【国産素材】無添加調理"FIT FOOD HOME"。




Cucumis melo L.


秋田県男鹿市若美地区(JA秋田なまはげ, JA全農あきた)


It seems that the name was given by overlapping the district name, the venerable Akita beauty, and the red meat melon.


Taking advantage of the proximity of rural areas to consumption areas, it seems that they are also working on a "freshly picked green soybeans" business that sells green soybeans harvested early in the morning side by side at retail stores on the same day. Consumers love the taste and aroma of green soybeans, which are very fresh, because they can be delivered to the table while they are fresh. It seems that supermarkets in various parts of the jurisdiction are sold out one after another. JA Akita-Namahage has established a joint fruit sorting facility to reduce the burden on farmers and improve work efficiency. Cultivation is gradually expanding, and it seems that the sales amount has exceeded 100 million yen in October 2018. Items with sales of over 100 million yen are gradually increasing in the jurisdiction, and JA seems to be working hard to further promote production. "Oga Sea of Japan Fireworks (Sunday, August 14, 2022. Scheduled at OGA Marine Park for the first time in 3 years)" to be held in Oga City, "Noshiro Fireworks" with a beautiful wide star mine over 1000 meters, etc. , Akita Prefecture, where many large-scale fireworks festivals are held. Among them, the "National Fireworks Festival" in Daisen City, which is known as the fireworks of Omagari, is counted as one of the three major competition fireworks festivals in Japan. Each year's theme is set, and it is a fireworks display that is not only powerful but also artistic, and it is fresh and exciting every year. The daytime fireworks will be launched from 17:15 on the day of the event, so you can't miss this too. This year marks the 18th time with the aim of creating an event that is kind to everyone, valuing the feelings of both the people who make fireworks and those who watch them. The main industry of Oga City is agriculture, forestry and fisheries. In addition to rice cultivation, flower cultivation in the horticultural mega housing complex, Oga pear, and Wakami melon, Oga City accounts for the majority of the prefecture's catch. In recent years, due to the boom in the return to the countryside of the younger generation, it seems that more and more people are hoping to work in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries industry in Akita. Namahage : In 1978, it was designated as an important intangible folk cultural property of the country, and in 2018, it was registered as a UNESCO intangible cultural heritage. Folk events to do. It takes place on the night of December 31st or January 15th on the Oga Peninsula. Young people in the village wear demon-like namahage, wear straw keraminos, knives, and habaki, and wear straw knives on their bare feet. He comes with a wooden deba knife. This event takes the form of a god visiting and blessing people on the evening of the year, which is the turning point of the year. Namahage itself in this case is a kind of Toshigami (年神) that comes once a year. There seem to be many legends about this strange custom. The current dogma is the “Wudi theory”. A long time ago, the Han Wudi went to Oga with five demons and gave them freedom only on the 15th day of the new year. The delighted demons went out to the human society for the first time, ruined the fields, kidnapped their daughters, and repeated violence that afflicted the villagers. The villagers, who were troubled by this, offered to call the demons. From the beach to the summit of the main mountain, it is said that if she could build a thousand stone steps overnight, and before the first chicken crowed, she would give her one daughter each year. On the other hand, the demons waited for the sun to set and started building stone steps. Fly from Mt. Kanpu to the front of the gate with a large rock. Stone steps are built while you look at it. This will be completed before the first chicken crows. The villagers in a hurry asked a person who was good at crying chickens to imitate the crying of the alert name at the point where it was one step closer to the thousandth dan. It is famous that the demons jumped up, were surprised, and ran away. The owner of the house apologizes, is in a good mood, and treats him politely. The master simply denies the demon's chanting. Then the demon is in the big tree of the shrine all year round, so if there is such a child or first bride, clap his hand three times, and he replies that he will come soon. “Namahage” leaves, leaving the word that he will come again next year. The etymology of Namahage has a fairly realistic interpretation. The fire pattern formed on the limbs of a lazy person, which is always in the hearth, is called a fire spot (namomi). It is said that it was done. The “Namahage Purple Light Festival” is an event created for sightseeing based on the old “Oga Shinzan Shrine Purple Light Festival” and will be held for three days from February 13th to 15th. The City Tourism Association opened in 1964 at Hoshitsuji Shrine in Oga Onsenkyo, and after having been held in Oga Onsenkyo several times, it seems that the venue was moved to Shinzan Shrine in Kitaura. "Oga City" is a city that occupies most of the Oga Peninsula that protrudes into the Sea of Japan in western Akita Prefecture. 