馬子うた長持うたもひびくなる しばし心地のいちり塚かな, 信濃なる須賀の荒野にほととぎす 鳴く声聞けば時すぎにけり, 行こか塩尻帰ろか洗馬へ ここが思案の桔梗ヶ原; 塩尻甚句(1894-1895: 塩尻は, 信濃国における花柳界 / 歌舞音曲の町を形成し, 中山道の宿駅であった. 塩尻遊郭の繁盛に伴い, 塩尻節の元となったと思われる), D. cercidifolius





Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. rubra


長野県塩尻市洗馬地区(上組, 岩垂: JA洗馬, JA全農長野)


The leaves are reddish purple, heading, and are named because they are a kind of “Cabbage.”


At the Shiojiri Pass on the border between Shiojiri City and Okaya City, a traditional festival called "the shortest in Japan" was held on Friday, June 24, 2022. The Shiojiri Onodate Memorial Festival held at the Shiojiri Pass located at an altitude of 1000 meters (to commemorate the visit of Emperor Meiji to the Shiojiri Pass in June 1880 and Emperor Showa in October 1947, at exactly 10 am It is said to be the shortest festival in Japan because it only takes a few tens of seconds to complete the festival. Currently, the government, city council, and business community of Okaya City and Shiojiri City participate. It seems to be an important place for people to exchange opinions.) About 40 people from Okaya City and Shiojiri City attended the event. The festival was started 142 years ago to commemorate the visit of Emperor Meiji to this Shiojiri Pass 75 years ago, and is held twice a year in June and October. It seems that the Nagano Prefectural Livestock Experiment Station in Kataoka, Shiojiri City has been grazing cotton sheep in earnest on the grassland on the premises since 2022. It seems to have two purposes: research to utilize sheep for the management of idle devastated land and response to the recent "rising feed prices". The grazing land is located along the foot of Mt. Higashiyama on the city road, and it seems that you can see the idyllic sight of cotton sheep grazing leisurely until autumn. Suffolk mutton known for meat among cotton sheep (more than 99% of the mutton consumed in Japan is imported from overseas. Suffolk mutton with black face and limbs is considered to be high quality lamb, especially from Shinshu. Suffolk is popular, its prices are on the rise from a shortage all year round, and it seems to be described as phantom lamb. The peculiar smell of lamb is due to eating green grass in the meadow until it is shipped. Suffolk mutton grown indoors is fed with grain feed. It has a low odor, has a taste and flavor not found in beef and pork, and has a very delicious meat quality. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a super brand sheep. , One of the most delicious mutton in Japan. In Chinese medicine, mutton is said to have a warming effect. It seems to increase blood, increase energy, and strengthen a weakened body. I've heard that people who have problems such as poor physiology, weak energy, and easy tiredness should eat it regardless of the season.) It seems that they are grazing seven sheep and feeding them weeds. In recent years, attention has been focused on utilization methods such as grazing sheep and goats in idle devastated areas, preventing the growth of weeds, and keeping deer who come to eat grass away. However, in addition to weeds, tree buds and plants that should be left behind may grow in the devastated land, so research will confirm what the cotton sheep actually eat and what they do not eat. Until now, it seems that they were mainly bred in the barn and fed the purchased feed. Feed prices have risen by 30-40% in the last two years, and research seems to be expected to curb feed costs. It is well known that the test site handles cattle, pigs, chickens, etc., but it is also one of the few testing and research institutes that handles cotton sheep. The engineer in charge of cotton sheep at the dairy beef cattle department said that by having the passing citizens see the cotton sheep, it would be an opportunity to let them know the necessity and importance of the livestock test site. I would like to look forward to the development