It is a story from relatives, but since the culture and historical development are different along the eastern part and the western part of the Mogami River, the sense of incongruity cannot be wiped out even in modern times, and the conflict between the two districts is deep. It is said that it has a history of being called a political dispute, such as fighting fiercely. “Murayama City, Yamagata Prefecture”, Boundary change with Kahoku Town, Nishimurayama District on February 9, 1990. At the time of the merger, the name of Tateoka, which was the economic center at that time, was nominated as a candidate. However, after discussions with other villages, it was named Murayama with the enthusiasm and anticipation of becoming a nucleated city in the Murayama district, making the most of the generic name of this region. Located in the center of the prefecture, it has a long shape from east to west, 22 km east to west and 15 km from north to south. Surrounded by the Ou Mountains to the east and the Dewa Hills to the west, the Mogami River flows north while meandering in the center, fertile land opens in the basin, the climate is typical inland, and the temperature difference between summer and winter is large. “Cultural property” : カモシカ : 国指定, 特別天然記念物, 地域を定めず指定, 昭和30年2月15日, 石鳥居, 県指定有形文化財(建造物): 楯岡笛田, 昭和30年8月1日, 刀銘正秀 : 県指定有形文化財(工芸品): 楯岡十日町, 昭和38年12月20日, 臥龍のマツ : 県指定天然記念物 : 大字大久保, 昭和30年8月1日, トガクシショウマ : 県指定天然記念物 : 経営区(葉山), 昭和31年11月24日, 愛宕神社のケヤキ林 : 県指定天然記念物 : 楯岡晦日町, 昭和55年1月7日, 河島山遺跡 : 県指定史跡 : 大字河島, 昭和30年8月1日, 祥雲寺宝篋印塔 : 市指定有形文化財(建造物), 楯岡湯沢, 昭和43年9月10日, 宮の下宝篋印塔 : 市指定有形文化財(建造物) : 大字白鳥, 昭和43年9月10日, 宮の下六面幢 : 市指定有形文化財(建造物) : 大字白鳥, 昭和43年9月10日, 富並の六面幢燈籠 : 市指定有形文化財(建造物) : 大字富並, 昭和43年9月10日, 殺生禁断碑 : 市指定有形文化財(建造物), 大字岩野, 昭和56年1月19日, 葉山への道標, 市指定有形文化財(建造物) : 大字岩野, 昭和56年1月19日, 葉山への道標 : 市指定有形文化財(建造物) : 大字湯野沢, 平成10年10月28日, 葉山への道標 : 市指定有形文化財(建造物) : 大字湯野沢, 平成10年10月28日, 葉山への道標(しめ掛けブナ前の道標) : 市指定有形文化財(建造物) : 大字湯野沢, 平成13年1月25日, 湯殿 / 月山 / 葉山三山碑 : 市指定有形文化財(建造物) : 大字湯野沢, 昭和56年1月19日, 中沢不動尊堂 : 市指定有形文化財(建造物), 大字たも山, 昭和63年11月18日, 幾代橋市指定有形文化財(建造物): 大字岩野, 平成18年3月28日, 小松沢観音の絵馬 : 市指定有形文化財(絵画): 大字楯岡字小松沢, 平成24年11月29日, 木造阿弥陀如来座像 : 市指定有形文化財(彫刻) : 楯岡笛田, 昭和48年12月10日, 木造地蔵菩薩立像 : 市指定有形文化財(彫刻) : 大字岩野, 昭和48年12月10日, 木造漆箔阿弥陀如来立像 : 市指定有形文化財(彫刻) : 大字富並, 昭和53年7月3日, 木造彩色地蔵菩薩立像 : 市指定有形文化財(彫刻) : 大字富並, 昭和53年7月3日, 木造漆箔聖観音立像 : 市指定有形文化財(彫刻) : 楯岡湯沢, 昭和53年7月3日, 銅造阿弥陀如来座像 : 市指定有形文化財(工芸品) : 楯岡笛田, 昭和34年11月5日, 銅造観世音菩薩立像 : 市指定有形文化財(工芸品) : 楯岡大沢川, 昭和48年12月10日, 羽黒堂写経 : 市指定有形文化財(典籍) : 大字大久保ほか, 昭和34年11月5日, 紺紙金泥経 : 市指定有形文化財(典籍) : 楯岡新町, 昭和54年2月9日, 最上楯岡元祖記 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 楯岡湯沢, 昭和41年7月25日, 楯岡甲斐守書翰 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 楯岡晦日町, 昭和43年9月10日, 高札 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 中央, 昭和48年12月10日, 宮林主膳正書状 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 楯岡十日町, 昭和51年7月20日, 楯岡甲斐守宛書状 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 楯岡新町, 昭和53年7月3日, 最上徳内伝記 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 楯岡新町, 昭和53年7月3日, 最上徳内書状 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 中央, 昭和53年7月3日, 最上徳内書状 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 楯岡新町, 昭和53年7月3日, 最上徳内筆 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 楯岡新町, 昭和53年7月3日, 最上徳内筆 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 楯岡新町, 昭和53年7月3日, 最上徳内著書 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 楯岡新町, 昭和53年7月3日, 最上徳内著書 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 楯岡新町, 昭和53年7月3日, 伝徳内所用遺品 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 楯岡新町, 昭和53年7月3日, 足利尊氏御教書 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 楯岡新町, 昭和54年2月9日,「最上徳内書状」 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 中央, 平成24年11月29日, 村山市並びにその周辺からの出土品 : 市指定有形文化財(考古資料) : 大字富並, 昭和34年11月5日, 稲下鹿子踊 : 市指定有形文化財(民俗文化財) : 大字稲下, 平成4年4月22日, 大槇松念寺の回向念佛 : 市指定有形文化財(民俗文化財), 大字大槇, 平成8年2月22日, おくまん様の大スギ, 市指定天然記念物 : 大字湯野沢, 昭和34年11月5日, 頼義のスギ : 市指定天然記念物 : 大字富並, 昭和34年11月5日, 尾上のマツ, 市指定天然記念物 : 大字たも山, 昭和34年11月5日, 三吉山の三吉スギ : 市指定天然記念物 : 大字土生田, 昭和48年4月24日, 山の内のユキツバキ : 市指定天然記念物 : 大字山の内, 昭和51年7月20日, 楯岡馬場の大ケヤキ : 市指定天然記念物 : 楯岡馬場, 平成2年1月25日, 八幡様のイヌザクラ : 市指定天然記念物 : 楯岡馬場, 平成2年1月25日, 白山神社の大スギ : 市指定天然記念物 : 楯岡湯沢, 平成2年1月25日, 向陽寺のキャラボク : 市指定天然記念物 : 大字富並, 平成2年1月25日, 楯山のブナ : 市指定天然記念物 : 楯岡楯, 平成2年10月24日. Mt. Kawashima Ruins : Prefectural designated cultural property historic site designation April 1, 1952. 