“Asahi City, Chiba Prefecture”, Yoshimasa KISO(19th descendant of General Asahi Yoshinaka KISO), a Sengoku warrior who ruled the area after the fall of the Muromachi Shogunate. 開基: 殿玉山 西徳院 東漸寺, 1593(Shingon-shu Chizan-ha). 懸仏: A three-dimensional statue of Buddha(旭市指定文化財), 木曽義昌公遺跡(旭市指定文化財). It is said that he had good politics and was loved by the lords.Mr. Takamasa Nonokuchi(Okuni)-Kyoto poet: Time has passed and he visited in 1852 and wrote a poem. “信濃よりいづる旭をしたひ来て東のくにに跡とどめけむ”, I remembered Yoshimasa-Ko. Full of vigor and vitality (like the rising sun) (vigour); It also comes from the desire to develop with momentum in the future. Located in the northeastern part of the prefecture. It is located within 50 km from Chiba City and 80 km from the city center. The southern part faces the beautiful bow-shaped Kujukuri beach. ‘干潟八万石(Approximately 5,100 hectares of farmland changed from sea due to reclamation in 1670: 辻内 刑部左衞門 氏 - 井戸野と仁玉間の排水路工事; 新川が完成, 椿海の排水開始: About 5,100 ha of agricultural land called “Higata Hachimangoku”, which straddles Asahi City, Sosa City, and Tonosho Town, was transformed from the sea to agricultural land by reclamation in 1670. If you dig a rice field, you can meet the seashells. At that time, the price of rice continued to rise in Edo because there was not enough farmland to cope with the increase in population. For this reason, Jiroemon Shiraishi, a tradesman from Edo, and Gyobuzaemon Tsujiuchi, who was a carpenter's builder, once had seawater in the low-humidity area that straddles Tonosho Town, Hikata Town, Asahi City, and Yokaichiba City. However, it was closed due to the development of the coastal current and became a lake called Tsubakinoumi. Around 1639, the reclamation of new rice fields in Tsubakinoumi was planned, and this major construction was completed in 1671. This project completed the tidal flats. 2,741 town walks of Yoshida called Yokaichiba were developed and 18 villages were formed. He is the central figure. He was born in Yamaguchi prefecture in 1628, and his childhood name was Sainosuke. , Learned at Ryuhoji Temple in Inaba, studied under the Zen master of the sect, and changed the name to Keikaku. In 1655, he went to Nagasaki and studied under the founder Ingen Zen Master. In 1659 he changed his name to Iron Cow and his name to Doki. He was given a seal in 1666 and later opened Zuishoji Temple in Edo and Shiba, and Kofukuji Temple in Mukojima. Osho spent his last years at Fukujuji Temple (Kominami, Tonosho Town: It is said that it will start with the opening of b
uddhist priest Tetsugyu, who was credited with the reclamation of Tsubaki no Umi. As temple treasures, there are sectarian calligraphy, sectarian Ingen Buddhist priest, Mokuan Zen Master, Tetsugyu Zen Master statue, etc., and it is a cultural property designated by the prefecture.), which was donated for his achievements in the development of Tsubaki no Umi, and died in 1700 at the age of 73.) With the help of a Zen master, he asked the shogunate for reclamation and dug the current "Shinkawa" to create agricultural land. In order to further improve drainage, the Odera River, Kaburagi River, Gogen River, and Nanama River were dug in the reclaimed land, and a waterway and a pond for drainage surrounding the reclaimed land called “Sobori” were also constructed. I couldn't get enough water for the ground. In addition, due to the excavation of the Shinkawa, the groundwater level dropped in the paddy fields higher than the downstream reclaimed land, resulting in water shortage. In order to eliminate flood damage in the reclaimed land, it was necessary to solve the downstream irrigation problem. From 1923, Shinkawa was dug and spread, and Yoshizaki weir, Komagome weir, and tidal flat weir were constructed to suppress the decrease in groundwater level, but with the drought in 1924, Hatsutaro Noguchi (He father is from Yazu, Tonosho Town, Katori District, which is located in the lower