of Japan's livestock industry in the near future. “Shiojiri City, Nagano Prefecture”, Located at the southern end of the Matsumoto Basin, almost in the center of the prefecture. The Narai and Tagawa rivers of the Shinano River system and the Ono river of the Tenryu river system flow down into the city, and the Shiojiri Pass, Utoh Pass, and Torii Pass are watersheds to the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan. The terrain is an alluvial fan, with an area of 17.7 km east-west, 37.8 km north-south, and an area of approximately 290.18 km2. Okaya City is adjacent to the east, Asahi Village to the west, Tatsuno Town to the south, Matsumoto City to the north, and Kiso Village(木祖)to the Kiso(木曽)area. It is famous as a historic hometown surrounded by clean water and greenery, with a rural landscape spreading against the backdrop of the Northern Alps, the Hachimori Mountains, Mt. Higashiyama / Mt. Takabocchi. In 1959, the city system was enforced by the merger of 1 town and 4 villages of Shiojiri Town, Kataoka Village, Hirooka Village, Soga Village and Chikumaji Village. Subsequently, Seba Village was merged in 1961, and Narakawa Village was merged in 2005, and continues to this day. It is a transportation hub where traffic on the Pacific Ocean side and the Sea of Japan side intersect, and the JR Chuo East Line / West Line and Shinonoi Line pass through it. In addition to the Nagano Expressway, general national highways No. 19, 20 and 153 pass through, and it is also a turning point. Matsumoto Airport opened in 1965, and the requirements of Shiojiri City for internationalization are being met. From an industrial point of view, in agriculture, taking advantage of the suburban area, a vegetable and fruit tree production complex is formed, and a wide variety of vegetables, mainly lettuce, are cultivated. In addition, grapes, apples, pears, etc. are cultivated as fruit trees, and in particular, winemaking made from grapes has attracted attention as a local industry and is entertaining fans. In the forestry industry, the production function of timber, etc., which has been flourishing for a long time, has been sluggish in recent years. The aspect of is becoming more important. From a new concept, it is said that it is proceeding with the development to demonstrate the public interest and multifaceted functions of the forest. In addition, the Kiso lacquerware industry(A famous industry designated as a traditional craft by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (then Ministry of International Trade and Industry) on February 17, 1975. In 2006, it was selected as an important traditional buildings preservation district of the country and holds an annual event.), which has been blessed with abundant forest resources such as Kiso Goboku(A tree in Kiso Valley that was banned from logging by the Owari clan during the Edo period, and is an evergreen coniferous forest: It was used in various places such as the construction of Edo Castle, shipbuilding, and civil engineering materials. For about 100 years, the forests of Kiso Valley have been cut down in large quantities, and the timber resources have been depleted. Therefore, the Owari clan established a "stop tree system" as a forest protection policy and banned it. Hinoki; Chamaecyparis obtusa, Asunaro (Asuhi); Thujopsis dolabrata (Thunb. ex L.f.) Sieb. & Zucc., Koyamaki; Sciadopitys verticillata (Thunb.) Sieb. et Zucc., 1842, Nezuko (Kurobe); Thuja standishii (Gordon) Carrière, Swara(Chamaecyparis pisifera (Sieb. & Zucc.) Endl.)), boasts a tradition of more than 400 years and still inherits its traditional techniques. In 1964, with the designation of the new industrial city in the Matsumoto / Suwa area, various factories for manufacturing precision machinery, electrical machinery, and general machinery peculiar to the inland area of Nagano Prefecture are located. It is progressing against