大字元塩川字前山. Details are unknown, and it is presumed to be the remains of a chasi(柵囲い)by ancient Emishi(蝦夷; エゾ)or a medieval castle. A hill lying on the east bank of the Mogami River, west of the city. The area is a ruin from the Paleolithic Period to the Middle Ages. At the top of the mountain, there are two ruins of a building drawn by a circular moat. A little south of the top of the mountain, there is an old burial mound with a diameter of 24 m around a 4 m-wide moat. The main body of the burial mound is a combination box-shaped sarcophagus, and no other relics have been detected. Near this is the sutra mound of the buried sutra and the gravel stone sutra. A copper-cast warp cylinder housed in a jar of Suzu ware has been discovered. From the southwestern slope of the hillside, stone tools from the late Paleolithic period such as Sugikubo-type knives, and burial tombs from the early and late Jomon period and the late Yayoi Period Tennoyama style have been excavated. Many small itabi monuments and stone pagoda fragments from the 15th century were excavated from this area. There is also a quarry site where stones were cut out. The summit of Mt. Marumori, which continues to the southwest, also has a circle with a diameter of 28 m, and a total of four burial mounds have been confirmed on Mt. Kawashima. Famous as a town that developed as a castle town of Tateoka Castle in the Middle Ages, especially Mr. Tateoka's 7th generation Mitsushige was active as a powerful vassal of Yoshiaki MOGAMI, and worshiped Yuzawa Castle (Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture) in Sekigahara. After the battle, he entered Honjo Castle (Yurihonjo City, Akita Prefecture) and gained control of 55,000 koku of rice in Yuri District. When the Mogami clan was converted in 1622, Tateoka Castle was abandoned, and Murayama City was transformed from a castle town to a post town on the Ushu Highway. When Tateoka inn was opened, the headquarters was set up around the current Murayama Post Office, and the city was opened on the 5th of every month. And there is a big rocky mountain in front of Atago Shrine so as to block the front of the post station, and cut-cutting work has been done many times since the Edo period, and it was the first Yamagata prefectural ordinance that became the current shape It is said that it was after the construction ordered by Mr. Michitsue MISIMA. In the current cityscape, there are many places where the atmosphere remains, such as the zelkova group around Atago Shrine and the approach to Mt. Gitoku Honkakuji Temple(牛魂供養; 1573, 安蓮社良穏上人龍淵前空大和尚; 浄土宗), but along the highway, old townhouses are disappearing due to the widening of the road and the modernization of the shopping district. Seems to be. The Mogami River flows to the west, and Goten, Mikase, and Hayabusa(舟唄; A barcarolle song composed by NHK in 1936 based on a folk song from Yamagata prefecture. Mr. Kunitoshi Watanabe, Mr. Iwataro Goto. According to one theory, it was composed with a strong awareness of the Russian folk song “Volga's Boat Song” ; ヨーイサノマガショー エンヤコラマカセー.酒田さ行ぐさげ 達者でろちゃ; 新内くずし, 酒田追分), which were once called the three most difficult places for the Mogami River boat transport, are all in the city and are now tourists as river boat rides and are rooted in the area. Now, let me introduce you to the traditional vegetables in the Murayama area. Yamagata Akane Spinach : Around 1927, a reddish root strain appeared in the spinach cultivated by Mr. Yoshio Shibata of Kazama, Yamagata City. After that, the roots that have a strong redness and are resistant to cold are repeatedly selected and cultivated to maintain the quality and continue to the present day. However, because it is vulnerable to diseases and difficult to cultivate, the production volume decreased at one point, but its good taste (less harshness than general spinach), unique sweetness, and rich taste were prized. The amount has recovered little by little. Cultivation is carried out both in the open field and in the house and can be harvested from mid-October to around February. It grows slowly in the frigid season with a lot of snow and stores sugar in the body, so the sugar content is said to be 12 to 14 degrees Celsius. Unlike ordinary spinach, it is said that one plant grows up to 200-300 g, which is a large plant, depending on how the leaves grow sideways and stand up. Yamagata Seisai : It is said that green vegetables entered Japan from China in 1904, and Yamagata green vegetables were cultivated in 1908 by introducing seeds from Nara prefecture. It is the same cruciferous family as the mustard, but one strain is 500 g and the length is as large as 70-80 cm. The leaves are fluttering like big frills, the stems are thick, and they