are about twice as much as chicken eggs (per unit), and it is famous as a food with excellent nutritional value. Aichi Prefecture occupies about 70% of the national market share in quail egg production, and Toyohashi area occupies about 85% of the whole prefecture, forming the largest production area in Japan. Currently, the Toyohashi area raises 2.68 million birds on 13 farms, and it seems that it will lay more than 2.2 million eggs per day. About 40% of the eggs shipped from each farmer are boiled eggs as processed foods, peeled, and boiled in water and boiled or canned. The remaining 60% is washed, packed and shipped as hygienic raw eggs. Toyohashi has the only agricultural cooperative specializing in quail in Japan, the Toyohashi Agricultural Cooperative (equipped with an integrated comprehensive facility of GP, boiled factory, hatching facility, fertilizer factory), and actively expands sales through TVCM etc. It seems that they are focusing on PR of the production area. It is also being branded as Toyohashi Quail®. “Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture” : Born on August 1, 1906 as the 62nd city in Japan(Futagawa-juku Station (Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture)). Although it is a region, the east borders Shizuoka Prefecture with the Yumihari Mountains as the border. Facing the Pacific Ocean to the south and Mikawa Bay to the west, it is blessed with abundant nature and a warm climate. The center is dotted with facilities such as the city hall, yoshida(Fumonji Temple (Toyohashi City) (Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture): Yoshida Shichifukujin)castle, and art museum. It seems that the shopping district is developing around Toyohashi Station. A tram (city tram) runs from the station front to the eastern part of the city, and is popular as a means for citizens. In the eastern part, Imou Bog, known as small Oze in the Tokai region, is located in the eastern hills. In the south, the farmland cultivated during postwar days bears abundant vegetables and boasts the highest agricultural output (gross agricultural production) in Japan. The Omotehama coast, which faces the Pacific Ocean, is known as the spawning ground for loggerheads(Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758): Widely distributed in the world ocean. The coastlines of Japan's Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, and Okinawa are attracting attention as the only spawning grounds in the North Pacific Ocean. The body color is brown on the back, pale yellow on the abdomen, and the head is large.). Mt. Ishimaki rises in the north, and many are hilly areas. A region where fruit trees such as jiro persimmon, which is famous for "Ishimaki", strawberries, peaches, and grapes are cultivated. Beautiful flower irises(Acorus calamus var. angustatus: sweet flag)bloom in early summer at the northernmost tip. January 4: Toyohashi Flower Festival (Toyohashi City). Aichi Prefecture's cabbage production in 2016 was the second highest in Japan. Above all, the area from Toyohashi City to Atsumi Peninsula is positioned as a major production area.Efforts of Koshiro Sugiura, who was the head of the vegetable shipping union in Takashi Village, Atsumi District (currently Toyohashi City) in 1930. Thanks to his efforts, the excellent variety "Koshi Kanran(Cabbage)" was born. After that, it will gradually be cultivated in neighboring Okubo, Tahara Town and Akabane Town. It is said that this area has become a production area that supplies large consumption areas in the east and west. In 1966, winter cabbage became a designated production area of the country, and actively worked on improving cultivation techniques. In 1968, Toyogawa irrigation water was introduced, and the production volume increased dramatically. It grows well in warm and abundant sunshine, and is characterized by good taste and freshness. The cultivated area at that time was about 1100 ha in the fall and winter, and about 500 ha in the spring and summer. Expansion of scale and anniversary of cultivation progress, acreage is on the rise. It is roughly divided into four types according to the time of year, and the main products are winter (cold ball) and gold sour (spring type), which are shipped in the fall and winter. In winter, the leaves are flat with few wrinkles, and the leaves are hard and chewy. It is used for cooking because it does not easily crumble even when cooked. Gold sour (named in Toyohashi: spring) is often used for raw food such as julienne because the leaves are wrinkled and round in