the background of geographical advantages such as convenience of transportation, and is changing from an agricultural center city to an industrial city. It is in line with the undergrounding of Daimon Shopping Street and electric wires, which have been constructing anchor stores that meet consumer needs, such as the construction of redevelopment buildings as a shopping street revitalization project. The Hirooka shopping street, which is changing into a cityscape suitable for Tanka no Sato(塩尻短歌館: 広丘原新田), and the road service facing the main road connecting those shopping streets, create a lively city. In addition, it is blessed with tourism resources such as Yatsugatake Chushin Kogen National Monument(It was designated as a national university on June 1, 1964 and has an area of 389.57 km2. Plateaus such as Utsukushigahara and Tateshina Plateau are dazzling.), and the number of tourists such as mountain climbing, hiking, and resorts is increasing year by year. Shinshu Shiojiri Agricultural Park “Tirol no Mori(Opened in 1999, it is a comprehensive theme park with the motif of the Tyrol region of Austria.)”, which embodies a tourism-agriculture integrated industry, will attract a large number of customers at seasonal events. In the Narakawa District, which is located at the entrance of Kisoji, there are Niekawa-juku and Sekisho on Nakasendo, Narai-juku, and Kisohirasawa, a town of Kiso lacquerware. Against the background of such society and economy, nature and cities are in harmony, and further development is expected in the future. There are many valuable heritage sites such as historic sites, tangible and intangible cultural properties, and there are 18 nationally designated important cultural properties, 11 prefecture designated, and 60 city designated. Among them, from the national historic site Hiraide ruins, more than 290 large settlements such as pit-houses, stone arrangements, and pillar holes in warehouses from the middle Jomon Period to the Heian Period have been discovered. 塩尻市教育委員会(大門七番町)2006 “史跡平出遺跡”(大字宗賀): 平成19年度史跡等総合整備活用推進事業に係る発掘調査概報, 史跡等総合整備活用推進事業に係る調査遺跡, 集落, 縄文時代, 竪穴住居, 縄文土器, 縄文中期種別時代, 古墳, 竪穴住居, 土師器, 黒色土器, 平安, 竪穴住居, 土師器, 黒色土器, 灰釉陶器, 石器, 鉄製品. Nationally designated important cultural property building : 小野家住宅, 昭和48年, 追加指定: 平成21年, 3棟, 個人, 嘉永3(1850)年頃建築された中山道塩尻宿の旅籠建築, 主屋 / 文庫蔵 / 隠居屋が指定堀内家住宅, 昭和48年, 1棟, 個人, 小松家住宅, 昭和48年, 1棟, 塩尻市近世民家の祖形の一つ嶋崎家住宅, 昭和48年, 1棟, 個人, 完成された本棟造の古い例, 深澤家住宅, 平成17年, 3棟, 個人, 江戸時代末期の木曽地方における宿駅の町家の到達点を示す町家建築, 主屋(出梁造)/ 北蔵 / 南蔵が指定, 手塚家住宅, 平成19年, 3棟, 個人, 天保11(1840)年築の奈良井宿問屋, 建築 / 主屋(出梁造)/ 別棟座敷 / 土蔵が指定, 旧中村家住宅, 令和2年, 2棟, 塩尻市民家建築, 木造2階建, 切妻平入, 鉄板葺, 天保4(1843)年頃建築, 奈良井宿の代表的商家建築, 出梁造の典型例, 主屋 / 土蔵が指定. Nationally designated important tangible folk cultural property : 木曽塗りの製作用具及び製品, 平成3年, 3729点, 塩尻市生業(漆器等)に関する用具類及び製品類を体系的に整理, 木曽漆器館で保管 / 展示. Nationally designated historic site : 平出遺跡, 昭和27年, 154958m2, 個人, 縄文時代から平安時代にいたる大集落跡. National Important Preservation District for Traditional Buildings : 塩尻市奈良井, 昭和53年, 約17.6 ha, 中山道の宿場町, 木曾平沢, 平成18年約12.5 ha, 漆工町. Nationally registered tangible cultural property building : 巣山家住宅, 平成12年, 3棟, 個人, 漆工町, 木曾平沢の町家,(主屋)民家建築, 出梁造, 木造二階建, 切妻平入, 鉄板葺, 昭和8(1933)年築, 他に土蔵2棟あり, 住宅笑亀酒造店舗兼主屋, 穀蔵並びに造蔵, 平成21年, 3棟, 個人, 中山道塩尻宿の酒造建築,(店舗兼主屋)木造二階建, 切妻平入, 桟瓦葺, 明治後期(穀蔵)木造二階建, 切妻平入, 桟瓦葺, 大正8(1919)年築(造蔵)木造二階建, 切妻, 桟瓦葺, 大正8年頃築, 産業2次古田晁記念館展示室, 渡廊下並びに門, 平成21年, 3棟, 塩尻市(展示室)木造二階建, 寄棟平入, 桟瓦葺, 昭和前期(渡廊下)木造二階建, 切妻銅板葺, 昭和前期(門)腕木門, 桟瓦葺, 昭和前期, 住宅塩尻短歌館, 平成21年, 1棟, 塩尻市本棟造, 木造平屋一部二階建, 切妻妻入, 鉄板葺, 明治元(1868)年築, 平成4年移築, 産業3次秋山家住宅, 平成23年, 1棟, 個人, 民家建築, 出梁造, 木造二階建, 切妻平入, 鉄板葺, 明治前期築, 住宅, 田中家住宅, 平成23年, 1棟, 個人, 民家建築, 出梁造, 木造二階建, 切妻平入, 鉄板葺, 明治前期築, 住宅, 小林家住宅, 平成23年, 1棟, 個人, 民家建築, 出梁造, 木造二階建, 切妻, 平入, 鉄板葺, 明治前期築 / 明治期改修 / 昭和34年, 移築住宅, 荻上家住宅, 平成23年, 1棟, 個人, 民家建築, 本棟造, 木造二階建, 切妻妻入, 鉄板葺, 江戸末期築 /明治前期改修, 住宅, 丸山漆器店, 大谷石蔵氏, 平成25年, 1棟, 個人, 石造三階建, 切妻妻入, 桟瓦葺, 昭和36(1961)年築, 産業3次南内田公民館, 平成26年, 1棟, 南内田林野利用農業協同組合, 木造平屋一部二階建, 入母屋平入, 桟瓦葺, 昭和22(1947)年築 / 昭和23年改修, 文化福祉 