are hard to soften even when pickled. The crispy texture is impressive. Green vegetables are mainly produced in the inland area, and are known as autumn vegetables that are sown in early September and harvested from late October to November before the snow accumulates. Select a sunny day for harvesting, cut from the root stock, and dry as it is for 1 to 3 days. It is said that it will be processed into pickles after the whole is softened. In order to maintain the characteristics of the varieties that the prefecture has independently improved and created, it is said that it used to avoid crossing with others and sown in the Asuka field in Sakata City. Okahijiki : It is said to have originated in Nanyo City, Yamagata Prefecture. In the early Edo period, seeds from Shonai beach were cultivated after climbing the Mogami River, which was the main transportation route at that time, and planted in Sunazuka village (currently Nashigo, Nanyo city) where the dock was located. Is said to be the beginning of. Originally, it is a wild grass of the Chenopodiaceae family that grows naturally in the sandy areas of the coast, and I heard that it got its name because its shape resembles the hijiki seaweed. Besides having(Mottenohoka): It is said that Yamagata Prefecture has been eating chrysanthemum flowers since the Edo period, but its history is uncertain. It is said that chrysanthemums have been planted in the gardens of each household for food since ancient times, and the representative is purple chrysanthemums. It is cultivated throughout Murayama in the central part of the prefecture, but it has been cultivated for a long time, especially in the Yamagata and Sagae districts. Since the quality of flowers deteriorates when exposed to rain or frost, many producers seem to cultivate them in a simple house to protect them from the rain. Also, because it is cultivated in the same place for many years, producers pay close attention to soil preparation using compost and organic fertilizers. When it's hot during the day, the petals lose their tension, so producers want tens of thousands of chrysanthemum flowers to be eaten by consumers in the morning and evening when the temperature is low. It seems that they will pick it up one after another. The flowers are pale purple and the petals are tubular. In addition to the unique aroma of chrysanthemum, a faint sweetness, and bittersweetness, the crispy texture is impressive. Zao Squash : I heard that a farmer in Zaonarisawa brought seeds from his parents' house in the Nakayama district of the former Nakagawa village (currently Kaminoyama city) in 1948. The color of the pericarp is grayish-white-blue, and the navel is large, about 10 cm. It has been called “Masakari pumpkin” because it is so hard that it cannot be cut without using machete or nata. Its strength is that it has a good taste and a chewy texture, and the flavor does not deteriorate even after long-term storage. Akudo Taro : Taro has been cultivated for a long time in the Akudo district in the western part of Yamagata City. It is more sticky than ordinary taro and does not crumble even if it is simmered for a long time. The harvest time is later than ordinary varieties and you can enjoy it for a long time. Horigome Oenanthe : In the Maeakashi district of Yamagata City, which has abundant groundwater, it is said that seri that grew naturally in the 1945s was selected and cultivated. It is registered as a traditional Yamagata vegetable. Groundwater with a water temperature of about 10 degrees is pumped up to the seedlings and grows quickly, and the season begins around December when the temperature drops. Not only is it used for ozoni, but it is also indispensable for local cuisine unique to Yamagata. In the old days, only seri was available in winter, so it seems that this scent, color, and nutrition were also useful. Its name is not well known because it is not distributed nationwide due to its low production volume. However, even though the water temperature is high, seri, which grows in Yamagata, which falls below freezing in winter, has a lot of sweetness to withstand the cold. It has a good scent and the stems are crispy and soft. Mikawa Buki : It seems that it was brought to the Mikawajiri district of Yamanobe Town, where there is fertile sandy soil along the Sugawa River, in the early Showa period and produced. It has a crispy texture, is highly evaluated in the market, and is useful as an indispensable dish for festival dishes in the vicinity. Kanaya Burdock : I