1954 The city system is enforced by combining Funakawaminato Town, Wakimoto Village, Iriai Village, Oganaka Village, and Toga Village. The following year, 1955, two towns, Kitaura Town and Funakoshi Town, were incorporated and merged with Wakami Town in 2005. The place name is said to be derived from the Ezo name Onga. Wakimoto Castle was built under the rule of Mr. Ando, and is said to have been opened from the earliest in the prefecture. Funagawa Port on the south coast is one of the leading fishing ports in the prefecture, and was used as an evacuation port during the Edo period. There is an oil refinery in Funagawa, oil stockpiling is carried out, and a wood complex is formed. Blessed with abundant tourism resources, tourist roads such as the Kanpuzan Panorama Line have been completed, and there are many scenic spots such as Kanpuzan (355 m), Hachibodai, Nyudozaki, Oga hot spring, and Toga Bay, and it is designated as Oga Quasi-National Park. The northern limit of camellia is famous as a national natural monument. There are few Marl Ichinomegata, Ninomegata, and Sanomegata in Japan. The Oga Naka area is located in the center of Oga city. An area surrounded by the sea and mountains, with the Sea of Japan in the north, Shinzan in the west, and Mt. Kanpu in the east. “Oganaka Village” was born in 1889 by merging the four villages of “Takikawa”, “Nakamaguchi”, “Hamaguchi”, and “Yamamachi”. The origin of the place name is said to be because it is located in the central part of the Oga Peninsula. In the area, there is an existing “Itabi(board monument)” that describes the beliefs of the people of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and it is designated as a tangible cultural property of Oga City. Masumi SUGAE (Naturalist), a traveler from the Edo period, is also known as a place to stop by, and there are six pillars, and the “Gray Heron Colony” located upstream of the Takigawa Dam is a natural monument of the city. It consists of a total of 10 villages, Kai, Mitsumori, Shimada, Takikawa, Sugishita, Yamada, Nakamaguchi, Machida, Makino, and Hamaguchi. It serves as a window to connect the government and local activities. In addition, since 2018, two villages, Nakamaguchi and Hamamaguchi, have been engaged in GB business(Multiple regions in Akita Prefecture shall work together to carry out social projects related to joint shipment of wild plants, excavation of local resources, development, processing, sales, and promotion that meets needs. In these activities, each residents' association and neighborhood association will take the lead, and the regions that can work as the consensus of the local residents will cooperate. The purpose is to contribute to the improvement of the attractiveness of. Fields of activity Health / medical / welfare / town development / tourism / agricultural / mountain / fishing villages / mountainous areas / environmental conservation / contact / advice / assistance: Grandpa(じいちゃん), Grandma(ばあちゃん); Akita Genki Mura GB Business: Akita City)activities in Akita Prefecture, and locally harvested wild plants are being shipped to supermarkets in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Akita Prefecture designated cultural property : 有形文化財建造物: 増川八幡神社内陣木造宮殿, 昭和38年2月5日, 船川港増川字宮ノ下, 有形文化財建造物: 宝篋印塔, 昭和62年3月17日, 船川港椿, 有形文化在建造物: 真山神社五社殿 / 宮殿, 平成26年3月25日, 男鹿市北浦真山字水喰沢 (真山神社), 有形文化財絵画: 絹本着色, 金剛 / 胎蔵両界曼荼羅, 昭和30年1月24日, 船川港本山門前字祓川, 有形文化財絵画: 絹本着色 弘法大師像, 昭和53年2月14日, 船川港本山門前字祓川, 有形文化財彫刻: 木造十一面観音菩薩立像, 昭和27年11月1日, 船川港本山門前字祓川, 有形文化財彫刻, 木造聖観音菩薩立像, 昭和27年11月1日, 船川港本山門前, 有形文化財彫刻: 石造狛犬, 昭和27年11月1日, 船川港本山門前, 有形文化財彫刻: 木造薬師如来像, 昭和28年10月5日, 北浦真山水喰沢, 有形文化財彫刻: 木造薬師如来寄木漆箔座像, 昭和39年4月16日, 船川港本山門前字祓川, 有形文化財彫刻: 木造薬師如来座像, 昭和49年10月12日, 船川港増川字宮ノ下, 有形文化財彫刻: 木造十一面観音菩薩立像, 平成19年3月20日, 船川港本山門前字祓川, 有形文化財工芸: 黄瀬戸小皿, 昭和30年1月24日, 男鹿市船越, 有形文化財書籍 / 古文書: 絹篩(きぬぶるい) / 本文3冊, 図巻2巻 (鈴木重孝自筆本), 昭和29年3月7日, 男鹿市船越, 有形文化財考古資料: 小谷地遺蹟出土品, 昭和61年3月25日, 角間崎字家ノ下, 有形民俗文化財: 真山の万体仏, 昭和62年7月14日, 北浦真山字白根坂台, 無形民俗文化財: 福米沢送り盆行事, 平成8年3月12日, 福米沢, 天然記念物: 榧(かや), 昭和29年3月7日, 北浦真山字水喰沢, 天然記念物: 男鹿のコウモリ生息地, 平成3年3月19日, 船川港小浜字芦ノ倉, 天然記念物: 男鹿目潟火山群 三ノ目潟, 平成22年3月12日, 戸賀塩浜ほか. “Wakami Town” is a town facing the Sea of Japan located in the central part of Akita Prefecture, and was abolished on March 22, 2005. Established by the merger of Futto Village and Katanishi Village. The town name “Wakami” is an acronym for Watanabe, Kakumazaki, and Miyazawa. Currently, it occupies the northern and eastern parts of Oga City, and is located at the base of the Oga Peninsula, with the eastern part facing the western Hachirogata waterway. Former Wakami Town was established in 1970 when Kotohama Village enforced the town system. National highway No. 101 leads. In the western part of the area, there are sand dunes along the Sea of Japan, and in the eastern part, there are paddy fields along the shores of the lake. In addition to rice cultivation, vegetables and leaf tobacco are cultivated, and melons and grapes are cultivated in the dunes. In addition to the development of the Sarukawa Oil field in 1955, there are also Fukumezawa and Fukukawa oil fields. Shipment of the special product “Wakami Melon” has begun. Starting with “Sunday Red Melon” on June 30th, the mainstay blue meat melon “Akita Bijin” and red meat “Bijin; beautiful person Red Melon” will depart from July 5th. From the 8th, a direct sales office will open on the premises of JA Akita Namahage Futto Rice Center, and it is crowded with people from all over the prefecture who are buying melons for midyear gifts and household consumption. The number of members of the JA Melon Subcommittee in 2021 was 45. The cultivated area is 15.1 hectares, and shipments are scheduled to continue until mid-August, mainly in the prefecture. It has a low carotene odor and is homogenized by eliminating the second fruit, and the characteristics of melon are maximized by natural mating with honeybees. The quality and taste are from the cool climate of Akita. The Wakami district at the base of the Oga Peninsula is located at “40 degrees north latitude”, and the temperature tends to drop to around 26 degrees Celsius even in summer and around 16 degrees Celsius at night, and the daily temperature difference is really 10 degrees Celsius. Especially in the latter half of cultivation, the temperature difference during the period when the sugar content rises is important.