reaches of the Tone River. Has set up the infrastructure of the tidal flat Hachimangoku, a place that uses the power of nature called the Tone River to produce the source of life. The fact that we are entering an era of historic food shortages can be changed by the rapid growth of emerging markets and high crude oil prices.)Considering drawing water from the river with pumps and tunnels, construction began in 1935 to protect the cultivated lands and coastal areas from drought. Chiba Prefecture Tidal Flat Land Improvement Zone: The Otone Irrigation Area is located in the northeastern part of Chiba Prefecture, within the jurisdiction of Chiba Prefecture Otone Land Improvement Zone and Chiba Prefecture Tidal Flat Land Improvement Zone (Sosa City, Yokoshibahikari Town, Sambu District, Asahi City, It is a flat area 3-7 m above sea level that straddles (Tonosho Town, Katori District). A long time ago, this area was called Tsubaki no Lake, and in the late Edo period, the population of Edo increased and the price of rice went up. The reclamation of Tsubaki Lake was permitted by the efforts of the government, and reclamation began in 1668, and in 1673, 18 villages and 2741 town walks of newly reclaimed rice field were born. For 200 years after reclamation, the water source was 14 reservoirs created at that time, but it was hit by repeated droughts and water shortages. It was Hatsutaro Noguchi who saved it. His Tone River water withdrawal plan, which seeks a water source from the Tone River, started construction as the first prefectural Taegon irrigation project in 1935. The main irrigation canal and the east-west main irrigation canal were completed. However, in the 1965s, the Otone irrigation facility was destroyed, so the state-owned Otone irrigation land improvement project was carried out as a new renewal project, and it was successfully completed over the 23 years from 1970 to 1992. Since 1996, the reclaimed land of “Tidal Flat Hachimangoku”, which was born in the Edo period, has been carrying out a large-scale field maintenance (reconstruction 2350 ha) project that has never been seen before.)’, In the north(Boso Peninsula), a farm belt and a gentle hill zone, Hokso tableland, spread out. The surrounding area develops as an urban area. And the annual average temperature is 15 ℃, which is a warm climate. In industry: Institutional horticulture, livestock, rice farming, open-air vegetables, etc. Including active agriculture, fisheries, commerce, industry, etc., grow in a well-balanced manner.July 1, 2005: 旭市 / 海上町 / 飯岡町 / 干潟町(Area 130.45 km2), Born by merger. Expected to develop in the future as a nucleated city in the Toso region. 旧石器時代: 約25,000年前-桜井遺跡, 縄文時代前期: 約6,000年前-九十九里海岸低地の形成, 縄文時代中期 / 後期: 約4,500年前-仲島遺跡, 坊之場遺跡, 古墳時代後期: 6〜7世紀頃-東総地域最大の前方後円墳- 御前鬼塚古墳, 鏑木古墳群等, 大化元645年: 房総-安房 / 上総 / 下総, 下総国-香取/海匝 / 海上, 鎌倉時代前期: 13世紀-東庄 / 三崎庄(千葉氏一族), 建長年間1250年頃: 然阿良忠(Ryochu Nena; 記主禅師)- 海匝 / 印旛地域(浄土宗)平安-鎌倉時代中期: 木造伝聖観音立像 / 木造阿弥陀如来(立像 / 絹本著色釈迦涅槃図)etc. 1826年: 宮負定雄 氏-平田篤胤 氏, “農業要集”, 1838年: 大原幽学-先祖株組合 ≒ “農業協同組合” - 長部村で結成, 1871年: 新治県, 1873年: 千葉県誕生, 1888年: 石橋太郎兵衛氏, 千本松喜助氏-揚繰網開発, 1889年: パリの万国博覧会-濤川惣助(七宝家)氏-名誉大賞受賞, 1879年: 総武鉄道- 成東銚子間開通, 1912年: 穴澤松五郎氏 - “穴澤式改良甘藷苗床; 改良増収穴沢式甘藷栽培法: 西ケ原刊行会, 1935”, etc. 国指定 : 有形文化財(歴史資料), 大原幽学関係資料一括, 長部, 旭市, 平成3年6月21日, 国指定 : 記念物(史跡), "大原幽学" 遺跡旧宅墓および宅地耕地地割, 長部, 旭市, 昭和27年10月11日, 県指定 : 有形文化財(建造物), 玉崎神社本殿1棟, 飯岡, 玉崎神社, 昭和48年3月2日, 県指定 : 有形文化財(建造物), 旧林家住宅1棟, 長部, 旭市, 昭和54年3月2日, 県指定 : 有形文化財(建造物), 玉崎神社拝殿1棟, 飯岡, 玉崎神社, 平成17年3月29日, 県指定 : 有形文化財(絵画), 絹本著色釈迦涅槃図1幅, 琴田, 海宝寺, 平成11年3月30日, 県指定 : 有形文化財(彫刻), 木造伝聖観音立像1躯, 溝原, 東栄寺, 昭和41年5月20日, 県指定 : 有形文化財(彫刻), 木造阿弥陀如来立像1躯, 蛇園, 還来寺, 平成12年2月25日, 県指定 : 有形文化財(工芸品), 古瀬戸狛犬1対, 飯岡, 玉崎神社, 平成2年3月16日, 県指定 : 無形民俗文化財, 水神社永代大御神楽, 後草(水神社), 昭和29年3月31日, 県指定 : 無形民俗文化財, 鎌数の神楽, 鎌数(鎌数伊勢大神宮), 鎌数伊勢大神宮神楽保存会, 昭和40年4月27日, 県指定 : 無形民俗文化財, 倉橋の弥勒三番叟, 倉橋, 倉橋弥勒三番叟保存会, 昭和42年3月7日, 県指定 : 無形民俗文化財, 熊野神社の神楽, 清和乙(熊野神社), 鎌数伊勢大神宮神楽保存会, 昭和55年2月22日, 県指定 : 無形民俗文化財, 太田のエンヤーホー, ニ, 太田八坂神社氏子会, 