hear that the cultivation began when a farmer in Kanaya, Kaminoyama, brought in seeds from Yamagata City in the late Edo period. In addition, it is famous as a vegetable whose descendants have inherited the seeds from generation to generation. The Kanaya area is sandwiched between the Sugawa and Zao rivers, and is an area where abundant high-quality sandy soil suitable for burdock cultivation is deposited. Since the roots are thicker than normal burdock, it cannot be harvested well by machine, and it is harvested manually. Also, when collecting seeds, it is said that the work of removing the skin containing the seeds will be done. At that time, the skin of the seeds hurts, and the seeding work is very difficult. Furthermore, burdock dislikes continuous cropping, so farmers seem to pay close attention, such as changing fields. Impression that is fragrant and soft, which is not common. It's thick to the tip of the roots, the skin is white and smooth, and it's hard to get in and soft. It has less lye and is fragrant so that it can be used for cooking without removing the lye. Ozasa Hosta sieboldiana : A perennial plant of the lily family, edible wild plants that grow naturally in the mountains. Ozasa Urui is said to have started in the late 1887s when a man in Kaminoyama collected what he found in the mountains and cultivated it in a village. Named Ozasa Urui from the place name, it is still prized as a traditional vegetable that inherits the original species. Currently, forcible cultivation is carried out in a tunnel with a heat insulating mat through a hot water pipe in a house kept at 20 degrees Celsius. Its strength is that it has thicker stems and is more slimy than normal ones. In addition, the contrast between the bright green leaves and the pure white stems is beautiful, and advanced techniques are required for cultivation, such as exposing the plants to sunlight while making fine adjustments to create this contrast. The main shipping time is from mid-April to late May. Nemagaritake : It belongs to the genus Sasa of the Gramineae family and is called Sasa kurilensis. It is said that it is called Sasa kurilensis because its roots stand up at an angle due to the pressure of snow. In Nishimurayama District, it seems that cultivated ones are distinguished from “Nemagaritake” and mountain harvested ones from “Gassan bamboo shoots”. Since it is a perennial plant, it seems to be cultivated in a well-drained, fertile and water-retaining land. Also, as the snow melts, it absorbs the moisture of the snow and grows. The towns and villages around Gassan are in an environment where they can produce high-quality products with a fresh, clear taste and aroma unique to heavy snowfall areas with more than 6 m of snow. Minaza Turnip : It is a kind of long turnip cultivated mainly in the Minamizawa district of Obanazawa city, and it seems that it is unknown whether the reading of “Minaza” is formal or dialect. The leaves are slightly bright green, and the roots are slightly pinkish red. It is said that seeds will be sown in Yamagata around September. Raikoji Soba. Kohime Taro : It has been cultivated since the Edo period, mainly in the Saranuma district of Sagae City, and it is said that local producers have protected and inherited it from generation to generation. The sticky and smooth texture is delicious. Jinego Squash : It is a native species that is passed down to Jinego in Oishida Town, and seeds and seedlings are not commercially available, and the producers collect the seeds in-house. Details are still under investigation. Jinego Turnip : A type of long turnip that has been cultivated in the Jinengo district of Oishida Town, Yamagata Prefecture. The reddish leaves and dark red roots are impressive. The taste is very spicy and addictive. It used to be cultivated in shifting cultivation. Gobono Turnip : It is a native vegetable produced by shifting cultivation in the Gobono district of Obanazawa city. At first glance, it looks like a red radish, and its crispy texture is impressive. Yamagata Watermelon: Confirmation of trademark registration : Producing area: All over Murayama, Shipping time: Mid-October to Mid-November, Registration number: No. 1603373, Registration date: July 28, 1983, Publication number: 1982-63194, Publication date: October 19, 1982 Date, Application Number: Sho 53-73171, Application Date: October 3, 1978, Expiration Date: July 28, 1993, Right Holder, Name or Name: Mr. Harada, Address or Whereabouts: Murayama City. From JPO and INPIT: J PlatPat