現存する公民館建築としては県内最古, 岩垂家住宅, 平成27年, 1棟, 個人, 民家建築 / 本棟造平屋一部二階建, 切妻妻入, 瓦葺, 天保7(1836)年築, 住宅, 建築年代の判明する上質の本棟造民家, 平林家住宅, 平成30年, 1棟, 個人, 民家建築, 本棟造, 木造平屋建, 銅板葺, 江戸末期築 / 平成8年改修, 島木赤彦寓居, 令和2年, 1棟, 塩尻市木造平屋建, 切妻鉄板葺, 明治前期 / 明治後期増築 / 昭和30年代改修 : When Akahiko Shimaki, a representative poet of the Araragi school, was appointed as the principal of Hirooka Elementary School, he used it as a rented house. Back to the topic. In Hirookahara Shinden, where modern poets gathered, there is a short poetry hall and a poetry park where the old house built in the main building was relocated. In the monument park, there are “Mizuho Ota” and “Bokusui Wakayama”, which are said to be the tide of modern tanka: A number of excellent poetry monuments of the three female poets “Kishiko Wakayama”, “Mitsuko Shiga”, and “Ushio Midori” have been erected. The relics of those poets are on display at the “Tanka Hall”. In this way, the history and culture of the city have been inherited in various ways, and in the future, while handing down the history and culture, it is expected that town development will utilize them. 本洗馬 : Kamai-an is a building in the middle of the Edo period that remains in the site of the residence of Nagachika MIMURA, the owner of the Myogisan castle in the Warring States period, and is designated as a historic site in Nagano prefecture. The Seba History Village Museum is attached. It is said that Mimura formed it as a castle town from the Middle Ages to the Warring States period. By the time Mimura was destroyed by Takeda of Kai Province, the post town “Seba-juku(It was named after Yoshinaka KISO washed his horse's feet here: 31st from Nihonbashi)” on Nakasendo was also in this main Hon-Seba. It prospered as a pottery town, and from the late Edo period to the modern era, there were multiple kilns, and literary artists also visited. Seba ware was baked as a household item in Matsumotodaira in the late Edo period. Was done. It was actively burned in the Kamijo kiln, Yamazaki kiln, Shinsai kiln, etc. It is recorded in Nagano Prefecture Municipal Magazine, 1876 that a large amount of pottery was made in the early Meiji era and shipped far to the Tokai, Kanto, and Hokuriku Regions. The current Kamai-an was built in the middle of the Edo period, and has been restored in 1998 in the near future. Masumi Sugae, a traveller and naturalist from the Edo period, stayed at this Kamai-an(庵の春秋, 委寧乃中路)in Seba for about a year from May 1783. In 1957, it became a tangible cultural property of Akita Prefecture as 89 volumes of “Autographed Masumi Pleasure Record”, and in 1991, it became an important cultural property of the country. Masumi Sugae old man tomb in Terauchi, Akita City was designated as the first historic site in Akita City in 1962. At other times, it was used as a place for local learning as a terakoya; temple school. It is said that it retains the characteristics of 18th century architecture, and the remains of the pond garden and the group of Rhododendron indicum and Rhododendron are pleasing to the eye around the building. At the Seba History Village Museum on the premises, you can see materials related to Masumi Sugae and Kamai-an, as well as exhibits in memory of this area, which was once a pottery town. City Flower / Platycodon grandiflorus : Popular as one of the seven herbs of autumn, the appearance of the neat blue-purple flowers on the plateau in summer has been loved by poets for a long time. It is said to be the “Ipomoea nil” of the Manyoshu. City tree Taxus cuspidata(ミネゾ, トガ) : The Japanese yew, which grows naturally in the subalpine zone of Honshu, is planted as a fence for garden trees because of its elegant appearance and familiarity, which helps to create a beautiful home environment. “Red Cabbage”, It was introduced to Japan in the early Meiji era, but it is known as a vegetable that spread later than the conventional “Cabbage”. It has a beautiful spherical