shape and the leaves are soft. In recent years, sorghum(green manure: High production is expected and germination is good. Moreover, the seed price is cheaper than Crotalaria(Juncea). It tends to be relatively easy to use because it is relatively responsive to the acidity of the soil.)has been used to improve drainage and fertility. It's said that there is a border in Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture, that divides the two different ways of cooking sukiyaki between the Kanto and Kansai regions. “Toyohashi greenhouse gardening”, The union established in 1929 will celebrate its 92nd anniversary this year. The ancestors began growing Melon in a glass greenhouse in 1910. It is known that a large flood hit Tokyo “府” and 15 prefectures in eastern Japan in August. Among them, we established a specialized association for promoting fruit vegetables, which is unique in Japan. Especially in the early Showa period, the distribution of high-quality agricultural products of melons to the metropolitan area. Since then, the spirit of these predecessors has been passed down. Renamed in 1949 ≒ Toyohashi Greenhouse Gardening Agricultural Cooperative : An important foundation of Continue farming income for union members-Specializing in the production and sale of agricultural products. 国指定 : 重要文化財-東観音寺多宝塔(Myoshinji School of the Rinzai Sect-Gyoki) -小松原-1907年5月27, 豊橋ハリストス正教会 聖使徒福音記者マトフェイ聖堂-八町通-2008年6月9日,豊橋公会堂-1998年9月2日, etc. A long time ago, Ushikawa people(Pleistocene)lived 50,000 to 80,000 years ago. May 1957 at the limestone quarry in Ushikawa town-Discovered some of the human humerus. It is considered to be the oldest fossil hominid found in Japan. In the 600s, the “穂” country changed to Mikawa. “Perilla”, It is an annual plant of Lamiaceae and resembles Green shiso ; Japanese basil. Perfect for health, the Jomon people were processed into cookies. Approximately 50% or more is contained per leaf ≒ Alpha-linolenic acid(C18H30O2:CH3CH2 (CH=CHCH2) 3 (CH2)6COOH), Must be ingested from food as humans cannot produce it in the body ≒ 必須脂肪酸, It is a kind, and it is classified into the type called Omega three series. オメガ3系脂肪酸, Metabolism in the body replaces DHA and Eicosapentaenoic acid. And it exerts various body-friendly effects. It is a little-known fact that makes human cell membranes. Ingesting the right amount of fine oil promotes the renewal of cell membranes. It is very necessary to have a youthful and healthy body forever. Japanese Wild Perilla (Labiatae). Plant wild species are morphologically classified into three species. Perilla citriodora, Perilla hirtella, Perilla setoyensis. All of these are said to grow in the valleys of the mountains, which are a little deeper. 古来, 縄文時代の遺跡から「紫蘇の実」が発見され, 5000年以上も前から使われてきたと推測されてきた. 同組合は, 大葉, 菊花, 花穂, 穂紫蘇, 菊葉, エディブルフラワー, ベルローズ(ミニバラ), ハーブ, 鉢物の8部会から構成組織される.「花穂, 穂紫蘇」は, 色や形などの繊細な美しさのみならず, 香りや食味でも, 料理を引き立てる「和製ハーブ」である. 栄養成分を『山山』に含む. 日本料理に留まらず, 「和製ハーブ」として, フランス料理やイタリア料理など, 世界の料理とのコラボレーションを, 十二分に楽しめ色鮮やかになり思考が楽しい. 「花穂, 穂紫蘇」は, 2回花穂を収穫すると, 全部抜いて植え替えられる. 花が咲き始めてからの収穫期間は冬で, 約1週間, 夏はだいたい3~4日しかない. 紫蘇の穂を, 花が6割から7割ほど開きかけた状態で収穫された花穂(かすい, はなほ)を指す. 穂紫蘇は, 紫蘇の葉が成長し, 花が終わって(成熟)実になるものを収穫される. 「花穂(かすい, はなほ)」とは, また違う品種であり, 通年生産出荷できるように, 冬と夏で品種が異なる. 葉(大葉)と, 一緒に刺身のつまやあしらいに使われる. 防腐作用の効果や, 漢方にも活用される万能な「紫蘇」, 愛知県は, 今日でも, 国内生産量第一位を誇る. “ルテオリン(C15H10O6)”は, 食事誘導性の肥満やインスリン抵抗性を改善する研究報告が出され, 近年の遺伝子学研究で, エゴマ(Perilla frutescens)の変種であることが確認されている. A high school student who makes canned sardines, which is a specialty of Himi City, Toyama Prefecture, will cultivate perilla with fertilizer made from the head and internal organs produced during the manufacturing process, and planted seedlings on July 13, 2022. There is. At Himi High School, students in the Department of Marine Science seem to be making canned "Himi sardines," a specialty of the class, as part of their lessons. It seems that the talented students have developed fertilizers using sardine heads and internal organs that had been thrown away in order to achieve sustainable production with less environmental impact. In order to confirm the effect of this fertilizer, we decided to work on the cultivation of perilla in cooperation with the sesame oil maker in Toyama City, and six third-year students of the Department of Marine Science planted seedlings in the fields of Toyama City. It seems that the hard-working students first received an explanation from the manufacturer's employees about the characteristics of perilla, then dug a hole in the soil with their fingers, put a teaspoon of fertilizer on it, and planted perilla seedlings on top of it.