A sweet melon cultivated in the Wakami district of Oga City, Akita Prefecture. The difference in temperature at latitude 40 degrees north condensed the sweetness. Honeybee mating (single planting in modern agriculture, due to the reduction of bees due to the use of pesticides, naturally occurring pollinator insects lack sufficient pollination for crop production, so it is necessary to introduce a pollinator. In artificial cultivation environments such as cultivation, pollination has been carried out manually or by hormone treatment, but recently it seems that pollinators have been introduced in greenhouses etc. to ease labor. The main pollinators are Apis mellifera and Bombus terrestris. Also, the use of Osmia cornifrons and Megachile rotundata is widespread. It is said that bees were first used for pear cultivation in the United States in the latter half of the 18th century. It has the disadvantages of a pollinator that it does not emerge when the temperature is low or the weather is bad, and that it does not visit flowers such as tomatoes, but it has the advantage that each nest has a large number of individuals and is easy to manage. It is a green meat melon that is cultivated by institutional cultivation and used as a pollinator for honeybees), has a sugar content of 15 degrees or more, is juicy and has a refreshing taste, and has a beautiful net finish and is of the highest quality in appearance and taste. Famous. In the abundant nature of Akita, we grow up receiving the "sunlight" that shines down and the "wind of the Sea of Japan" that is rich in minerals from the sea. In order to become a sweet and delicious melon, it seems that the microorganisms living in the soil of the field will do their best. Therefore, it seems that some cultivations do not dare to disinfect the soil. In addition, it grows slowly and slowly without overprotection, so it seems to grow into a healthy and disease-resistant melon. Make as little pesticide as possible. In the season when melon flowers bloom, honeybees fly around from yellow flowers to flowers.


Due to the cool climate of Akita, the Wakami district at the base of the Oga Peninsula is located at latitude 40 degrees north, and the temperature drops to around 26 degrees Celsius even in summer and around 16 degrees Celsius at night. The daily temperature difference is about 10 ° C. In particular, it seems that the temperature difference in the latter half of cultivation, when the sugar content rises, is important. The season for this excellent melon is from early July to mid-August every year, and the Wakami district of Oga City is one of the leading production areas in the prefecture. Focus on the production of "Beauty Melon". "Akita(wakami)Bijin Melon" seems to have set four fruits that can be harvested from one plant in order to maintain high quality. In greenhouse melon cultivation, it seems that a single-building greenhouse called a three-quarter type is often used. This is a greenhouse in the east and west buildings, and the roof has a gassho structure, but the roof on the south side is large, and it seems that it occupies about three-quarters of the entire roof surface.


In the abundant nature of Akita, we grow up receiving the "sunlight" that shines down and the "wind of the Sea of Japan" that is rich in minerals from the sea. In order to become a sweet and delicious melon, it seems that the microorganisms living in the soil of the field will do their best. Therefore, it seems that some cultivations do not dare to disinfect the soil. In addition, it grows slowly and slowly without overprotection, so it seems to grow into a healthy and disease-resistant melon. Make as little pesticide as possible. In the season when melon flowers bloom, honeybees fly around from yellow flowers to flowers.