shape, is tightly wound, and although it is small, it is often clogged and heavy. The purple pigment is anthocyanin, which has a strong antioxidant effect, and the purple color of the broth turns red when an acidic one is added, and turns green when an alkaline one is added. The surface is red, but the inside is white, so the cut end becomes a pattern. Unique fragrance: Bright and appetizing. In April 2022, the JA Seba Agricultural Products Processing Subcommittee of Seba, Shiojiri City developed a new "Fruit Suama(It is a rice cake-shaped japanese confectionery made from top-grade rice flour made from non-glutinous rice. When adding sugar to the steamed dough, add the sugar in 2 to 3 times and knead it quickly to make the dough smooth.)" containing fruit juice. One push is the grape flavor using the wine grape "Muscat Bailey A Grape" from Shiojiri. It seems that they are enthusiastic about making it a specialty of Apis, a direct sales shop of JA Seba.


Red cabbage is a type of cabbage of the Brassicaceae genus Brassicaceae, also called red cabbage, which is a little smaller than general cabbage and has a beautiful purple leaf color on both the front and back. It contains more C6H8O6 than regular cabbage, and on average more vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. The purple color on the surface of the leaves is an antioxidant anthocyanin (a plant pigment component polyphenol, a preventive diet for glaucoma, and is thought to have a function of promoting blood flow in the retina, optic nerve, and ciliary body. It has various effects such as recovery of eyesight and prevention of glaucoma, which is an "eye aging phenomenon"), and seems to be a raw material for natural coloring agents). It is also rich in cabbage (vitamin U) or C6H15NO2S+, which has a mucosal protective effect by improving mucous secretion.


From Takii & Co., Ltd., Neo-Ruby Red Cabbage is a wase seed with good ball enlargement. With timely cultivation, it seems that a large ball of about 1.4 kg can be harvested 70 days after planting. It seems that he will gain more than 1.6 kg if the sun goes down. As a red cabbage, it has good rooting and has strong heat resistance, so it is easy to raise and cultivate seedlings. The grass is erect and grows vigorously, and it seems that the growth is uniform and the size of the balls is well matched. Good coloring and stable shape

The ball is a round ball with a lot of bloom, and it does not easily become a sharp ball and its shape is stable. The color of the sphere is vivid deep reddish purple, and it seems that the inside of the sphere is well colored. The head is tight and the core is low. In addition, it seems that the harvest period is wide due to the slow cracking and deterioration of quality after heading. Compared to ordinary cabbage, it has a slightly weaker moisture resistance and dislikes root cutting, so it seems that pot seedlings and cell seedlings are suitable for better survival after planting. Fertilization promotes the initial growth as the main fertilizer, and extreme dryness and excessive humidity cause root damage, so caution is required. It seems desirable not to plant seedlings that are weakly grown.


This area is a venerable agricultural production site, and it consists of 61 volumes in the diary of Fujiwara no Sanesuke in the middle of the Heian period. In the 1014 article of. , It seems that Makshi(Responsible for the government of each country in the laws and ordinance system)Chumei Tomoomi of Seba no Maki paid pieces, cows, etc. as tribute. It seems that this Seba no Maki is said to have been a ranch in Asahi Village, Ashinoda, Kosobu, etc. Yoshinaka Kiso first appeared in 1180, so it seems that the name of Seba came out almost 200 years before him. There seems to be an idea that it may be derived from the terrain (narrow space, narrow space) that narrows toward the back at the entrance of the valley.