平成20年3月18日, 県指定 : 記念物(史跡), 御前鬼塚古墳, 鏑木, 正賢寺(単立), 昭和50年3月28日, 県指定 : 記念物(天然記念物), 龍福寺の森, 岩井, 仙滝山 龍福寺(真言宗智山派)/ 旭市, 昭和54年3月2日. Asahi City can be roughly divided into the “coastal sandy area” that borders the Kujukuri coast, the “alluvial flat area” that includes vast tidal flat cultivated land, and the “alluvial eastern plateau area" that is located in the hinterland of the alluvial Kanto Loam Formation. The tidal flat area belongs to the “alluvial flat area” and the “eastern plateau area of Hokuso”. The field soil of the plateau is volcanic ash soil, the soil quality is loam, the soil strength is medium, the depth of the topsoil is about 20 cm to 25 cm, the depth of the effective soil layer reaches 1 m or more, the groundwater is low and the soil strength is high. As for the weather conditions, the average annual temperature is around 15 ° C, the annual rainfall is around 1,600 mm, and the climate is warm with almost no snow cover. Chili peppers are said to have originated in Latin America and were brought to Spain by Christopher Columbus in the 15th century. After that, it is said that varieties with less pungency were born in the cool environment of Europe. Spicy chili peppers were introduced to Japan in the 16th century. It was cultivated in the Edo period. In the Meiji era, sweet varieties were introduced from Europe and the United States, but they did not take root for a while and became popular after World War II. Varieties of chili peppers are classified into “pungent” and non-pungent “sweet”. Small sweet green pepper is botanically the same sweetness as peppers. The tangs that we usually eat are harvested before they ripen, and when they ripen, they turn red, but they are not spicy. The Higata district of Asahi City is located in the northeastern part of Chiba Prefecture, and is a pure rural area with abundant greenery known as one of the leading granary areas called "Higata Hachimangoku". The climate is relatively warm, with an average annual temperature of about 15 ° C and annual rainfall of 1,500 mm, which is blessed with nature. I heard that the paddy field area was improved in 1963 and edible chrysanthemum was introduced, and then shishito green pepper was introduced around 1972. Established the vegetable shipping department in 1983, and changed the cultivation method from open field cultivation to tunnel cultivation and then to green house cultivation, and continues to the present day. It seems that they are working on chemical fertilizer-free cultivation and pesticide-reduced cultivation as specially cultivated agricultural products in accordance with the new guidelines of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan. The rules of the subcommittee are very strict, and producers who wish to work on special cultivation will cultivate the previous crops according to the same standards as special cultivation, and the subcommittee will confirm the state of cultivation management before starting special cultivation. It seems that it has become. Also, it seems that they are focusing on soil preparation to make delicious and excellent shishito green pepper. As a method, it is obligatory to apply ripe compost at least once a year, and 100% organic fertilizer is used as fertilizer. Considering the environment, soil analysis is conducted to prevent excessive fertilization, and it seems that well-balanced fertilization is performed. It seems that the physical control decided by the subcommittee is strictly adhered to in order to reduce the frequency of use of pesticides. A 1mm net is placed at the entrance and exit of the Greenhouse to prevent the invasion of pests. In addition, it seems that the invading pests are killed by hanging the adhesive plate by utilizing the property of being attracted to the color. It seems that everyone has introduced highly safe communication disruptors that do not remain in agricultural products and are reducing the frequency of pesticide use.